Chapter 470 Disgusting Woman (4/5, Please Customize)

Here is the school where the little naughty once lived and studied for a period of time, even if the little naughty has no friends because of his own ability, but the little naughty has some acquaintances here.

Although the little naughty skin has become more white and tender now, and the momentum has become more aggressive, and has changed a lot, but on the way to Professor X’s office, he was recognized.


A slightly suspicious voice sounded from behind the three of them.

The three of them heard the voice and looked behind them, but just happened to see a girl who had passed by the three of them just now stopped with a suspicious look on her face, and was standing behind them. It was she who was speaking just now. .

“Lilith, is that you?” said the little naughty in surprise.

This Lilith was one of the people the little naughty knew here.

“It’s me, long time no see!” Lilith looked at the little naughty in surprise.

“It’s been a long time, but why do you look at me like that?” The little naughty asked inexplicably.

Lilith’s eyes are really a bit strange, even if she has been away for a long time, it should not be like this.

“Nothing, nothing! I’m just curious. I heard Iceman Poppy say that you left him because of disfigurement and traveled around the world! I didn’t expect you to be 900 healed now. Did you go for plastic surgery?”

It was only at this time that Xiao Naughty remembered that she was indeed disfigured at the beginning, and it was also because of her disfigurement that she completely saw what kind of person Iceman Poppy was, and chose to leave him and fall into Lu Yi’s arms.

It’s pretty much what Lilith said, but what happened to the so-called Poppy who left Iceman to travel the world?

“Iceman told you that I took the initiative to leave him and go to the world?” The little naughty said with a gloomy face.

“It’s not wrong, isn’t it?” Lilith said to the little naughty in confusion.

“Definitely not, it’s him, forget it, there is no need to explain, everything is over!”

The little naughty has completely forgotten Poppy, and the idea of ​​​​explaining was dismissed by herself as soon as she came up. What’s the point of entangled in these? She already has a better boyfriend who can accompany her for the rest of her life.

“Did something happen between you that we don’t know about?” Lilith asked gossip.

“Nothing (abbfj!” Little Naughty didn’t want to talk too much about it, so perfunctory Lilith said.

“Speak and listen to satisfy my curiosity!” Lilith was a little reluctant, and suddenly seemed to have discovered something, and said with surprise on her face: “Hey, Bobby is here! Exactly, you can Chat face to face!

Having said that, she started calling Bobby again.

Poppy, “Here! Look who’s coming!” Lilith shouted to a person walking from a distance, looking like she was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

And this person who came from a distance was none other than the naughty ex-boyfriend Poppy.

The little naughty also followed Lilith’s line of sight to see Poppy constantly coming. She thought that some anger would rise in her heart, but she found that she thought too much.

Looking at Poppy who came, there was no turbulence in the little naughty heart, and his heart was like still water, unusually calm.

Little Naughty saw Poppy, and Poppy also saw Little Mischievous because he was alarmed by Lilith’s shout, but compared to Little Mischief’s calmness, a burning anger rose in his heart.

This group of anger burned even more violently when it saw Lu Yi standing beside the little naughty.

“Bitch!” Poppy cursed in a very low voice.

Poppy’s voice was so low that the people standing beside him might not be able to hear it, but Lu Yi, Wanda, and the little naughty three who were savvy and perceptive, all of them wrinkled when they heard the vicious language in his mouth. He frowned, killing intent blooming toward Poppy.

Poppy instantly felt the infinite malice from the three of them, the blood circulation almost stopped, and after a while of darkness, he fell into an illusion like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Standing not far from Poppy, the three Lu Yi were no longer human in Poppy’s eyes, but a demon standing on top of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, staring at him as if they were discussing how to kill them. He is normal.

In an instant, Poppy lost control of his body, his body was stiff, his hair stood on end, and he was sweating coldly.

“Poppy, what’s wrong with you?” Lilith asked suspiciously, looking at Poppy in this state.

The killing intent of the three Lu Yi was aimed at Poppy alone, and the other people didn’t feel the killing intent at all, so it was only him who became what he is now, and that’s why Lilith was puzzled.

However, thanks to Lilith’s questioning inquiries, Poppy was awakened by her from the illusion and escaped from the sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Poppy was rescued by Lilith, but no one rescued Lilith.

Lilith, a gossipy, disgusting woman, was completely blacklisted by Lu Yi, Wanda, and the little naughty three people. Her affection for Lilith reached a negative value. If she didn’t kill her directly, she didn’t want to destroy the film. A peaceful atmosphere prevailed.

“Nothing!” Poppy said cautiously after looking at the three of Lu Yi in shock.

After speaking, turn around and leave this place of right and wrong.

He is not stupid, and he will not continue to stay here when he knows that Lu Yi and the three of them have murderous intentions towards him.

“What are you going to do? Your girlfriend is back, and her skin has been healed. Now you have a chance. Wouldn’t it be better to get back together?” Lilith was disgusted again.

When encountering this kind of person, including Bobby, they are all drunk, and they really have no eyesight. They can’t help but want to kill her.

Definitely. Among them, Poppy just thought about it, he didn’t have the courage, and he didn’t have this ability.

Lu Yi and the others had them, and they immediately moved their hands. A magic circle appeared in each of Little Naughty and Wanda’s hands, and they subconsciously wanted to kill the disgusting Lilith.

However, Lu Yi used Psychokinesis to stop him at the end.

Wanda and the little naughty looked at Lu Yi suspiciously, they couldn’t help themselves, they didn’t believe that Lu Yi would hold back.

And then, the facts also proved that Lu Yi really couldn’t hold back, a crimson beam of light suddenly shot from a distance, hit Lilith impartially, and split Lilith into pieces.

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