Marvel's King

Chapter 166 War (2)

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Michael, who stopped Royce, was preparing to attack, but he saw Raphael being swallowed by the sun as far as he could.

Michael shouted in grief, and rushed to Royce when he lifted the holy sword.

Royce was dumbfounded: No, don't you see what your brother is doing, what are you doing in front of me?

But Royce was just talking about it. Seeing Michael coming at him, the Thunder Sword that dropped from the air suddenly appeared in his hand.


The Holy Sword collided with the Thunder Sword, exploding a ball of sparks, and the mutual reaction force bounced the two back instantly.

Royce flicked the Thunder Sword down in the air, and a thunder and lightning appeared out of nowhere, and the venting energy offset the recoil.

Michael's approach is exactly the same as Royce, except that the holy sword in his hand is wielding flames.


But after all, it was Royce who took a quick step. After adjusting his figure, holding the sword was a straight stab.

Michael heard the voice and hurriedly raised his head, but the tip of the sword had reached him.In a panic, Michael could only raise his holy sword to resist. He was originally planning to take advantage of the situation to fight back, but now it seems that Royce's combat skills are not inferior to him, and may even be stronger than him.

As the number one master in the kingdom of heaven, Michael naturally would not be easily killed by Royce.

Michael deliberately did not use the blade to block Royce's attack, but instead used a point above the hilt. This is the heaviest part of the holy sword, and... it is also the easiest place to counterattack.

With all his strength, he was able to withstand Royce's attack.

Michael shouted, "Gabriel!"


As soon as the words fell, a white shadow suddenly rushed out, kicked Michael's holy sword, and kicked the wide blade of the holy sword towards Royce.

Michael also hurriedly urged the holy sword, and a sacred flame soaring to the sky rose to attack Royce, like a bamboo.

Royce noticed something was wrong the first time Gabriel appeared, and the Equus shield in his hand was already raised.

At this time, the monstrous holy fire masterpiece was completely absorbed by this Eguis shield.

Seeing that his moves had no effect, Michael hurried back with his sword, but found that his holy sword couldn't move.

Looking down, the Thunder Sword actually jammed the sword grid of the Holy Sword at a strange angle.

Michael looked up in amazement, Royce's palm had already passed the holy sword and was about to stick to his face.

The throbbing lightning in his palm crackled, causing pain in his ears, and his hearing was somewhat affected.

But that is not important anymore, Michael has a feeling in his heart that if this lightning strikes him, he will undoubtedly die.

Seeing that the angel's life was about to be taken by himself, Royce suddenly felt his feet being pulled.

No, at this time, is there any way to pull the hind legs?

Royce's gesture of extending his hand did not cancel, and took advantage of the momentum to lower his head and glanced at it. Underneath it was Mephisto holding a handful of energy rushing up, and it was Carrie who was holding him.

With his brain quickly calculating, Royce knew that he would be attacked by Mephisto after detonating the lightning and wounding the angel. At this time, he was being cursed by an unknown taboo, so he had to avoid the edge.

He grabbed Carrie's little hand and flew back.

"Why are you here? Go back to the battleship and stay."

Mephisto's attack failed, and he smiled sullenly and prepared to speak cruelly, but saw Roysty sneaking a little human girl teaching nonchalantly, and did not put him in his eyes.

Mephisto was furious, and the fel energy that had just dispersed in his hands gathered again, and shouted at Royce: "You are looking for death!"

With that said, the body has rushed out like a sharp arrow.

Royce didn't put Mephisto in his eyes at all. The energy in his hand was many times stronger than the holy fire released by the angel before, but his attack method was too single.

Royce just flashed slightly to the side, and evaded the angry Mephisto like a bullfighter.

Carrie said aggrievedly: "Royce, I see a lot of them hit you together, so I flew over, you let me stay here!"

Royce squeezed Carrie's face helplessly and said, "It's dangerous here. I'm not sure if I can be intact. You will only hold me back here, just like just now. Do you understand? ?"

At this time Angelica and Athena also flew up.

Angelica said out of breath: "The vitality of these angels is really tenacious, and I will be fine after a thermonuclear explosion."

