Chapter 471: On the Benefits of Standing on the Position (5/5, please customize)

Lilith was torn apart like a watermelon in front of countless people, and red, blue, and purple colorful things splashed around.

Lu Yi, Wanda, and the little naughty three were better. They used their respective abilities to build a transparent wall immediately, blocking all the minced meat, and the others couldn’t.

Especially Poppy, who was sprayed with a dog’s blood directly on his head, the minced meat was covered all over him, and there was even an intestine hanging on Poppy’s shoulder.

“Ah ah..

Poppy was taken aback in an instant, screaming in his mouth, constantly slapping his body, wanting to slap off the minced flesh on his body, and constantly jumping like a monkey.

However, no one is paying attention to these now, including Lu Yi, all three of them have focused their attention on the sky not far away.

There, there are more than ten helicopters, and there is a rectangular metal coffin under each helicopter, as if something important is preserved.

The three Lu Yi, who knew the truth, knew that what was inside was nothing else, it was the Sentinel that they were here for, when they met the disgusting Lilith, the Sentinel just arrived.

And one of them seems to want to announce their appearance, aiming at Lilith, wanting to use Lilith’s death to signal their arrival.

Lu Yi noticed this just now, so instead of letting Wanda and Xiao Taoist kill Lilith, he let Lilith be killed by Sentinel.

Lu Yi has never been a person who likes to endure humiliation and burden, so Lilith eventually died, on the premise that any of them can save her.

It’s so frustrating!

“What did you do?” Little Naughty asked curiously, not knowing this.

“Would you believe me if I said no?”

“Believe, there are ghosts!”

This sentence was not said by a little naughty. The person who said it was Wanda. After saying this, he rolled his eyes and gave Lu Yi an expression like I believe you are a ghost.

Well, no one believes the truth these days.

But it doesn’t matter, anyway, don’t bite if you have too much, don’t worry about too much debt, misunderstandings are misunderstood!

Lu Yi turned the attention of Wanda and Naughty to the constantly approaching Sentinel, watching them gradually descend.

Sentinel is constantly close to the school, panic is brewing in this school, and all the Mutants have to turn their attention to Sentinel.

From this moment on, everyone’s attention and eyes were on Sentinel, until a familiar voice appeared in the minds of the Mutants.

“All students evacuated to safety!”

This voice is not someone else’s voice, it is Professor X’s voice.

After his voice appeared, Mutant students who were willing or unwilling, panicked or not, all quickly evacuated to the interior of the study.

In less than half a minute, all of them disappeared.

At the scene, only Lu Yi, Wanda, the little naughty three people and the X-Men who rushed out of the school were left.

“Little naughty?” The wolf who had just rushed out of King Kong immediately saw the little naughty and shouted in confusion.

Although the little naughty has changed a lot, it has not been able to hide Wolverine, the Beast’s extremely powerful intuition.

The little naughty also saw Wolverine and smiled at Wolverine, indicating that it was indeed him, and then turned his attention to Sentinel, who had begun to appear and descend from the metal coffin.

However, Wolverine also knew that it was not a good time to catch up, and didn’t care too much about the little naughty’s actions, and also looked at Sentinel who started to land.

The Sentinels that landed looked unusually tall, each about three meters in length, shimmering with silver-white light, and looked full of sci-fi colors. Although they did not show any weapons, no one dared to look down on them.

Seeing that he had already descended in front of him, and obviously activated Sentinel, all the X-Men’s faces were not particularly good-looking, especially Professor X, whose face was as pale as a piece of white paper.

0- Ask for flowers…

Professor X knew about Sentry’s plan from the very beginning, and he also knew how strong Sentry was. Naturally, he was more worried and even fearful than the average person.

“Sentinel still showed up, but unfortunately I can’t help!” Professor X muttered to himself.

His Ability is Mind Ability, which has no effect on robots at all, and even only becomes a burden.

“But fortunately, someone who can help is here!” Professor X looked at Lu Yi, who was standing aside quietly watching everything happen, his face became much better.

He can’t help himself, but Lu Yi can, even Lu Yi alone can solve all Sentry, as long as Lu Yi thinks, he has nothing to worry about, and his face is naturally much better.


Professor X is rejoicing for the arrival of Lu Yi, and is happy! On the other side of the United States, in a secret place, someone is afraid, in this room full of electronic instruments and some sanctimonious people, there is silence.

These are all because of Lu Yi, but because of their different positions, they have different attitudes and ideas. Professor X is happy because he is on Lu Yi’s side. Those who are sane are afraid and silent, but it is because They are on the opposite side of Lu Yi.

And now, this group of people who are on the opposite side of Lu Yi is starting to suffer!

“What are you afraid of? There is no turning back when you open the bow. Now that you have made a decision and started taking action, do you think it is useful to regret now? Will he let us go?” where he was, shouting at the people around him.

“Old James is right, he will not let us go, from the moment we decided to ignore Lu Yi’s integration of the earth’s resources, rob Mutant under his protection, and continue to study Sentinel, we have no way out! Now it is in front of us. There is only one way, keep going! Only in this way will we have a chance! Another person stands up and says.

His words were good, but it would have been better if the trembling voice could be ignored. people,

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