Marvel's King

Chapter 181

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The renunciation of S.H.I.E.L.D. rights caused a sensation all over the world, with parades all over to celebrate.

But more often, people who understand things cry sadly.

The world has finally returned to the hands of those executioners, and they, these poor people, will become pigs exploited by capital.

Hill was finally able to return to his long-lost home, but there were already guests in the house.

"So, are you not going to tell me about your plan?"

Hill was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the sound. He shook his head after thinking of anyone else in the world who had this ability, took out two bottles of drinks from the refrigerator, closed them and turned back and said, "Didn't you say you are retired?"

The person here was Nick Fury. He pointed to his one-eyed and said, "My eyes are not retired."

"If that's the case, shouldn't you have an insight into the whole situation?"

Hill sneered, went to sit down across the table, and pushed the drink to Fury.

Fury also laughed and said, "It's a big game of chess. How many senators have been bought by you? There are even the president, the prime minister, and Hill. You are really better than blue."

"Where?" Hill lay down on the chair with some pride, and said, "You taught me well."

"It's Royce who teaches well."

"Haha, your eyes can really see through things."

Fury opened the drink and took a sip, then put it down, shook his head and said: "I always think I can see far, but compared to him, it's still a bit inferior. He even started to plan to destroy all countries nearly two years ago. Power?"

"Hahaha, I didn't understand it before. It wasn't until Rogers turned his face over due to global surveillance and S.H.I.E.L.D. that all of this was already in his expectation. But I understood it was a little late."

Hill had some regrets. If he could understand Royce's layout earlier, the earth should have been stable long ago, and it would not take so long at all, nearly half a year.

"First arrange the undercurrents to enter the political circles of various countries, then coerce and lure many high-ranking officials to join, and then brainwash them to completely gather them. I have seen this approach in Hydra. I can only say that fortunately Royce is not nine-headed. Snake, otherwise, haha."

As if recalling the storm of the year, Fury smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

Hill shook his head and said: "It's far more than that. He also did a very important thing, and that is to organize the masses. The beneficiaries of the global surveillance program are far more than the number on the surface, and these people are the hardest of SHIELD. Backing. The so-called no freedom or death is false in the face of real security."

Fury also sighed: "Yes. Who can refuse the temptation to be safe? Okay, tell me what you will do next?"

"The Cree people are already on their way. The United Nations is absolutely incapable of defeating them, and there is no way to use the power of the earth. Several people who can change the situation of the war have been sent out by me to play, and now they can only rely on SHIELD left their fleet, and Tony Stark."

"It's Tony again? It's pathetic, haha."

"Don't interrupt. The people who heard Olympus said that the Asgardians are also facing the invasion of the dark elves, so they can't come and help. And the Olympians and Shia, they have long been closed, although they don't I know if this is what Royce expected, but I do find it too coincidental. He seems to know my plan in advance.

But it is not important. The important thing is that the United Nations will be isolated and helpless. They will not be able to resist the invasion of the Kerry. Then, it will be time for us to incite the masses and emerge strong.At that time, it was also a time when the earth was truly peaceful."

Fury couldn't help applauding Hill and said: "The perfect plan, like Royce and Hydra, I am proud of you, Hill."

"Haha, don't be proud of me. I will retire after I have done this. I am only twenty-eight years old, but like a fifty-year-old lady. I will find a few young people and enjoy it. My retirement, a woman’s life."

Hill's words made Ferry laughed: "So you gave up Royce?"

"Uh...I want to sleep, can you leave, Fury?"


After Fury left, Hill took out a photo of Royce and Coleson, Sol and Carrie.

In fact, this is the only photo of Royce, the others are all taken from the video.

"Where have you been? Why didn't you say more? Decentralization, how did I know this is decentralization?"

After whispering for a while, Hill put the photo back again, lying on the sofa thinking about how the matter should end.

Just when S.H.I.E.L.D. had transferred all rights to the United Nations and was treated with scorn and bad treatment, the Cree officially declared war on the earth.

The Shandars also withdrew from the dispute between the two countries.

However, because S.H.I.E.L.D. had lost its rights, the news was not made public. At the United Nations, representatives of the Five Permanent Representatives are discussing how to handle this matter.

Mao Jiang: "We have weapons, what are we afraid of? Fight! Fight!"

