Speaking as usual, Leon moved his hand on death, and death did not refuse, although she had a human body, but gave people the feeling of being more like a robot, no emotion, some are just the indifference of the gods to all things, but she stole a lot of power from Leon, since this time, she herself can perceive the obvious changes in her body, so she will never refuse Leon and her happiness.

In the battlefield where the two sides were at war, Chiguoguo came to a big battle, and the two warring sides would not have thought that their side was fighting fiercely, and there were actually two gods in the battlefield playing field artillery.

If people on both sides could find out, they would definitely be shocked, and it was estimated that they had seen a ghost.

Li Ang did not care about the changes in the outside world, and the war between the two sides gradually divided into victories and defeats with the change of time, one side was the good luck civilization that Li Ang had seen before, its battleships were dexterous, full of science fiction, and strong combat effectiveness.

But the other side looks silly and rude compared to them, but the combat effectiveness and the madness of war are incomparable to the good fortune civilization, and its attack methods are even more crazy, and as time goes on, the balance of victory gradually tilts towards that side.

When the field artillery on Leon’s side was over, the war was almost over, and the result was, as Leon expected, that the silly and rough side of the battleship had the advantage.

At this moment, the warships on this side are pursuing the Good Luck Civilization, and the Good Luck Civilization is fleeing at full speed, which is already a rout.

“Well, it looks like you’ve already won or lost, how do you feel?” Leon asked.

“It’s okay.” The Road of Death.

She did not hear the deep meaning of Li Ang’s words, Li Ang only smiled at the corners of his mouth, and the energy he secretly sent into the body of death was now more and more, and it seemed that it would not be long before he could have results.

Death didn’t know this, or rather, she didn’t know anything about it, she didn’t know that Leon was secretly giving her a cover, and if she knew, her reaction would certainly not be as cold as it is now.

The two looked at her for a moment, and then they returned their eyes to the battlefield with a faint smile, and he looked at the situation in the battlefield, and the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

“Do you know that civilization?” Li Ang pointed to the side of the silly and rough battleship.

“Cree civilization.” Death is plain.

Leon nodded, “Yes, Kree civilization, do you know why I am looking for them?” ”

Death shook his head, visibly reluctant to say more.

Leon shrugged, “The Kree people are a very powerful civilization in this universe, the mother star is located in Hara in the Great Magellan galaxy, this civilization is extremely martial, the desire to conquer is also extremely strong, it can be said that it is a representative of a belligerent civilization, and the spaceship that appears here is just a conquest fleet of this civilization.” ”

He pointed to the fleet and said, “The process of this exhibition is also very interesting, do you want me to tell you about it?” ”

Death is silent.

Leon said to himself, “On the planet Hala, there are two primitive races, the blue-skinned humanoid Kree and the telepathic plant life Kotati, and another civilization in the universe, the Skrulls, have developed advanced technology and begun to explore the universe.” The Skruls found Hara and they wanted Hara to join their empire, but only one of the two races above could be represented, so they announced a test: the two races sent a group of people, sent by Skrul to a desolate and planet for construction, and whoever built well would be chosen. ”

“Guess what?”

Death remains silent.

Leon did not have a cold field, and said directly: “The Kree people were brought to the moon in the Earth region of the solar system, and they used the materials given by Skrul to build a majestic palace; The Kotati people are not very active on another planet, and through telepathy to grow plants, they have created a beautiful garden. ”

“The funniest thing is that the Skrull people judged the victory of the Krottati, which annoyed the Kree people, and directly exterminated the Kotarti tribe, and then wiped out the Skrul fleet, to say that the Skruls were also big-hearted, and actually did not send people to look for it, but thought that this fleet was accidentally missing, which gave the Kree people time to develop, and the technology on their Scrooar warships developed their own technology, and then counterattacked to the Skrul side, and the two sides have been fighting until now.”

“He wanted me to say that the history of the origin of cosmic civilization has always been full of all kinds of adventures, among which this Kree is the most lucky.”

Death was still cold, but at this time the eyes flashed, because she saw the changes in the battlefield, because the Kree battleship directly exploded the last flagship of the Good Luck Civilization, and suddenly a dazzling burst of light and fire broke out in the cosmic void, illuminating the entire void.

“It’s a winner and a loser.” Li Ang smiled slightly.

Then he said, “Let’s go, let’s go and have a look.” ”

As he spoke, his figure disappeared again, and finally appeared on the flagship of the Cree fleet, which looked like a twisted twist from a distance, with a rather strange shape, but its size was extremely large, more than ten kilometers long, which was really a behemoth.

Inside, it is also divided into various areas, like urban agglomerations, but the light is much dimmer, and Leon appears in an open area where there are many small spaceships and many combatants moving around.

Leon casually read a man’s thoughts, and walked in one direction with death, the two of them crossed several warning lines, and then came to the general control area of the spaceship, and a flash entered the interior, where he saw a dark throne, on which a strong man was sitting.

This man has a strange appearance, carries a warhammer in his hand, and his eyes are cold and full of violent feelings.

(I ordered it all!!! )

(I ordered it all!!! )

(I ordered it all!!! )

(I ordered it all!!! )

(I ordered it all!!! )

(I ordered it all!!! )

(I ordered it all!!! )

(I ordered it all!!! )_

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