Marvel's King

Chapter 167 War (3)

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The angel who moved afterwards finally gave up the fisherman's thoughts of profit, and rushed down in a swarm.

Royce's combat power was greatly reduced because of the attack by Mephisto, and the remaining high-end combat power was like Thor and did not have the ability to air combat, and those with air combat ability were not very strong.

The situation became very unfavorable for a while.

Angelica looked at Royce with a dark face, panicked for a while, and hurriedly flew to his side.

But before he got close, he was blocked by a barrier made of energy.

Angelica looked up and saw that there seemed to be another face under Royce's face about to break out.

"Don't come here, you all go down, I'm going to get bigger."

Royce looked very difficult when speaking, and bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

Although Angelica was extremely worried, she did not choose to be at this moment. She grabbed Carrie who wanted to forcefully rush in to help Royce, and flew down with Athena.

Lelandra looked at the overwhelming angel army in the battleship, then looked at Royce, who was curled up into a ball and didn't know what he was doing. He gritted his teeth and stomped at the captain of the guard Chris and shouted: "Others Has the fleet still not found the wormhole leading here?"

Chris also looked anxious, lowered his head and said: "Your Majesty, they have sent a message. It seems that this is another plane, which cannot be transmitted by the Stargate."

Lilandra asked again: "How many rounds of shelling can the battleship energy fire?"

"Your Majesty, you can still fire twenty rounds, but the photon cannon can't break the armor of those monsters."

"It's okay, fight me up to the sky to stop their attack, no matter what Royce is doing, buy him some time."

After Lelandra finished speaking, Chris immediately relayed the order.

Boom boom boom boom!

With a volley of artillery fire, countless guns flew to the sky like rain, blocking the unstoppable army of angels in the sky above Royce.

The energy accumulated in Royce's palm also chose to explode at this time. The sky illuminated by the holy light was suddenly obscured by clouds, and countless thunder and lightning poured down instantly.

Every angel struck by lightning instantly lost his vitality, leaving only his broken body falling weakly.

The army of angels that had been flanked on both sides suddenly collapsed.

Gabriel, who had previously been stricken in the kingdom of heaven, suddenly appeared above the angels at this time. The holy sword went up and shouted at the angels below: "Guardian Angel! Fight against evil with me!"

The voice spread within the angel army, and some of the angels who heard Gabriel's command soon stood up.

These angels are wearing armor with six wings on their backs, and they are blazing angels with holy fire burning on their wings.

These blazing angels all sacrificed their holy swords and flapped their wings, flew to Gabriel's side, chanting poems in their mouths.

With the chanting of the poems, the holy light on these angels intensified, gradually propping up a huge light curtain above their heads.

The curtain of light perfectly sheltered the remaining angels. When these angels were grateful for the gift of God, a wise angel suddenly noticed Royce with his peripheral light.

"Be careful! He's here again!"

It turned out that Royce rushed up with the thunder sword holding up his face with a cold face. Behind him, there was a golden thunder dragon that was a thousand meters long. The thunder dragon seemed to have vitality. Seeing the angels looking at it, he made an angry cry Long Yin, shook the world.


The battlefield on the ground was also suppressed by this dragon roar. Whether it was a demon, a Spartan soldier, or the avengers, they all stared at the battlefield in the sky.

Clint suddenly came up with a sentence: "You said what would happen if that thing was directed at the earth?"

After listening to other people’s complexion, Angelica, who was worried about Royce’s safety, flew over and pinched Patton’s neck with an anger, and said in hatred: "If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you. !"

Others didn't expect Angelica to react so much and quickly pulled her away. At this moment, the soldiers and demons on both sides looked at each other for a while, and then fought again.

Suddenly, the sound of slaying rose again.

Seeing that Royce and the Thunder Dragon were about to rush into the wrong formation of the angels, Gabriel commanded in an orderly manner: "Don't panic! The Guardian of the Seventh Day will go out and fight. All the wise angels are preparing for the sealing technique. His plan is not It will succeed!"

Gabriel's order was not fully implemented this time.

The wise angels began to seal obediently, and bursts of dim holy light shone from the center of their eyebrows, gradually becoming brighter.

The wise angels are working hard to create a sealing technique, but the guardians of the 7th have lost the chain.

