Marvel's King

Chapter 182 Royce Is Dead?

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Coleson’s succession was not smooth. There are many forces within SHIELD. They originally wanted to compete for the position of commander-in-chief, but Hill did not give them a chance and directly appointed Philip Coleson as the next commander. official.

This makes them angry.

Fortunately, the Avengers, the Galaxy Council and many other forces supported Hill's decision.

Hill and Royce transformed S.H.I.E.L.D. from an intelligence agency to a global government. This transformation left many agents at a loss.

Including Phil.

"You don't look very happy?"

While Tony was studying the Iron Legion, Phil broke in.

"Mr. Stark, you know what you are doing."

Phil pointed to the psychic scepter in Tony's hand with a serious face.

"Of course, I know what I'm doing. I'm doing something that allows SHIELD to control all over the world."

"But that is not necessary. We already have control of the world. For the next thing, we only need to follow the flow of the boat."

Phil did not agree with Tony's approach.

Tony applied to Hill for this agreement a few days ago, but Hill did not agree and rebuked Tony.

Phil was investigating the space displacement incident in Germany and met Sol. Sol returned to Asgard in a hurry, leaving Phil a mess to clean up.

And this time Tony jumped out again to be a demon.

Now Phil really wanted to ask Fury and Hill how they dealt with the Avengers.

Tony didn't like what Phil said, and while continuing the research he started, he said: "I hold the opposite opinion. Although Hill may have arranged the matter alone, I think we need to take a hard defense.

I went through it, you saw it with your own eyes.You saw how the Cree defeated our fleet, easily, like crushing an ant.

I may not be able to prevent them from entering the solar system and entering the earth.But I can prevent them from doing whatever they want on the earth and destroying them at will."

"The Cree are our allies, I thought you knew that."

Phil was a little moved by the words, but he retorted strongly.

Tony sneered, and said excitedly: "Where are there any allies? We are not strong enough, can we only rely on the power of Olympus to survive? What is this called? This is terrible! I don't like this, so I want to let The earth becomes stronger, at least it must have the ability to protect itself."

Tony's sudden eruption made Phil unexpected.

He didn't understand what kind of stimulation Tony had been subjected to to become so paranoid. In Phil's view, Tony seemed to be suffering from bipolar disorder at this time.

"Tony, calm down, you know that quarrels can't solve problems, they can only create disputes, right?"

Tony took a few deep breaths, dropped the scepter on the table, turned his back to Coleson and said, "Royce is dead, do you know?"



Five days before Coleson took over.

What kind of experience is it to give up all resistance and float in space?

It is an absolute freedom, as if nothing exists.

There is no sound, no thoughts, no... soul, it's like dead.

"How long are you going to float there? Three of our ten missions have expired."

Nebula really couldn't stand Royce's way of relaxing himself, and was a little eagerly urging.

She hates failure, as always.Because every failure means she has to pay a great price, a painful price for her.

Royce is the opposite.

He takes success or failure very lightly, it doesn't matter.After staying with Royce for nearly half a year, Nebula found nothing of Royce's interest, not one.

There is no desire to conquer, no ambition to rule, just like an empty shell.

His soul has no place in him.Nebula even wondered if breaking that pair of shells would only get internal organs, not blood.

The voice in the earphone awakened Royce, and the wars that took place beyond a dozen galaxies in the distance attracted his attention.

"Nebula, you haven't fought with God, have you?"

Nebula was taken aback, and after thinking about it, he said, "I have fought Thanos, is he a god?"

"He is far away from God, let's let you see the real God, but he is a bit old."

As he was talking, Nebula saw a circle of light appearing outside the cockpit, and then the unactivated spacecraft swished in and got in.

"here is..."


Royce looked at this place and blurted out.

New Mexico suddenly appeared in his mind. The scene when he used lightning to create a magnetic field, but only for a moment, the scene disappeared when he thought about it again.

