Marvel's King

Chapter 175-Captain Marvel

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The champion of the universe is also the strength of the top planetary star, can easily destroy a planet, but it is still too weak in front of Royce.

Royce also wanted to find someone at the level of Heavenly Father to fight, but Heavenly Father generally has his own territory, where their combat effectiveness is at its peak, so generally Heavenly Father will not leave his territory too far.

For example, Mephisto in hell can burst out the strength of the heavenly father, but in other places, he is a younger brother.

Seeing Royce walked in front of him, the champion knew that he could no longer sit and wait for death, so he quietly accumulated his strength and prepared to wait for a fatal sneak attack on Royce.

Although Royce's memory has become fragmented, many previous battles have already buried deep muscle memories in his body.

Seeing the champion staying still and the muscles on his forearm gradually bulging, he knew that this person was about to attack.

But the champion obviously has a bad brain. You squat like this, no one will know that there are other purposes.

Smart people, no, normal people will definitely speak out or make other actions to attract the attention of their opponents and increase the success rate of their sneak attacks.

But the champion just looked down at Royce and smiled, for fear that Royce could not see that he was preparing for a sneak attack.

Royce was defeated by this naive man. After thinking about it, he decided not to bully the honest man, and then continued to stride towards him.

When Royce was only two meters away from the champion, the champion suddenly punched.

The fist wrapped in a special purple energy appeared in front of Royce in less than a second.

The power of this fist was almost the same as before, but the energy contained in the fist surprised Royce.

This kind of energy is amazing. When Royce grabs it in the palm of his hand, this thing will penetrate under his skin like a bug. The skin tissue inside the palm can also feel an extremely strong burning sensation. It is very destructive.

Royce felt a little curious, so he gave up resistance and let these energy flow into his body.

He didn't worry about what kind of damage this thing would cause him. Although these energies were wonderful, it was still too far to hurt him.

The champion originally saw his fist being squeezed, and his heart was cold, but when he was about to slaughter his neck, he suddenly found that his assassin was effective.

After the energy poured into Royce's body, his epidermal cells were destroyed and reacted the fastest.

The nerves all over his body gave him an itchy and painful feeling of torture, and the skin of his body turned purple.

It was followed by high-strength heat, which steamed his epidermis brightly, revealing the blood vessels under his skin, and the blood flowing in the blood vessels was no longer bright red blood, but purple energy plasma.

Without Royce’s defense, these energy pulps quickly flooded every corner of Royce’s body. The energy pulp had an extremely special chemical reaction with the organic matter inside his body, and Royce felt himself It's about to melt.

Nebula was stunned in the stands.No, this is the one who thinks he can defeat Thanos?Can't even beat the mentally retarded fool below?Is this the savior of my old lady?Still spending money for my mother?Still looking at my old mother's ass?

Nebula is almost mad, not angry at Royce, but angry at herself, she feels that she is more retarded than the gray retarded below.

"It's funny, how is this done?"

Although in the eyes of outsiders, Royce was about to turn into a puddle, but Royce himself asked the champion of the universe with some excitement.

Although this energy is not extremely powerful, it is enough to touch the power of immortality. Even the power of immortality may not have encountered this thing. It can only rely on its endless characteristics to fight against this strange energy.

The champion looked at Royce, who was about to fall to the ground, and he couldn't understand the situation for a while.

No, brother, are you in the middle? I am embarrassed by you!

Seeing the champion in a daze, Royce slapped the champion's head with a slap, slapped him back, and let out a clear "pop".

This sound made the entire arena's voice come to an abrupt end, quiet and incredible.

They don't know what happened, this game is too brain-burning, which side is the advantage!

The champion was slapped, his scalp was numb and his scalp was numb, and the urn said in a huff, "I got a strange stone before and was later snatched away, but some of the power of that stone was left to me."

"So you didn't produce it yourself?"

Royce looked disappointed, the peculiar thoughts of flower growers, and the power brought by foreign objects would never be as reliable as he could cultivate.

