At this moment, the planet stopped, stopped rotating for a moment, and then this psychic force spread out, enveloping the entire star system, and at this time it had not stopped the pace of diffusion, until it covered the scale of more than ten light years.

In this scale of space, everything has stopped, time, light, particle motion, all have fallen silent, and all the rules of the universe have fallen directly into stillness at the information level, as if the dimensions have been frozen.

The ice slag was fixed in front of Li Ang, and even the trajectory of the wind could be seen, and it was also frozen in front of him, and in the space of the ten-light-year scale, everything was already still, and there was no movement.

The two waved their hands slightly, and the pressure caused by the will of the soul gem melted like the white snow of Yangchun, and all of them were pressed into the body of the red skull by his will, and at this time, the red skull still maintained the movement of kneeling on the ground, without any movement.


Leon snapped his fingers, and there was a clicking sound in his ears, as if something had shattered, and then Leon’s psychic power contracted back, everything returned to its original state within ten light years, the planet began to move, and the ice ballast continued to fall.

The red skull’s body also moved, the trembling had gradually stopped, and the whole person was lying on the ground, with a layer of fluorescence flowing from his body.

The click just now was actually Li Ang directly using his psychic power to crush the thoughts in that mass of wills, turning it into the purest soul energy and replenishing it to the Red Skull’s body.

Since Li Ang said that he would pay him, he naturally would not be a tiger.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, more than ten minutes passed, and in the process, the body of the Red Skull had been lying quietly on the ground, without any reaction, looking as if it was dead.

He didn’t breathe, and there was no movement on his body, like an ice sculpture, there was no reaction in this cold and lonely environment.

However, in his body, there was also the soul level, but it was undergoing an earth-shaking change, and the thoughts belonging to the soul gem were erased, leaving only the purest soul energy, which merged with the soul of the Red Skull.

This is not as simple as one plus one equals two, the combination of the two directly caused the soul of the Red Skull to have a qualitative change, allowing him to directly change from the soul of an ordinary living being to a god-like being.

The process is slow, but there will always be a time to complete, more than ten minutes have passed, the calm and immovable red skull shook violently, and then slowly floated up.

The streamers on his body rolled over, and the rainbow was moving around him, looking dazzling, like a light source, scattering light towards the surroundings.

His legs were together, his arms were open, his head was high, his eyebrows were shining, and a trace of skin gradually seeped out of his original scarlet skeleton-like face, and then this quality began to look around from the center of his eyebrows, and in a moment he completely changed.

At this time, he already had skin reborn on his face, and the god-level soul strength directly interfered with reality, making his body glow, and even more in the genetic layer, making him change himself.

This change is from the inside out, and it can be seen that the gene that directly collapsed him because of the super soldier serum was directly restored, which is an unreasonable repair that allows him to return to his original appearance at this moment.

Li Ang just watched all this quietly, did not show anything unusual, and his face did not change a bit, as if he already knew this.

After a moment, the red skull opened his eyes, his eyes shimmering, his body still floating in mid-air, looking down at Li Ang.

Li Ang looked at him with a faint smile on his face, and the atmosphere between the two became strange.

The next moment, the Red Skull held out his hand to Leon, and he had an evil smile on his face, obviously intending to do something to Leon.

Thinking about it, in terms of his personality, he himself could not be threatened by others, especially if it was Leon, who directly asked him to hand over the location of the soul gem, which was itself a provocation to him.

And Leon just watched for a while.


The air trembled, the sound of the wind around him stopped at this moment, the red skull’s palm spewed out a red glow, and the powerful psychic force distorted the world, making the surrounding light particles tremble, and then gathered together, converging into a blazing blob of light in his palm.

This light was extremely bright, and in an instant it became the size of a basketball, it was a pure gathering of energy, and if it exploded, it could definitely easily knock a mountain into powder.


The light cluster instantly shot out, pointing directly at Li Ang’s head, and Li Ang just looked at it with a faint smile and did not make any other moves.

The next moment, the light cluster directly bombarded his face, the expected explosion did not occur, when the light group touched Li Ang’s face, it was like the spring snow melting, there was no half effect.

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(Please order it all!) )_

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