“He wanted me to say that the history of the origin of cosmic civilization has always been full of all kinds of adventures, among which this Kree is the most lucky.”

Death was still cold, but at this time the eyes flashed, because she saw the changes in the battlefield, because the Kree battleship directly exploded the last flagship of the Good Luck Civilization, and suddenly a dazzling burst of light and fire broke out in the cosmic void, illuminating the entire void.

“It’s a winner and a loser.” Li Ang smiled slightly.

Then he said, “Let’s go, let’s go and have a look.” ”

As he spoke, his figure disappeared again, and finally appeared on the flagship of the Cree fleet, which looked like a twisted twist from a distance, with a rather strange shape, but its size was extremely large, more than ten kilometers long, which was really a behemoth.

Inside, it is also divided into various areas, like urban agglomerations, but the light is much dimmer, and Leon appears in an open area where there are many small spaceships and many combatants moving around.

Leon casually read a man’s thoughts, and walked in one direction with death, the two of them crossed several warning lines, and then came to the general control area of the spaceship, and a flash entered the interior, where he saw a dark throne, on which a strong man was sitting.

This man has a strange appearance, carries a warhammer in his hand, and his eyes are cold and full of violent feelings.

His face was like an oil painting, the place above his cheek was pitch black, with azure eyes, cold and full of violence, two black tear gland-like lines extending all the way to the chin, then to the chin and then to the neck.

He wears a dark armor and a black hood connected to the armor on his head, covering most of his face, making it impossible to see the face.

At this point, the man said, “Has the pursuit been accepted?” ”

The voice was low, sounding like a beast roaring low, and ordinary people would not be able to help but tingle their scalps when they heard it, and someone replied: “It’s over, my lord, everything has been completed according to plan.” ”

“Well, then the next step is to go to the home planet of this civilization, to destroy this civilization, to plunder all their resources and scientific and technological achievements, I need all of them.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Damn the Supreme Accusator, expel me from it, I must take back everything that belongs to me, pass on the order, and now change course to the Kalokar civilization, destroy its home planet, and give me more warships to produce in the shortest possible time.”


Li Ang watched all this quietly, he and death did not exist in front of others, and at this time he looked at that person and laughed lightly.

“Ronan, I’ve finally found you.”

Yes, that man is Ronan, a member of the Kree Supreme Order, one of the leaders of the Cree, an extremely belligerent man in the universe, and in the original book, has always been the Guardians of the Galactic enemy.

Leon looked at the warhammer in Ronan’s hand, which contained a translucent gem set in it, and the gem was a dull purple, and the whole body was also purple, and there was no other variegated color on it except this color.

The moment he saw this gem, Li Ang’s smile became bright, this is exactly what he was looking for, and indeed found it here.

The next moment, his figure appeared in front of Ronan, who was startled and subconsciously counterattacked, and it had to be said that Ronan’s combat skills were extremely rich, and such a hasty reaction was also an instinctive reaction to many of his battles.

The thick warhammer with the power to hammer through the continent smashed down on Li Ang’s head, and in an instant, a violent sonic boom was generated, causing the metal walls around him to begin to vibrate, and Li Ang also collapsed a little under his feet because of this huge pressure.


Li Ang took this violent hammer with one hand, and the aftermath rolled in, directly grinding some of the Kree people here into shredded flesh, and the flesh and blood were spilled on the ground.

The ground under Li Ang’s feet also shattered because of this, but Li Ang’s body did not tremble a little, and the huge energy entered his feet with his body conduction, instantly shattering the entire metal floor into powder, and then the energy continued to be released, impacting the hull below into a huge hole.

“Who are you?”

Ronan quickly retreated, and at this moment he looked into Li Ang’s eyes with an inexplicable horror, and his fighting instinct told him that the person in front of him was very terrible, terrible to the extreme.

“Would you like to discuss and give me the power gem on your mallet?” Leon laughed.

“Are you a member of the Supreme Command?” Ronan asked in a deep voice.

“Supreme Command? No, no, no! I’m not, I’m just an ordinary passerby, and the power gem in your hand is something that belongs to the gods, not something that a mortal like you can have, so give it to me. Leon laughed.

“Gods? You mean, you’re a god? Ronan asked rhetorically.

“Of course, I am like a false god, the kind that controls time and space, if you don’t believe it, I will show it to you?” Leon continued to laugh, he had time to play with him.

Ronan was shocked, but his face did not show it, he stepped back without a trace, saw that Leon did not react, and then directly swung the warhammer, breaking the wall behind him, and then fled without turning his head.

Li Ang was a little surprised to see his reaction, it was reasonable to say that this cargo should fight him to the death, and he did not expect him to be so direct.

“Oh, don’t run.”

Leon shook his head, and then he chased up, he chased, Ronan ran, and Ronan also showed no desire to fight at all, just a thought of escape, making him scratch his head a little.

“I said, what are you running? If you run again, you will have to suffer. Leon said.

Ronan didn’t pay any attention at all, he casually tore the battleship open a large hole, and then flashed directly into space without turning back.

Li Ang naturally followed suit, and then saw Ronan raise the warhammer in his hand, and the purple light on it directly fell down on him again.

(Please order it all!!! )

(Please order it all!!! )

(Please order it all!!! (Please order it all!!! )

(Please order it all!!! )

(Please order it all!!! )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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