Li Ang shrugged his shoulders and continued, “I am using the star-devouring star as a template to transform you, and now you are a trumpet star-devouring star, but you now have the same ability as the star-devouring star, this ability will increase with the planet and energy you swallow, and one day if you can swallow more energy, then you may be able to fight with the devouring fight.” ”

Ronan shook violently, and then made a move that surprised Li Ang slightly, he knelt down on one knee in the void and said, “Lord, from now on, I will be your servant.” ”

Li Ang only smiled when he saw this move, and did not care too much, swinging his hand: “I don’t need you to be my servant, the reason why I reformed you is only to have a requirement for you.” ”

“You say.”

Ronan had been fighting in the universe for a long time and had seen many strong people, but such a powerful and terrifying existence as Leon, he had seen for the first time, compared with the strong people he had seen before, Leon’s existence was the most terrifying.

“Go fight Thanos, find him, and stop everything he does.” Leon Road.

“Yes, sir!”

Ronan agreed very crisply, without the slightest hesitation, such a god-level strongman, he did not dare to have half a rebuttal and disobedience.

“Very good, then you go, other than that, I don’t have any requirements for you, do you want to continue to conquer other civilizations, or idle and have nothing to experience life, all as you like, my requirements for you are only that.” 」 Leon waved his hand.

“Yes! My lord! I’ll definitely do it. Ronan replied in the affirmative.

“Go for it.” Leon waved.

Ronan hurried away, and when he was gone, Leon looked in the other direction, which was the coordinate location that Ronan had told him.

“The Power Gem is in hand, now it’s time to get the Soul Gem.”

As Leon said this, the figure disappeared and appeared in the coordinate position, here is another starry sky, less than ten light years from the previous position, and in Leon’s line of sight, there is also a fleet in the distance, and at this time there is a war with another fleet.

The two sides were fighting fiercely, but Li Ang did not have much interest in continuing to look at this time, so he directly flashed into one of the flagships, and the telepathic ability was activated, directly in the bridge position of the spaceship to find the person he was looking for.

A young woman with turquoise skin who was commanding the fleet in battle with the localities, her face was resolute and calm, and various orders were methodically spoken from her mouth, making the whole fleet very active.

Beside him, there is also a woman with obvious metal marks, perhaps no longer a woman, only basic gender characteristics.

“This should be Kamora and her cloud.”

Li Ang thought so, the figure appeared in the bridge position, he did not appear in shape, but waited for the end of this war, just quietly waited.

More than two hours had passed, which was a blink of an eye for him, and the war had come to an end, when he showed his figure and was instantly recognized.

“Who are you?”

The first to notice his presence was Nebula, and he instantly pulled out his weapon and pointed it at him, looking alert.

Li Ang waved his hand, and everyone in the bridge except the Kamora sisters fainted, and he approached the two sisters with a smile on his face, and the weapon in Nebula’s hand flashed instantly, and a beam of energy burst out and shot towards Li Ang’s body.

The energy beam hit him, but there was no reaction at all, and the nebula looked surprised, pulled the trigger again, and one after another energy beams hit him, still without half a reaction.

“How can that be?” She exclaimed.

Compared with Nebula’s excitement, Camorra behaved rather calmly, just asking in a deep voice, “Who are you?” ”

“It doesn’t matter who I am, this time I came here to find you, your name is Kamora, you are the daughter of Thanos, I didn’t find the wrong person, right?” Li Ang smiled lightly.

Nebula was about to speak, but was stopped by Kamora, who still said in a deep voice, “What are you looking for me to do?” Who are you again? ”

“Me? I am your father’s old rival, and I came to you this time in the hope that you can tell me the location of the Mind Gem. Leon said truthfully.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Although there was no change in Kamora’s look, there was a flash of surprise in the depths of his eyes, although it was well hidden, but it was still detected by Leon.

He smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I don’t want to hurt you, and I am bound to get the Soul Gem, but if you don’t want to say anything, I can’t say for sure that I will really use some means.” ”

Kamora’s heart sank, the man in front of her appeared extremely strange, and she couldn’t tell how powerful this man was, just when she was about to make a sound, Nebula couldn’t bear it anymore and rushed directly towards Li Ang.

“Don’t be impulsive!”

Kamala made a sound to stop it, but it was already too late, Nebula was aggressive, and although his ability was not much stronger, as a more important character in the Marvel original, it was naturally not too bad, but in the face of Leon, it was still not enough to see.

In the face of Nebula’s kick, Li Ang only raised her hand slightly, and she maintained this posture and was fixed in mid-air, at this point, Nebula finally knew what kind of opponent she was facing.

“Well, it’s good to listen to your sister, don’t be impulsive is the best, it’s a pity.”

Leon sighed in such a makeup, and then looked at Kamora, “Now that your sister is in my hands, are you still reluctant to say it?” ”

Camorra was silent, but Leon waved his hand slightly.

Nebula let out a terrible scream, one of her mechanical arms was torn off, and there were subtle arcs flickering at the junction of the two, which acted directly on the few flesh and blood tissues in the nebula mechanical body, causing her to suffer similar to electrocution at this time.

Kamora was still silent, as if she couldn’t bear it, and subconsciously turned her head, but her expression had become a little struggling.

“So what?”

Li Ang’s words fell, Nebula’s limbs were separated from the body, although it was a mechanical body, but there was still some flesh and blood tissue on the body, and now it was also feeling all kinds of pain.

“Stop! I tell you where the Mind Gem is! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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