Randekiel and Barr looked at each other and at the same time took two steps back.

How powerful is the Thunder Dragon behind Royce that I really don't know?Isn't this going to be a dead end?

The two traitors retreated, and the other five angels didn't know, they rushed up for their teammates stupidly.

As wise angels, they don't have strong combat power, they can only chant spells and cast magic.

The holy light pierced through the clouds and shone on the Thunder Dragon's head, causing the Thunder Dragon to roar, but the momentum was even stronger.

Royce accelerated, Thunder Dragon followed with its teeth and claws, and arrived in front of the five guardians in an instant.

The guardians' complexions changed, fate, magic, and spells changed. Suddenly a big hand came out from the dark clouds and touched the top of Thunder Dragon's head.

Thunder Dragon's momentum stagnated, but it was only for a while.

The blocked Thunder Dragon roared, and opened its mouth to spit out a lightning bolt with a diameter of more than 20 meters, which directly penetrated the palm of the hand.

Without resistance, Thunder Dragon suddenly flew over Royce, rushed directly into the formation of the angels, and began the massacre.

The screams came and went one after another, and the wise angels who were making the seal technique were washed away and torn apart by the Thunder Dragon before they completed the seal. The sky was suddenly covered by scattered feathers, and the blood was sprayed, turning into a rain of blood and descending.

Royce stared at Gabriel in the sky, pinching two overloaded thunderballs in both hands.

Seeing that the formation of the angels was disrupted, Royce hurriedly accelerated, his whole body rushed up like a rocket, and immediately arrived in front of Gabriel.

But Royce stretched out his hand, even touching the feathers on Gabriel's wings, suddenly turned his head and patted his palms to the back.


Obviously it hit the air, but there was a loud noise.The shock wave after the energy burst directly dissipated the surrounding seraphs desperately resisting the thundercloud.

Even Gabriel was hit by the shock wave so far, and was about to come back to help, but the thunder that fell from the sky blocked his footsteps.

Gabriel, who was unable to go back in time, gave up the idea of ​​going back. Yu Guang saw the battlefield on the ground and gritted his teeth and rushed down.

He knew that this war had no hope of victory, so he had to make Royce pay the price, he had to avenge Michael and Raphael!

After Royce's overload hit the air behind him, the purple on his face slowly disappeared.Baolai Novel Network

The thunder and lightning in the hand accumulated again, forming a strange vortex in the sky, and the peculiar traction burst out from it, sucking all the creatures within a kilometer.

The air hit by Royce gradually faded from its transparent camouflage, revealing Mephisto's body.

Mephisto was overwhelmed and his whole body was numb, and finally recovered, only to find that he was pulled by an irresistible force, but he could speak.

Mephisto asked his question: "Aren't you eroded by my evil energy?"

Royce ignored him and stretched out his hand to cover Mephisto's Sky Spirit cover, and the power of evolution rushed into Mephisto's body like no money.

Mephisto only felt that his injury recovered instantly, and the energy in his body instantly became full. When he was wondering what was going on in Royce's brain, he suddenly realized that his body was beginning to appear strange.

A force majeure urged his body to age rapidly, and Mephisto could even feel the effects of aging.

He stretched out his hand full of power, but couldn't even lift his fingers, he entered a strange state of weakness.

Mephisto, who was feeling the feeling of powerlessness, hadn't seen the situation clearly. He thought that Royce could only do so much.

Unexpectedly, as Royce poured more and more energy into his body, his organs that would never fail began to fail.

Numerous diseases filled his body in an instant, but within three seconds, Mephisto became a useless person.

Royce took it easy, letting Mephisto fall to the ground, and then together with Thunder Dragon, destroyed the entire heavenly troops.

Just as he was about to attack the last angel, he suddenly felt a chill behind him.

When he turned his head, it turned out to be a skeleton demon with angel wings, it was Randekiel.

Ran De Gere held the contaminated holy sword in his hand and slashed straight at Royce.

Royce waved the Thunder Sword backhand.


A clear sword sounded, Randekiel was directly beaten into the air, and when he was about to continue, there was another chill in his back.

Royce guessed that it was the monster's replay of the old tricks, and he swung a sword casually, but he didn't expect that this time the Thunder Sword could not come back after the sword sounded again.