Others will always belong to others, and yours will be yours.

The champion nodded obediently, Royce lost the mind to continue playing, and urged the immortal divine power to expel that power, and then stunned the champion of the universe with a knife, turning into lightning and returning to Nebula.

"It's boring, let's go and play in another place."

Nebula was still looking for Royce's figure in the duel, and suddenly heard a voice from his left.

Looking back in surprise, he found that the person was indeed by his side.

"When are you... forget it, let's go, before these people react."

Nebula pointed to Royce and the arena back and forth, after a while, he dispelled the idea of ​​inquiring about Royce's secret, got up and took the lead to leave.


"Where to go?"

The two left the Sorog Colosseum without encountering any obstacles, and the previous security forces did not reappear. It may also be that the two walked too fast and did not meet.

The spacecraft floating in space waited quietly for the pilot's operation.

The driver is waiting for the answer from the tourists.

Royce looked at Nebula blankly, pointed to himself and asked, "You ask me? Didn't you say you want to make money?"

Nebula sighed, manipulated, and finally found where they were going.

There are a large number of mercenaries flowing between the stars. Most of these mercenaries browse mission information on the interstellar network and receive missions.

However, tasks with high difficulty and high remuneration rarely appear there. After all, there is a mixture of fish and dragons, and the ghost knows which unreliable task has been taken by the ghost, and it will be easy to start the task if the task is not completed.

Nebula took Royce to a planet, which is the largest trading post in the galaxy.

You can buy anything here as long as you have money.

It was here that Kamora received the collector's four billion cosmic spiritual ball.

And those who can be found here are also some ruthless characters in the universe.

Royce walked around Nebula and saw many people whose strength was similar to that of Thor before him.

However, he had already had a fight with the champion of the universe before, and he was too addicted to his hands, and he was not interested in making trouble.

Nebula has probably been here many times. She drilled through the crowd like a swimming fish. She seemed familiar with this place.

Royce was walking behind the nebula, and suddenly saw a creature with an impression in his head.53 Chinese Network

It was a Shia with a crown of feathers on his head and bare feet with sharp claws.

The appearance of this person made Royce's mind another long-haired Shia image, as well as a series of interactions with her, which seemed very intimate.

"What are you looking at?"

Nebula was walking ahead and suddenly found that Royce, who had been following him, was missing. When he came back to search, he found that he was staring at a female Shia who couldn't look away.

"Sia people? Have you met? They are rare, at least in the Milky Way."

Nebula has never seen Shia several times. The previous encounters have been on the battlefield. She has no affection for those Shia who like to be nosy.

Royce scratched his head and said, "I've seen it, and I've seen a lot of them. I seem to have had a fight with them."

Nebula's pupils shrank, and she guessed the identity of Royce.

"What's your name?"

Royce was startled and looked at Nebula's serious face. Only then did he remember that he didn't seem to have introduced himself, so he said, "Royce."

"Sure enough it is you."

"you know me?"

Royce looked confused, and Nebula looked at him up and down, hugging his arms, showing a meaningful smile, and said: "The new king of Olympus, there are many people in the universe who know you."

"Oh? Am I that famous?"

Hearing the title of the newly promoted god king, the memory fragments in Royce's mind also began to surge, but they tried their best to form a complete picture, making Royce a little irritated for a while.

Nebula keenly observed the change in Royce's face, and knew that he might have angered this person, and quickly changed the subject: "Okay, go there and check it out, so that you won't get a good job in time."

Royce took a deep breath, nodded in agreement, reluctantly glanced at the Shia and followed Nebula.

At the moment he turned his head, the Shia took out a communication device.

"Report, I found the god king of Olympus."


There are many words written on the wall in a bar, and those are tasks that no one has yet taken.

"Find a talking tree and pay 10,000 cosmic stars. Bring the living thing back ten times the reward. What kind of ghost mission is this? Is it rare to see a talking tree?"

Royce looked at the blackboard in front of him, acting like a curious baby.

