Marvel's King

Chapter 183

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"How? It feels like seeing a real god."

Royce was chewing casually with a bag of potato chips, while tilting his head to admire the beauty that can only be experienced when traveling in space.

"Which one are you talking about? Sitting or standing?"

Nebula's hoarse voice sounded, and when he looked back at Royce, he found that he was lying there like a useless person, and gave him a speechless glance.

"Sit, that's Odin, one of the most feared people of your father Thanos."

"Sit? That old man? I feel like he is going to die."

Nebula's feeling was not wrong, Odin was indeed dying, and he could still breathe purely because he still couldn't let go, he hadn't been able to watch his son succeed to the throne.

Royce suddenly felt sorrowful when he was dead, and said with all the vicissitudes of life: "Yes, he really is going to die, for more than five thousand years."

"Everyone will die, it's not good to live so long, and will witness too many regrets."

What Nebula said casually was extremely philosophical.

Royce laughed when he heard it, pointed in a direction, and said, "Hahaha, let's go, that direction, twenty light years away, you can set the route by yourself. I will sleep first, and I will be busy later. Up."


"Tony? I heard you are looking for me, what's the matter?"

Nearly a year passed, Angelica became more and more majestic, even more like a king than Royce before.

Resolute and confident but always with compassion.

Tony looked at Angelica, who had changed tremendously. He wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh. He tried to organize the language before he stammered: "I... Sol came a few days ago and he said he saw Luo Is..."

"What? Where?"

Hearing Royce's name, Angelica finally showed the surprise and joy of ordinary people.

But what Tony said next made her confused.

"Sol said he saw Royce's body, Angelica...sorrow."

Although Tony couldn't accept this fact, he felt that he had to tell Angelica about this.

But Angelica only felt strange, strangely at a loss.

Olympus's power has not been exhausted, it has not told her that this ruler's throne is empty, and the gods have not felt anything happen, so how could Royce die?

"Did Saul say where he saw Royce's body?"

After trying to understand, Angelica asked immediately.

Tony is also a little confused, what kind of performance is this?Should the dead husband behave like this?Isn't it right?

In an instant he understood and said excitedly: "Sol is lying! He told me that he had found Royce's body while traveling through the Nine Realms, but he said that because the Nine Realms were too big, he could not Royce's body was brought back.

Although I have not taken their Rainbow Bridge, I know that when I travel through the universe in the Rainbow Bridge, I can’t see things outside, and Sol cannot fly into space, so he must have seen Royce on the ground. Of the dead body.

In this case, I have reason to doubt if what he saw was a corpse.Can't Rainbow Bridge send a corpse back to Asgard?Even if not, they should inform Olympus.

I didn't expect it at the time!Angelica, what are you going to do?"

Angelika also smiled happily and said: "Go to Asgard, do you want to go together?"

Tony was eager to try, but sighed again, and said, "Forget it, there is a problem between Pepper and I. I have to deal with that first. After I find Royce, I will slap him, can I?"

Angelica smiled and nodded, and said, "I will. Slap with my slap."


Asgard, Sol submitted his resignation to "Odin" after returning, stating that he was unwilling to accept the throne and he swore an oath to protect the safety of the Nine Realms.

But he didn't know that Odin in front of him was already Rocky.

After Sol left, Odin was exiled, and Loki officially lived the life he dreamed of.

But he is obviously not a good monarch, and as soon as he came to power, he abandoned the decree and severed Asgard's connection with other worlds. He was spending his time in Asgard.

"Father, the queen of Olympus wants to see you."

Loki, who was training some people and preparing to let them perform a drama for him, suddenly received the news.

Hearing that the people from Olympus were coming, he suddenly panicked, no, very panicked.

The man Royce left a deep shadow on him.

He always thought he was ruthless enough, but that person was even more terrifying.

He always laughed and put everything on the table to solve it, it seemed reasonable, but in fact everything would only proceed according to his own development, and he would not make the other party feel grateful.

He was like that back then.

Royce forced him to do a lot of things that he didn't want to do, but everything didn't actually affect him much, and in his opinion, everything was going in a good direction.

When he returned to Asgard, he was not imprisoned, at least not in a cell.

Once he even had a little grateful idea for Royce.After thinking about it, he felt a chill from his soul, and that person was really chilling.

"Queen? The Queen of Olympus? What is she here for? Let her go to the palace."

Loki hurriedly went to dress up, and was mentally prepared, and then came to the palace.

"I'm really sorry, the death of Friga left Asgard without a welcoming person. How has the queen been? I heard that Olympus is not very stable."

Angelica looked at Odin, who was laughing and approaching, with a little doubt in her heart, but she picked it up well.After all, it was Asgard's housework, she didn't have the qualifications and didn't need to take care of it.

"I heard about the queen, pay tribute to her."

Angelica got up and saluted, naturally not to the fake and shoddy product, but Friga.

She and Friga have met several times. The woman is very wise and politically wise, but after all, she is bound, or she wants to be bound, so she is willing to be a person behind the scenes.

Angelica once wanted to be a behind-the-scenes person, just like Friga, but unfortunately, that person threw everything to her and disappeared without asking her if she wanted to.

Rocky also saluted the distance. He was serious. It was his mother, who loved him most and the only person who really loved him in Asgard, at least in his heart.

"Odin, I came to ask if Sol is there?"

Knowing that this was not Odin, Angelica didn't mean to show respect.Rocky didn't deserve to be respected by the queen of Olympus.

When Rocky heard Angelica's tone, he knew that he had been exposed, and the woman in front of him was also a good magician, so it was not surprising to see.

But since she didn't break it, so be it.

"Sol? Sol told me a few days ago that he didn't want to be a king, and then he went to travel around the Nine Realms. What can you do with him?"

