Marvel's King

Chapter 180

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Sam? You..."

Rogers would certainly not believe the senator's nonsense, but Sam had obviously joined in.

Falcon grinned and walked to Rogers and said, "Captain, welcome back to the life of a commoner, this life is terrible, are you mentally prepared?"

Rogers also smiled and said, "I grew up in Brooklyn in the 1920s. Do you think I have never lived? Haha."

The Senator and Falcon started a new round of persuasion and brainwashing of Rogers, and they also showed Rodgers a lot of their maliciously edited videos to further strengthen his mind.

But in the end Rogers still asked him to give him some time to consider.

"Peggy? Where are you?"

Carter is inspecting a small country in Eastern Europe, and S.H.I.E.L.D. is preparing to build a containment warehouse here to send goods to space.

The transportation here is not well developed. The purpose of building shelters here is to increase the income of residents here. There is a flow of people and everything is there.

"Steve? What's the matter? I'm in Europe. I heard that you don't want to go to the Sky Sword Bureau to retire? Have I not cared about you for too long? Hahaha."

Peggy and Rogers are both very busy roles in S.H.I.E.L.D., and they don't meet very often.

Peggy's soft voice really made Rogers feel warm, and said a little coquettishly: "Of course, have you turned the calendar?"

Peggy knew that Rogers had a psychological problem. He waved his hand to let the left and right leave. After no one was around, he asked softly: "What's wrong? Are you sad because of retirement?"

"That's not true. It's just that a senator came to me and Sam. He showed me a lot of fake things and invited me to join the anti-S.H.I.E.L.D. camp. I..."

"Sam? He's not...oh~"

Peggy's weird voice made Rogers a little confused, what's the matter?Then asked:

"Peggy, are you okay?"

"Ah, I'm fine, it's just... Rogers what do you think?"

She said so, but she was complaining that Hill had played such a big game of chess but remained silent, but she was relieved when she remembered that Hill had so much white hair when she was only twenty-eight.

Not everyone can do that position.

Rogers still didn’t understand what Peggy’s weird tone was just now, but he didn’t ask any more. He just sighed: “I originally thought that the situation of SHIELD was not optimistic. ..."

The captain was once again bound by his inner sense of responsibility. He didn't want to return to SHIELD, but he also wanted to help it.

Peggy smiled and said, "Rogers, we didn't want your Avengers to be contaminated by politics, so many things are handled by S.H.I.E.L.D., which also led us to make countless enemies, almost every political party. All want to kill us.

It was okay when Royce was there before. They didn't dare to do it directly. After all, that person wouldn't be able to reason with them. The dirt he saw was dirt, and he would get rid of it.However, Royce did not appear for a long time, which still changed the situation.

I heard that before leaving, Royce advised Hill to let go of some power, at least not to let S.H.I. What will be the consequence of being in power.

Therefore, Rogers, you can withdraw from SHIELD and Avengers. I can understand it, because I know you yearn for a free and flat life, but you did not choose to be an enemy of SHIELD, so I believe once again, you It's still you, you haven't changed, I love you, Rogers."

Rogers was speechless for a long time after listening. It was not that he had not dealt with politicians. He also knew how many traps were waiting for him in the process of dealing with politicians.

But S.H.I.E.L.D. has to fight against such a cannibal politician. The difficulties and obstacles can be imagined.

"Is there anything I can do?"

Rogers’ words made Peggy laugh again and said: “Haha, Rogers, you don’t have to do anything. If you intervene in this matter, it may damage your reputation. I think you should have been arranged. It’s just that I don’t know the part of your arrangement. Do you want to know?"

Rogers said: "Of course, I want to know my mission."

Peggy said mischievously, "Hill won't tell me, can just stay at home, hahaha."


Hill sat in the command room and looked out the window blankly. She missed the man who liked to pretend to be discussing but ordering herself.

Suddenly, the energy detector in front of him suddenly sounded an alarm.

This was done by Banner to detect the super energy bodies on the surface of the earth, in case any powerful people invade again without them knowing.

When thinking about who to send out to check, the whole building trembled suddenly, and a green figure rushed out.


In the Greek temple of the sun, Apollo is sitting on the throne and explaining the confusion of life to believers.

