This look, go to the movie to make a horror movie, even makeup can be exempted.

“Do you know what’s wrong?” Leon asked slowly.

“I was wrong! I was really wrong! Spare me! ”

The Red Skull roared, and once again he tasted what it felt when he first used the Super Soldier serum, and it was even more painful than the previous one.

“What’s wrong?” Leon asked again with a good moment.

“I shouldn’t provoke you without my own strength, I don’t dare!”

To know that the Red Skull is really a tyrant, and the mind is strong, not much less than Thanos, such a character, can make him say such soft words, it can be seen what kind of pressure Li Ang has brought to him.

“Is that all?” Li Ang said lightly.

The Red Skull’s body trembled, and he couldn’t help but roar, “I take you as the Lord, forgive me.” ”

“I don’t need to.”

Li Ang shook his head faintly, and then snapped his fingers, and the invisible restraint that wrapped the red skull dissipated instantly, while at the same time, the rapidly losing power once again returned to the red skull.

I saw that the red skull’s face quickly gave birth to new skin and flesh, and in a few moments the skin of the face had already recovered as before, if it were not for the fact that the face was still stained with some blood, it might not have happened like the scene just now.

“Then give you another chance, you have to cherish it.” Li Ang said lightly.

The Red Skull was now really subjugated by Leon, and he no longer dared to have the slightest disobedience to his words, at this time it was like a quail, not to mention how well-behaved.

When Li Ang saw him like this, he just smiled and said to a death that was following him: “But it made you see a good play.” ”

“I don’t care about that.” Death said coldly.

Li Ang smiled and shrugged his shoulders, he naturally knew that death was basically indifferent to anything other than the growth of himself.

Even when he collected the soul gem power just now, he didn’t see any other manifestation of death, which showed her coldness, after all, she was still very different from real beings, and the existence of the gods was just a different concept.

Li Ang didn’t pay much attention to it, and when he saw that the Red Skull suit had softened, he said, “There’s nothing for you to do here, remember what I just said, if you forget, I’ll let you taste what you just tasted again.” ”

The Red Skull shook his head, his face showed trepidation, and he quickly shook his head, “Yes, I will not disobey your words, I will wander in the universe, and I will not go back to the earth.” ’

Li Ang smiled and shook his head, “I mean, the land doesn’t have to go back, but it’s not that you can’t go back in the future, go find Thanos, and make it a little more difficult for him to fight for the hegemony.” I come out that you are a male son, then act according to your own nature, if you can call it, maybe I will give you some other rewards. ”

The Red Skull looked shocked and looked at Li Ang in disbelief, and Li Ang smiled when he saw his expression: “What? Don’t believe I’m going to do that? ”

“No… No, I will follow your orders. Red Skull hurriedly said.

Li Ang smiled and waved his hand, “Since you wrote it down, then you should go.” ”


The Red Skull showed a hint of joy on his face, and then carefully looked at Li Ang, and did not dare to say anything more, his body directly shook and flashed, turning into a bright light, and flew towards the depths of the void of the universe, extremely fast.

“And a strong man, plus this red skull, the front of Ronan, Kamora and Nebula, this is already the fourth, there are these four people, Thanos’ road to dominance, it seems to be a lot more disasters and difficulties.”

Leon was satisfied with this, he wanted to add difficulty to Thanos’ path of revenge, with the addition of these four people, the difficulty should now be hellish.

With this thought, he turned his head to look at death again, and death was still that light, and he smiled, “Let’s go, go find the other Infinity Stones.” ”

Death looked at him and said, “I have to advise you, it is best not to use the Infinity Stones to challenge authority, otherwise, there will be a Supreme Being who will come forward to obliterate you.” ”

She was already vaguely aware of what Leon was doing to the Infinity Stones, and what Leon intended to do was dangerous in her opinion.

When she speaks of authority, she refers to several other gods in this universe, and to challenge authority is nothing more than to make enemies of gods or even kill gods.

The gods are not a harmonious group, and there are dirty things between them, but she can feel that what Leon wants to do is likely to fundamentally change the structure of the universe, and even the birth and death of the gods, which is to challenge authority.

Li Ang never thought that she would say this, and after hearing this, she was stunned, and then laughed and said, “It seems that you should have guessed what I was going to do, how, do you want to stop me?” ”

Death took a deep look at him, then shook his head indifferently, “I won’t stop you, because what you want to do, can’t succeed.” ”

“How do you know without trying?” You’re right. Leon shrugged.

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