Marvel's King

Chapter 168

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The situation in the sky continued to deteriorate. Although Royce used a fraudulent means to temporarily solve Mephisto, the physical damage Mephisto inflicted on him was real.

In addition, he forcibly summoned Thunder Dragon to disperse the army of angels, and the strange energy suffered because of reversing the laws of the universe.

Royce was already at the end of the battle.

But as the top heavenly father, even at the end of the crossbow, he cannot be bullied by the evil spirit knight.

Johnny was pulled in front of Royce, hugged Royce's head, and launched the Eye of Judgment.

As the hallmark skill of the evil spirit knight, the eye of judgment is really powerful.

The strands of hellfire kept pouring into Royce's eyes, making the revelation of life appear in front of him.

In the previous life, this life, all the things that happened, the evil thoughts that occurred, the wrong things that were done, constantly surfaced in front of him.

And all this was shared in Johnny's mind.

Only then did Johnny understand who Royce was.

He is not the legendary Benbi. After seeing Royce's life, he was a little confused, and then he began to wonder what the angel who found him before was.

Royce was screamed bitterly by the hellfire that burned his soul.

At this time, Tony, who was hovering at a low altitude, saw the battle in the sky, and an acceleration rushed up under his feet. The battle suit slammed into the skeleton-like Johnny and rescued Royce.

"Royce, how are you? Have you been forcibly kissed by that skeleton?"

Tony is still thinking about joking, but Royce has a splitting headache.

Everything in the depths of his memory was dug out, which made him extremely angry and extremely frightened.

Frightened, Royce pushed Tony away, shouted, and a bolt of thunder and lightning fell on his head and turned into a spear of victory in his hands.

"I want you to die!"

Royce, who lost all sense of security after being spied on the secret, rushed towards the Ghost Rider like crazy.

He mobilized all the power and completely gave up resisting the oppression of the strange energy. There was only one thought in his heart to kill the ghost knight who knew all his secrets.

After all the power broke out, the Thunder Dragon and Thousand Miles Thunder Cloud that had destroyed the Angel Legion reappeared, and their momentum was more than twice that of last time.

Tony was directly shot by the air wave generated by Thunder Dragon and flew far away. After he stabilized his figure in the air, Tony said in a daze, "My God..."

Saul was also stunned. Although he had a little understanding of Royce's strength before, he didn't think how strong he was, and he always wondered why his father would let himself be good to him.

Now Saul understands.

Seeing the mighty Royce rushing towards him, the ghost knight hurriedly shouted: "Royce! We are not enemies, I was deceived!"

But these words can't dispel Royce's thoughts in his heart, he has been stunned.

The spear of victory arrived in front of Johnny with a sharp sense that seemed to pierce the world.

Johnny had no choice but to hurriedly summon a large group of hellfire to resist.

But the sea of ​​hell fire was pierced by the spear of victory in an instant, and countless lightning bursts from the spear of victory, easily annihilating the sea of ​​hell.

Johnny had no other means and was forced to endure this attack.

The spear of victory easily pierced Johnny's body and hit his heart.

With a soft snort, Johnny's chest burst into golden blood, and a monster hidden in his body broke out and pinched Royce's spear of victory.

The Spear of Victory is not as docile as the Thunder Sword. It is not something anyone can touch, even the spirit of vengeance created by God.

Zatanos, who had joined the Spirit of Vengeance, grabbed the Spear of Victory and was about to pull him away from his body, but a powerful electric current rushed out of the Spear of Victory and penetrated his arm for an instant. Every corner of his body.


Zatanos let out a painful roar and drew back into Johnny's body.

From beginning to end, he only appeared for less than a second.

At this time, the obstacles that could prevent Royce from killing Johnny are gone. Royce's hands holding the Spear of Victory push hard, and the Spear of Victory is pushed, piercing Johnny's chest cavity and piercing his spine Got out.

Two vital points were hit hard, and the hellfire on Johnny's head gradually turned blue and was about to go out.

Johnny exhausted his last bit of strength, reached out his hand to pinch Royce's collar, and said, "..."

He has no energy to speak.

Seeing Johnny who was about to die, Royce had a relieved smile on his face.

