Marvel's King

Chapter 171

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Royce's godhead was shattered and recast.

The newly born Godhead didn't want to be suspended in his mind as before, it was more like something welded onto Royce's brain.

And the power contained is also different.

The previous godhead was the power of evolution, and Royce, who had lost the previous godhead, also lost the ability to evolve, but this was a good thing for him, the backlash of that thing was too terrifying.

What is the experience of evolving yourself in minutes?

However, Royce did not feel the complete disappearance of the power of evolution. He felt that he could still use the power of evolution. As for the cost, he still didn't know.

The power brought by the newly-born godhead is the ability of space, not just shuttle planes, but also shuttle dimensions and enter parallel spaces.

You can also manipulate the space for distortion or compression and expansion, and even collapse a large area.

He opened his eyes in a daze and recovered his five senses.

Royce found himself in the middle of a battlefield, and his ears screamed and screamed, making his head buzzing and restless.

"It's so noisy..."

With a weak moan, the time and space within a hundred kilometers around Royce was completely frozen, and everyone seemed to be frozen, no longer moving.

Royce quietly waited for the immortal power to flow to Zhou's body. When he returned to his heyday, he waved his hand to unlock the time and space, then flew away, came to the top of a mountain, and watched the battle.

He wants to stop this war, but if he doesn't know the cause of the war, nothing will work, unless he stays here for a long time.

Huh?Yeah, why don't I just stay here?

Ok?who am I?

Royce suddenly fell into confusion. He found that he had forgotten a lot of things. To be precise, it was not forgotten, but the memory was blasted into fragments, fragments that could not be put together.

He vaguely got some news from his memory, but intermittently, he couldn't tell why.

At this time, he only knew that he was an earthling, and later went to Olympus to become the king of gods, and then was exiled by unknown creatures and came here.

Royce thought for a while, then suddenly looked at the sky, and asked softly, "Who are you?"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure of a female body appeared in front of him.

This person is not composed of two colors of yellow and black, and has no clear facial features. There are only a few different patterns portrayed on the body and face, and it can only be seen from the physical organs that it is a female.

This is the infinity, the infinity, one of the five great gods of the universe, controls the infinity of all spatial rules in the multiverse.

Infinitely looking at Royce with confusion in his eyes, he didn't show any emotions, but said with some doubts: "I just shattered the memory? It's really kind, but it's okay."

Royce's doubts in his heart are even worse, if he didn't feel the hostility from this person, he would want to do it or stay away.

"who are you?"

Infinite replied: "It doesn't matter who I am, I'm just here to preach to you on behalf of others."

Royce's eyelids twitched and asked, "Oh? Who is it?"

"Who is it? An old man named Eternity. He hopes that you will not return to Earth or Olympus in the next ten years, otherwise it will cause a great disaster."


Royce has this name in his memory, but there is no detailed information, just remember the name.

Infinite nodded, and said: "But I personally hope that you don't agree with his proposal. Although this proposal will be of great help to you, it is not necessary, is it?"

Royce felt an inexplicable self-confidence from the infinite words, felt very familiar, and very similar to himself, so he smiled and said: "You are the opposite of Eternity? You don't like him very much from what you mean?"

There was finally an expression on Infinity's face, which was disdain.

She curled her lips and said, "I can’t talk about the enemy, just don’t like his way of doing things. Okay, I can’t talk to you too much. You just need to remember one thing and do what you want to do. You shouldn’t do it, you will think about it, and you don’t need to ask anyone for advice."

After speaking, Infinity disappeared directly in front of Royce.

Royce squinted, carefully feeling the fluctuations in the space after the infinite walk.

His thoughts drifted away gradually along the trajectory of spatial fluctuations, and after drilling into layers of wonderful films, they arrived at a whole new universe, where there was nothingness, without any trace of life.

The trajectory of the spatial fluctuation stayed here for a moment, then broke another channel, and got in through it.

