Marvel's King

Chapter 179

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After completing the task, Bucky looked very happy, but Rogers was very gloomy.

Hearing a question from a friend, Rogers shook his head and said: "It's nothing, I just think..."

"Think S.H.I.E.L.D.'s approach is too extreme?"

Bucky naturally knew what Rogers thought, but Rogers didn't answer the question, just smiled.

When Bucky saw this, he smiled and shook his head, put his hand on Rogers's shoulder, and said: "Speaking of which I used to work in Hydra, emmm, isn't it a bad word to use the word work?"

"Haha, stop joking."

Bucky immediately put away his thoughts of continuing to joke, and said seriously: "When I was in Hydra before, although I didn't have much sense of myself, I knew exactly what I did to me. At the time, I only thought that Hydra It’s a completely evil organization, but then I realized that the Hydra’s philosophy might be correct, but the wrong way."

Rogers looked shocked, grabbed Bucky by the collar, and asked, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Bucky nodded without shame and said, "Of course I know what I'm talking about. Do you know how many disgusting things I have seen during my time with SHIELD? All politics, politics in any country They are all extremely ugly, including the American government we used to serve. They are the biggest cancer in the world."

Rogers suddenly felt a little weak when he listened. After releasing Bucky, he saw Coleson leaning on the cabin and looking at the two innocently, so he whispered: "Stop talking."

Coleson didn’t care. He walked over and handed Rogers a document, saying, “Captain, do you want to take a look? This is a terrible incident discovered by SHIELD after the global surveillance. Almost every incident is behind it. With the support of the chaebol or the government of a certain country, this is still the case when S.H.I.E.L.D. is in power, and this is still the case when the war has been completely eliminated by Royce. What about before? Captain can you imagine it?"

How could Rogers not know the ugliness of political struggle, but this kind of thing cannot be eliminated at all, even the most powerful person has to succumb to something.

Don’t so many countries oppressed by American dog thieves want to resist?Think, ghosts don't want to, but they are responsible for the people. Once a war starts, they will be the next Iraq and the next Ukraine. Who dares?Who has the guts?

But Rogers, who understood everything, didn't take the file, just bowed his head and said nothing.

Coleson knew he was still dissatisfied with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s approach, but he had done his best.

Hill also did his best.

Your friends have been sent to persuade you, what are you thinking about?Just because you disagree, do you think it's bad, SHIELD stopped this plan that obviously had more advantages than disadvantages?It's impossible.

In the world now that anyone can move away from it, the will of the US team alone is not important at all.

As a fan of Rogers, Coleson is a fan of the brain. Although he does not want to see him go astray, he is not willing to go against the will of SHIELD. The current SHIELD is the SHIELD in his heart, powerful and just. .

Wanda, hiding in the other cabin, secretly reported everything to Hill.

In the Avengers, the captain is the most trusted person, but it's different now.

Compared to Rogers, who had little contact with them, Wanda and Pietro were obviously more grateful for what S.H.I.E.L.D. did to their hometown.

Wanda, who was waiting for Hill's order, did not hear a voice from there.

"Commander, are you still there?"


Hill was still considering how to deal with Rogers so that he would not disrupt his actions.

In S.H.I.E.L.D. and even the Avengers, Rogers may not have that important voice, but in the eyes of citizens of the world, his status is different.

In case of any resistance movement, the consequences would be disastrous, you can't kill the civilians, right?The tyrant can't do this.

She hadn't thought about it when Rogers was locked up, but she still couldn't avoid the problem, influence.

Locking up Rogers without a valid reason does not say what will happen to the people outside, and the Avengers will have a big split because of this.

This is certainly not what Hill wants to see. How many pairs of eyes are staring at SHIELD and the Avengers making mistakes, and then inciting the people to resist SHIELD's policies and rule, and then it is much simpler.

Unite the power of the world to devour S.H.I.E.L.D.'s aviation technology, and then force Stark Industry to yield through various means. Stark Industry, without the support of S.H.I.E.L.D., cannot withstand global activities.

