Marvel's King

Chapter 177 Earth Matters

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Carrie looked at Persephone with a gentle face and pursed her mouth stubbornly. She patted the water and said, "Impossible! I have to find Royce before going back!"

Persephone's expression did not change, and he smiled and said, "Goddess of Victory, if this is the case, then I have to report to the Queen of Queens. You must know that you have been'wanted'."

Carrie was obviously more angry and yelled, "I just ran out to find Royce. Why do you want me to be wanted! I don't accept it!"

After speaking, a fierce boy plunged into the Styx and disappeared.

The Sacred Snake saw Carrie running away and hurriedly chased it up. If this little ancestor really lost his nickname, he would not be able to save it.

Su Lisha watched the big and the small slipping away under the water, her dim eyes suddenly burst into light.

Persephone and Hades greeted and left. Su Lisha saw this and narrowed her eyes to look at Hades.

"What do you want to do?"

Hades was stared at by Su Lisha, suddenly a little scared, he always felt that this woman might hurt himself if she didn't hold her fart.

Su Lisha pursed her lips and looked at the soldiers in the underworld who looked at her. Finally, she decided to put the matter on the table and said, "The Goddess of Victory is still young. Is there someone who will guide her? Would it be better? After all, the underworld is not safe."

Hades knew at a glance what this woman wanted to do, and he bluntly said: "Are you sure? You will definitely be punished by the queen like this, you should know this."

Su Lisha's eyes burst into light, and she said a little excitedly: "But after finding that person, everything disappeared! Isn't it?"

Hades was silent after hearing this. He felt that Su Lisha had been stunned and would come up with such a risky idea.

But he didn't object either, just said: "Just think about the consequences. You may not even be able to stay in Hades at that time."

Su Lisha smiled contemptuously and said: "I can survive in hell for thousands of years. Is there any place more terrifying than hell? Heaven? There is already empty."

Hades smiled, shook his head and said helplessly: "Then you go, I'll talk to the queen, and the queen, I can't help you intercede. It's best not to be found before Royce is found."

Su Lisha nodded gratefully and said, "Thank you, when I finish this thing, I will repay you."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Hades to respond, he plunged into the Styx.

Su Lisha quickly found Carrie. Although Carrie was very powerful in combat, she had very few means. Encounters like Su Lisha could only escape.

But Su Lisha is not her enemy.

"My Lady Victory, please wait a moment."

Carrie was waving Chubby's hand quickly swimming in the Styx, when she heard the call from behind.

She stopped subconsciously, then speeded up, and said to the holy snake next to her: "Snake, hurry up! She sent someone to catch us! If you catch you, you will stew you into soup!"

Zhan Sacred Snake rolled his eyes helplessly: Who would have this idea except you?

But he speeded up obediently.

Su Lisa saw that Carrie was swimming faster, and she was a little confused, and she hurriedly used magic to move her body in front of Carrie.

Carrie was swimming when she saw a person suddenly appeared in front of her. She was shocked and stabbed with her gun subconsciously.

Su Lisha hurriedly dodged when she saw this, and at the same time said: "My Goddess Victory, I have no ill intentions, I am Su Lisha, your brother's servant."

"Huh? Oh, I remember now, what are you looking for? If you are taking me back, can you let me run for a while?"

Carrie made Su Lisa's weak request straightforwardly and confidently, and said softly: "I'm here to take you out of here. Are you going to find Royce?"

"Can you take me out of here? You won't lie to me."

The Carrie Imp squinted his eyes, and hid behind the Sacred Snake, showing that he was ready to slip away at any time.

Su Lisha nodded and said: "Of course not, I also need to find Royce, so that I don't have to stay here, so I am at Bonnie and I am also helping myself."

Carrie reluctantly believed it at this time. After swimming out of the holy snake, she came to Su Lisa and said, "Then do you know where Royce is?"

"I don't know, but if we look for it, we will definitely find it, right?"

Su Lisa was never alone. Although her troops in hell were included, the big demons who included those demons were beaten by Royce one by one, so they naturally relied on Su Lisa. The horse head is looking.

Therefore, some difficulties are relatively reduced.

Su Lisha herself was a demon, and she knew the structure of the underworld more clearly than Persephone, and she easily took Carrie and the holy snake out of the underworld and returned to the earth.