But when he just drew out the spear of victory and was about to make up the knife, a force suddenly pulled Johnny into the sky.

"Olympus's new god king, I'm sorry, he is a creation of God, but you can't let you kill it like this."

A man with disheveled hair and a, a human-looking man in a torn robe stood in the sky and smiled at Royce.

After seeing this man, Royce felt cold.

He felt the aura of the heavenly father from this person, confirming that this person should be the ruler of heaven.

But listening to his speech, he does not seem to be God?Then he should be Jesus.

Royce allowed Jesus to take Johnny away. He had almost no combat power at the moment. The only evolutionary force left in his body was passively operating, resisting those peculiar energies.

And because he temporarily stopped resisting, his subcutaneous tissues almost all ulcerated, and the tissue fluid in his body oozes out. If Athena hadn't turned him into the god of Olympus, he would have died.


"It's the Son!"

Randekiel, who had completely transformed from an angel to a devil, and Ulie, who was half-angel and half-devil, shouted excitedly when they saw Jesus.

From the moment Jesus was born two thousand years ago and went to the earth to preach, the kingdom of heaven was also born.

These angels claim to be created by God, but they actually don't know what they are. They only know that they are the guardians of God, which is their long-cherished wish.

As the Son of God, Jesus is the veritable ruler of the kingdom of heaven. It's just that Jesus doesn't like to do these things. He prefers to spread his father's thoughts and doctrines.

Jesus has not appeared in front of these angels for nearly 1,500 years. The reason is that he feels that these angels are not pure and the desire in his heart is too deep.

I was forced to rush back today and found that it was indeed the case.

He looked at Randekiel, who had completely lost his angelic appearance, and said, "Randekiel, as the Guardian of the Seven Days, you have become the way you are now. Any thoughts?"

The appearance of Jesus also caused the demons to flee. Although Royce in his heyday was not a bit stronger than Jesus, the suppression of them by Jesus was not comparable to Royce's strength.

However, some of the demons also choose other ways.Qiyin Novels

A group of fallen angels flew into the sky under the leadership of the fallen angel's boss, Satan, and stood opposite Jesus.

They are people who have been deceived by God. They are people who have sworn to fight against God, even if they know they are defeated, they will die on the battlefield.

The appearance of Satan did not affect Jesus, but the fallen angels standing around Satan made Jesus a little bit heartbroken.

"The Lord created you but didn't teach you. This is his fault and my fault."

Jesus’ compassionate tone made the group of fallen angels resentful. Among them, Sally, who hated heaven the most, raised the contaminated holy sword and rushed up, shouting at Jesus in the air: "You hypocritical villain! What shit! Lord, it’s just a conjecture! Destroy it!"

Jesus' face was still calm, but he stared at Sally until his holy sword slashed on him.

Being cut by the Holy Sword, Jesus was not affected at all. Royce clearly saw that Jesus seemed to no longer be an entity, but he had not completely turned into a spiritual shadow, and was in a somewhat embarrassing stage.

Isn't the spiritual phantom a body that only the universe can have?how...

Royce also touched the phantom when he was practicing, but before he had time to delve into it, he was disrupted by a series of things, and the progress of his cultivation naturally stagnated.

But Royce watched for a long time and felt something was wrong again.To become a universe level, whether it is a single universe level or a multiverse level, one must master a rule.

There are not many rules in the Marvel universe. The four most basic ones have been controlled by several great gods: eternity, death, annihilation, and infinity.And even other people with cosmic-level strength can't be immortal like these four great gods, detaching themselves from the constraints of the rules of the universe, because they themselves are part of the rules of the universe.

Therefore, the Heavenly Father is generally the peak that all races can reach.A person can gain power beyond Heavenly Father by using a certain item, but the body can never break through that shackle.

Jesus did not even reach the peak of Heavenly Father at this time, but touched the level of spiritual phantom.But Royce found that this phantom of Jesus seemed to be similar to Gu Yi's astral projection?

This is not an entity?

Royce had a question in his heart, but he dared not act rashly.

After the demons on the battlefield below stopped, the gods of Olympus also flew behind Royce, including Thor, Tony and others.

There seems to be a three-legged situation on the court.

