Marvel's King

Chapter 176

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Carol looked at the sword-wielding man in front of him with some surprise, but Royce's fierce attack was the only answer to her.

You move your hand first, and after you move it, you may not be able to beat it, so you want to make sense?How can this be true?

Royce didn't want to reason with this woman who did it on her own, he just wanted to put this crazy woman on the ground and beat her.

But an embarrassing fact is that he can't beat Captain Marvel...

Carol's attack method is relatively simple. It is nothing more than absorbing the energy of the white hole and then attacking with soma, launching at most a photon shock wave, which is much more concise than Royce's fancy moves.


After the two fell into a stalemate, Carol stimulated the infinite potential in her body, and waves of white energy poured into her body from the universe madly.

In Royce's view, Carol's appearance was enveloped by a layer of extremely unstable energy, and this energy was concentrated to an extreme, extremely destructive.

But Carol's hideous facial expression also shows that she herself is not relaxed after turning on this state.

Royce didn't panic at all. He had seen anyone more powerful than this. What's so panic? Just run away if you can't beat it!It's not ashamed if you can't beat, it's ashamed if you can't run.

He mobilized a part of the energy of the Milky Way to concentrate on the Godkiller Longsword. The quality of this long sword is really not piercing. It carries such a huge amount of energy without any overwhelming response, and it is still radiant.

After Carol turned on the dual-star form, he rolled over like a bulldozer, Royce resisted without panic, and occasionally called thunder and lightning to get a bit cheaper, but the battle was still deadlocked.

Royce was able to dodge a punch, and immediately slashed with a sword, and Carol was not inferior, easily dodged and blasted with a punch.

The two played back and forth for nearly ten minutes, still regardless of the outcome.

But Royce still discovered Carol's weakness.

The power of evolution makes his body more and more accustomed to this kind of protracted battle, and also makes his immortal divine power more active. Sometimes even without Royce's control, it will automatically form a shield or arc to defend or attack. .

The evolution of immortal power has improved Royce’s vision a lot. He clearly sees that Carol is constantly absorbing energy from the spectrum and transforming it for his own use. That force is stronger than an active star. .

Carol's body and the energy surrounding the body are like two planets, constantly expanding and releasing energy.

Royce looked at Carol's morphology, and a hypothesis suddenly appeared in his mind.

He dodges Carol's punch at random, then retreats instantly, opening the space channel while retreating, and then dives in.

Carol was extremely confident in his abilities. Although he was a little surprised at Royce's strength, he still followed up without any counsel, and got into the space channel with Royce's front and back feet.

The space passage led to a place completely unknown to Carol. Just after drilling out, an old knife from Royce slashed it.

Carol hurriedly controlled the energy resistance, but suddenly discovered that the endless energy that had originally gathered in the body disappeared in an instant, and could only endure this abruptly.

Thorny thorny.


The strong current blasted Carol screams, making Royce happy.

It really works!

The pain made Carol furious, and endless hatred and killing intent rose in his mind.

At this time, she discovered that the energy around her could be used by herself again, re-exploded and opened the double star form, once again becoming the peak state.

Royce saw that Carol had gathered energy again, and did not entangle too much, and once again opened the space channel.

This time Carol hesitated a bit, and did not choose to go straight in.

But when she was tangled, a lightning bolt suddenly struck her head, and the provocation generally fell on her skull.

Carol shredded the lightning at will, the anger started from his heart, and the evil grew to the guts, no longer hesitating, and plunged into the space channel.

The two fought back and forth a dozen times, finally invading a dark dimension once again, dragging Carol down.

She couldn't absorb the energy here at all. She was not Royce's opponent at all who couldn't turn on the double star, and was beaten to the ground by Royce.

"Shoot me in the eyes? Hit me in the face? Kick my head?"

Royce screamed every time he punched, and Carol's ugly face filled Carol's heart with great hatred, but helplessly, she was not an opponent at all.