He once traveled the universe as a variety of races, so he has a deep feeling about life. Unlike the person next door, he can only bestow love to others, except for beauty.

But Apollo, who was giving a lecture, was startled, staring blankly at Carrie and Su Lisha who suddenly appeared in front of him.


Carrie knew Apollo was going to suffer, and got up and ran.

But although she was wearing treasures all over, she was still tenderer than Apollo.

Carrie in flight felt that she was getting hotter and hotter, as if flying to the sun, she had no choice but to return home.

"Everyone, let's end today's event, see you next time."

Apollo was as gentle as a handful of water, making the female believers below a heartbeat.

In fact, there are not many men here. Many men who wanted to come were squeezed away by Apollo's support club and couldn't get in at all.

After hearing Apollo's words, these believers reluctantly left.

Carrie sat on the ground unhappy, but Su Lisha covered her face with her hands, not daring to show signs.

"Where did you come to the earth? If I remember correctly, you shouldn't reach the level of crossing the void."

Apollo stepped down and sat in front of Carrie, reaching out and touching Carrie's head gently, calming the little girl's emotions.

Carrie pouted and said, "I came from the underworld. The snake brought me here."

War Sacred Snake: I am so thank you!

"Little snake? Is it the snake of Ares?" Feilu Novels

Carrie nodded and said, "Yes, it is it. It wants to run away with me, so I will take it with me."

Sacred Snake: Didn't you take me away?I really vomit!

"Then did you tell the diva?"

"I left a letter on Thunder Bluff. I'm going to find Royce. He promised me to take me out to play."

Apollo was taken aback when he heard the words, and realized that Carrie had no idea what had happened to Royce. He thought he was missing, so he said: "Do you know where to find Royce? The universe is huge. "

Carrie pointed to Su Lisa and said decisively: "She said she has many demons to drive and find Royce."

Apollo immediately looked at Su Lisha, her eyes full of killing intent.

Carrie's escape was a trivial matter, but it was a major matter if someone dared to confuse the King's sister.

Su Lisha was shocked by the look, and quickly explained and begged for mercy: "I know I made a big mistake, but I just want to find my master. If the queen wants to punish me, can you wait for me to find the master?"

Apollo did not respond, but stared at Su Lisha's eyes, as if she could see through her heart.

And Su Lisha was not afraid, looking at Apollo with her stubborn eyes.

The two looked at each other for a while. In the end, Apollo didn't say anything, but said to Carrie: "You must at least tell the queen of where you have been. The queen even sent people from various gods to search for you in the universe. Trace, you can't make her worry so much, okay? Tian Hou is also very tired every day."

Carrie pouted aggrievedly, and nodded, "Then... Then I'll tell her that I've been to the earth after I leave the earth, okay?"

Apollo laughed, poked Carrie in the face, and said, "Why are you so clever?"

As he was talking, a big green guy suddenly broke the wall of the temple and rushed in.

Apollo turned black when he saw the incoming person, completely lost his former demeanor, and roared at Hulk: "Hulk! Lose money!"

Hulk heard that the joy of seeing Carrie was dissipated, and scratched his head grievously and said: "Hulk is poor, Banner is rich."

Banner then cried and said, "I have no money, Hulk!"


"The Galaxy Council was held at the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. not long ago. The Shandars proposed to reach an offensive and defensive alliance with the earth to build a harmonious society.

The Shia also announced on the Galactic Council that the Shia galaxy is temporarily banned, and no one is allowed to enter or exit. The reason is currently unknown, but it is likely to be related to the disappearance of the god King Royce of Olympus.

The demon in the universe, the Dark Order of the Dark Titan Thanos, is provoking the dignity of all countries and massacres in the galaxy.


News is being broadcast on TV. Originally, these things did not appear in the careers of ordinary people, because these things can be processed into a means for politicians to guide public opinion.

But Hill ordered them to give up this idea, report all these things, and broaden people's horizons, but it is always to report the good and not the bad, so as not to affect the stability of the earth.

But today’s news caused most people to panic.

Hill stood on the podium of the Galactic Council and reprimanded the Cree who launched a war against the Shandars, which led to the collapse of Earth’s diplomacy with the Cree.

