This shock wave was extremely fierce, but under such a shock wave, Li Ang and Death did not move at all, and the shock wave did not even lift half a point in the corner of his clothes.

Li Ang’s eyes flashed, a smile appeared on his face, and he looked at the red skull silently, he knew why there was such a movement on his body.

In the end, it is still the reason for the soul gem, because of the soul gem, the soul of the red skull itself has some particularity, it can be said that it has been transformed by the soul gem, and it can also be said that it has a deep connection with the soul gem, but it is not the kind that controls and fuses, more like the soul gem gives the red skull some power.

The sword that Li Ang had just used had actually severed the connection between the will and the soul gem in the soul gem, splitting the two into two, leaving only the purest soul gem power.

The Red Skull is also related to the Soul Gem, and such a change will naturally manifest itself on the Red Skull, and the situation is that the soul splits and the energy rushes away, so it causes a shock wave like an explosion.

At this moment, the soul gem energy in Li Ang’s hand was also divided into two, one of which was extremely rare, and it was in this part that there was that will.

Li Ang Chong smiled at the red skull who was still wailing, “Let’s make a fair deal, I got what I need, and now I will pay you.” ”

As soon as he said that, the energy with the will shot directly into the Red Skull.

Suddenly, I saw that small ball of energy penetrate into the Red Skull’s body, and at the same time, the Red Skull’s body shook violently, and the sound of the howl instantly subsided, appearing extremely abrupt.

At this moment, the Red Skull suddenly erupted with a strong will, and the strength of this will directly enveloped the entire planet, and in this instant, the entire planet was under the shroud of this will, and all movement had stopped, as if someone had suddenly pressed the static button.

“Well, if this will erupts in full force, there is no one on the earth to stop it, unless Professor X can reach the god-like level, it is still possible to resist, which is already second only to the strength of the will of the gods.” Li Ang felt this will, and the smile on his face became more and more obvious.

This will was the will contained in the Soul Gem, which was directly separated by Leon and injected into the Red Skull in order to transform the Red Skull in terms of soul.

The Red Skull’s soul itself had been stone-transformed, and there was some connection between the two, but the connection was not very close.

It can also be said that the soul of the Red Skull is mutilated, but with this will that can be infused, it is just enough to complete its soul, but this completion will bring into the will of the unscrupulous, and this will is naturally the soul gem.

A scream appeared in Leon’s mind, this whistling was not the roar of the Red Skull, but the fluctuation of the will, and Leon knew the meaning of the soul gem. Shi is slowly merging with the will that belongs to the empty skeleton.

At the same time, the two wills merge, and there will naturally be a struggle between the two, competing for each other’s dominance.

Li Ang did not open his mouth, at this time his brow suddenly frowned, and the spiritual power belonging to him suddenly spread, just like the heavenly power, directly overshadowing the power of the soul gem’s will, instantly enveloping the entire planet.

At this moment, the planet stopped, stopped rotating for a moment, and then this psychic force spread out, enveloping the entire star system, and at this time it had not stopped the pace of diffusion, until it covered the scale of more than ten light years.

In this scale of space, everything has stopped, time, light, particle motion, all have fallen silent, and all the rules of the universe have fallen directly into stillness at the information level, as if the dimensions have been frozen.

The ice slag was fixed in front of Li Ang, and even the trajectory of the wind could be seen, and it was also frozen in front of him, and in the space of the ten-light-year scale, everything was already still, and there was no movement.

The two waved their hands slightly, and the pressure caused by the will of the soul gem melted like the white snow of Yangchun, and all of them were pressed into the body of the red skull by his will, and at this time, the red skull still maintained the movement of kneeling on the ground, without any movement.


Leon snapped his fingers, and there was a clicking sound in his ears, as if something had shattered, and then Leon’s psychic power contracted back, everything returned to its original state within ten light years, the planet began to move, and the ice ballast continued to fall.

The red skull’s body also moved, the trembling had gradually stopped, and the whole person was lying on the ground, with a layer of fluorescence flowing from his body.

The click just now was actually Li Ang directly using his psychic power to crush the thoughts in that mass of wills, turning it into the purest soul energy and replenishing it to the Red Skull’s body.

Since Li Ang said that he would pay him, he naturally would not be a tiger.

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