At that time, all rights have returned to their hands, and all the efforts of S.H.I.E.L.D. have been wasted.

Therefore, how to deal with Rogers is a very headache.

"It's okay, you guys will come back first."

Still on the road there, Hill called an emergency meeting.

Those who come are all Hill's supporters, at least the supporters of the global surveillance program.

Those who came were Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Sharon Carter, Peggy Carter, and the reluctant Dr. Banner.

"So, let's discuss the matter of the captain. Will the wife of the captain also come together?"

When Tony saw the heroic Carter walk in, he subconsciously complained.

Peggy gave him a white look and said, "I came here as a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., not as his girlfriend. Do you think I will abandon my business for personal reasons?"

Tony dared not speak anymore, turned his head and said to Banner, "Banna? Didn't I remember that you disagree with global surveillance?"

Banner held his forehead speechlessly and said, "Do you think I have a choice?"

Hill took a look at Banner when he heard the words, and said, "No one is forcing you to work in the laboratory of SHIELD."

Banner stopped speaking and quietly shut up.

He is now in the rescue team of S.H.I.E.L.D., holding Tony's money and S.H.I.E.L.D. resources to research cheap drugs for people in countries that were once very poor for various reasons, and find ways to improve their quality of life.

He has also seen the benefits of global surveillance. Those poor areas that used to be areas where robberies, rapes, and imprisonment were frequent, are now much better, and there have been very few cases of human trafficking.

Coupled with Hill's mandatory requirement for capitalists to make a profit in the spaceship program, it also gave those countries not too far behind in this period, at least the country's income can keep up with the global price increase.258 Novel Network

"Well, everyone else has their own work. Let's discuss it first. I believe everyone is very clear about the purpose of inviting everyone today. It is for Captain Rogers. What do you think?"

Everyone didn't speak, after all, they were old comrades in arms, and no one wanted to speak out first.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little frozen, Tony said: "No one is speaking? Then I will come first. I personally think Rogers needs some psychological counseling. He is now blinded by his stubbornness, and he starts to refute without seeing things clearly. The issue of global surveillance was brought up a long time ago. At that time, he opposed it, but I don’t know why he did not choose to raise or solve the problem, but to think on his own. This approach should not be Appear in the team."

Natasha felt that Tony’s words were a bit too much, and she helped out: "I don’t think it is that serious. Rogers is very stubborn and proud. Which of us is not? At the time, so many people in the global surveillance were opposed to it, three of you. Isn’t it implemented directly?"

Tony glanced at the spy disgustingly, and said, "You won't be carrying an eavesdropping device, or..."


Hill didn't want the infighting, so he interrupted what Tony wanted to say. Tony knew that his mouth was starting again, and closed his mouth unhappy.

"Now our opinion is not important anymore, what is important is how to deal with Rogers's affairs. There are many people inside who support him, you understand."

Natasha also cleared up her mood and said, "Yes, including Clint, the newly joined Falcon and some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, all support Rogers."

"Clint is still like that? Didn't you talk to him?"

Natasha shook her head helplessly and said, "I talked about it, it's no use, he...for some reason, he really hates the feeling of being watched."

Hill nodded, without commenting on this, and said solemnly: "Now there are a lot of eyes staring at us, just waiting for us to make a mistake, and then divide us like wild wolves. Rogers must be handled properly. Carter, do you have any comments?"

Carter was suddenly caught by CUE and did not react for a while. It was her niece who stabbed her before she recovered. Seeing everyone looking at her, she smiled generously and said seriously: "I know Rogers. What he believes is difficult to change. Now, no matter how we explain to him the benefits of global surveillance, he will not understand. He will definitely take a corner. It is estimated that at this time he is thinking, if this power is gained by others Done.

So I think that a lot of work can be given to him, so that he can stay away from this whirlpool temporarily, and this is the best way to deal with it."

"Not bad. The Galaxy Council is building a gathering point in the solar system. Rogers can be sent there."

Hill felt that this matter was feasible, so he immediately decided.

The others had no objection, and Hill asked, "What about Clint and Falcon?"

