Chapter 163 About Fantasy Killer (2/5, please reward)

The warm flow appeared in Lu Yi’s right arm, and it carried out a deep transformation on Lu Yi’s right arm.

However, just as the transformation was about to be completed, Lu Yi seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly flew up from the ground and suspended in the air.

“Damn, I almost forgot, my right arm is not an ordinary arm now, if it touches anything on the ground, my residence will be finished!” Floating in the air, Lu Yi looked at his remodeled right hand , said happily.

Lu Yi’s house was transformed with the power of space magic, and Lu Yi’s right hand now holds the fantasy killer, which can obliterate all the power of fantasy. Has Mars hit the earth?

In case of encounter, the consequence is that the empty “seven-five-zero” magic in Lu Yi’s house is finished, and Lu Yi’s house is also finished.

Fortunately, before Mars hit the earth, Lu Yi realized it and was suspended in the air.

The warm current slowly disappeared, and the transformation was successfully completed. Lu Yi was suspended in the air, looking at his right hand and his body!

At the moment when the transformation was completed, Lu Yi’s body suddenly became quite transparent and accumulated in Lu Yi’s body. Those substances that hindered the operation of Lu Yi’s magic power were like snow under the scorching sun at this moment. , so it disappeared without a trace.

It was also at this moment that Lu Yi suddenly realized that his Ability restrained all power of fantasy, and the substance in his body that hindered the operation of magic power was also a kind of power of fantasy.

Since it is the power of fantasy, it is very easy to obliterate nature, and to obliterate these substances in an instant, so that Lu Yi’s magic can operate normally.

This is really a surprise!

Lu Yi’s magic can already be used, Superman’s Ability can also be used, and Gilgamesh’s Ability and current Ability, Lu Yi no longer has to worry about the next change.

According to Lu Yi’s current strength, there is no need to be particularly afraid even in the face of Dormammu, but if you want to fight against Dormammu’s attack and escape, there is no problem at all, you can follow up!

Thinking like this, Lu Yi didn’t start right away, it’s still too early for the real start!

Lu Yi pointed to his own left hand, with the palm facing up, a dagger made of magic power and extremely sharp, just appeared in Lu Yi’s palm.

Then, Lu Yi took the dagger in his hand without hesitation, and stabbed his right arm forcefully.


Lu Yi’s strength is absolutely guaranteed, a forceful stab will bring huge amounts of wind pressure, the strong wind Roars, blowing Lu Yi’s clothes, making Lu Yi’s clothes rattle.


The dagger in Lu Yi’s hand stabbed Lu Yi’s arm, and with a special sound, the dagger in Lu Yi’s hand turned into the most basic particles and dissipated.

However, there was still a special feeling on Lu Yi’s arm. The feeling of being stabbed, although not particularly strong, still existed.

The edge brought by Lu Yi’s power pushing the magic upper head did not disappear because of the disappearance of the magic upper head, it still existed after the magic upper head disappeared, and then acted on Lu Yi’s arm.

“Sure enough, secondary physical damage is not immune!” Lu Yi felt the special feeling coming from his arm, but said indifferently.

The secondary physical damage is other damage caused by the attack, such as the flying stone set off by the explosion. Such an attack cannot be immune, and if it hits the body, it will also be injured.

The reason why Kamijou Touma is so powerful even though he has Fantasy Killer is not because of this reason.

When Kamijou Touma removed his fantasy killer, he was almost an ordinary person. It would be very troublesome for him to be hit by secondary physical damage. This was Kamijou Touma’s weakness.

It would be very troublesome for him to face such a situation.

But Lu Yi is completely different. Lu Yi’s Superman Ability ensures that he will never encounter the same situation as Kamijou Touma, he can withstand secondary physical damage.

He didn’t particularly care about this, so he just didn’t care.

Looking at his right arm, Lu Yi is very satisfied, using Fantasy Killer on the basis of maintaining the original Superman power, I am afraid many people will die.

Driven by the terrifying speed of Lu Yi Superman Ability, there are very few people who can dodge his right hand and not be caught by his right hand.

“When Dormammu comes, you may be able to compete with him, but before that, there is one more thing you need to pay attention to!”

Behind Lu Yi, a golden spear appeared on his right hand, and he grabbed it in his hand.

But it was precisely because of this grab that the golden spear suddenly dimmed, and the magic power fluctuations on the spear body disappeared completely, just like an ordinary spear.

Then, Lu Yi threw the spear to his left hand, and the light of the spear recovered again, as if the previous dimness was just an illusion.

Lu Yi retracted the spear, raised his right hand, and the magic power was running. On the right hand, a small magic circle appeared, and an orange flame was released from the magic circle.

“I have no problem with the things that are related to fantasy and fantasy inside, and it is useless to even have a little bit of external and fantasy, but this point needs to be paid attention to!”

Lu Yi showed a contemplative expression and began to think about what to do in the future.

This thought takes a lot of time.

The final result of thinking is that it is better not to use weapons when using fantasy killers, otherwise there is no point at all.

This is also the way 1.5 can’t do it!

After deciding the most crucial thing, Lu Yi did not continue the experiment, ended everything, disappeared from his residence, and a teleportation appeared outside the earth, in the universe.

In the next few days, Lu Yi has to work hard to prepare for the battle, to absorb the radiation of the sun and strengthen himself within the limit of his Ability, that is, in the place closest to the sun.

As for how to monitor Kamar-Taj these days, Lu Yi is not worried at all, his eyes and ears are the best monitoring tools, and compared to monitoring close to them, there is basically no possibility of being discovered. No one would have imagined that there would be a pair of eyes and an ear monitoring themselves in the sky.

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