Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, more than an hour passed, and Li Ang was very careful about this transformation, so it took much longer than the transformation of Ronan and Nebula.

As a result, Camorra’s body changed dramatically from the inside out, and this change was earth-shattering, and in fact, it was a change that directly changed her life form.

From now on, Kamora has abandoned the mortal body, and the combination of his body, starting from the subatomic level, has become a god-like being, absorbing the energy of the outside world all the time, and gradually enhancing his own existence.

This change is not too much to see now, but over time, when all the potential of her body is activated, it will become terrifying, as mentioned above, if combined with the nebula, the movement that the two can cause can definitely shake the universe.

An hour passed, during which Kamora endured the severe pain that was almost soul level, the body was decomposed and reorganized from the inside out, and the severe pain made her self-seriousness almost collapse, but in the end she still endured it alive, which was enough to show what kind of hatred she had in her heart for Thanos.

After a few moments, Kamora, who was already on the verge of fainting, opened her eyes, her body was still pale green, but there was a colorful color mixed in the pale green, and the color of her body surface could change according to energy, and if she wanted to, she could become any color herself.

Her eyes seemed to encompass the cosmic galaxy, shining brightly, and under the spilling of essence, there was no longer the sense of ordinariness of mortal beings.

She looked at Li Ang, the feelings contained in her eyes were somewhat complicated, and after a half silence, she finally said: “Thank you.” ”

“You’re welcome, just take what you need, I’ve given you the possibility of getting stronger, the rest is up to you, if you want to defeat or kill Thanos, you have to work harder, he is not as easy to deal with as you think.”

One thing Leon did not say is that the current Thanos, after his destruction, will become more extreme and cold-blooded, and its brutality will no longer be as simple as before, if you want to stop him, Leon can think of it, but for these two women, it is not so simple.

But this is also a matter of convenience for Leon, he does not care whether Thanos will make any waves in the universe, it does not matter to him, he is more willing to take this as an experiment, to see how long Thanos can persist under his two adopted daughters.

By the way, there is also the variable of Ronan, I think Thanos will face it later, but it is a hard battle, and Leon is looking forward to it.

He then added, “That’s it, I got from you what I want to know, and you got what you wanted. ”

“Wait, who are you?” Camorra hurried

Li Ang revealed a smile and said, “Don’t care who I am, this is not going to go again.” ”

As he spoke, the figure disappeared in an instant, having left the battleship, and when he left, the two women had not yet eased up, and Nebula said to Kamora, “What are we going to do now?” ”

Kamora took a deep breath, her face turned resolute, and said, “Contact Ronan, we will break away from him.” ”

Nebula’s eyes lit up, she also had this plan, and then she used her ability slightly, and a special vibration frequency was generated, enveloping the entire bridge, and then she saw those who had mixed up, one by one, quickly awakened.

Just as one of these people was about to speak up and inquire, Nebula said directly, “Contact the main fleet and tell Ronan that our sisters are leaving.” ”


The correspondent was stunned, but in the duty of obeying the order, he still hurried to operate, and a moment later a three-dimensional projection appeared in front of the two women, and the figure of him was Ronan, at this time, although his appearance did not change, but his temperament was very different from before.

“Did the adult go to you just now?” Ronan went straight ahead.


The two women both heard something from his words, and Kamora said, “You mean the man who just appeared in the fleet?” ”

“That’s right, what about the adults and others?” Ronan asked again.

“Already gone.”

Nebula spoke, and she interrupted Ronan, “Why do you call him an adult?” ”

“Because he is powerful, he is a god!” Ronan did not hide it, at the same time he added: “If the Lord tells you something, you better obey the order and do it seriously, if you have any other thoughts, without the adult’s help, I will tear you apart.” ”

“You can try it.”

Nebula naturally did not accept such a threat, and directly went back in a cold voice, but Kamora said, “That person did not tell us anything, we will inform you now, and in the future our sisters will act alone.” ”

“What?” Ronan’s face changed, and he instantly became much more gloomy.

Just as he was about to warn him of anger, his face suddenly became very religious.

“If you are lucky, the Lord has ordered me not to restrain you any longer, and what you want to do will be your freedom from now on.”

(Please order it all!) )

(Please order it all!) )

(Please order it all!) )

(Please order it all!) )

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(Please order it all!) )_

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