Marvel's King

Chapter 172 Don't You Have A Goal?

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Camora didn't suffer any harm after being smashed down the cliff by Royce.

Falling from a height to a rock did not hurt her as much as the slap Royce had hit her before.

After woke up in a daze, she found that she was no longer on the battlefield, but returned to the doughnut battleship.

The one driving the donut is Ebony Maw, one of the five obsidian generals, and lying next to her is another member of the Black Yao cult, a superstar.

"What's up with her?"

Camora clutched her painful head, came to Ebony Throat and asked.

Kamora is Thanos’s favorite daughter, so Obsidian Five still respects her. Ebony Throat nodded and said hello to her, and then said: "I don’t know the specifics, but Saka The legion was completely wiped out, and none of them are left. Do you have any impression?"

Kamora suddenly thought of the man who had taken his long sword, and of his sister, and exclaimed: "Is it him? Impossible, where is Nebula? Do you know where Nebula is?"

Ebony Throat is a bit surprised, is it related to Nebula?

He shook his head and asked in a dark tone: "What's wrong with Nebula? Who is he?"

Kamora had some doubts in her heart, but she was not sure, so she said: "Me and Nebula met a man while hunting down the remnants of the Loni royal family. He took my sword and released lightning. I He suspects that the Saka Legion was destroyed by him, but... can one person really destroy the entire Legion without knowing it? What happened to the superstar? What happened to her?"

The powerful brain of Ebony Throat is running fast, thinking about who can do it. After all, offending Thanos is not a good choice. That person is a lunatic.Even as his "heartfelt" servant, Ebony Maw felt that it was not wise to provoke Thanos.

It is simply stupid to fight against that person based on ability alone.

So, who hates Thanos so much?Or do you not put Thanos in your eyes?

Ebony Maw had several candidates in his heart, but did not say anything. He said to Kamora: "The superstar was hit by unknown energy, the body was greatly affected, and the spirit was also very unstable, so I hypnotized her. Now, wait for treatment after returning to the temple."

With that said, without mentioning the man who destroyed the Saka Legion, Kamora glanced at the ebony throat, and gave up the idea of ​​exploring this matter, and asked, "Isn't Nebula implanted with a chip? Can you? Can she lock her position based on that?"

Ebony Throat operated a few times on a machine, shook his head and said: "All the chips in Nebula's body seem to have failed. It looks like she should be dead."

Upon hearing this news, Kamora felt her heart squeezed, but she did not believe that her sister would die. As long as that person had a little chance to survive, she would never let it go. She had already learned No less than a hundred times.

But now I really don't have any good way to find her, I can only think of other ways.


"What did you do to me?"

When Nebula woke up, he found an abnormality in his body, and angrily grabbed Royce's arm, which was almost close to him, and questioned.

Royce gently took off Nebula's hand and said, "It's nothing, just get back the organ that originally belonged to you, try?"

Nebula did not follow Royce's words. She naturally felt the difference in her body. Although she was a little grateful to Royce, she was more suspicious.

Without hiding her thoughts, she asked, "Why are you doing this? Is it good for you?"

Royce felt a little funny, so he asked: "Does it have to be good for me to do something?"

Nebula nodded and said, "Of course, why do it if there is no benefit?"

This natural appearance made Royce stupid, a little speechless for a while.

Nebula didn't talk too much, just waiting for Royce's explanation.If Royce can't explain, then she will doubt Royce's intentions even more.

Royce simply felt that the Nebula could exist in his own memory, it must have some connection with him, and the parts on her body made him really uncomfortable, and he couldn't bear it.

If you have to say something, is it okay if you can't see it?

So he said: "Uh, I can't stand the transformation of your body. I think it is against humanity, so I let you get back to the original state. Is this reason alright?"

Nebula didn't say anything, just glanced across Royce and began to observe the surrounding environment.

"Where are we?"

The transformation of Nebula's brain circuit really made Royce a little dizzy. She took her thinking away and said obediently: "This place should be called Niaxing. In my memory, it is called this name. No civilization has appeared yet. Even advanced animals haven't evolved, what's wrong?"