Odin can be one level higher than Anjelica, but it doesn't mean that he can be one level higher than Anjelica. Now that he is recognized, behave.

Angelica had a majestic face and said, "I got news that Sol had met Royce in Asgard. Do you know when?"


Loki almost jumped from the throne, speaking in horror.

Angelica got the answer, sighed and stood up and said, "If this is the case, then I won't bother you. Can you provide me with some help in finding Sol?"

"I don't know where he went, but Heimdall can contact him and I will help you call him over."

"No, please take me over and ask questions, it won't take much time, thank you." Love the book

Angelica didn't want to wait anymore, she didn't know when Sol saw Royce, and there was no way to speculate that Royce had been in space for a few days.

She knew that Royce didn't like to expose his body directly in space, so he would definitely find a flying tool.

And the style of this tool will also become a clue.

"You mean, let me ask Saul where he saw Lord God King?"

Heimdall was stunned for a moment when he heard the question, and then said: "I can tell you that I was here at the time and I can see it clearly."

"Tell me then." Angelica couldn't wait.

Heimdall did not drag himself when he saw this, and said: "At that time, the king came to Asgard with a centaur, and they were on a Bedouin spacecraft."

"When did they come?"

"Seven days ago, when Asgard was invaded by dark elves."

"Has it been so long? Is there any other information you can give me?"

Although Angelika was a little disappointed, she looked at Heimdall hopefully.

Heimdall thought about it for a while and said: "They jumped and left along that wormhole. Maybe you can find them along there, but I don't know the others."

"Okay, thank you, the gods are with you."

"Goodbye, Lord Queen."

After the two parties said goodbye, Angelica left.Heimdall suddenly remembered that Angelika hadn't said goodbye to Odin, and that Odin didn't have an angry expression on his face, which made him a little suspicious.

"Father, you..."


"So are we going to that planet?"

After scanning the nebula, there is only one planet with an atmosphere in this star system, but there is no life yet, and I don’t know why I’m here, mining?

"No, you wait here for a while, I'm going to find someone."

With that, Royce flew out of the spaceship and opened a door.

Nebula saw the scene inside the door, it was a clearing, and a man was standing in the clearing meditating, his back was exactly the same as Royce's.

"So, what are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about how I got here."

The man turned his head, and he was exactly like Royce.

He is a thought of Royce. I don't know how many such thoughts are. Although it will not harm the universe, it always makes Royce a little uneasy outside.

"Like me, I came across. Any questions?"

"Oh? Like you? Then what are you?"

"Me? I am a human being, or an Olympian, or a god king."

Royce's answer was almost blurted out.

And this answer also reminded him of many pictures.

It's all things that happened in previous lives.

Since he has a memory, everything.

"I think what you said is true, because our thinking is the same."

The thought gradually approached Royce and walked directly into Royce's body.

When they became one, Royce had countless images in his mind.

On a snow-capped mountain, he is resisting a beam of light that can penetrate the planet with a gentle woman. The beam of light contains peculiar energy, like the energy generated when the universe was created.

Strange but uncontrollable.

He has reached out to touch it before, but that kind of thing is clearly on hand, but it is out of reach.

Then, the light curtain disappeared and he was hit.

From the perspective of the onlooker, he saw what was happening to him. He was torn to pieces, and then exiled from the universe to a place of utter nothingness.

There, he saw a man, a woman with dark green hair.

"This is the person with unlimited choices? Haha, she really can't play games."

"It's much better than you to never play again, you sadistic bitch, take your hand away or I'll chop it off!"

"Hey, he can't die. The Life Court didn't mean to let him die. I just pulled him over to see and compare with the person I chose. Why are you so anxious?"

The woman with dark green hair really looked like a bitch.

Just after the mocking words were said, a woman with a weird pattern all over her body suddenly appeared, and with a big hand she picked up Royce's consciousness.

"What did you do? What's his memory?"

"That's not what I did."

"That's what I did."

The question of infinity received two answers, one from death and one from annihilation.

"You can also do things that have no lower limit. But you still like to show off this kind of thing, it's sad. You created the thing in hell? That's right, that is, you will create that kind of thing. Oh, haha."

Infinite ridiculed Oblivion, and then left this dimension.

This place does not belong to any universe, and the people in it are at their level. If there is a conflict with people here, it may really die.

After Infinity left, Annihilation was also about to leave, but death grabbed him and said: "In the past, the two people did not interfere with our practice on the grounds of not changing the laws of the universe. Why did Infinity shoot this time?"

Annihilation thought for a while, and said: "Maybe we are annoying her? Menopausal woman, who knows what she thinks, what do you think?"

"Maybe she really wants to fight against us, there is still no action on the eternal side, and the quantum bracelet has not been handed over, right?"

"Yes, I've been observing, he didn't hand over the bracelet. But that person can see everything, maybe he already knows what direction things are going to be, just lazy to manage, as usual. "

Death was about to say something, when a voice suddenly came: "You should know that this is not a place where you can come?"

"Leave at once, leave at once."

Death was still explaining, and the annihilation was gone.Death cursed secretly, and quickly fled.

When Royce returned to Universe 616, the memory illusion that appeared before his eyes disappeared.

"It turned out to be like this. It's a pity, I can only absorb it once, otherwise maybe I can figure out what happened in this way, and I don't have to disturb others or myself."

Nebula looked at Royce, who came back after less than a minute, and asked curiously: "Who is that person inside? Your clone?"

"Doppelgänger? Why do you think there is such a thing? It was an idea of ​​mine."

Nebula had a black line on his face and said, "Is this a little scarier than the clone, okay? Okay, where to go next?"

Royce looked out the window and said, "Go to where the next thought is. In that direction, sixty light years, let's go."


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