Leon was satisfied with this, he wanted to add difficulty to Thanos’ path of revenge, with the addition of these four people, the difficulty should now be hellish.

With this thought, he turned his head to look at death again, and death was still that light, and he smiled, “Let’s go, go find the other Infinity Stones.” ”

Death looked at him and said, “I have to advise you, it is best not to use the Infinity Stones to challenge authority, otherwise, there will be a Supreme Being who will come forward to obliterate you.” ”

She was already vaguely aware of what Leon was doing to the Infinity Stones, and what Leon intended to do was dangerous in her opinion.

When she speaks of authority, she refers to several other gods in this universe, and to challenge authority is nothing more than to make enemies of gods or even kill gods.

The gods are not a harmonious group, and there are dirty things between them, but she can feel that what Leon wants to do is likely to fundamentally change the structure of the universe, and even the birth and death of the gods, which is to challenge authority.

Li Ang never thought that she would say this, and after hearing this, she was stunned, and then laughed and said, “It seems that you should have guessed what I was going to do, how, do you want to stop me?” ”

Death took a deep look at him, then shook his head indifferently, “I won’t stop you, because what you want to do, can’t succeed.” ”

“How do you know without trying?” You’re right. Leon shrugged.

Death looked at him faintly, and his voice was still indifferent: “You can’t succeed, this world is not as simple as you think, the existence hidden in the shadows is not just a few of our creation gods, there are some beings who master the underlying information rules, they have the power to make people despair, facing them, you are like ants, there will be no chance of victory.” ”

Hearing that Li Ang had a smile on his face, a very flat smile, of course he knew what the words of death meant, nothing more than the existence of the Court of Life and the oaa.

Because to his extent, he can now feel the tidal changes in the dark places of the universe, which is the deepest existence hidden in the information level of the universe, which is bottomless, unforeseeable, and even more elusive.

In other words, in the words of the Buddhists in the past life, it is the state of formlessness, formlessness, and non-observation, which is the mysterious and mysterious sense of existence, and the existence of the lines portrayed in the deep information of the universe.

He could detect a trace of it, but he hadn’t touched it yet, but such a presence did not mean invincible.

Like his phoenix power, if it reaches its maximum, it is the ultimate form of the phoenix power, and consciousness projects the entire multiverse, breaking the shackles between each other, affecting the entire multi-dimensional operation, and easily destroying any dimension and timeline.

The underlying information is the balance stone of the construction of the universe and the foundation of all things, while the dimension is the foundation of the formation of the universe, the underlying information can no longer be portrayed, the dimension is destroyed, and the universe is directly destroyed into a state of nothingness.

So it’s no exaggeration that he has the ability to compete with oaa if he achieves this.

“Then let’s wait and see.” Leon smiled and shrugged his shoulders, then disappeared into the same place in a flash.

Death frowned slightly as he watched where he had left, not knowing what he was thinking, and after a moment the figure also disappeared.

In another place, Leon appeared in a deep cosmic void, a very remote and wild star field in the universe, and in this star field, there are many unformed river systems, and pieces of dust are distributed on the cosmic scale of 90 million light-years, which was once a state of destruction, but now it is full of life.

Leon appeared in a misty nebula, swept away, and all kinds of light distorted into strange nebulae of various colors, and among these nebulae, one new star after another was blooming.

This was once an ancient battlefield, and Leon’s vision saw the upper reaches of the long river of time, where billions of years ago there was a terrible great war, and everything on the scale of nearly 100 million light-years was destroyed in that great war, and death enveloped this area, and now here ushered in a new life.

Looking at this place where destruction and life were intertwined, Li Ang smiled, he glanced at the death that had followed, and smiled lightly, “Soon, I will be able to gather all the Infinity Stones.” ”

Death didn’t open its mouth, it still just watched silently.

Li Ang didn’t think anything of it, and the psychic power radiated out like a tide, spreading in all directions.

One light year, five light years, ten light years, thirty light years, fifty light years…

Up to more than three million light years, he still hadn’t found what he wanted, and he couldn’t help but frown slightly, and at the scale of ninety million light years, it seemed incomparably huge, and even if he wanted to find something now, it was as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

“It looks like it’s going to take a little bit of time.” Li Ang said to himself lightly.

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