Marvel's King

Chapter 173

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The endless sea of ​​Olympus.

This is the territory of the sea god Poseidon, which Zeus forcibly opened up for him by using lightning.

It's just that Carrie, the goddess of victory, has occupied this sea area.

Carrie sat on a rock, her thoughts flying nine days away.

After that battle, she never saw Royce again, and asked Angelika that she was silent and restricted her freedom.

She argued for reasons, but no one stood up to help her, even Athena and Artemis, who had always spoiled her, opposed her idea of ​​leaving Olympus to find Royce.

Accompanying her to watch the sea is Ares' war sacred snake, this snake has become her pet and has been rubbing by her side.

Carrie also stretched out her hand to gently stroke the holy snake's head, looking for a hint of temperature in the smooth hand.

The little girl is almost suffering from mental illness.

"Do you think there are hidden portals in Olympus that can lead to other places?"

Carrie's sudden self-talk made the holy snake raise her head vigilantly, and her big eyes were full of panic.

Carrie looked at the image of the holy snake, and her round face immediately showed a smirk. Two chubby hands grabbed the holy snake who was ill-conscious and wanted to escape, and smiled and asked: "You know where is it? ? Take me there, or I will eat you!"

The holy snake shook his head again and again, his big eyes full of prayers.

Carrie didn't want to be embarrassed when it was so pitiful, she just pointed to it and said, "Don't tell Ares about this. No one can do it, do you hear it?"

The holy snake wanted to continue shaking his head, but Carrie threatened directly: "You know, Ares doesn't dare to mess with me, even if I eat you, he can't keep you! So you shut up and remembered ?"

The holy snake could only nod his head aggrievedly, and then climbed up on Carrie's arm in kind.

Carrie was amused by the holy snake’s surrender, and giggled and said, "Are you going to be a traitor with me? Okay, we can be considered a revolutionary friendship. When I find Royce, let him give Have fun with your magic!"

While Angelika was struggling with the immigrants' problems, a nymph walked into the temple.

Anjelica asked without looking up after hearing the footsteps, "What's the matter?"

Although Angelica did not look at her, Nymph respectfully saluted her, and then said, "My Lady Queen, the Goddess of Victory is looking for something on Thunder Bluff. Do you need to ask?"

Angelica waved her hand and said, "No, let her play, don't let people disturb her. Is there anything else? If it's okay, step back."

Nymph heard the words and said: "There is one more thing, Queen Queen, due to the vacancy of Demeter's god of agriculture, a large area of ​​Olympus withered, and those Kerry people are making trouble because of this. ."

Angelika raised her head and tapped her fingers on the table continuously, saying, "From now on, they are all Olympians. There are no Cree people here, only Olympians. Also, in agriculture, I am not Jean Bo Sai Dong went to see it? Why didn't it take care of it?"

Nymph shook his head and said, "I don't know, do you need me to find Lord Seagod?"

"Well, come find him."

After Angelica finished speaking, Nymph retreated. At this time, a person walked out from behind Angelica's throne, it was Athena.

"The earthling named Tony Stark found out about Royce's disappearance."

Angelika leaned weakly on the back of the throne, took a sip of the tea on the table, and asked, "Does anyone else know?"

Athena shook her head and said: "I followed him all the way. He didn't tell anyone, but he was thinking about it all the time and didn't know what he was thinking about."

Angelica laughed and said, "Oh, what else can I think about? It's nothing more than thinking about where to go after Royce is completely lost.

Royce once said that Tony was an extremely insecure person. Once he fell into a panic, he himself didn't know how serious his actions would bring, and he would not worry about these consequences and act arbitrarily."

"Will it affect the relationship between the earth and Olympus?"

Athena asked the key to the question.