"Do you want pancakes with fruits? (Bang) Do you want green onions? (Bang) Do you want eggs? (Bang)"

Feeling the thrill of the kind of meat, Royce love the hands of the moving sandbags are not afraid of a beating.

After venting his anger, Royce also stopped.

He had long remembered who this person was, but if he asked before, he would seem very embarrassed, and he did not even care about Carol's identity.

"So, Captain Marvel, do you have anything to say?"

Landing on a strangely shaped planet with tentacles, Royce lay comfortably on the ground and watch the stars, very comfortable.

"How do you know this name?"

Carol is a particularly proud person, and also a particularly strong person. After being beaten by Royce, she was naturally unconvinced, and she was thinking about how to subdue this villain.

But when she heard the name she hadn't used for many years, Carol was still a little confused for a while.

"Nick Fury, Carol Danfoss. I am also an earthling, and it is not strange to know that."

In fact, Royce can only remember a little bit of scenes he had previously seen in the movie, and he can't even remember the relationship between Nick Fury and him.

"Fry? Do you know Ferry?"

Carol is entangled again, can you still meet fellow villagers in such a big universe?Know your old friends?

Thinking back to Nick Fury, her thoughts inevitably drifted back to decades ago, and she was in a trance for a while.

Since deciding to help the Scroo, her life is not her own choice. Sometimes she has fantasies, but she has never regretted it.

"Why are you attacking me? This is the first time I have seen you."

Royce did not answer Carol's question because he could not tell.

Carol was taken aback, her face changed from trance to anger, she pointed to Royce emotionally and said: "Why do you want to help the Crees hunt down the Skrulls? They have clearly lost their homes, and can only It’s hard to survive in the universe, but you still have to face your pursuit."

Royce shrugged indifferently and said: "It's my shit? I'm not a Skrullian. You don't expect me to show mercy to them after seeing their miserable experience, right? There are more civilizations in China, so do you manage each one?" No. 5 Novel Network

Royce spoke with a bitter taste, and he didn't know how this emotion came about, anyway, looking at this woman was a little uncomfortable.

Carol was about to refute, and Royce added: "How many accidents the earth has encountered in the past few years, and I have never seen you appear, oh, yes, you are a Cree, and have nothing to do with the earth. Doesn't it matter?"

"You!...I'm not from Cree!"

Carol was plausible but ushered in Royce's contempt. He gave Carol a blank look and said, "Yes, it's not from Cree, it's from Scroo."

Carol was almost furious, and regardless of whether he was able to beat him or not, he waved his hand with a punch.

Royce was naturally not used to it, and after squeezing his fist, he pressed Captain Marvel and beaten it harder than before.

But this time Carol was also anxious, and the unbearable humiliation made her prepare to go desperately.

Carol doesn't care if the power of this dark dimension can be absorbed by herself, just fills the surrounding energy into her stomach like a black hole, and soon turns on the binary star form again, but this time the double star is completely different from the previous one. .

After the original binary star form was opened, Carol was covered in white light, and the whole person was like a white hole.

But now it has become a black hole, just constantly absorbing energy, but it can't convert this energy into its own use, and it will burst itself.

Carol herself discovered this, but she couldn't control her body anymore and let out a scream.

Royce wanted to stand by, but deep down he didn't want to watch Carol die like this. He didn't know why, but there was an uncontrollable force that drove him to do this.

Carol's situation is terrible, but it is not impossible to deal with.

At this moment, she is like a capacitor that can only be charged but not discharged, and when the energy reaches the limit, she will be burned out.

At this time, the way to rescue her is to draw out the energy in her body.

So he covered the long sword with lightning again, broke Carol's skin with a sword, and inserted the long sword into the black hole in Carol's body.

The tyrannical energy penetrated in and formed a hedge against Carol's energy. It disappeared in an instant, and they were buried with the same violent energy in Carol's body.

Seeing that the energy in Carol's body decreased, Royce quickly opened a space channel to bring Carol out of the universe.