Royce looked back in surprise, but saw a ghost rider wearing a black leather jacket and sitting on a motorcycle.

"No, Johnny, why can your motorcycle fly?"

Although Johnny wondered why this man knew him, Royce's massacre of those angels made him subconsciously believe that Royce was indeed as bad as the angel who came to him said before.

So Johnny ignored Royce's problem at all, wrapped his hands around his chain, and pulled it hard, staggering Royce.

Royce is a little angry, why don't you come and beat people without asking questions?

Immediately, he pulled backhand and directly drew Johnny and the motorcycle to him.

Unexpectedly, this trick just fulfilled Johnny's wish...

Gabriel was holding a holy sword like a glancing eagle and pounced on the troops on the ground. At a glance, he saw Carrie who was gloomy on the battlefield, seven in and out of the demon pile, wings slammed, and galloping body once again Accelerating, arrived in front of Carrie in the blink of an eye.

But he underestimated Carrie's ability, as the main god of Olympus, if so weak, how could Royce allow her to go out and play?

As soon as Carrie finished solving a head-turning monster, she heard the sound of breaking through the air behind her. Before she turned around, the spear in her hand was ready. As her body turned, the spear was stabbed in advance, stabbing Gabe. Above the holy sword in the column, he missed his attack, and the two passed by, splitting the ends.

"Hey! It's not good to bully children..."


Tony was originally fighting against a few demons in the sky. He immediately rushed to help him when he saw the movement here, but he didn't expect to finish his words. A hammer suddenly hit him in the chest, smashing him with the mecha. So far.

Saul flew over and said embarrassedly: "Um, I wanted to smash that birdman. I didn't expect you to appear suddenly, Um, sorry."

Tony was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, but after thinking about it, Thor should have no intention of doing it, so he could only bear it, but he still complained: "Next time you hit me again, you will pay the price, believe me. I, really, I don't lie."

Although Saul didn't know what Tony would do to him, it was better to do less than to do more. He didn't reply, and turned back to Carrie.

Gabriel looked at Carrie, who was making faces at him, was very angry, and raised the holy sword to continue his attack.

But just after flying out less than twenty meters, he suddenly felt the killing intent behind him, and turned his head subconsciously, an arrow had already flown in front of him.

Gabriel hurriedly wrapped himself with his wings, and the arrow was blocked by the wings as expected, but the energy on the arrow still slammed him back a few meters.

Gabriel was just about to leave.

Whoosh whoosh!

When the sound of breaking through the air sounded again, three arrows lined up and shot at him again.

Gabriel knew that he was not fast enough to avoid completely, so he continued to use his wings to resist.

But after he tried his best to block these three arrows, there was another murderous intent behind him.

Gabriel hurriedly turned his head, opened his eyes to realize that it was Carrie who was coming for a stab, and slammed his hand to force the heavy holy sword around.

Upon seeing this, Carrie hurriedly put away the offensive and changed it to defense. The long spear standing in front of her was hit by the holy sword and was easily deflected.

Gabriel chased after victory, slammed his wings on his back, and moved his body forward a bit. The holy sword that was changed to lift was also swung along with his body, completing a slash.

It was too late for Carrie to evade, so she had to raise both hands of the spear that was trembling constantly by Juli, and tried to resist the attack.

But the holy sword did not hit her spear.

Gabriel's holy sword stopped only a centimeter from Carrie's spear, and Carrie was getting farther and farther in his vision.

After he was smashed so far away, Gabriel realized the sharp pain in his chest, and a big mouthful of blood came out from his mouth.

And it was Meow Hammer and Thor that reached his chest.

Sol stared at Gabriel and flew out for a long time before coming to the US team.

"Captain! Help!"

Rogers was fighting a desperate fight with a few mobs. When he saw Sol bringing an angel over, regardless of his own safety, he threw his shield out and smashed it on Gabriel.

Sol raised the Meow Hammer as soon as Rogers threw his shield, and when Gabriel was staggered, a hammer hit Gabriel's chest.

Click it!

A sound of broken bones sounded, and the blood-stained wings behind Gabriel hung weakly, and the archangel Gabriel, who blew the horn of world destruction, died.


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