Chapter 162 Turning Passive into Active (1/5, please reward)

With just two words, the system understood Lu Yi’s plan, and did not ask any further questions. It used a perfect draw opportunity to help Lu Yi make a perfect draw.

Lu Yi himself sat there, waiting for the new Ability to appear.

Facts have proved that every time Lu Yi draws the people who are not too weak, they are all strong in one world.

Worried? Lu Yi is a little bit!

I am worried that I will draw a weak world.

However, I am not particularly worried. The world is very big and there are many. How can we be able to extract such a world?

Thinking like this, the extraction of the system finally came to fruition.

“Congratulations to the host for extracting the magical forbidden book catalogue, Kamijou Touma!”

The sound of the system appeared in Lu Yi’s mind, causing Lu Yi’s face to suddenly collapse, and his eyes showed a thick color of doubt.

“System, can you explain what’s going on?

“Kamijo Touma is not weak, the fantasy killer stored in his body can obliterate all power, and the power in his right arm is also very powerful, as long as he is given sufficient conditions, he can even slaughter gods, to a certain extent Saying that he is the strongest person in the forbidden magic book catalogue, and it’s not a bad idea to have the strongest Ability!

“But you also said that to a certain extent, if the conditions are not met, he is a war five scumbag. If so, isn’t it too one-sided!”

“If the host really thinks so, the system can only say that the goods will be shipped immediately and will not be returned!

Can we have a good chat?

“If the host thinks about it carefully, it is actually him, and it is also a huge amount of help for the host. Not to mention anything else, the fantasy killer alone is enough for the host to deal with all the troubles that follow. You must know that the fantasy killer can obliterate everything. special power!”

“You’re right, but don’t forget that this kind of obliteration is indistinguishable from the enemy!” Lu Yi rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Yes, Fantasy Killer is really good.

It’s easy to erase the ability of others, but when it erases the ability of others, it also erases the ability of one’s own, and even erases one’s own luck.

Why is Kamijou Touma such a bad constitution?

Fantasy Killer is fully responsible for this!

Lu Yi didn’t want to become like him, and he didn’t want to wipe out all his power.

All of Lu Yi’s power can be defined as the power of fantasy, and the fantasy killer erases the power of fantasy, which also leads to the fact that once the fantasy killer appears on Lu Yi’s body, all his abilities will inevitably be invalidated, Superman Ability terror has no chance of remaining.

From a strong man with a lot of power in the world, he transformed into a war five scum who can obliterate everything if he meets the conditions. Lu Yi has not yet prepared for this mentally.

The system seemed to see what Lu Yi was thinking, and said slightly contemptuously: “Host, you are thinking too much! This time you are doing a perfect extraction, not an ordinary extraction, and the ability will be optimized!

“Huh?” Lu Yi couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.

Hearing Kamijou Touma, Lu Yi focused all his attention on the flaw of Kamijou Touma’s fantasy killer, and really forgot about it.

Now, when the system mentioned it, Lu Yi immediately realized something.

“The shortcomings of Fantasy Killer are eliminated?” Lu Yi asked with wide eyes.

“Excluded, the old fantasy killer can obliterate all fantasy power, is not under any control of the host, it has always been turned on, and the range is only the distance from the fingertip to the wrist, the new and optimized fantasy killer is reserved. On the basis of the original power to obliterate all illusions, it began to be controlled by the host, and passive skills became active skills, and the scope also expanded to an entire arm!”

“Any more?

“The most important point is that the host controls the fantasy killer so that his power will not be obliterated. While using the fantasy killer, he also uses his own power that belongs to the fantasy power.

“I rub it, it looks so awesome!”

Lu Yi couldn’t help but let out a foul language. If that was the case, Lu Yi would not have to worry about some people in the future.

Just imagine how terrifying a Superman would be if the owner could remove all abilities of the enemy.

0- Ask for flowers…

Unless it is a special ability of the power type who can maintain the power forever, Lu Yi sees one obliterate one.

This perfection is simply not too perfect!

The only flaw is that until now, Fantasy Killer can only cover one arm. If it can cover the whole body, it is truly awesome.

In the future, Buddhas will block and kill Buddhas, and gods will block and kill gods!

“System, can’t the fantasy killer be covered all over the body?”

“No, Fantasy Killer is a magician’s cowardice and desire, one arm is the limit!”

“Anything else to say?”


“Fantasy Killer says it erases everything, but in fact it is just a world benchmark and a world restoration point, a backup of the world. Its essence is to restore the distorted world to its original state, which creates the illusion of erasing everything!”

“I know that, and it seems that Mephista can’t do it to such an extent!”

“Yes, this is actually the reason why Fantasy Killer is so powerful. It is a backup that restores everything to its original state! Well, without further ado, does the host immediately extract everything from Kamijou Touma?”

“Extract it!

Now that he knows the power of the new fantasy killer, there is nothing to hesitate, Lu Yi decisively chose to extract.

With the fall of Lu Yi’s voice, a very familiar warm current and an equally familiar information stream appeared in Lu Yi’s body and mind, making Lu Yi realize once again what is the double world of ice and fire.

Fortunately, Kamijou Touma was not an old monster. He only had more than ten years of memory, so the flow of information generated was naturally not particularly strong.

Lu Yi’s mind just had some tingling sensations, and it didn’t take long for this tingling sensation to disappear, and the only thing left was the warmth of the body.

After this warm current circulated in Lu Yi’s body, it all concentrated in Lu Yi’s right arm, making a deep transformation on Lu Yi’s right arm. people,

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