The planet Vormir, in a remote corner of the universe, there are many galaxies here, but it is very, very far from the center of the universe, and it is unimaginable to be remote from the earth, in this position, even the distance scale of light years must be added to the level of trillions.

And the planet Volmir is also a very wild planet, there is a thin atmosphere, there is water, but in the shape of cold ice, the temperature here is low enough to freeze steel, but it is such a wild and lonely planet, but there is still life.

After Leon left, he appeared directly here, with his current ability, there is no place in the universe that he can’t go, where he wants to go, a thought can be reached in an instant.

Even in the most remote place, it couldn’t stop him, after all, the space gem was on him, and at the current level of the phoenix power, even if there was no space gem, he could easily reach here.

Standing in the low Earth orbit of the planet and looking down, the planet below is a pure white, with thick clouds, and he can see several cyclones on the surface of the planet from his point of view.

This cyclone may not seem large at his distance, but if it is placed on the surface of the planet, it is an incomparably large storm, in which the wind speed is definitely several times more terrifying than the strongest hurricane on Earth, which is very common on this planet.

Under one thought, the figure disappeared in an instant, and the next moment he appeared on a mountain peak on the surface of the planet, from here to see the ball, surrounded by silver, snow, snow flakes frozen by the extremely low temperature as hard as steel, even the clouds in the sky, all showed a semi-solid appearance, that is, frozen clouds, a strange physical phenomenon.

And where he is now is the outermost part of a huge storm, but even here, there is still a storm of snow, the wind whistles, and the snow is like a knife, if ordinary people stand here, they will be torn apart by ice knives in an instant.

His psychic power spread out in an instant, enveloping the entire planet of Volmir, and the death pestle stood quietly beside him, so that for half a day, there was no sound.

The next moment, a smile appeared on Leon’s face.

“It is reasonable to say that it is certainly difficult to give birth to life in such an extreme environment, but the strange thing is that in the tenacity of life, who can imagine that in this environment, there is actually a huge life body?”

Leon said and looked at death, and the figure appeared in another place, which was relatively peaceful, there was no wind whistling, but there was still wind and snow falling around, and in front of it was a lake, and the lake surface was a thick layer of ice, and above the lake, there was a group of behemoths walking.

This is a six-legged creature. It looks like a mammoth, with a pair of long fangs that curve two or three meters upward from the base of the mouth, and this creature is more than ten meters in size, and its body is also snow-white, not stained with a little variegation, it is a thick layer of fur, making them look extremely hardy.

Death was expressionless and looked very cold, but Ang smiled: “It is precisely because there are many life forms in the universe that you have the basis of existence, and the disappearance of these lives has also strengthened yourself for you.” The two complement each other, and the ancients honestly did not deceive me. ”

Just when he sighed, the surface of the lake suddenly began to shake, and the giant beasts became panicked in an instant, and some of them roared in the sky, with a little panic in their voices.

At the next moment, the ice surface suddenly exploded, a huge object with a width of tens of meters came out of it, and with Li Ang’s eyesight, he could clearly see that it was a huge mouth, full of fangs, and the fangs were one or two meters long, as sharp as a file, and suddenly jumped out from under the ice and swallowed the two giant beasts into their mouths.

Seeing the huge mouth closed, the two behemoths did not even scream, they were swallowed up by the huge mouth, and the reddish blood burst out at once.

Only then did the creature that had jumped out from under the ice reveal a rough idea, a more terrifying beast, somewhat crocodiles-like, but many times larger than it, more realistically a kind of ocean overlord dragon in the ancient days of the Earth.

The small half of the giant beast like a mountain peak jumped out of the ice, and then smashed down, smashing the location of the group of behemoth creatures, causing them all to fall into the water, the huge waves churned, the blood surged, no one knew what was happening under the water, and when everything calmed down, only the reddish blood floated on the surface of the water, and it was quickly re-frozen.

“After watching a good play, life is really extraordinary.”

Li Ang smiled, then said, “Let’s go, go find what I want.” ”

He said and looked in one direction, a smile appeared on his face, although he did not find where the soul gem was, but he felt a special breath of life.

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