Angelika shook her head and said: "There is a high probability that Olympus does not have many enemies, but it will bring great benefits to the earth. Not only will he not draw a clear line with us, but even Soon, someone will be sent over to'help' us, so as to further bind the relationship between the two worlds. When this step is completed, the greedy politicians on the earth will probably attack us, ha ha."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"How?" Angelica took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and said: "I have issued a ban, prohibiting any forces from entering Olympus in any way. If they don't listen, then I have to be sorry. "

The two had just finished communicating when Poseidon broke in from outside.

Seeing that Athena was there, Poseidon knelt down unconvinced and asked: "What can I do if the queen comes to me?"

Athena looked at Poseidon's attitude and couldn't help narrowing her eyes.

The news of Royce’s disappearance could not be kept from the Olympian gods, but she did not expect that someone would dare to show disrespect to Angelica without verifying Royce’s complete death.

She couldn't tolerate the continued deterioration of this situation, so she raised her eyebrows and pointed at Poseidon and shouted: "What is your attitude! Dare to be disrespectful to the queen, do you want to rebel?!"

Poseidon was shocked when he heard this. What does this have to do with rebellion?

Hurriedly said: "No, I don't, I really don't."

Angelica was also frightened by Athena’s movements. Seeing Poseidon’s appearance, she quickly grabbed Athena and said: "Athena, don’t get excited. Poseidon was sent out by me to water the farmland some time ago. It's normal to have complaints in your heart, but you can't label him rebellious."

Athena didn't look embarrassed after hearing the whole story. Her face was still full of sternness. She stared at Poseidon and said, "How dare you complain about the Queen's order? She also said you didn't want to rebel! Guards! Where is it? Take it for me!"

Poseidon was very wronged. It is true to have grievances, but it can be rebelled. Where does this start?

The throne of God’s king is still being held by Royce. It’s not a crown or a seal. Whoever gets it is the king. The throne is given by Olympus. Even if he really drives Angelica down, it’s at best. To obtain the position of queen, the king is still Royce.

Why do you want to rebel like this?Is there a brain hole?Is the brain defective?Is it honorable for the big man to go after the day?Doesn't Royce come back and kill himself?

A series of questions appeared in his mind. Although it was very fragrant to grab his niece’s ear and ask, he had already been grabbed by the two guards who walked in and raised his arm.

Poseidon, who was thinking more and more angry, couldn't even speak, and even if he was dragged away, he remained silent and unhappy.

These guards were brought back by Hercules, or Hercules. They were originally Olympians, possessing much more physical qualities than ordinary people. After careful selection, they became Angelika's guards. .

After watching Poseidon being dragged away, Angelika said with a smile: "Athena, who on earth did you show you this? Now that there is no government in Olympus, what is the meaning of the struggle for rights? What?"

Athena also smiled and said: "It's okay. Build your prestige first. Anyway, what should be there will be there in the future, right? So many people need to manage, how can each central government do?"

"Haha, okay, then I... awful!"

Angelika's smiling face suddenly became horrified, and she flew away and left the temple without explaining the situation. Athena was confused but quickly followed.80 Novel Network

Chasing Angelica to Thunder Bluff, Athena found Angelica was looking at the ground.

I walked over and saw that it was a long letter written in a twisted font.

"Angelica! I'm going to find Royce! Don't come to me! Don't send anyone to find me! I will bring Royce back soon!"

It was just a few words, because Carrie's writing was too big, which made the letter extremely long.

Athena wanted to complain, but watching Angelica's gloomy face dripping with rain, she chose to remain silent.

Angelica almost popped out of her teeth: "Let Hermes set off immediately to find Carrie, and let Shia, Sparta, Asgard, and all the gods' realms go to me. Find!"

Athena wanted to persuade Angelica to calm down, but after thinking about the consequences, she gave up the idea, and flew away immediately after accepting the order, leaving Angelica alone on Thunder Bluff.

"Why are you leaving me one by one..."

Carrie's departure gave the exhausted Angelica a heavy blow, and she began to wonder if something was wrong with her that would make Royce and Carrie, two close people, leave her one after another. .

But this question was destined to be answered by no one, so she could only feel sad by herself.