Rabbit sauce: "We don't know anything about the Cree. S.H.I.E.L.D. destroys all records. We don't even know how the fleet that defeated the Cree was defeated last time. Is it really going to fight like this?"

Yingjiang: "Since we can defeat them once, we can defeat them a second time. We have no reason not to win the battle that SHIELD can win."

Mao Jiang: "Yes, there is no unwinnable battle, only the deaths and injuries are serious!"

Tujiang: "I still think we should negotiate first. At least we should first understand their troops, know ourselves and the enemy, and we will never end a battle."

Yingjiang: "No need, no need at all. Fighting is over, and colonization is over after the fight. The Kerry people are very rich, aren't they? First technical invasion, then cultural invasion, and finally take all these two items back and beat him. I was caught off guard and made it anxious to take the initiative to start a war. Let's... eh? Did I say something extraordinary?"

Maojiang: "..."

Rabbit sauce: "..."

Why are there only three in Wuchang?There are only three, OK?

Seven days later, the Cree's fleet arrived in the Proxima galaxy, just next door to the solar system.

At this time, the United Nations, which had taken over the Earth Fleet, understood why the Crees had become the three empires of the galaxy.

The overwhelming ships, the cannons that are gathered together in a group that do not know what it is, the continuous reinforcements, all telling the earth about their strength.

At this time, an unknown hacker cracked the picture taken by the United Nations in the neighboring galaxy and uploaded it to the Internet.

Even though countries have dealt with them very quickly, these videos are still being circulated everywhere, and they are soon learned by all netizens, and soon by all mankind.

On the Internet, on the streets, and even on TV shows, public opinion larger than the Nakri fleet flooded into the United Nations for a while, causing these people to worry about the Kerry people outside and distract themselves from dealing with internal affairs. Too busy.

The Kerry people don't care about this. They first sent three fleets directly into the solar system, and began to tentatively attack the outer warships of the Earth fleet.

The battleships of the earth are the technology of the Spartan Empire. Although they are not as good as the Shia, they are still powerful compared to the Cree, but the number is too small.

After several scuffles, the commander of the Earth Fleet, who had no combat experience at all, found that his side had suffered terribly.

The Cree, who discovered that the earth's combat power had dropped sharply, also launched a full-scale attack.

Tony Stark was temporarily appointed as the commander of the Earth Fleet to command the battle.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, Rogers is retired, Sol is missing, Hulk and Carrie are playing at my house, Natasha ran to an alien planet, Eagle Eyes have family joy, co-authoring is only for me to stick to my post Do you want to force your back?"

Although Tony didn't fully see through Hill's plan, he could see a lot.

These Crees were obviously brought by Hill. No matter who they were, it was impossible to defeat the Cree's army with this disparity, unless that person was not a human.

"Mr. Stark, are you okay? Hill told me to be careful. You won't hit me?"

Pietro pretended to be afraid but provocatively leaned against the door frame and said.

Tony glanced back at him, then suddenly asked, "Who are you?" Lazy Listening to Books

Pietro: ...I'm going home, I'm looking for my sister.


The news that the Earth Fleet was defeated in the first battle was once again sent back to the interior of the earth by hackers.

The emotions of the people were directly ignited, and they gathered at various important roads, even at the gates of the government, to discuss and put pressure on them.

The United Nations had to issue a document, shirk all responsibilities to certain countries that had always chosen S.H.I.E.L.D. on the war front, erased these countries from the spacecraft program, and redistributed their own interests.

And this practice ignited the people's emotions again, no, burned.

"At this time you are still thinking about fighting for power? Get out of the earth! Let S.H.I.E.L.D. come back!"

"Disgusting politician! Go back to your house and let S.H.I.E.L.D. take over!"

"Trash politicians go home, give you a big bowl of prison food, skr~"

"The water flowed even more when the knife was cut off, and the pig head had nothing to do in the meeting."

Not only critics on the Internet, rock singers, painters, writers, and major figures in various art forms began to express their emotions in their own way. For a while, the public’s emotions intensified and even began violent resistance incidents. Fell into madness.

Tony, after experiencing two failed charges, was directly pulled out of the tank.

"So you want me to declare to the people that the earth unilaterally surrendered to the Cree?"