"Asgard? That's the Asgard who once galloped the entire universe and almost ruled the entire galaxy? Thanos has always warned us not to step into the Nine Realms and not to provoke these unkillable people. I didn't expect me today I actually set foot here."

Nebula looked a little yearning. Although she was restored to her body by Royce, she was still a bald head.

But Royce liked what she was like now, giving a sense of reliability.

Hearing Nebula’s words, some thoughts also popped out of his stomach: “Asgard has almost unlimited energy, but Odin is not a cruel ruler, so he realized his mistake in time. Stopped, and gave it to your father, so a younger brother like Thanos can take this opportunity.

But now it seems that Asgard has been invaded, who is it?"

"Go in and take a look? You can guarantee that they won't attack us."

Nebula is a little eager to try, she wants to enter this mysterious place to see, after all, visitors are never welcome here.

"Of course, go in and have a look, I heard that I am also a god king."

Royce murmured, feeling a little nervous.He had a hunch that this meeting might awaken his memory.

That is something he doesn't want to face.

Asgard did not intend to defend Royce and Nebula. Their palace was attacked. The dark elves had been led away by Thor and Loki, but the damage had not been recovered.

Odin hugged Friga in pain, blaming and sad.

Because of his weakness, because of the appearance of ether particles, Asgard suffered everything that shouldn't be suffered, and Friga suffered everything that shouldn't be suffered.

These guilt will eventually fall on him, making his conscience uneasy, making him feel... the end is coming.

Sol also stood alone not far away sadly. He hated why he didn't come earlier. If he came earlier, then his mother would not be harmed.

Jane Foster also rushed over. Frigga died to protect her, which made her a little bit self-blaming, and felt sorry for the man far away.

At this time, a spaceship suddenly broke into the enchantment that had not been repaired. The angry Thor subconsciously thought that the dark elf would attack again, so he raised his hammer and rushed out.

Odin was taken aback, as if he had regained his strength, and ran out of the window to look at the spaceship.

"It's him? How could he come here? He isn' doesn't matter, I hope he still has his power."

Nebula watched the hammer brother Saul flew over with his hammer, looked at Royce in surprise, and asked, "Is that the so-called god?"

"He is a bit worse, but soon, and he is my friend." The second Chinese website


A flash of lightning fell from the sky, and instantly hit the spaceship they were riding in.

"What is it called a friend? Then I can only say that the Asgardian welcome ceremony is really interesting!"

The lightning did not affect the spacecraft, because Royce was also a lightning bolt player, and easily absorbed these energy.

After absorbing these thunder and lightning pulled down by Thor's power, Royce looked a little surprised and curious.

"Please don't, King Royce."

"Odin? I remember your voice, but you don't sound very good."

To Royce, Odin's voice is also very familiar, but I can't remember where he chatted with Odin. There are only some frozen pictures, which have no substantial meaning.

The meaning of Odin's voice to him is far less profound than that of Sol, who smashed the spaceship with a hammer like a gorilla.

"Sorry, I have to deal with your son first, the spaceship is not mine."

With that, Royce suddenly floated out of the spaceship, gently squeezed Thor's hammer, and said, "You smashed my spaceship as soon as I came, too much, right?"

"Royce? Why are you here? You, you, Earth... Olympus, why are you here?"

The problem of Thor stuttering when he got excited started again, his facial features were crumpled, very cute.

"Why can't I come here? Will Asgard not let me in?"

The more he looked at Saul, the more familiar and kind Royce felt. Continuous images continued to appear in his brain, and memories gradually filled his heart.

"You you you, forget it, can you help me see my mother? She...she..."

Saul choked as he spoke, and his eyes were red.

Royce looked in the direction of Saul's fingers, where Odin was also standing.

His beard and hair were swaying in the breeze, holding the gun of eternity, but Royce only saw a dying old man, the supernatural power in his body was almost empty.

He also saw the female corpse supported by Odin. The soul had been transformed and disappeared into this world. With his ability, the resurrection of Friga would cost a huge price. That was the experience and lessons from the soul.

