Ronan immediately found that the space around him had changed, and he did not know when he actually appeared in a strange starry sky, which was not what he had just liked, and not far away, there was a huge giant gaseous planet.

He felt the changes in his body, a little incredulous, and his mood suddenly became very excited, trying to suppress the excitement, and then the fierce light in his eyes flickered, looking at the giant gaseous planet in the distance.

He then summoned up his own energy, which spread to his left hand and then threw a punch.


There was a thunderclap in the void, space shattered, the void storm swept up, and the furious energy vibrated towards the giant gas planet, almost the speed of light, and in just a few dozen seconds, it had already crashed into the giant gas planet.


There was another loud bang, strangely spreading in the void, a strange scene appeared, and I saw that the central position of the giant gaseous planet collapsed on the ground, and the planet set off a thousand wild waves, and the infinite waves of terror swept up, and the original round shape of the entire planet collapsed at this moment, and in an instant, all kinds of materials and energies on it were thrown out towards the surrounding void.

Giant gaseous planets… Exploded.

He was blown up by his punch, which he had never dared to think of before, before that, he could not even borrow the power gem to accomplish such a feat, but now, just by relying on the energy in his body, he could explode a giant gaseous planet with one punch.

“It’s horrible!”

His body couldn’t help but tremble, it was really terrifying.

“Who the hell is that guy?”

He suddenly thought of this question again, full of excitement, his face instantly became very bad, he could not imagine what kind of existence could make him produce such a huge change from the inside out in a short period of time, which was simply a miracle.

“Is he really a god?” He couldn’t help but be suspicious.


At this moment, a sense of weakness arose in his body, and there was also a strong sense of hunger and weakness.

“How can this be?”

He had never felt this way before, and he couldn’t help but get a little flustered, and then he saw the matter and energy that was dissipated after the collapse of the giant gaseous planet, and a longing arose in his heart.

“Swallow it!”

“Swallow it!”

“Swallow it!”

From the moment it appeared, this thought had been in his mind, and could not be forgotten, it was like an instinct that drove him to do it most directly.

He flashed directly into the core of the planetary collapse, where all kinds of terrifying energies were stirred, wild and violent, no kind of natural energy creature could survive in this way, even if he was before, he would be annihilated in this terrifying energy in an instant.

By instinct, he opened his mouth directly, and then took a deep breath, and the violent matter and energy around him, as if pulled by some kind, converged directly into his mouth, and then quickly swallowed into his mouth.

This process lasted for more than three minutes, and then he swallowed up everything around him, and his body was filled with the light created by the aftermath of the violent energy.

“It’s horrible!”

“So strong!”


He sighed three times in a row, he was really shocked, because the energy of that giant gaseous planet had actually been swallowed up by him in this short period of time, and now the energy in his body was also filled again, even more than just now.

But the strange thing is that although the hunger has been much reduced, it still has not disappeared, and he feels that he can swallow three or four giant gas planets in a short period of time.

“I… What have I become? He couldn’t help but feel a trance.

Just as he was in a trance, the starlight and background around him changed again, and then Leon appeared in front of him again, looking at Ronan, who was still in a trance, and said, “How does it feel?” ”

Ronan heard the voice and instantly returned to his senses, a spirit on his body, looking at Li Ang’s eyes full of horror, he trembled: “You… Who are you? ”

“Me? Of course, my divine personality is not recognized by this universe, because I am not a creation god, I can only be regarded as a wild god at most, but I am a man of the goddess of death. Leon smiled.

As a strong man who has some fame in the universe, Ronan naturally knows some secrets in the universe, and he also knows the words of the creation gods, which is even more surprising to hear.

“Why are you doing this?” This, he asked, was the point he was most puzzled about.

“It’s just to see you.”

Li Ang shrugged his shoulders and continued, “I am using the star-devouring star as a template to transform you, and now you are a trumpet star-devouring star, but you now have the same ability as the star-devouring star, this ability will increase with the planet and energy you swallow, and one day if you can swallow more energy, then you may be able to fight with the devouring fight.” ”

Ronan shook violently, and then made a move that surprised Li Ang slightly, he knelt down on one knee in the void and said, “Lord, from now on, I will be your servant.” ”

Li Ang only smiled when he saw this move, and did not care too much, swinging his hand: “I don’t need you to be my servant, the reason why I reformed you is only to have a requirement for you.” ”

“You say.”

Ronan had been fighting in the universe for a long time and had seen many strong people, but such a powerful and terrifying existence as Leon, he had seen for the first time, compared with the strong people he had seen before, Leon’s existence was the most terrifying.

“Go fight Thanos, find him, and stop everything he does.” Leon Road.

“Yes, sir!”

Ronan agreed very crisply, without the slightest hesitation, such a god-level strongman, he did not dare to have half a rebuttal and disobedience.

“Very good, then you go, other than that, I don’t have any requirements for you, do you want to continue to conquer other civilizations, or idle and have nothing to experience life, all as you like, my requirements for you are only that.” 」 Leon waved his hand.

“Yes! My lord! I’ll definitely do it. Ronan replied in the affirmative. _

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