Just after the two left, the dark universe suddenly lit up with two lights, and then the entire universe was illuminated, revealing an octopus-shaped creature half the size of the universe, staring blankly. Space channel made by Royce.

And Royce, who had crossed this dimension, didn't know that he might have provoke a cosmic boss, and he was busy helping Carol return to normal at this time.

Carol absorbed too much energy, and at this time, she could not control her ability at all, and was still absorbing energy.

The normal energy in the spectrum collided with the dark energy of that dimension, causing her painful, and eventually fainted.

More than an hour later, Royce wiped off the sweat on his face, let out a sigh of relief, and said to Carol, who was lying on the ground not knowing his life or death but was no longer supplied with energy from different sources, and said: "I hit you twice and saved We are even if you die."

With that said, Royce looked up and found that some primitive people were looking at him in horror, so he flew off the scene and threw Carol to them.

As for whether it will be eaten, I think it should not.


Underworld, here is a transitional place for the soul from the world to the kingdom of death.

People who don't know think this is a place for reincarnation, but it is not.

The so-called rebirth is just that the soul gem transforms the soul of the dead into energy absorption, and then transforms it into a new soul to make it a new life form.

There are more than one rulers of the underworld, and the most famous one is the bully here, the goddess of death-Hela.

But some time ago, another figure appeared in the underworld, Persephone, the queen of the underworld from Olympus.

As soon as the queen came to power, she began to cannibalize the underworld forces in various gods.

Although it doesn't have much influence on their rule, it can be used as a kind of capital to propagate, so that the number of believers will increase sharply.

For example, hell created by heaven.

Others did not dare to move easily due to the existence of the Olympus god King Royce, so they have been observing the movements of the same famous death goddess Hela.

But to their surprise, Hela also did not move.

This made them even more afraid to provoke Persephone, and they heard that the former Hades also returned and became the queen's subordinate.

Hades would have been bestowed the godhead after he was done in hell, but because of Royce’s accident, Angelica angered him and Su Lisa, demoted them to hell and became a Perse. Funie's right-hand man.

Su Lisa has been sluggish since the events of hell, and her self-confidence has been completely destroyed. Now she is like a walking dead, and Persephone asks her to do what she does.

Su Lisha, who was leading a team of necromancers on the Styx patrol, was looking at the sky blankly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Hades sent a group of souls to the kingdom of death and appeared by her side. He sighed as she watched her unconsciously, and said: "In any case, it was the thing caused by your failure. Even if you regret it now, it will not help. Isn't it?"

Su Lisha smiled bitterly, lowered her head and said, "Of course I know, but what else can I do besides this? I tried my best, and even calculated that he won the right to control hell, and eventually he was punished. I..."

Su Lisha was so guilty that she wanted to commit suicide if she could not die.

Hades was about to say something when two figures, one large and one small, suddenly fell from the sky.


Although the water of the Styx was as deep as the ocean, it was hit by a behemoth like the Sacred Snake, and there was still a splash of water.

Everyone on the boat couldn't dodge, and they were all drowned.

Hades looked at the snake head emerging from the water with a headache. How did the pet of Ares run into the underworld?

In the past, he would never have missed this delicious meal, but now it is not good. Now the god of war is the mainstay of Olympus and the right arm of the queen Angelika. He, the degraded person, can't provoke him. Raise the god of war Ares.

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with this hot potato, another existence he couldn't afford to provoke popped out of the water.

"Goddess of Victory?"

Su Lisha couldn't help but exclaimed.Carrie has a unique position in Olympus, and shouldn't she be protected by Olympus at this time?Why did you suddenly appear here?

As he was thinking, a faint green halo appeared above his head, and a female phantom in a silver-white dress appeared from inside, and said to Carrie: "Goddess of Victory, let me take you back..."

Carrie: "...can you wait? Let me run again..."

Persephone smiled helplessly, shook his head and said, "Carrie, you have played hide-and-seek games six times. You can't escape from the underworld. Obediently, come back with me. Come here again if you have a chance, okay?"


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