Marvel's King

Chapter 107 Although what you said makes sense, I don't want to listen, bastard! Oh oh...

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Huh, I thought you weren't going to come back. Seriously, I knew it would be so troublesome to be Minister of Defense. I would never follow your advice."

After Tony and Royce met, they began to feel bitter, as if Royce had forced him to go.

Royce tilted his head back, looked at Tony carefully, and said in doubt: "I see you are radiant, I don't feel you are uncomfortable."

Tony laughed and put his arms around Royce's shoulders and said, "Hahaha, of course, you really don't know how cool it will be to become Minister of Defense, hahaha."

"I'm not interested in knowing, are they all here? My evidence is ready, but don't let me rush."

Tony smiled scornfully, and said with contempt: "Of course they are here, but they are all my'please' come over!"


The Congress, which is usually noisy like a vegetable market, is unusually quiet today.

More than a dozen of them are like sitting on pins and needles, trembling, conscientious, and proficient in diligence and playfulness. No, what am I talking about?

Anyway, I was panicked.

No, it was panicked.

These people are the representatives introduced by capital. Behind everyone is a large consortium, which has a pivotal position in the United States.

It is also the things that the people behind them ask them to do. Of course, they want to do it themselves. After all, when their rights are threatened, no one will resist.

But now they think about what kind of treatment they will receive and what consequences they will accept.

"I, I don't want to die, woohoo."

A congressman couldn't bear the fear anymore, sobbed, and confided to a person around him who was in his state.

The man’s condition was also extremely bad, but he calmly comforted the man and said, “It’s okay. We are a member of Parliament. Without the president’s order, he can’t cure our sins, let alone he has no evidence.”

"I don't think he needs to cure our sins, oooooo..."

"You make sense, but don't say anything at this time, asshole! Uuuuu..."

Then the two of them held their heads and cried together, causing some people to laugh in their hearts. At the same time, they were glad that the consortium behind them was not that stupid.

Royce saw an extremely dramatic scene when he arrived.

The congressmen are sitting in distress, but there is a beautiful landscape among them. A group of people are tearing their eyes and forcibly smirking. A group of people are sad. If they yell at this time, they will be especially like a pig knowing that they are going to be killed. .

"Wow, when I came the other day, you weren't like this."

Royce can't speak here, and the procedure that should be followed still needs to be followed. So it was Tony who came up to the irony, but in this aspect of irony, Tony is definitely better.

The people underground couldn't help it, and sneered.

Tony caught someone, pointed at him and said, "Hey, do you remember what they were doing when I spoke here last time?"

The man probably didn't expect that he would be caught, so he coughed awkwardly and said, "Uh, Mr. Stark, to be honest, I forgot."

Tony laughed, and the second sarcastic attack came: "Hey, look, see, do these people cry so powerfully? I knew I cried last time, maybe that would make you sympathize with me. Hahaha.

But I don't need it this time. I found an adult who can make them cry like a five-year-old. Gentlemen, don't you welcome Royce?"

All of these people were disgusted, but they had to applaud, and the thieves were excited, but they were sad.

Royce naturally didn't want to let these people go easily. Seriously, if he wasn't worried that he would create greater turmoil if he didn't make progress step by step, he would want to directly suppress this so-called parliament and control the authority of the United States.Interesting reading novel

Then some people have to ask, turmoil is turmoil, can't it be suppressed by force?

The turmoil here is not a military turmoil. There is no country on earth. No, all countries plus one piece are not enough for Royce to see.

But what about economic turmoil?

The damage caused by the economic collapse is far greater than the damage caused by armed unrest.

You can conquer him in armed turmoil, but after the economic collapse, countless speculators will create economic storms around the world.

If at this time major consortia, rich people, and even the state invest funds to disrupt the market, it will really be a disaster. I don't know how many people will die.

Is it really necessary to overthrow all the original economic foundations and economic concepts, rebuild everything, and return to the original?

That being the case, why not be gentle, at least there is no need to rebuild after the disaster, anyway, no one can resist the wave that Royce will promote, even if there is, they will eat and drink in Royce's means of transferring contradictions, and stop doing it. thing.

At that time, everything is in Royce's hands. Isn't it easy to get them?Why bother to find sin for yourself at this time?

Royce stood up to accept the cheers of the crowd, a girl smiled on his face, but his eyes were full of contempt, which made some people panic.

Ugh!Not!what do you mean!Really think we are the meat on the felt board?Even if I am!Believe it or not, I will be too old for you to bite!

This is the inner thoughts of the MPs.

Royce didn't care how they looked at the same enemy, and just sat back in his seat.

Tony lowered his head and smiled again, and after a long laugh, he straightened his back, took out a piece of paper, and said: "Next, I will announce the charges against some congressmen who abused power to provoke war congressmen. I hope Mr. President can listen carefully.

The first one is Sovereign Clarkson."

A bald man in a suit stood up, pointed at Tony and said, "You, you, you nonsense! You are born out of nothing, you, you are in the dark, you are fabricating out of thin air, out of imagination!"

Tony waved his hand indifferently and said, "Don't struggle, I have your recordings here, and the receipts you issued to the Middle East countries for the weapons you purchased. You won't even think that any arms company will offend you because of you. Us?"

The atmosphere of self-danger in the parliament boiled over, and many people stood up and began to abuse, but more of them were crying in horror.

Several people even threw their shoes on.

Everything was restored to its original state, and it was as chaotic as a vegetable market.

Royce left after listening to it for a while. Anyway, he only needs to show up, and he can't use him for other tasks, nor can he.

At the entrance of S.H.I.E.L.D., Carrie was wearing a little white dress with a flower head woven on her head, and she was sitting on a chair wearing a pair of little white sandals. A pair of little white legs swayed, her face full of happiness and expectation.

Royce appeared before her.

Xiao Nizi was shocked, then yelled happily, and rushed forward.

"Royce! You are finally back!"

"Yeah, did you miss me? Huh? I miss you very much. You don’t know that Angelica and I went wrong many times after we went to outer space. With our spacesuit, I don’t know where to put Angelica, but luckily you didn’t go.

And wailing..."

Seeing Carrie, Royce felt at home and realized that he had indeed been away for a while.

So he told her all the hardships and interesting things he encountered outside, making Carrie very happy.


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