In the Hades, Persephone was waiting for the Queen's arrival. Less than twenty minutes later, Angelica in costume finally appeared in the Hades.

"Where is Carrie?"

She was expressionless, but her eyes were full of bitterness.

She didn’t come from Olympus. Before, she heard that someone had discovered the King of God somewhere in the universe, and hurried over. But after going there, she found that it was too late, Royce. already left.

After looking around for a long time, Royce still couldn't be found before returning to the Hades to find Carrie.

Persephone called a Hellhound and said something in its ear. It immediately spit out a bubble, which was the scene where Carrie and Su Lisa met and left.

"This bitch again? Where's Carrie?"

Angelica furiously turned her head and stared at Persephone fiercely.

Persephone also had a look of horror. She really did not expect Carrie to escape the restrictions of the Hades in such a short time, and hurriedly bowed and said: "My lord Queen, forgive me, she must not be far away with the goddess of victory. ,we..."

Angelica was suddenly discouraged and waved her hand, saying, "Forget it, no, I have sent so many people out to look for it. If she appears, someone will find it. I'll go back first."

She was too tired, both physically and mentally, and her patience had been polished by Carrie, and the thought of "Can't shut her down" came into her heart.

But before leaving, she still added: "I want you to find that bitch Su Lisha and bring it back to me for disposal." Ranwenba

Persephone continued to say humblely: "Yes, Lord Queen, the Hades will find her."


Since joining the Galactic Council, there has never been a free day on Earth.

Almost every country is busy, like a huge assembly line project.

But this does not mean that the earth is stable. There are some countries that have not benefited from the spacecraft program, all of which do not hold back their farts, and make troubles in the United Nations all day long. Some have even reported to the Earth Interstellar Alliance. Linpis and Asgard asked for justice for them.

I have to say that it makes sense that some countries have been so poor. People have made the boat and gave you a ticket. You have to take this ticket to find outsiders and say that the seat on this ticket is not good. I want someone to change it for you.

Hill often wants to ask whether these mentally handicapped people have brain problems, and how did these people with brain problems become national leaders?.

Today she is here to deal with this matter.

Hill, who was sitting in the main seat, watched the farce below without saying a word.

These are two small countries in Africa. The resource categories provided by the two countries for spacecraft overlap, so Tony chooses to buy half of each.

But one of the small countries started to engage in moths after being honest for a while, and it was lacking in weight and driving up prices. Tony was annoyed, so he just stopped buying the goods here.

The leader of this small country is not happy now. Why?Why don't global events buy my stuff?

Then ran to the United Nations to make trouble.

The current global situation is very different from before. All Wuchangs are united against S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., and there are no more disputes like before. Therefore, the United Nations supports this effect. On the one hand, it sanctions Stark Industries and put pressure on SHIELD. , Asked them to convene the Earth Interstellar Council to discuss this issue.

Hill was a little annoyed by the noise, so a council was called and all the Avengers except Royce and Thor were called.

The representatives of Olympus on the earth are Apollo and Venus, and the representative of Asgard is Sol, but Sol does not know where he is going and did not come to participate.The representative of the Shia is Prince Karasen, and the representative of the Spartans is Prince Jason.

These people can be regarded as permanent on the earth. On the one hand, they are discussing cooperation with this side, and on the other hand, they are supporting SHIELD.

The leaders of the two small countries are arguing below, without any courtesy, justice, or shame.

Natasha saw that Venus's mouth was somewhat contemptuous, and then coughed and said: "Are the leaders of your two countries elected by shrews? Only scolding, but not dealing with problems?"

Everyone on the court felt a little embarrassed, especially Tony.

He pointed to the leader of the small country that was driving up prices and said: "You are the one who falsified the goods, you are the one who raises the price for no reason, and you are the one who treats our goods receivers badly. It is really hard for me to understand, what do you have? You can sit here like a schoolboy and complain to me."

"Our goods are not fake. That thing was originally like that. It's just that the few samples you took out during the sampling inspection are all broken. This doesn't mean that all the goods are broken. So I don't admit that you say we are fraudulent. Yes. Also, why should our goods be sold so cheaply? The people of our country don’t have a few days to eat enough every year, so you should take care of us."

Listening to this robber's remarks, everyone was a little angry and smirked. Sharon Carter, Hill's assistant, directly sneered: "No wonder there are people in your country who can't get enough to eat. It turns out that there are leaders like you.

