Li Ang looked at the trace of hatred in the depths of his eyes, and knew that he did not listen to these words at all, so he smiled slightly, grabbed his shoulder, and the next moment the two of them were already in space.

The frozen planet was in the far distance, looking white in the distance, and he and the Red Skull were standing in the void, and Leon glanced at him with a smile, and then waved his hand slightly.

The next moment, the space-time around the planet rippled, like a ripple of water, and in this ripple, the frozen planet, along with the yellow dwarf farther away, was torn apart piece by piece.

Under this fluctuation, the planet turned into pieces of powder, and all the life on it also died silently.

The yellow dwarf in the far distance, under the fluctuations of the middle, was pulled into a noodle-like existence, which could not explode at all, but after a few moments, it dissipated into countless smoke and dust.

The Red Skull was shocked, his heart became frightened, and he turned his head to look at Leon as if he had seen the devil.

Li Ang smiled at him, and then said, “See? ”

Say it, wave it again, everything is like rewinding, recovering again, as if everything just now has never appeared.

“Since you have such a power, then I will not care what you want to do, but everything on the earth is not allowed to interfere, if you want to find an opponent, it is to find Thanos, he will be a good opponent of you, I hope you don’t let me down, otherwise I will make you regret it.”

Li Ang smiled and said.

At this time, the red skull had already been frightened by Li Ang, looking at Li Ang’s expression, it was like seeing a ghost, but at this time he could not say a word.

With the disillusionment of the stars in the wave of the hand, everything is restored at the snap of a finger, what kind of power is this.

At the thought of this, the Red Skull felt that his heart and liver were trembling, and when he looked at Li Ang’s expression, he also became more and more terrified.

“You… Who are you? Red Skull trembled.

Li Ang shrugged and smiled, “As I told you, you don’t have to care who I am, you just need to do what I say, if you don’t want to, then the power in your body will be taken back by me.” ”

The Red Skull’s face became struggling, some fearful trepidation, and all the anger and anxiety, all of which Leon saw in his eyes and did not say much.

He knew the Red Skull’s disposition, and naturally knew that he certainly didn’t want to give up just like that, he was a tyrant, and unlike a decent hero like Captain Mikoku, he was a real tyrant.

And the so-called Owl Xiong, naturally will do some things that Owl Xiong should do, the Red Skull originally had the power, he wanted to let Li Ang know his strength, but now, he flinched and hesitated.

Li Ang looked at him and didn’t say anything more, just waved at him faintly, and then the red skull suddenly felt a chill on his body, then a tightening, the next moment


He writhed and struggled, but he found that he was frozen around, he couldn’t move at all, and there was a sharp pain coming from his body.

“No, no, no!!!”

What frightened him even more was not this, but he sensed that the strength in his body was rapidly draining, like a flood that broke the embankment, and he couldn’t stop it.

“No! Please! ”

He couldn’t help but despair, and it was only at this time that he finally remembered that his own strength was still given by the other party, and the other party obviously had the ability to take away this power.

Li Ang just looked at it faintly, silently, watching the skin on his face festering and bleeding, and then quickly falling off, revealing the appearance of the blood-red skull again after a moment, but now there were blood foam and festering flesh on his face, which was much more frightening than before.

This look, go to the movie to make a horror movie, even makeup can be exempted.

“Do you know what’s wrong?” Leon asked slowly.

“I was wrong! I was really wrong! Spare me! ”

The Red Skull roared, and once again he tasted what it felt when he first used the Super Soldier serum, and it was even more painful than the previous one.

“What’s wrong?” Leon asked again with a good moment.

“I shouldn’t provoke you without my own strength, I don’t dare!”

To know that the Red Skull is really a tyrant, and the mind is strong, not much less than Thanos, such a character, can make him say such soft words, it can be seen what kind of pressure Li Ang has brought to him.

“Is that all?” Li Ang said lightly.

The Red Skull’s body trembled, and he couldn’t help but roar, “I take you as the Lord, forgive me.” ”

“I don’t need to.”

Li Ang shook his head faintly, and then snapped his fingers, and the invisible restraint that wrapped the red skull dissipated instantly, while at the same time, the rapidly losing power once again returned to the red skull.

I saw that the red skull’s face quickly gave birth to new skin and flesh, and in a few moments the skin of the face had already recovered as before, if it were not for the fact that the face was still stained with some blood, it might not have happened like the scene just now.

“Then give you another chance, you have to cherish it.” Li Ang said lightly.

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