"Sol, what do you want me to do? Resurrect her?"

But Saul deserves Royce to do it.

Suddenly, Saul looked back at his mother's body. Far away, he seemed to see his mother saying goodbye to him and beckoning to him.

Saul smiled and waved to the other side.

Standing in the distance, Odin saw what had happened, and suddenly his whole body relaxed, and he looked back in the direction Saul was looking at.

He didn't see Friga, but he saw what he wanted, the king of Asgard.

"No... she wouldn't want me to do that."


"So I didn't come at the right time?"

In the palace, Odin sits on the throne, Sol stands next to Odin, Royce sits on Odin's left hand, and Nebula stands next to Royce.

Hearing Royce’s question, Odin Qiang smiled, and said: "There is no such thing as an untimely time, how could the King of God suddenly come to Asgard? Olympus has fallen into chaos, and the queen is full of the world. I'm looking for you."

"The Queen?"

This title made Royce stunned, and his thoughts gradually drifted away and gradually spread to the entire universe.

Odin looked at Royce who had suddenly entered concentration, with a hint of envy in his eyes: Can he penetrate the universe?I am really envious.

In the eyes of Sol and Nebula, Royce was just in a daze.

So Saul shouted: "Hey! Royce!"

Royce was awakened in an instant, but the countless thoughts could not be taken back.


Royce was almost blown up by the reckless Thor, almost gritted his teeth.

Odin suddenly laughed and said, "Hahahaha, some of you are busy."

Royce turned angrily and smiled, and stood up and said to the two of them: "Then I will leave. By the way, Sol, don't tell Tony that you met me. I don't want to be disturbed."

"Huh? What do I say? Did you say you are dead?"

Royce was so angry that he stopped again, then sighed, and said, "Forget it, do whatever you want."

Odin watched Royce gradually walk away, and looked at the divine power flowing from Royce's body.

The divine power gradually penetrated into Thor's body, and Odin checked it and found that it was just the immortal divine power, which did not stop it.

"Satisfied with the gift of the uninvited guest, it will ensure Sol's safety. What about you? Would you like a copy?"

Listening to Royce's voice, Odin squeezed the Eternal Spear and murmured: "No need."


Three days later, Sol sat in the Avengers building and chatted with Tony.

"By the way, I saw Royce."

While chatting, Saul said suddenly.

"What? Where? Angelica is crazy looking for him!"

Tony looked very excited, Royce's disappearance made him feel very insecure, because he used to think Royce was the support of the earth, no matter what kind of disaster it was, Royce could easily solve it.

After Royce disappeared, everything was insecure, especially after he went to hell and had a fight with those demons.

Suddenly, Saul remembered what Royce had said before, his face was stagnant, he coughed and poured himself a glass of wine, and said: "In fact, I, I, I only saw his body, yes! His body. "

Sol couldn't help but praised his wit and almost cheered.

Tony was stupid when he heard that later generations: "What is it? The corpse? Who killed him? How did he die? How could it be?"

"Uh...I don't know, I saw him by accident while traveling through the Nine Realms."

"Then how do you confirm that he is Royce?"

"I went to watch it, but I still had something to do at the time. You have to know that the Nine Realms are huge, so I couldn't bring his body back."

For a while, Tony forgot to consider the truth of the matter. He subconsciously didn't believe it, but it was Saul who said it, not someone else.

"Do you... Olympus know it?"

"I don't know, the Queen of Heaven's order has not been withdrawn, and the various gods still sent out scouts to help find them, and the same is true for Asgard."

"You didn't report Asgard?"

Seeing that he couldn't make up anymore, Saul said in a panic: "Oops, Nidavall is in danger. I can't talk to you anymore, bye."

After speaking, he ran out and flew away with meow hammer.

Tony looked at Sol, who was going away, and panic struck him, almost making him faint.

At this time, he received a photo from Hapy. It was a photo of Pepper and Aldridge Kilian in a car together.


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