His thoughts moved along the trajectory, but before passing through that passage, Royce screamed for killing.


Looking back, it was a blue-skinned woman holding a short stick-like weapon chasing five or six people. This person Royce felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

When he was about to ask her to solve her doubts, Royce suddenly felt that someone was prying her mind.

Looking along the path from the prying sight, Royce saw a blue-skinned woman in a white robe standing on a super warship standing in space.

The superstar was observing the situation on the battlefield. Suddenly, he was hit by a dazzling gaze. Suddenly, all his thoughts seemed to have been disturbed by someone with a stick, in a panic and painful.

But fortunately, Royce didn't do much investigation. He was more interested in the domineering woman who chased several people and beat him than this unaware thing.

Ding-ding-dong-dong had a collision, and the woman chopped melons and vegetables like a god of war.

After harvesting the lives of the few people who couldn't see the race, she saw Royce and rushed over with the stick, seemingly unkind.

Although Royce's memory was broken up, he did not become a fool.

Subconsciously raised his hand to mobilize energy to create a kaleidoscope-like golden aperture in front of him, and rushed towards the woman.

Women have been fighting for many years and have seen so many methods, but this type of attack is indeed the first time I have seen them.

But no matter what kind of attack, she is not afraid, just resist it.

Stretching out his arms in front of him, it seemed that he was going to use his body to resist this attack.

But the aperture did not collide with her body as she thought, but turned into countless silk threads in front of her, which instantly bound her firmly.Biquge Novel

Nebula was under control, and she fell to the ground involuntarily, but she didn't mean to give in, struggling constantly, and said to Royce something he didn't understand.

Royce got up and walked to Nebula's side, knelt down and asked, "What is your name? Why do I feel familiar with you?"

Nebula is not a person who hides his head and shows his tail. After hearing Royce's words, he immediately shouted in Royce's language: "My name is Nebula! Crazy Titan-Thanos' daughter! Who are you?"

"Nebula? Thanos?"

Royce squinted his eyes and began to search for the information of the two people in the memory, but there was nothing useful. These memories, like the others, could not be pieced together.

This frustration made Royce a little angry, he stood up and looked into the distance, trying to calm down.

But Xingyun didn't know it, and still yelled there, "If you have the ability, let me go! Let go and see if I will not cut you into a pot of pork belly!"

Royce turned his head suddenly, thunder throbbed in his pupils, and asked in a bad voice: "You want to kill me?"

As he said, those golden threads seemed to be drawn, floating in front of him with a nebula.

Nebula felt the majesty of the man in front of him as much as her father, and his sense of oppression was even stronger than her father.

Nebula’s breathing was affected for a while, and only after he felt that he was pinched by Royce’s neck did he react. He kicked his long legs arbitrarily, but he still insisted on not begging for mercy, but looked at with hatred eyes Royce.

Royce had never thought of killing Nebula. He was too powerful, strong enough to be gentle and kind to any creature.

Even if he stood there and let Nebula kill, Nebula would have to kill for a lifetime to succeed.

So he let go of his hand and threw Nebula down.

Nebula was free and did not immediately escape, covering his neck with one hand, while continuing to look at Royce with hatred.

Royce discovered that almost 40% of the Nebula's body has been transformed into a mechanical body, and there are even many chips inside the brain.

"By the way, you are...huh?"

I was curious to ask, a strong killing intent suddenly appeared behind him.

Looking back, it was a green-skinned assassin sneaking over with a long sword, but Royce's mental power didn't even notice her existence.

Seeing her sister in danger, Camora was anxious but did not get confused. She found that Royce was in control of some wonderful powers. She guessed that his physical power should not be strong, so she sneaked over and prepared to give Royce a fatal blow. .

But she never expected to be discovered, and what she didn't expect was that this person actually took her own blade empty-handed.

Royce squeezed the long sword in his hand and felt pain in his palm.