Raphael, who had been swallowed by the small sun created by Angelica before, flew back to Michael and Gabriel in embarrassment, and confronted Royce and others in the sky.

The battlefield off the court was evenly matched. With Thor, a flightless bug and the main gods of Olympus, those demons could not break through the line of defense.

The pressure is now on Royce. If he can't defeat the enemy's high-end combat power, all the advantages of the ground battlefield will be wiped out.

"I knew I would resolve the matter here before resurrecting those people."

Royce said with some regret, he can now display at most half of his previous strength, even a large area of ​​sky thunder cannot be summoned, and the immortal power in his body cannot be fully mobilized, otherwise his body will be affected by the weirdness. The energy is crushed to collapse.

Angelika took out her queen scepter at this time and said, "It's okay. Give those angels to me and Athena. Go and clean up the traitor."

Royce also focused his attention on Mephisto, nodded solemnly, and said: "Okay, I will solve the battle as soon as possible. You should be careful not to hurt yourself. Their strength is not too strong. It’s similar to you, but they cooperate very well, try to separate them, and if possible, lead them to Sol."

After the order was over, Angelica, Athena, and Carrie, who had slipped out without Royce's attention, rushed out.

When Mephisto saw this, he knew that Royce wanted them to share the firepower, and he quickly took action to stop the actions of these people.

But Royce had already arrived in front of him.

"Last time you didn't make a lot of moves, let me see your strength this time."

Royce stabbed out with a sword, Mephisto felt a sharp sense, and quickly retreated, and heard such words when standing opposite Royce.

Mephisto didn't hide anymore, and his energy burst out, shattering his clothes, revealing a monster that looked a bit like Kil'jaeden, only in a cloak.

"You look very domineering, but I don't know if your strength is so strong."

Royce commented, holding aloft the Thunder Sword.

The lightning flashed on the Thunder Sword, and with Royce's slash, a lightning bolt burst out instantly and arrived in front of Mephisto in the blink of an eye.

Mephisto hurriedly condensed fel energy in his hand to make a shield to resist the lightning.

Although he had imagined as much as possible the power of this lightning, he still underestimated it.

The energy carried by the powerful current instantly shattered his shield and blew him out.

Royce was taken aback. The power of this lightning was just as powerful as Zeus's heyday, that is, the full blow of an ordinary heavenly father. How could Mephisto not even be able to stop it?Biquge Novel

This is Mephisto?

Mephisto's strength really does not stop there. He was defensive and prepared to counterattack just now.

He felt that he had overestimated Royce's strength as much as possible, but he didn't expect it to be underestimated.

After being knocked into the air by Royce, he hurriedly adjusted his body in the air using fel energy to prevent Royce from continuing to attack, but Royce was still standing there, laughing and watching him.

Mephisto was furious, and instantly got up and flew over, throwing a punch as he approached Royce.

Royce didn't want to entangle him any more, his wife and sister were still fighting with others over there.

So he swung the Thunder Sword vigorously, and the sharp blade cut a hole in the space and slashed it heavily on Mephisto's fel-wrapped hand.

The purple-black fel energy was directly shattered by the thunder. Mephisto's thumb broke with a click, and blood gurgled out.


Mephisto screamed in pain, Royce showed a happy expression, just ready to win the pursuit, who knows that everything before it turned out to be Mephisto's tricks.

He felt the killing intent from behind, but it was too late to turn around.


Mephisto's figure in front of her disappeared, but Mephisto behind her gradually became solid.

Royce felt a huge hammer on his back, and a force that could corrode internal organs penetrated his body through the pores.

Severe pain appeared from the inside of his body. Royce endured the pain and instantly turned around and slapped it on Mephisto. In Mephisto’s horrified expression, the overload of electricity instantly swept through his body, huge. The explosive force smashed his body to the ground again.

Royce wanted to take advantage of the victory, but his body didn't listen.

The immortal divine power in the body worked wildly, resisting the evil energy from corroding Royce's body, but because of this, it relaxed the resistance to the strange energy.

The strong pressure pressed Royce's skin and nerves, like the whole person was wrapped in a layer of plastic wrap, breathless.