Tony looked at the people sitting across from him and asked in surprise.

"Yes, Mr. Stark, this is the best way. All our allies have lost contact, so..."

Tony is not satisfied with this explanation. At this time, if these people are directly concerned about the safety of the people, maybe he can be moved a bit and do things he didn't even think he would do.

It's a pity that these people don't.

Tony asked: "Why do you want me to announce the surrender? Aren't you who announced the battle? Aren't you who made the strategic plan? Isn't you the one in charge?"

These people didn’t even have any expressions on their faces, let alone guilt. One person said: "Mr. Stark, you can’t leave the fleet without our order, so... I hope you do it, Stark. The gram industry is still very important."

"Yes, and for the sake of the world's seven billion people, surrender is the most important thing we should do at this time."

Just then?Isn't it too late?

"You just said that your allies have lost contact. Where are the allies of SHIELD? Didn't you find them?"

The faces of several people were stagnant, and all the resources of SHIELD were taken over by them, and there were no allies of SHIELD.

So one person said: "S.H.I.E.L.D. has no allies. In fact, there is no such organization as S.H.I.E.L.D., and they can't save us. They can't do anything."

"Don't mention anything about S.H.I.E.L.D., Tony Stark, you can only choose to surrender in front of the people, surrender to the Cree, and negotiate an armistice agreement with them!"


This conversation was quickly posted online.

The people marched on the streets again, but they were suppressed by the troops. At this time, a group of people who feared death stood up, led by several well-known heroes, and appeared in people's eyes.

The battle for power has officially begun.

"Avengers, rally!"

The first to start was the United States.

Under the leadership of Captain America, a symbolic figure of the United States, and under the defection of most of the senators, the American government was soon unable to hold on, and announced that it agreed to restore the establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D., and agreed that S.H.I. right.

Soon afterwards, almost all countries in the world were annihilated. No country could withstand this pressure and all agreed to restore the establishment of SHIELD.

Maria Hill is back on stage.

The first thing after coming to power, Hill immediately began to broadcast the battle against the Kerry people worldwide.

Big screens all over the world show what is happening in space.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. exists to protect all people living in a safe and peaceful environment. We will, and will certainly take this goal as our long-cherished wish, to fight for you and the earth!"

In Hill's sonorous declaration, the Earth Fleet, which was again under the control of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, erected the star gate presented by the Shia.

Countless fleets from various civilizations have entered the solar system domain. They are allies of S.H.I.E.L.D., it can also be said that they are all the younger brothers of Royce.

In less than three hours, the war was over.

Under the battleships of the Spartans and Shias, the Cree’s advance troops could not hold them for more than an hour, and Angelica, who was constantly wandering on the battlefield, also attracted enough attention.

"Is that a human? How can she fly in space? My God, did she just blow up a spaceship? She is a monster, right!"

"Be careful when you speak, that is the queen of Olympus, like Thor, she is a god!"

There are many believers in Olympus, and Angelika has also come to the earth to preach, and they naturally recognize it.

"Queen? The queen of Olympus is Hera, right? That person is Hera?"

"Zeus, Hera, those are in the past tense, the current god king and queen are Royce and Angelica, yes, it is Royce, but I don’t know why he didn’t show up. It's been a long time since I appeared."

"Yeah, why didn't Royce come out with such a big thing? Isn't he the most popular thing to do?"

The people talked a lot, but fortunately they no longer panic about the safety of the earth, and everything ended smoothly.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau appeared in people's field of vision again, and it was a return of the king.

Soon, S.H.I.E.L.D. had disarmed almost all government organizations, turning the earth into a federation, giving all countries autonomy, but unable to possess military autonomy and political parties.

Capitalism was completely eliminated, and the world began to develop towards characteristic communism, and it was developing very smoothly.

The Avengers have once again become the patron saints of people, representing stability.

"I have to say, my political sense is really bad."

"Is it just bad? Rogers, in my understanding, you are a piece of wood."

"Hahaha, haven't you heard? Coulson is going to replace Hill as the new commander of SHIELD."

"Oh? What about Hill?"

"According to her, she wants to find some young people to spend a good vacation in Miami."

"Then she went?"

"I heard no, she bought a spaceship and took Hulk and Banner with him."

"Oh? The black widow is going to become the green widow?"


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