With a light draw, the long sword has been taken out of Kamora, and Kamora himself was beaten by Royce with a wave of his hand. He is not interested in this green woman, and green always gives him a kind of innocence. It feels so good.

On the contrary, he prefers the blue sister Nebula.

"This sword..."

Royce felt a familiarity from the sword, subconsciously stretched out his hand and touched the sword with divine power. The lightning pierced and began to beat, and a fierce thunder light burst into the sky, causing a violent thunderstorm, countless Energy poured out from the clouds, as bright as fireworks.

Nebula was stunned after reading it, a thought suddenly appeared in her mind, and it was quickly implemented.

"Are you strong? If you are strong, I will be loyal to you, as long as you help me accomplish one thing."

When Royce was indulging in the manipulation of thunder and lightning, the Nebula behind him sent out a team invitation.

Royce woke up, turned his head and smiled, and said: "You just wanted to kill me, why do you think I will promise your allegiance?"

Nebula stood up at this time and confidently said: "I am a famous killer in the universe. I am very familiar with the terrain of the galaxy. I have a wealth of fighter piloting experience. I have dealt with the leaders of many forces. The most important thing is Yes, I can help you."

Royce asked again: "I don't know what I'm going to do, what can you do for me?"

Nebula stagnated and said firmly: "The universe is huge, I can help you whatever you want, no matter what!"

Royce nodded clearly, thought for a while and said, "That's okay, then you can tell me what's the situation on the battlefield below."

Seeing that Royce seemed to have a sense of justice, Nebula added his jealousy: "The Saka Legion under Thanos was instigating the war, led by the middle-fronted superstars of the Dark Order, and their mission was to kill half of the Loni population In order to achieve the so-called balance."

"It turns out that this is the case, why kill half of the people to get a balance? Wouldn't they still reproduce?"

With that, Royce locked the time and space in the battlefield again.Since it is not an internal war of others, there is a need to intervene. Unilateral massacres are committing evil.

Nebula also doesn't understand why killing half of the people can achieve balance. Obviously, it will only slow down the rate of resource consumption. After hundreds of thousands of years, the universe will return to this state. What is the point?

He said, "Oh, no one can understand the idea of ​​a madman."

But Royce began to ponder, he murmured: "Killing half of the population will maximize the original saturated reproduction ability. In this case, within a few years, this place will be filled with population again. , And then caused various contradictions, and then lead to war..."

Seeing Royce's analysis, Nebula didn't interrupt, but just listened quietly.Although she saw Royce and stopped the whole battlefield casually, she had no awe for Royce in her heart.

In her eyes, Royce is nothing more than a powerful person, and there is no place worthy of her admiration.

"If this is the case, why not start with reproductive capacity? Isn't limiting reproductive capacity the best way to control population?"

Nebula thought he had encountered another pervert like his adoptive father, so he laughed and said: "Hey, what are you going to do? Castrated them?"

Royce looked back at Nebula in surprise and asked, "Why castrate them? Wouldn't it be better to order them not to have multiple births? Family planning, eugenics, don’t you understand?"

Nebula really didn't understand, and then asked, "Why don't you obey the order to give birth?"

"A fine, one more birth with 30% of the family property confiscated, and two more births with 60% confiscated, let her give birth."

Royce said, wisps of divine power emerged from his body into the ground and entered the battlefield. Before Nebula could react, he asked, "Who are the so-called Saka army?"

"Huh?" Nebula was a little puzzled, but still said: "Those who wear black armor, Saka people...look ugly..." I didn't finish talking, there are no more in the stagnant battlefield under the mountain The Saka figure was gone, and only the Loni who dressed like primitives, covered in black spots and spikes.

"You killed them all?"

Royce nodded naturally and said, "Yes." Then he asked, "Is there any problem?"

Nebula shook his head and said, "Of course not. I am also a member of their camp. You won't kill me?"

"Your question makes me very embarrassed..."


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