Is the situation in XLY not more turbulent than yours?Why can people recover well with the help of SHIELD, but you can't?I want us to help you, yes, you can get better treatment by announcing that you are incorporated under S.H.I.E.L.D."

Listening to Sharon's angry words getting more and more wrong, Hill interrupted her with a cough, and whispered: "So, what is your purpose? You want Stark Industries to continue to purchase your goods?"

The leader was prepared to fight back against the loopholes in Sharon's words, but after hearing Hill's question, he fell into thinking again.

Hill directly refused to give him time, knocked on the table and said: "The universe plan is a welfare and competition. If you fail to compete, it is your own problem. SHIELD is not responsible for this kind of thing. Okay, if nothing happens. Please leave, each of us still has work to do."

Seeing that Hill was about to leave, the man hurriedly got up and said: "No, you violated your idea of ​​harmony and co-prosperity in the world at that time, we..."

Hill immediately turned his head when he heard the words, his eyes pierced like a knife on the man’s face, and he said with hatred: "Harmony? Co-prosperity? Is your approach harmonious? Huh? S.H.I.E.L.D. treats any evil forces and rebellious forces I think it’s necessary to include your country on this list! Because you are a hidden danger of war!"

The leader of the small country was frightened.In the past, he followed several elder brothers to do things, and he did whatever the eldest brother asked him to do, and he could get a lot of benefits every year. It was from several elder brothers.

Now the eldest brothers are wise to protect themselves, one by one, only taking care of their own development, throwing away all of them and these little brothers, this makes them extremely panic.

I don't know how to do anything, and I don't know how to deal with things.He went to the United Nations Congress rashly and was fooled by someone to make trouble with SHIELD.It's good this time, but the goal is not achieved, and he was blacklisted.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost overwhelmed, Tony came out and said, "Stark will never never do business with anyone. As long as you can guarantee the quality and ensure that the price is not inflated, our cooperation can continue."

The leader of the small country nodded gratefully and made repeated guarantees. The person who was in competition with him was a little upset, but Hill’s actions before really scared him. He didn’t dare to complain. He could only get angry. Hold it back, and wait to find a place where there is no one before releasing it.

Seeing the end of the farce, Venus said hello to Hill and left.

Apollo waited for her to leave before saying to Hill, “Miss Hill, if you can, it’s better to let go of your rights. Your S.H.I.E.L.D. Threat to other countries is too great. If you are not determined to unify the whole world If you do, let's give up the right in your hands."

"Then how to protect the status of S.H.I.E.L.D.? How to guarantee the ownership of the Avengers?"

Hill also thought that dealing with these bad things every day has to be calculated by the leaders of various countries. Who wants to do this? Those politicians are not blinking.

But there are too many worries, once the power is delegated, it may really be eaten so much that there is no scum left.

Apollo was a little puzzled and said, "Doesn’t SHIELD possess the most powerful military power in the world? As long as you are only responsible for defense forces, I believe that no one will be officially decayed or their military power is enough to collide with you. It’s the right time to dominate."

Hill smiled bitterly and said, "You still don't understand the situation of the earth. Once I give up my rights, no matter whether they have military power to collide with us or not, they will use their power to split the behemoth of SHIELD. , Even if it causes disaster, it is not a pity, this is the ugly face of these politicians.

If Royce was still there, then I would dare to do this. After all, he alone has the ability to withstand all the pressure, but I can’t, I can’t stand being scolded by billions of people, even though I am innocent."

Apollo pursed his lips helplessly, and did not discuss the matter any more. He just said, "In this case, I will go back to the temple. If I have something to do, I can call me. Of course, someone who wants to play cards can call me. "

After speaking, it turned into light and left.

Prince Karashen also left after chatting with Hill for a few words. The rest of the forces had no right to speak at all. They came here to just pretend to be, seeing Karashen gone, they all left together.

"Hill, what Royce said earlier, the operation of monitoring the world has been completed, do you want to distribute all this energy like he said?"

Tony's words made Hill stunned for a while, and after entangled for a while, he said, "Let it go, of course, S.H.I.E.L.D. will keep a copy, and I want the highest authority."

Tony nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, this is the right way. After all, it is something to control the crime rate."

When Rogers heard the door slammed out, the Hawkeyes were also a little upset.


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