Marvel's King

Chapter 106 President: Where did he let me go?

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In a certain country in the Middle East, the American garrison that was originally stationed here, has withdrawn and returned, is fighting "terrorists".

These "terrorists" are not really terrorists, but people who are forced by the US military to take up guns to resist the government.

Under the rain of bullets from the US military, these people lay fearfully behind the dunes, but even so, many people were still killed by bombs falling from the air.

"Allah bless, bless my family to be safe, bless my life to be redeemed, bless... Hey, why is it dark?"

A skinny man who was praising God and praying to Allah suddenly felt a chill on his face. When he looked up, he was covered by a cloud of rain in the desert that never rained all the year round.

But the next moment he understood, it's not just rain clouds.


A flash of lightning suddenly descended, slamming on the US military garrison.

The powerful current did not flow directly through the sand to the ground, but released a huge amount of energy, causing an explosion.

The ostrich-like "terrorists" were trembling, and they all looked at each other incredulously when the gunfire seemed to have stopped.

The skinny man who had witnessed everything suddenly stood up and shouted: "It is Allah who saved us! Those demons have been punished by Allah!"

Royce in the clouds frowned insignificantly, but did not come down to explain, and turned to another battlefield.

At the same time, thunderclouds also appeared over Washington, D.C., United States, which obscured the sky, but there were only flashes of lightning and roaring thunder, but no rain.

This situation makes the members of Congress panic. There is always a feeling that Royce is coming back to find them to settle accounts, but he is afraid to ask for verification, for fear of getting bad news.

The same goes for London, Paris and other cities.

When Fury got the news, he was focusing on restoring Captain America's job.

After reading the report, he laughed and said, "Hahaha, see how these idiots end up!"

Tony sitting depressed in his office also heard thunder outside the window. This was originally a very common natural phenomenon, but he just heard some unique movements.

"It's not that guy back, Jarvis, can you make a reservation for me?"

Jarvis quickly gave the search results.

Unlike in the past, this time the screen did not display the words "Unacceptable signal", but a coordinate.

Tony relaxed, poured himself a glass of wine, and said, "Huh, that guy is back, he can finally relax me."

Carrie, who stayed alone in the room, was playing with her fingers boringly. She has been "closed" here since the last time. She is delicious and delicious, and she wants everything, but she just can't leave the Sanqu Wing Building. ten kilometers.

At this time, the room she was in was changed from a large living room to a bedroom, which contained everything.

Hill knocked on the door, and Carrie said casually, "Come in, the door is unlocked."

Hill came in with two ice creams with a relaxed look, handed Carrie one, sat beside her and said, "Do you miss Royce?"

Carrie took a bite of the ice cream, looked at Hill, pouting, "No, not at all."

"Really? Then I'll tell him not to come to your side in a hurry, there are still a lot of things to do."

Hill licked the ice cream and said with a smirk.

Carrie was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head in surprise, and took Hill's hand and said, "Is Royce back? Where is he? I'm going to find him!"

"He said that he will come here in a while, just to give us some time to dress you up, I believe you don't want to dress like this to meet him?"

Hill deliberately used a seductive tone and took out a small white skirt.

Carrie's face changed and she said with a flat mouth: "He never pays much attention to this. Every time I take me out to buy clothes, Sister Angelica will help me pick it out. Sister Angelica will also order for me when I go out to eat. , He doesn’t even know what I like to eat or play, I..."

There was a bit of resentment in Carrie's words, which made Hill feel distressed.

She hugged Carrie, who was only nine years old, and comforted: "I don't know how to defend Royce, but I believe that he didn't notice these things. Royce is a very careless person, but I believe He cares about you very much. You have to tell him these situations so that the gap between you can be resolved, do you understand?" Nuancai Literature Network

Carrie actually understood it, but every time it came to her lips, she couldn't say it.

After telling Hill about the problem, Hill's eyes rolled and he thought about it.

The best way to resolve the war is to defeat one of them, and Royce just has this strength.

Dozens of wars ceased under the ravages of Royce, and the forces of the Allied military suffered a tragic impact.

After receiving the news, the heads of state gathered on the Internet and started a video call.

Ying locust: "What to do?"

Gallic Chicken: "I don't know."

Beautiful country: "What do you want to do?"

Gallic Chicken: "I really don't know, I want to surrender."

Jewish: "Bah! Shameless people will surrender!"

Gallic Chicken: "Then what do you say!"

Jewish: "I don't know."

Beautiful country: "Don't make a noise, don't make a noise, quickly come up with a charter."

Ying locust: "I have no idea, listen to you, what do you say?" (Inner heart: you are the boss, you rush at you, I just need to do some small actions in the back.)

Gallic Chicken: "Listen to you, listen to you." (Inner heart: It's okay, anyway, I'm going to surrender, whatever you want.)

Judea: "Listen to you, listen to you, and do what you say." (Inner heart: Brother, if you say something, I will send out the nuclear bomb! Fuck him, fuck him!)

Beautiful country: "emmm, hold on to your troops first, and act according to the situation." (Inner heart: MMP, I can't help you with him, otherwise I would have done it a long time ago, and I still need your stinky brothers? Waste!)

Pretty country disconnected.

Jewish: "Spicy Chicken!"

Kosher disconnected.

The Gallic Queen realized: "Who are you scolding! Disgusting, isn't it?"

Ying locust: "It's okay, it's okay, you can send some masters to their country."

The Gallic Chicken realized once again: "Which color country do you scold?"

Ying Locust disconnected.

A three disconnected.

The Gaul Chicken realized after another time: "Eh? Ah San is there? Are you gone? Alright, alright."

Gaul chicken disconnected.

As soon as the President of the United States finished the video communication, his assistant walked in from outside, his dark face full of dissatisfaction and fear.

The president knew what he wanted to say just by looking at his face, and took the lead: "Is that person found?"

The assistant nodded, trying to say something, but was interrupted by the president reaching out.

The president smiled helplessly, turned his head and looked out the window, and said, "Do you tell me that we have the ability to resist?"

Hearing the president's disheartened question, the assistant dropped his head blushing.

"Forget it, let's go, where does he let me go?"

"The Capitol, sir."


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