The Cree declared war directly on the earth and dispatched a fleet.

Hill also showed no fear at all, transferred all the warships back, and began to deploy defenses in several star systems outside the solar system, and at the same time sent a fleet with Shandal's Nova Legion to counterattack.

In less than a day, the Cree's fleet arrived on the battlefield. After a brief exchange of fire between the two sides, the Cree retreated.

At this time, the rear was hit by the Sandals and the Earth Fleet, causing heavy losses for a time.

This battle brought S.H.I.E.L.D.'s prestige on the earth to a peak.

At this time, Falcon Sam, a former member of the Avengers Reserve, gave a speech, denounced S.H.I.E.L.D. for ignoring national sovereignty and arbitrarily changing the policies of other countries. He also proposed the countermeasures against S.H.I.E.L.D. Inciting the masses to fight against the tyranny of SHIELD.

When the people were confused and confused, large-scale riots broke out in Eastern Europe, North Africa, and South Asia. Numerous terrorist organizations that had been shattered revived, and they started to create chaos with weapons that should have been destroyed long ago.

People from all over the world immediately cursed S.H.I.E.L.D.'s inaction and the bad performance of the U.S. government. Peace enthusiasts from all over the world began to speak and denounced the disgust of U.S. politicians.

What followed was the economic sanctions imposed by the United States on various countries, and even began to monopolize the various channels of interest in the spacecraft program.

Suddenly, the global situation suddenly changed and S.H.I.E.L.D. had entered a state of preparation for war. Other countries that were not involved in this matter were also panicked, and they urgently convened a federation.

However, the federation has not yet discussed any countermeasures. The sale of nuclear warheads by the United Nations Secretary-General and General Mao Ziguo was exploded.

Now it's a direct fry, and countless people jump out to discuss the United Nations.

In the end, the secretary-general resigned under pressure, and the one who came to power was the prime minister of another small country supported by the United States.

The public grievances subsided a bit, and the new secretary-general suddenly announced that he would convene the United Nations Congress and invited S.H.I.E.L.D. Commander-in-Chief Hill to the scene.

"Commander Hill, could you please explain why you launched the war against the Cree?"

Although five or six days have passed since the incident, all countries are still preparing to take this incident out to make trouble.

After all, some peace lovers are pure "Mrs.", no matter who you fight, it is wrong to fight, and to fight a war is to be opposed.

Countless cameras aimed at Hill, waiting to find the loopholes in her words, to end this political struggle that they didn't know how they started.

Hill was expressionless, his eyelids drooped slightly, and said:

"First of all, as members of the galaxy, we should oppose wars of aggression in any form. Second, as one of the three empires of the galaxy, the Cree, not only did not make a contribution to the cause of peace, but went the other way. , Violently invaded other planets of life, and exterminated the Skru people who were also an aggressive empire.

Finally, as the Earth’s strategic alliances and partners, the Shandars have sent a signal for help to the earth, so the earth cannot sit idly by, and the earth will assist in all aspects of Shandar’s fight against Kerry."

This reporter sat down after getting the answer. Another reporter stood up and asked: "Falcon Sam, as a former Avengers reserve, suddenly denounced S.H.I.E.L.D., what is the specific reason? It is really what Falcon said, Aegis. Is the bureau vainly trying to dictator the world?"

Hill did not change his face, he was still the most sleepy person in the world, and said: "S.H.I.E.L.D. has never thought about a dictatorship. The relationship between Falcon and S.H.I.E.L.D. is very complicated. I can only say, what he said. Everything is nonsense. As for why I say it, then I don’t know."

After saying this, the spokesperson of the United States said: "Since S.H.I.E.L.D. has no intention of dictating the world, why should it have all the rights? You must know that the United States is no longer the US government's final say, Aegis The bureau has repeatedly intervened in the internal affairs of the United States. Are you not going to give us an explanation?"

Hill raised his eyelids slightly and said, "Oh? Didn't you ask for it? But forget it, since you want it, then I will announce today: SHIELD will withdraw from all management actions on the earth and all affairs from now on. It will be transferred to the United Nations within three days."

After speaking, Hill ignored the sluggish crowd and walked away.

These politicians are still ecstatic, but they are caught in Hill's trap without realizing it.


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