"How did we get here?"

"How come I brought you here."

Royce replied casually, just as an unknown animal was passing by, a bit like a deer on the earth. After discovering Royce and the nebula, he didn't even run, and he looked at these two strange creatures with interest.

Royce looked back at Nebula, and when he saw Nebula, he also looked at him tacitly.

After nodding at her, Nebula rushed up without saying a word, stunned Royce.

If you catch it, catch you and call a chicken!

As a result, something even more surprised Royce happened. Not only did the roar fail to scare the creature away, it aroused its fighting spirit, and even rushed towards the Nebula with its hooves twice.

Nebula didn't expect this thing to dare to fight back, but after all she has rich combat experience, she didn't panic when she saw it, and when the deer arrived in front of me, suddenly my side flashed, and the hand knife also took advantage of the trend and hit the back of the deer Location, I don’t know if it’s dead or dizzy if I smash it directly.


Seeing Nebula's set of tricks, Royce praised it sincerely, and then received a contempt from Nebula.

She reached out to Royce and said, "Where's the knife? Give me the knife."

Royce had planned to come on her own, but seeing that she didn't need to look like herself, he threw Kamora's sword in the past.

Nebula caught the long sword, and after watching for a while, he said quietly: "You didn't kill her, did you?"

Royce didn't speak, but just lay on the ground, and Nebula also understood what Royce's body language meant, and walked over and began to disassemble the deer.

After a meal, Nebula sat by the campfire, grinding his dagger, looked at Royce, who was lying on the side, and asked: "Are you still having no goal?"


Royce replied lowly.

After being silent for a while, Nebula asked, "Where are you from? Why did you fall into the battlefield?"

"Earth? Olympus? I don't know too well, my memory is shattered now, only some vague pictures."

Nebula did not say anything but suggested: "If you want, I can take you to the earth. I know the way. Olympus can't go now. I heard that the Shia people have put the entire Shia galaxy under martial law. ."

Royce was taken aback when he heard it, and then fell silent.

Nebula waited for a long time without waiting for an answer, so he turned to look at him and asked, "Why don't you speak? Don't you want to see it? Maybe it can connect your memories."

Royce sighed and said, "I don't know whether I should go or not. There are many things in my memory about those two places, but I feel like I haven't done what I really like there, except for one person. But I can't remember her name." 7 asked novel

"Then what do you really want to do?"

Nebula's question stopped Royce, and he didn't know how to answer it.

"Don't you have a goal?"

Nebula was also stunned. Do you have such a happy life?Is it so carefree?I'm sour when you are like this.

Royce thought for a long time and said, "Why don't you take me around the galaxy?"

"Star Trek? Yes, but you need to promise me one thing."

Royce gave her an OK gesture and said: "No problem, you said, I will do everything I can."

Nebula looked towards the sky resentfully and said, "Help me kill my father."



Temple II, Thanos’ exclusive car.

The size of the battleship is extremely large, similar to that of ordinary satellites, and Queen Shia's car is not as big as half of this battleship.

Thanos carried the tyrant who had just experienced the massacre into the command room with the butcher knife, and found that the few people inside were not very calm.

"What happened?"

Thanos casually placed the butcher knife on the weapon rack and asked.

Ebony Mouth heard Thanos’ voice and immediately came over to show his loyalty. He knelt on the ground and said, "My lord, our Saka Legion has been wiped out by the Lorni."

Thanos was a little surprised when he heard this, and asked: "What's the matter? Isn't the Saka Legion led by a superstar? How could the whole army be wiped out? Where is her?"

Superstars are Thanos’ most heartfelt servants and the servants he trusts most.

Because among all people, only she and her desire are the same, and that is death.

Like Thanos, the superstar is also a pervert, but what she did was much better than Thanos’s father and mother killer.

Her loyalty to Thanos is simply full, and Thanos trusts her very much.

Hearing that Thanos didn’t mean to blame the superstar, the ebony throat felt uneasy, and he replied a little bit more jealously: “I heard Kamora said that the entire Saka army was destroyed by a man, and the superstar also I don't know what kind of attack I have received, and I am still in a coma."