"Sariye, are you still obsessed with it? You know that hate can solve any problem, hate can only make you more depraved, why continue?"

Somehow, this Jesus suddenly gave Royce a feeling of Buddha.

Angelica flew over, and took Royce's hand worriedly. There was a burst of supernatural power that could be blocked by the strange energy.

In this short period of effort, Jesus seemed to persuade the fallen angel, Sally, but he did not choose to return to heaven, but returned to Satan's side.

Jesus suddenly looked at Royce and said with a smile: "God King, are you still going? The kingdom of heaven has been almost destroyed by you, and your goal has been achieved."

Royce looked at Jesus' expression, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that there was something in the old thing. After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly said, "Heh, didn't it happen that you just fulfilled your wish."

Randekiel and Uli were shocked and looked at Jesus in horror.

Jesus' face was green, and he could no longer keep his appearance as a worldly expert. He pointed to Royce and said: "What do you say, you, you, you, you, you, you, and you! What do you say? Did you wish?"

Jesus was so angry that he began to stammer, and he couldn't speak clearly.

Tony said in Royce's ear at this moment: "Is that man Jesus? I look alike, but can you preach by stuttering?"

Although the voice was not loud, what Jesus said was a heavenly existence. He pointed to Tony and said, "I, I, I, I, and I are not knots! Who, who, who..."

Royce couldn't stand it anymore, and reached out his hand and made a "stop" gesture, and said impatiently: "Yes, you don't say anything, I'm so anxious to death. Now that you have come out to declare that the kingdom of heaven is destroyed , Then we will go back, no one wants to stop us, right?"

Silence, silence like death.

Jesus did not speak, Satan did not speak, and a demon did not speak.

Royce asked again: "Then you are going to stop us?"

Still silent, silent like death, no one spoke.

Royce was speechless, waved his hand to let everyone go back first, and he stayed here behind.

After all his companions had withdrawn, Jesus suddenly said to Royce: "You are about to go to court. I recommend you to go to Earth, where you have your original power and can help you resist it."

Royce's face immediately became serious, and he asked, "Is the court of life?"

Jesus said nothing, tilted his head, and went to communicate with Satan.

Royce didn't say anything when he saw Jesus, so he turned back to the battleship.

After boarding the battleship, everyone stood in a hall waiting for themselves.

Royce dragged his heavy and exhausted body and beckoned Lilandra to pour himself a glass of wine.

Lelandra was very reluctant at first, but Angelica suddenly took her hand and looked at her with some pleading eyes.

Then Lilandra compromised and poured wine on Royce, who was covered in scars, and stood beside him.

Royce raised his glass and said to everyone: "This matter was originally a matter of our Olympus and the kingdom of heaven. It was really my intention to pull you in..."

"Hahahahaha, is it against your king's personality that you are so honest?"

"So how are you going to compensate us? This is a victory without trophies."

Listening to the laughter off the court, Royce also smiled and said: "Of course there is compensation. Olympus has a sacred spring. Ordinary people can live longer if they drink it, so I invite you to go inside. Hot springs, isn’t it interesting?"

Everyone laughed directly. Tony pointed to Royce and laughed and said: "Hahaha, then we went to take a bath, how do those Olympians drink water?"

Royce waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I don't drink anyway."

Then they were unanimously condemned by the Olympus gods, and the earth side confronted them and kept making jokes.

The atmosphere has also become warm from the depression after the war.

And Royce couldn't stand it anymore at this time. He felt weak at his feet and was about to fall to the ground.

Fortunately, no one paid attention to this side at this time, only Angelica and Wanda who stayed with Angelica saw all this.

Lilandra was right behind Royce, and when he found that something was wrong, he immediately stepped forward and supported Royce. As he was about to inquire, he heard Royce say: "Take me out of here."

"You...well, change your hand to another position..."


Outside the universe, Gu Yi's soul stood beside a huge incorporeal body and said softly, "Wait for him to return to Earth, okay?"

"I've waited so long, it's not too late to wait a while."

There was no emotion in the voice of the phantom, but the phantom of another female body beside him pointed to a planet and said, "Since that person is going to be punished, why not use Thanos?"

"Because he did not violate the rules of the universe..."


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