Royce had to use the power of evolution he hadn't used for a long time to resist this energy and was able to breathe, but the fighter plane had been delayed, and Mephisto didn't know where he went.

The power of evolution cannot be easily used. This is the conclusion that Royce has drawn after intervening in the evolution of the planet several times. During that time, the power of evolution has been in riots, constantly colliding with the tissues in his body.

He even forcibly evolved his body. Before he knew it, his blood had been affected by the power of evolution and turned into a transparent color.

This frightened Royce and quickly closed the flow of evolutionary power. Now there is no way but to get it out again.

Royce, who was free, saw Mephisto disappear, and he didn't want to look for it. On the other side, Angelica and the others were not doing well.

Among the three, only Athena's fighter was taller, but that was the case, otherwise she would be the god of war, and she wouldn't have to be the number one goddess of war.

Gabriel, who was fighting with Angelica, suddenly raised the holy sword and raised his sword. Michael, who was fighting with Athena, flapped his wings. After throwing away Athena, he immediately attacked Angelica. Split the holy sword.

Angelica just raised the Queen's scepter to resist Gabriel's attack, but when she raised her eyes, Michael actually launched an attack on herself.

These two attacks really made Angelica find no way to resist, so she could only give up temporarily gaining the advantage of suppressing Gabriel, and stepped back to avoid the attack.

But at this moment, Raphael, who was fighting with Carrie, also flapped his wings to block Angelica's back.

Unlike Athena, how long Carrie and Hulk have been fighting together is a reckless word.

Seeing Raphael wanted to escape, Carrie kicked her feet, and the air suddenly exploded, and the energy produced shot Carrie out.

The spear that was less than 1.5 meters long in his hand was already raised before his body was close to Raphael.

Although Raphael's speed is not slow, but it is not as good as Carrie.

Having just arrived behind Angelika and preparing to attack, she suddenly found that her two compatriots were looking behind her in horror.

Raphael, who thought it was Royce's return to attack, hurriedly swung the holy sword back, but only cut into the air.

Carrie's spear arrived from below him at this time.

There was a soft sound.

Raphael felt a sharp pain in his lower body, and then the sharp pain pierced through his body from bottom to top, coming out of his shoulder.

"Do not!"

Previously, Raphael was not dead and Michael was excited for a while, but now...

Michael was full of grief and rushed with anger. The twelve wings behind his back lit up with a raging fire, rushing towards Carrie almost at the speed of light, and the killing intent was even more terrifying than on the battlefield below.

The holy sword in front of him also lit up with a lavender fire, as if it had raised a realm.

Carrie felt the scorching breath, and the little boots under her feet exploded with energy again, and bounced her out.

Michael wanted to chase as soon as he missed the shot, but suddenly he found his wings were pulled.

Looking back, it turned out to be Royce with a purple face.

Royce is suffering from extreme pain, both internally and externally in the body, which is painful.

This made his spirit tense and his emotions became extremely angry.

Royce had already discarded the Thunder Sword, and he pulled one of Michael's wings in each hand, and screamed, pulling it to both sides.


With two crisp sounds, Michael felt a great pain on his back, but with a scream, he found that he had two more wings caught by Royce.

Gabriel saw that Michael was under attack, and quickly attacked with the holy sword.

The Holy Sword slashed with an indomitable momentum, but Royce reached out and pinched it easily.

Thorny thorny.

Royce's palm was in contact with life, and he was roasted with a barbecue-like sizzle, but he didn't care at all, because every place on his body hurts more than this.

The hand holding the holy sword broke with force, and the sword body of the holy sword was broken in half.

"Go away!"

A loud shout followed, and Gabriel was still shocked, so he was shot upside down by the sound wave.

After being left undisturbed, Royce used the injured hand to pinch Michael's wing again.

After a series of shots, Michael was already out of shape. Not only did the wings on his back be pulled out by Royce, but he even had one of his arms and legs pulled off by Royce.

The wise angels who were watching the battle in the sky couldn't sit still, and quickly launched an attack.

For a time, the whole sky was occupied by angels. It was obviously white, but Royce saw the transparent black.


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