"Where did you get the spaceship?"

After staying at Niah for almost half a month, Royce finally got tired of this place, and flew into space to rob a group of looters and get a spaceship down.

This thing looks similar to the plane on earth, but it is somewhat different from Xingjue's car, and I don't know which civilization was built.

"Look for someone to borrow, let's go, find a place to have fun, I'm tired of waiting here, there is no individual."

Nebula didn’t talk nonsense. He walked in and asked, “Which place do you want to go? Chaotic? Stable? Lively? Deserted?”

Royce followed her, looked at the pair of buttocks, and said casually: "It's a lively place, there is nothing to ask for confusion."

Nebula suddenly stopped, turned around and asked, "Are you interested in my body?"

Royce was coughing constantly by Nebula's directness, and his face turned red.

But Nebula is fine, saying: "As long as you help me accomplish my goal, you can do whatever you want, I don't care."

Royce hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Don't don't don't, I just watch it subconsciously. I don't mean anything else, hurry up, I'm losing to you."

Nebula was puzzled at this time and asked, "Why? Is my body not attractive to you?"

Royce was almost suffocated by Nebula's question. He shook his head repeatedly and said: "No, no, but a voice in my heart tells me that I can't do it. I seem to be married, but I can't remember who I am with, forget it. , Don’t talk about it, let’s go quickly, I won’t watch it in the future."

Nebula nodded clearly, and when Royce passed him into the spacecraft, he looked down at his body, thoughtfully.

The flying speed of small spaceships is completely incomparable with large warships, and it is even more incomparable with Xia's Stargate Technology.

The super-light-speed propulsion of this stupid aircraft is still in a state that requires constant space transitions, and Watt can't do it.

Nebula did not complain at all, driving meticulously.

She is going to take Royce to a place, a place that is indeed very interesting and lively.

Sovereigns, an empire whose social system is almost deformed to Shia.

Their skin is golden and their hair is pure golden.

Compared with Shia's powerful and arrogant civilization, they can be described by the term Rencai's temper.

Sovereign, who is more than technology, may not be regarded as the top civilization in the universe, but compared to temperament, Sovereign is definitely the first place to be properly. With that arrogant appearance, those who don’t know think they belong to the Celestial group. The descendants.

The result is a group of artificially synthesized life forms.

This race is proud, arrogant to arrogant, glass-hearted, vengeful, and extremely xenophobic.

Except for a place openly open to all races, other places are not allowed to enter unless permitted.

And Nebula brought Royce to this place.

Sorog Colosseum.

This is arguably the most lively place in the galaxy.

Unlike the Colosseum created by Gao Tianzun, the grandmaster in Thor, this place is open to anyone, anyone who wants to fight can go up and fight. If you win, you can get a high reward, and you lose your life if you lose.

It is very chaotic but well organized. No one wants to destroy Sovereign’s territory, because these idiots will pay a great price to kill those who dare to insult Sovereign.

In their eyes, you might say a swear word and people think you are insulting others and the whole Sovereign.

"Where is this place? Oh, so many people?"

The Solog Colosseum covers a huge area. In addition to the fifty Colosseums, the surrounding area is also full of various buildings, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going.

"Solog Colosseum, one of the most lively places in the galaxy. I wanted to take you to Contraxia, but I didn't take you there if you said you were married."

Nebula walked in one direction familiarly, Royce just arrived, and just followed, chased up and asked: "Contraxia? What is that place?"

Nebula put his gaze on Royce's face this time and said: "The well-known brothels in the galaxy are full of biochemicals artificially made to meet the physiological needs of men."

"Biohazard? Inflatable doll?"

Royce scratched his head, it was hard to imagine.

Nebula's eyes immediately became contemptuous, and he snorted, "How do I know? I will take you to see it next time!"

"What is this inexplicable?"

Royce buttoned his head in confusion, puzzled.


Contraxia: The planet where Yongdu played in Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

Sorog Colosseum: I made it.

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