Marvel's King

Chapter 105

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"So I am actually the god of evolution now?"

Feeling the extra godhead in his body that looked like an organ and a tool, Royce felt relieved.

The goods received this time are too big.

First, he understood the attitude of Olympus and Zeus towards him, and then he was formally promoted to a god and gained such a powerful godhead.

Royce's power of evolution is not powerful in a single battle.

The power of evolution can cause a life form to evolve rapidly, or it can cause a life form to rapidly degenerate.

If it is used on a person, it can degenerate into a single cell, or directly allow him to evolve into a strange field of consciousness and become a free state.

The same applies to a planet, and even a plane can be used successfully, because this is something similar to rules.

Of course, this thing is not invincible. When encountering those who are extremely determined, this method is completely useless, because the will can make life transcend the rules.Those who are too powerful will not be affected by this power, or that the impact is not large.

But this thing is deadly for people who rely on getting power from somewhere, such as Hela who wants to get energy from Asgard.

It can easily degrade your energy manipulation methods to a small degree.

"It looks like you are in good shape?"

Royce was fascinated by the control of the new energy, and a voice suddenly entered his ears, the voice of Gu Yi.

Royce opened his eyes, restrained, and smiled and said, "Are you in a hurry?"

"I'm fine, but the demons can't wait."

Gu Yi looked calm, as if nothing happened.

"How is it going?"

Royce unintentionally tore through Gu Yi's disguise, and the two are no longer the kind of relationship that can joke like old friends.

Gu Yi's eyes moved slightly, then returned to normal, smiled lightly, and said, "It's a bit critical, when are you going to come back?"

With a swish, Royce in front of Gu Yi disappeared. She shook her head and said, "How come out and become so naughty?"

Then he retracted the astral projection, sleeping in Kama Taj's body and opened his eyes.

Royce was indeed in front of him, but his appearance obviously scared the mages of Kama Taj. Several of them even released spells.

But Royce didn't care at all. Seeing Gu Yi opened his eyes, he said, "Are you ready? Let's go to their plane when you are ready, I don't want to fight them on Earth."

Gu Yi was taken aback, smiled appreciatively, and said, "I like your proposal very much, but don't you go and see your friends first? They are having difficulties."

"Oh? Is that so? I'll go and see."


Royce has been away for more than a month, and Hill has been busy.

First, after the successful election of Tony, he was eager for quick success and quick success and wanted to directly integrate the Ministry of Defense and SHIELD, which made Congress very dissatisfied.

In addition, if Royce is not there, he will be arrogantly stumbling, and political methods will not be mentioned. After all, it is normal to be attacked in that place.

But American politicians can do more than this.Qiankun Listening Book Network

Didn't Royce say that they are at odds with all wars?

Then we will create wars all over the world.

Because Royce is too arrogant, almost all the developed countries have agreed to this plan, and also released public opinion in the world to reduce Royce's prestige.

And took the opportunity to attack Tony, saying that he was inaction, saying that he was useless.

On the other hand, Bruce Banner also left S.H.I.E.L.D. because of the inability of SHIELD to protect him after Royce was gone, causing him to be harassed by the American government and impatient.

It is reported that the last time he appeared was in Venezuela, but it was another him who appeared and caused two serious injuries and one death.

By the way, Carrie also did something wrong. When she was shopping with the ghost, she saw the American government released the trust to belittle Royce. Still not awake, Carrie is now being "imprisoned" in SHIELD.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. will not be threatened by any party. Superpowers should be responsible for crimes committed by S.H.I.E.L.D.. It has nothing to do with your FBI, do you understand?

After Hill finished speaking, he hung up violently.

An agent opened the door at this time with a smile on his face, causing Hill's anger to rush directly to his forehead.

"Is there anything you should be happy about? Say it, and say it makes me happy too."

The agent is a blonde girl with braids. After being fierce by Hill, she flattened her mouth a little bit aggrievedly, and then made a way to reveal Royce behind her.

"Yo, Hill, what's the matter with you? Why are you so angry? Did your aunt come to see you?"

Royce's face is a little frivolous, after all, Hill is always so funny when he gets angry.

Hill stood up with a little surprise, but he said, "Oh, why are you busy people coming to me today? I thought you couldn't come back after going out to play."

"Ah, where did you learn this? Why are you so yin and yang? How are you doing? How is your body? Do you need me to treat you?"

Royce naturally saw that Hill was extremely exhausted and his physical condition was not very good, but Hill had a strong sense of autonomy. It would be okay if Royce ordered her to do something, but she would treat her directly without asking. Then she would definitely turn his face against him.

Hill finally put down the pretense and showed his exhaustion, but did not talk about the treatment, but took out a stack of documents and pushed them to Royce.

"Let's take a look, there were a lot of troubles after you left, I hope you can settle them."

The first is the global wars that have caused many small countries to fall into dire straits.

"Hey, have you found out the root cause of the war in these countries?"

Hearing Royce’s question, Hill pushed a copy of the document he had prepared long ago, saying: “Except for two or three idiots who took the opportunity to fight with neighboring countries, most of the others were caused by threats or economic turmoil. During the civil war, most of the latter were members of Congress and a few members of the council. It seems that they are showing their dissatisfaction with you."

Royce sneered, flicked the file, and said, "Then don't let them exist. Did I let you infiltrate the council before?"

Hill shrugged and said, "So-so, it depends on how well you want to do it."

"Replace it?"

Hill shook his head lightly, and Royce asked again, "Gobble it up?"

This time Hill nodded confidently and said: "If you believe in our agent's ability, you can do it now, but you may be counterattacked. Are you ready?"

"Of course, you do it, I have to tell those idiots first, their Lord Royce is back."

Royce smiled coldly and left with the document of war information.


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