Chapter 160 Is there really no danger? (4/5, please reward)

“I beat myself to death outside, but you’re comfortable here!”

Returning to his residence through the space door, the first thing Lu Yi saw was none other than Bruce Banner, who was sitting on Lu Yi’s table eating and drinking.

Bruce Banner really didn’t consider himself an outsider. He just moved into Lu Yi’s house, and immediately let Yuriko prepare a sumptuous meal for him.

Steaks, salads, and grilled meats were piled up all over the table, and he feasted on himself, keeping Yuriko busy.

“I’m a guest, and it’s normal for guests to have a little respect and hospitality, right?” Bruce Banner said.

“You’re right, Yuriko prepared a pair of knives and forks for me. I’ve been hungry after playing for so long, so I just had a good meal!”

Hearing this, Yuriko hurriedly handed Lu Yi a clean pair of knives and forks.

Lily “Son, sit down and eat too!” Lu Yi said to Yuriko, taking the knife and fork.

“Okay, master!”

Yuriko smiled sweetly, sat at the table, took a pair of knife and fork and ate a steak.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yi didn’t say anything. He picked up a knife and fork, took a whole piece of barbecued meat from the plate in front of him and ate it.

The three of them didn’t have any words to communicate, they all stared at the food in front of them and ate, and this situation continued until Lu Yi ate all the barbecued meat in front of him, and Bruce Banner and Yuriko were also full. .

Satisfied, Bruce Banner finally had the intention to speak, holding his stomach and said, “I haven’t eaten so full for a long time!”

It’s been a long time since he was hunted by the military, and he hasn’t eaten a good meal for a long time since he was hunted by the military, and every time he is caught like a dead dog.

Such a comfortable life has only been experienced by Lu Yi recently.

“By the way, you said just now that you were beaten to death, what’s the matter, w?”

Lu Yi suddenly teleported out of the residence without saying a word. Until now, Bruce Banner didn’t know why Lu Yi went out, and he was full of doubts about Lu Yi’s words of beating to death.

“It’s not because of the magicians I killed before. Youdao beat the young and the old. After killing the previous magicians, their elders came to the door and fought with them.” Lu Yi said lightly.

Lu Yi’s light smile could not hide the tragic battle. The trace of blood on Lu Yi’s collar did not look like someone else’s blood, but Lu Yi’s own blood.

And the brutality of the battle that can make Lu Yi bleed can be imagined.

He had a deep understanding of Lu Yi’s physical strength. Since Lu Yi was injured, one could imagine the ferocity of the battle.

“How is it now? Need help?” Bruce Banner asked.

Yuriko also looked at Lu Yi with her concerned eyes. Although she also knew that her Ability was insufficient and could not play a role, it was okay to care about Lu Yi.

“No need! It’s settled!

Solved “So? What did you do? Wouldn’t it be to uproot the other party?” Bruce Banner asked curiously.

Bruce Banner was curious, but Lu Yi had black lines all over his head.

Is he so cruel? He actually said that he uprooted the other party? Although he did intend to do it, didn’t he do it?

“I haven’t been so brutal yet, I haven’t uprooted the other party?”

“Are you sure?” Bruce Banner’s face was full of disbelief.

“Sometimes, I really want to rip your head off to see what you’re thinking, this time I really didn’t kill them!

“Can’t you do it?

Can we still chat happily?

“It can be done, but there will be some danger!”

“Who can make you feel dangerous?”

The disbelief on Bruce Banner’s face deepened. There is probably not much in this world that makes Lu Yi feel threatened, let alone dangerous.

“It’s not a person, it’s a thing! Time Gem, one of the six Infinite Gems!

“Time Gem? Time?”

Bruce Banner is also worthy of being a wise man, grasping the point of Lu Yi’s words.

“The other party holds the power of time, and the power of the other party’s time will be even stronger through Time Gem. The other party threatens that if I don’t end today’s affairs, then I will travel through time to kill me in the past!”

Time travel? Time paradox?” Bruce Banner looked cautious.

As an authority on one side, Bruce Banner also has a certain degree of dabbling in the theory of time. Through these words of Lu Yi, he knew the reason why the Ancient One was able to kill Lu Yi.

“Yes, time paradox!”

“Aren’t you in danger now?”

Bruce Banner saw Lu Yi kill five magicians with his own eyes, it’s not a general hatred here, saying that things are settled now, but who knows what will happen after that.

After that, the opponent broke out and found a time to kill Lu Yi in the past.

“Don’t worry, it’s not as dangerous as you think, it’s not an easy thing to travel through time, and it’s not that simple to be able to do it, and since there is a time paradox so naturally there is time inertia, it’s not that easy to kill me! ”

“makes sense!”

(Zhao’s) How easy is it to travel through time to kill people.

If time is really so easy to travel, it is also very easy to kill people by traveling through time, and there is no one in this world for a long time.

What’s more, time is an unimaginable existence.

Next “What are you going to do?”

“Find a time to get something that can threaten me, it’s the best thing to hold such a thing in your own hands!

Bruce Banner showed such an expression as he expected, but then he didn’t say anything, holding his stomach and walking towards his room.

“Master, is there really no danger?” After Bruce Banner left, Yuriko finally opened her mouth and asked Lu Yi.

Someone was there just now, and she couldn’t speak well. Now that the outsider has left, she can ask with confidence. ,

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