Chapter 161 Seeking New Power (5/5, Reward)

“There is danger of course!

After Bruce Banner left, Lu Yi didn’t show his optimism anymore, and said with a serious face.

The timeline of the Marvel world is not rigorous. Although it is still difficult to change the past through time, it is not impossible.

The X-Men’s Future Reversal is a prime example, although they caused a series of events later, but they still succeeded.

Since they can all succeed, then why can’t the people of Kamar-Taj succeed, the impact of modifying the timeline once it succeeds must be huge amounts of.

Lu Yi may not die, but he will definitely not appear here, and even everything he knows now will change.

Lu Yi didn’t want this to happen.

“Then what do you think the master should do?”

“Just as I said before, get that thing, as long as you can get that thing, then everything will be fine!”

“But what should I do during this time?” Yuriko was not as happy as she imagined and asked.

In the period of 750 years before Eye of Agamotto was obtained, there was danger. Yuriko didn’t know if the other party would suddenly change her mind and go back to kill Lu Yi.

“Don’t worry, they didn’t have the courage to attack me in the recent period. During this period, a stronger enemy will be waiting for them!”

The enemy’s name is Dormammu!

This is a powerful being from the dark dimension, it was human before, but now it can no longer even be called human, it is a distorted existence.

But even so, its power is undeniable.

No matter Ancient One or Doctor Strange, if they didn’t use time magic, then they could only face Dormammu by death, and they might be killed in seconds.

Ancient One is not particularly clear, Doctor Strange must be.

In the face of Dormammu’s invasion, as long as they are not stupid, they will never appear to deal with Lu Yi at this time.

And Lu Yi said that he wanted to get Eye of Agamotto, and he also took this opportunity.

“Are you going to get that (abbf) thing during this time?”

“That’s right, during this period of time, I will retreat for two days, and then I will monitor the other party until I get that thing. Be careful recently, don’t go out casually, and don’t let it go casually. Bruce Banhong

“I see, Master!” Yuriko said sullenly.

Not being able to help Lu Yi and only being able to hide in her own house made her a little hard to accept.

Lu Yi also knew what Yuriko was thinking, and after thinking about it, he used the contents of a basic magic book from Kamar-Taj to use the little magic in his body, and clicked on Yuriko by himself. The hand between the eyebrows was instilled in her mind.

Fairy Tail, Harry Potter, and Magician’s Apprentice require very strong qualifications for magic in the three worlds, and Yuriko does not belong to these three worlds, and Lu Yi does not know whether she is suitable for learning the magic of these three worlds.

Just give Yuriko the basic magic of Kamar-Taj!

Kamar-Taj’s basic magic also requires qualifications, but it is not particularly high, and it is still the magic of this world, which is more suitable for Yuriko.

“Master, are you planning to let me learn magic?” Yuriko said to Lu Yi in surprise, feeling the magic in her mind.

“That’s right, but don’t have any psychological burden. If you can successfully cultivate, you can cultivate successfully. If you can’t cultivate successfully, I have other magic powers that are just as powerful!” Lu Yi said with a smile.

Yuriko’s strength really needs to be strengthened, just take this opportunity to help her, strengthen her strength, and let her learn magic.

Anyway, it’s her own, so it doesn’t matter how much she learns.

“Okay, Master! I’m going to practice right now!”

After speaking, Yuriko didn’t stay where she was, and ran to her room, intending to practice hard.

Looking at Yuriko like this, Lu Yi knew what he just said was in vain, smiled helplessly, glanced at the unfinished sumptuous meal on the table, and continued to eat.

Lu Yi is not full yet!

After finally getting full, Lu Yi didn’t waste any time. He sat down on the ground and started to meditate again. He planned to break through the things in his body that hindered the operation of his magic power.

The meditation began, and the magic began to brew in Lu Yi’s body, first wisps, wisps, then trickles, and finally, with the passage of time, it became a long river.

The long river of magic power is surging in Lu Yi’s body, crossing the meridians, breaking through the acupoints, and flowing through the limbs and bones, dispersing the things that hinder the operation of Lu Yi’s magic power little by little.

Along with this process, strands of black material were also squeezed into black weapons, which slowly penetrated from Lu Yi’s pore, and drifted into the sky, dissipating without a trace.

When all the magic power gathered in Lu Yi’s magic furnace, the things in Lu Yi’s body that hindered the operation of the magic power had been swept away by 20%, and more than 20% of the black mist had appeared.

20% is not much, but it is enough for Lu Yi to perform ordinary magic, and the next step is to grind kung fu.

Actually “it’s more difficult than expected!” Lu Yi said without any joy.

It took Lu Yi half a day to disperse about 20% of the things that hindered the operation of Lu Yi’s magic power, and I don’t know how long it will take.

“It can’t go on like this, the time required is too long, and soon Dormammu will come, and the opportunity to win the Eye of Agamotto will also come, the power of magic is half useless, and Gilgamesh’s power is also unable to exert its full strength because of the lack of magic power. The power of the flesh is simply not enough, I must have new power!”

Saying this, Lu Yi asked the system, “I should have three more perfect draw chances now, right?”

“That’s right, the host does have three more chances to draw. Does the host want to use it?”

Use “!” Lu Yi said. ,

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