Nebula was not impatient. He stood beside Royce and said, "That is the life form of Planet X. I have only heard of it, but I have never seen it. It is said that that race has disappeared from the universe. This mission is boring. Look. That one."

"Huh? Find the hiding place of Skrull's remnants and pay 100 million stars. Oh, such a big deal? How much is 100 million stars?"

Royce didn't know what the Skrull was, but seeing the remnant, he felt that it should not be a good thing.

Nebula nodded and said: "One hundred million stars is enough for you to buy the entire Saka fleet. If there are newly discovered life planets without guardians, it is enough to trade. It is indeed a lot of money."

"Then let's go, find the Skrew people and get the bounty."

Royce immediately decided, Nebula did not refuse, and said: "Yes, it is okay, but it is a trouble to find the remnants of the Skrulls. It is said that they have a very powerful guardian."

"That's okay, the strong or not, I only know when I meet, the big deal is that I will take you to escape, my escape ability is definitely the best in the universe."

After gaining infinite power, Royce's ability to control escape is absolutely the number one in the universe.

Nebula gave him a white look, then shook his head and said, "This task may take a lot of time, so let's take a few more small tasks, otherwise the road will be too bad."

Neither of them noticed that in the corner they didn't want, two people had been listening to their conversation.

One of the blonde women was extremely angry when they heard Royce's rant, her arm glowed with white light, and she looked like she was about to do something.

But a person next to her grabbed her and whispered: "It's not too late to wait for them to leave here. There is no need to conflict with those immortal things, let's go first."


The woman snorted, turned her head and walked away. After she walked out of the bar, she took off directly from Wuhu. The shining white light revealed her earthly appearance. It was Captain Marvel, Carol Danfoss.

Royce felt a strong energy rising into the sky outside the bar, but he didn't care about it. It's not surprising that there are strong people in such a big universe.

"These tasks are almost the same. Do you have any more requirements? Hurry up, and we'll be on the road after finishing talking." Nebula has always acted in a turbulent manner, without any muddling.

This is an advantage and sometimes a disadvantage.

For Royce, who wants to slow down his life, it is the flaw of Proper.

"No, is it necessary? Go here now..."

Royce walked out of the tavern as he spoke, but as soon as he got out of the tavern, he was blinded by a burst of strong laser light, and his body continued to sink underground.

The powerful energy in the laser directly caused an explosion on his body, and the aftermath directly exploded the nebula behind him.

The surrounding people have also been more or less affected. Fortunately, the people who can come to this place are generally not simple, otherwise, with this hand, countless lives can be harvested on ordinary planets.

Royce was caught off guard. He didn't even resist the idea in his mind. He was just dazzled to make his eyes uncomfortable. Covering his eyes with his hands didn't help. The strong light directly penetrated his palms and eyelids, and shining into his eyes. .

In pain, Royce quickly manipulated the rules of space, forcibly escaped his body from the pursuit of the light, and came to the other side.

However, the sequelae of the strong light exposure remained, and Royce fell into a short-term blinding state.

But being blind to the eyes does not mean that he has become blind.

Powerful divine power erupted from the body, forming a sonar detection device in this small world, but this device used divine power to detect.

Divine power quickly caught the position of the person attacking Royce. Without a word, Royce drew out the Godkiller Longsword that had been hidden from Kamora from the crack in the space, and came to this person with a flash.

Carol was still wondering how the man suddenly disappeared, when he heard the piercing sound from the back of his head intertwined with lightning.

Subconsciously turned back and stretched out her arms to block, but with her powerful strength, she did not completely block it.

The huge power from the sword knocked her into the air like a baseball.

Carol flew out and didn't know how far to stop his body. Looking at Royce standing in the distance, his fighting spirit rose to a peak.

Royce himself wanted to kill the person who sneaked on him very much. The immortal divine power in his body ran wildly, and the evolutionary power that existed in every corner of his body began to evolve his body continuously to improve his combat effectiveness.

A big battle is ready to go.


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