"Kamora? Where's Kamora? How is she?"

Thanos sat on the throne with no emotions on his face, but the eager ebony throat in his voice could still be felt. After all, he was a master of language.

Kamora also gave him a chance and lowered his head and said, "My lord, Kamora has also suffered some injuries and is still repairing the wound. Do I need me to call her over?"

"Well, go and call her, I also want to know what happened."

Crisp footsteps sounded in the hall, and Kamora walked up to Thanos, and after climbing the steps, she knelt down in front of Thanos and said, "My father, are you looking for me?"

"Kamora, my daughter, tell me what happened."

Kamora did not hesitate, and said everything she knew.

After listening to Thanos, he was silent and silent. After waiting for a while, he said to Kamora: "Kree's Ronan, do you know?"

"Ronan the accuser? I know, did my father want me to kill him?"

"No, that kid is eager to get my help, and the price is to help me kill half of the Sandals and help me find the Universe Spirit Orb. You can help him and help me bring the Universe Spirit Orb back."

Kamora looked at Thanos who showed no trace on his face, and could only respond, and then left.

After she left, Thanos held his head with one hand, showing a weird and disdainful smile, and sneered: "Heh, Thunder, it should be the earthling. Olympus? A gathering place for the weak!"


The Shia Empire imposed a blockade of the Shia galaxy, which also meant that the Shia temporarily abandoned their idea of ​​maintaining peace in various parts of the universe.

Without this interstellar police, the universe is restored to its original state.

When the two civilizations look upset, they will fight each other, which will provoke life. The looters have no lower limit and begin to move around the universe.

Ronan also took advantage of the situation to directly declare war on Sandal, and the Kerry government did nothing, just sitting by and watching Ronan launch a massacre on Sandal's satellite.

At this time, a civilization named Earth suddenly emerged. Although it claimed to be a low-level civilization, it had a warship no less than Sovereign technology and a carrier with performance far beyond Shandal, and was invited by Asgard to enter as soon as it came out Galaxy Council.

Provoked all forces to watch what kind of storms and waves this turned out civilization will lead in the universe.

As a result, this civilization had no intention of declaring war at all. As soon as it came up, it hoped to establish a policy of cooperation and mutual benefit with other civilizations in the Galaxy Council, and hoped that commercial cooperation could be carried out.

Those participating in the Galactic Council are all peace-loving civilizations, and naturally they will not disagree. Many weak civilizations have directly started to buy warships from earth civilizations.

The representatives of the earth participating in the Galactic Council are the iron-blooded diplomats Peggy Carter and Tony Stark.

It should have been the captain, but the captain said he couldn't accept dealing with aliens, so he had to leave it to Tony.

Asgard is famous in the universe. Except for some people who originally looked down on them, other civilizations admire Asgard people.

Olympus rises after a period of silence. Recently, the limelight is booming. Olympus, which defeated Shia and the heavenly forces, even surpasses Asgard in terms of prestige.

There are these two places for the earth station, and Tony has also shown an extremely excellent merchant character. The earth has made a good start in the matter of entering the universe.

After the parliament was over, Tony left Athena behind and asked bluntly: "Angelika left in a hurry. Did something happen to Royce?"

Athena's face became a little surprised, but she quickly returned to calm, shook her head and said: "Nothing, Royce is just tired and went straight back to Olympus. Where did you get the gossip?"

Tony didn't believe it at all, he looked suspicious, and after watching Athena for a while, he asked, "Who is in power of Olympus?"

"God King and Queen of Heaven. But Royce has no pursuit of rights. Olympus matters are usually handled by Queen of Heaven. What's wrong?"

Although Athena was very credible, Tony still found the blind spot and asked: "Has Royce said nothing about the Earth joining the Galactic Council?"

Athena hesitated for a while, nodded and said, "No, he said that everything has been arranged, and he is no longer needed. It just so happens that he is also tired and wants to take a good rest."

Tony didn't say anything, just nodded to indicate that he understood, then turned and left.

Athena sighed and murmured to herself: "After all, I still can't hide it. Where have you been?"


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