It seemed that he felt Li Ang’s majestic and heaven-like spiritual power, and the soul gem that had been condensed and formed trembled slightly, and the air around it produced a ripple and rippled.

But Li Ang’s mind heard a cry, which was from the soul gem, and Li Ang felt its fear, as if facing him, and produced a panicked emotion.

Yes, it was fear, the soul gem itself carried a certain degree of wisdom and consciousness, and when it realized Leon’s horror knowledge, it showed the performance of ordinary creatures when facing natural enemies.

Li Ang smiled slightly, beckoned to him, and the soul gem fluttered from mid-air with a slight tremor, and slowly landed in Li Ang’s palm, even if it landed in his palm, it still trembled unceasingly.

“What are you afraid of?” Leon smiled.

A thought appeared in the soul gem and reached Li Ang’s mind, and the latter smiled, “You can rest assured, I will not erase your existence, in my opinion, existence is reasonable, but I will give you a new destination.” ”

The thoughts in the soul gem just now expressed surrender to Li Ang, and there was a thick fear in them.

As Li Ang said this, a stream of light burst out from his fingertips and hit the Soul Gem, which clicked and cracked, and then a strange breath seeped out of it.

The crack was not a crack on the surface of the gemstone, but a damage to the existence of the soul gem itself, and it was Li Ang who used the deepest power to break the conceptual body of the soul gem, and the power that permeated it was the strange idea.

Subsequently, this fragmentation became more and more obvious, and finally with a click, the entire outer wall of the soul gem shattered, turning into a fine powder and dissipating in mid-air, while all that remained was a cloud of energy emitting a pale orange glow.

The reason why it is said to be a blob of energy is because that blob is the purest soul force in the whole universe, unlike the rest of the energy such as fire and lightning, which is a kind of existence similar to illusion, immaterial, which should not exist in the world, but it appears and exists so magnificently.

This is the true state of the soul gem, and the will born in that soul gem is hidden in it.

Li Ang stretched out his hand, and a ball of light splashed in his hand, turning into a small sword, and then gently slashed at the energy, and the energy seemed to be extremely frightened, and began to tremble rapidly.

At the same time, the red skull on the side felt a scream, could not help but hum in pain, the whole person quickly withered, he only felt that his brain was in severe pain, the brain was about to explode, it was a kind of pain from the soul, which appeared extremely abruptly, just like the whole person’s soul baby tearing.


The red skull churned on the ground, holding its head and howling.

The sound was extremely miserable, even the sound of the wind in the sky could not be hidden, and an invisible force burst out from his body, just like a shock wave, instantly scattering the wind and snow into the invisible.


A loud sound resounded through the valley like a huge explosion, and the cold ice on the surrounding peaks instantly disintegrated, and even the mountains began to collapse, scattering countless pieces of rubble, bursting out like cannonballs.

And if you look at it from a high altitude angle, you can see that with the body of the red skull as the center, a strong shock wave spreads around like an explosion, and in an instant, you can see many things within a radius of hundreds of meters to destroy.

This shock wave was extremely fierce, but under such a shock wave, Li Ang and Death did not move at all, and the shock wave did not even lift half a point in the corner of his clothes.

Li Ang’s eyes flashed, a smile appeared on his face, and he looked at the red skull silently, he knew why there was such a movement on his body.

In the end, it is still the reason for the soul gem, because of the soul gem, the soul of the red skull itself has some particularity, it can be said that it has been transformed by the soul gem, and it can also be said that it has a deep connection with the soul gem, but it is not the kind that controls and fuses, more like the soul gem gives the red skull some power.

The sword that Li Ang had just used had actually severed the connection between the will and the soul gem in the soul gem, splitting the two into two, leaving only the purest soul gem power.

The Red Skull is also related to the Soul Gem, and such a change will naturally manifest itself on the Red Skull, and the situation is that the soul splits and the energy rushes away, so it causes a shock wave like an explosion.

At this moment, the soul gem energy in Li Ang’s hand was also divided into two, one of which was extremely rare, and it was in this part that there was that will.

Li Ang Chong smiled at the red skull who was still wailing, “Let’s make a fair deal, I got what I need, and now I will pay you.” ”

As soon as he said that, the energy with the will shot directly into the Red Skull.

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