With one thought, his infinite spiritual power and telepathic ability were activated, fixing that little wave, and then the whole person’s mind had sunk into the door.

The mist in the doorway is shrouded in mist, there is sunshine and earth, the breeze is accustomed, the birds are fragrant, it seems like heaven, and one by one is like an apparition, playing in it, like a legendary paradise.

Li Ang intuitively felt the existence of this space, because this space is real, and the apparitions inside are actually independent souls, but these souls have forgotten their memories of life, and this is their paradise.

Who could have imagined that a being who likes to devour souls has an idyllic space of its own, and sure enough, there are two levels of things, which look evil on the outside but extremely peaceful on the inside.

Feeling Li Ang’s power, the door was about to close and cut off contact with the outside world, but Li Ang had caught the fluctuations, and it was impossible to close it, and even if it was closed, Li Ang could know where this space really was.

In the huge egg in the cosmic wall membrane, the phoenix looked up and looked to somewhere in the void, where… This is where this space is located.

At this time, Li Ang’s mind moved, the lake in the abyss flooded with waves, and all the lake water began to condense to the center, and then formed a huge water ball, and then the water ball collapsed towards the center, and the volume continued to shrink, and finally became a crystal gem only the size of a fingernail, emitting a light orange glow.

This is the original body of the Soul Gem.

It emits a crystal clear light, that light does not have a sense of brilliance, only crystal and warmth, let people look at a glance, feel that this thing is extraordinary, as if it can warm a person’s soul.

In fact, this thing is indeed like this, if an ordinary person has such a soul gem, then his soul strength will increase rapidly in a short period of time, until he becomes a god-like being.

The kind of god refers to eternal life, because the soul is immortal, even if it is physically dead, relying on the soul gem in the body, then this soul will also show the state of the undead living being, in other words, just like the Yuan Baby in the mysterious novel that Li Ang watched in his previous life, the soul is one.

Think about it, how terrifying such a existence should be, especially if the soul gem also has a pastoral space, then mastering the soul gem is equivalent to mastering a piece of cosmic space and becoming the master of one side of the world.

And the soul gem is also one of the dangers of all the infinite gems, its danger does not refer to itself, but to its ability, because the soul gem itself is in an idea, although it is a living being, but it is a real existence with thoughts, to put it bluntly, this thing has autonomy, it is difficult to control, no one knows whether to control this idea, or this idea to control people.

But for Li Ang, these are trivial matters, with a god-like life personality, with the spiritual power that shocks the whole universe, controlling nearly unlimited energy, this sub-atom-level material control ability, Li Ang faces this soul gem, just like Tarzan faces the stone.

He is Tarzan, and the Soul Gem is the Stubborn Stone, Tarzan only needs a gentle press, this thing will turn into powder, so the Soul Gem is not a little threat to him.

It seemed that he felt Li Ang’s majestic and heaven-like spiritual power, and the soul gem that had been condensed and formed trembled slightly, and the air around it produced a ripple and rippled.

But Li Ang’s mind heard a cry, which was from the soul gem, and Li Ang felt its fear, as if facing him, and produced a panicked emotion.

Yes, it was fear, the soul gem itself carried a certain degree of wisdom and consciousness, and when it realized Leon’s horror knowledge, it showed the performance of ordinary creatures when facing natural enemies.

Li Ang smiled slightly, beckoned to him, and the soul gem fluttered from mid-air with a slight tremor, and slowly landed in Li Ang’s palm, even if it landed in his palm, it still trembled unceasingly.

“What are you afraid of?” Leon smiled.

A thought appeared in the soul gem and reached Li Ang’s mind, and the latter smiled, “You can rest assured, I will not erase your existence, in my opinion, existence is reasonable, but I will give you a new destination.” ”

The thoughts in the soul gem just now expressed surrender to Li Ang, and there was a thick fear in them.

As Li Ang said this, a stream of light burst out from his fingertips and hit the Soul Gem, which clicked and cracked, and then a strange breath seeped out of it.

The crack was not a crack on the surface of the gemstone, but a damage to the existence of the soul gem itself, and it was Li Ang who used the deepest power to break the conceptual body of the soul gem, and the power that permeated it was the strange idea.

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