"Clint's words, I think he can temporarily retire first, and I believe he also likes that kind of life." After all, it is a good friend of Natasha. She still does not want Hill to distribute Clint out, so she suggests He retired.

Hill also agreed directly, saying: "Well, for Falcon..."

"Rookie, just retreat. There is no need for so many people in the team."

Tony made the decision directly on this matter. He is now the boss of the Avengers, and by the way, he also works part-time as the personnel director.

After the decision was made, some affairs began to be arranged.

Rogers was still on the plane and received a mission to build the Heavenly Sword Bureau in the universe. He knew he was exiled.

Ready to resist, he received a call from Peggy and Bucky's comfort.

This completely defeated his confidence, and then directly chose to withdraw from SHIELD and the Avengers.

Clint accepted the retirement arrangement and went to live with a large pension and three children.

Falcon was directly operated by Tony, sent to the military as an instructor, and was expelled from the ranks of superheroes.

This action has attracted great attention in the international community. They are very eager to destroy the organization hanging over them, but they dare not do it themselves. Now they have broken themselves apart, which is very happy to see.

However, after waiting for a long time, some people are not calm and do not see what they have.

The oil and water in interstellar activities are too great, and the amount of technological products, resources, and trade benefits is too huge.

Minerals on the earth are very popular in the Milky Way galaxy, especially iron ore. The price has gone up, and many small countries have begun to demolish buildings and sell iron.

But such a big benefit needs to be allocated to some weak chickens, so that they and themselves can grab food in the same basin. Who can bear it?Neither the capitalists nor anything can bear it, so they want to kill the people assigned by the organization and eat alone.

This is why the United Nations controlled by the Five Constants has always been against SHIELD, because the interests involved are so great that no one can be tempted.

I believe most people understand the composition of the Five Constants. There is a polite and ruthless man in Asia, a criminal in America who writes the word robber on his face, and three hypocrites in Europe wearing gentleman hats full of human flesh.Counting on these five countries to coexist peacefully is purely a daydream. It used to be able to beat you to death for a little benefit. Now with such a big benefit, once power is controlled by them, the world is not unified.

Finally saw the hope of destroying S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, but the hope was shattered before my eyes. How could Wuchang endure this?

They couldn't bear it anymore, they directly contacted Rogers and offered him all kinds of help, hoping that he could stand in front of them.

Once Rogers stood on the opposite side of S.H.I.E.L.D., the stronghold of the fortress would definitely be captured from the inside. At that time, Wuchang would only need to use the methods of the Hydra back then, and S.H.I.E.L.D. would be at your fingertips.

"Captain, do you want to stop thinking about it? Back then, you also chose to be loyal to your country, why not now? Do you know how many people in the world are living in pain under the pressure of SHIELD?"

A senator begged in Rogers' shabby apartment.

Rogers looked at him lightly and said, "I didn't see anyone living in pain under the pressure of S.H.I.E.L.D., on the contrary, I saw how people in Detroit lived under the tyranny of the United States."

The Senate looked stiff, sighed, and pretended to be sad, and said, "Captain, you don't know anything. The situation in Detroit is really complicated. The government has no way to help if it wants to help. The criminals there are almost all of America. The sum of other regions, this kind of city cannot be built."

"Oh?" Rogers still looked indifferent, and said, "Isn't Detroit installed a camera? Doesn't it mean that crime rates in every area where cameras are installed have generally decreased?"

The Senate turned his eyes and thought, and said bitterly: "Fart! S.H.I.E.L.D.'s global surveillance is purely farting! Those cameras have absolutely no way to stop criminals from doing things, and even intensified, setting off a nationwide resistance. The frenzy, you look at this."

As he said, his men took out a tablet, on which was the video of the parade in Las Vegas against the installation of cameras, and beside the parade, countless robots produced by Stark Industries were maintaining order.

But after handling, maintaining order becomes forceful suppression.

"How is it possible?!" Rogers exclaimed, he didn't believe Tony would do such a thing.

At this moment, a black man walked in from the door and smiled and said to Rogers: "That man, what can't you do?"


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