Marvel's King

Chapter 187 Crisis

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Return to Olympus with me."

Angelica lay on Royce and whispered.

Royce thought for a while, shook his head and refused: "I can't do it, I still have a lot of thoughts in the universe, I have to take them back. Otherwise, I don't know what disaster they will cause."

"What disaster can your thoughts cause..."

Angelica suspected that Royce just didn't want to go back with her to say this.

Royce was upset when he heard that, and said, "What's the matter? I don't have any evil thoughts anymore?"

Angelica laughed directly when she heard the words. Seeing Royce's face turned black, she quickly held it back, but couldn't hold it anymore, and laughed again.

Royce's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, he got up angrily, put on his pants and said, "I'm not going to sleep, I'm leaving! It hurts my self-esteem!"

Angelica hurriedly stopped, and said coquettishly: "Oh~ I won’t say it, can’t you? Come up and stay with me for a while. Olympus has a lot of things. If you don’t go back with me, at least stay with me. One day."

Royce hesitated, took off his pants and climbed onto the bed.

Angelica was satisfied now. She stretched out her hand and rubbed Royce's face and said, "Can you tell me what happened back then? I have never understood why you left without telling me. "

Royce knew what Angelica was talking about, recalled and said: "At the beginning, because I forcibly saved a lot of lives, there was some endocrine disorder in the universe, and then someone said that I must be punished, and I felt that I was punished. There seemed to be no problem, so I agreed.

That time I left suddenly because the punishment came, so I ran far away in order not to hurt you.I thought it might be nothing, but I was banished directly. If it wasn't for a great god to get me back, I might have gone to which universe."

Although he was only exiled to a parallel universe, it was really difficult to come back, especially when he lost his memory.

Angelika was so distressed that she twisted and entangled Royce like a snake, and countless moves hit Royce again and again, and after a while she was relieved and went to bed.

Royce also embraced her to enjoy the long-lost peace.

The two were awakened by Carrie the next day.

Carrie happily stood in front of the two people's bed and yelled, making Angelica almost die in embarrassment.

Seeing that the little idiot was about to run over and lift the quilt, Royce quickly waved his hand to create a portal and threw her over.

Then he got up quickly and put on his clothes, and said: "You go to bed first, I'll go out and see what's going on."

He left the room.

Angelica was lying on the bed again. She did a lot of exercise last night and she was a little tired.

Outside the door, Nebula was chatting with Hill. Carrie was sullen with her arms. She snorted when she saw Royce approaching, saying that she was very angry and had to be coaxed.

Royce didn't say anything, just picked her up like a child, then walked over to Hill and Nebula to sit down and asked, "Is the earth okay? There are no enemies, right."

Hill smiled and shook his head, and said, "Fortunately, it's just that Spartan's technology exceeds the earth so much, which has caused a knowledge gap, which makes Tony and the others a headache."

Royce also smiled and said: "This is no way. The civilization level of the Earth was still too far away from interstellar activities. However, Spartan's technological level is also high enough to compensate for the technological gap on the earth in time. Phenomenon. There are abundance of talents on the earth, which will definitely make up for this. By the way, who will take over as the head of SHIELD after you retired?"

"Coleson, but we are not called the chief now, we are called the commander in chief, haha."

Hill looked relaxed, but Royce was lost in thought.

"Small memories tell me that Coleson is not suitable for that position. He is not even as good as Sharon Carter."

"Huh? Why? Didn't you trust him before?"

The smile on Hill's face also disappeared, and it was replaced by a serious look.

"This has nothing to do with trust. Coleson does not have the courage to give up. I am worried that once a problem that has too much impact occurs, he will not be able to avoid the lighter. The pursuit of perfection will only lead to a total collapse. You should be very clear."

Seeing that Royce was serious, Hill also began to recall Coleson's previous way of doing things.

After returning to my senses, it seemed that it was indeed the case. Coleson is a man who is very emotional. When it comes to certain issues, he will not be sure of the way. If no one orders him, he is very likely to handle the matter unsatisfactorily. It may also lead to a greater crisis.

"What should I do? I don't want to go back to take over."

Royce thought for a while and said, "It doesn't matter whether you go back or not. The important thing is whether there is any successor to SHIELD. If you can, you should not decentralize power internally. Dispersion of power means disputes. Nothing necessary."

Hill was still worried, and plucked up the courage to say, "Why don't you go back with me? Let's come out later?"

Royce thought for a while, nodded and said, "It's okay. Let's tell Angelica later, let's go after breakfast. It is better to do less than to do more. There is nothing to worry about if you deal with it earlier."

About two hours later, Angelica walked out of the room lazily.

Seeing her sleepy eyes, Royce smiled and said to her: "Come, introduce you a friend."

After pulling her to Xingyun's side, he said: "Xingyun, a very smart and capable person, if she wants to, can let her accompany you to Olympus, and she should be able to help you deal with many things."

Before Angelika’s invitation, Nebula directly refused, saying, “Forget it, I’m not used to managing anything. I like a free life, thank you for your kindness.”

Angelika didn't care, smiled and took her hand, and said affectionately: "I didn't thank you for taking care of Royce before, thank you very much."

Without waiting for Nebula to answer, he said to a nymph, "Will you bring me some holy water?"

Nymph left in response, and Nebula looked at Royce inquiring.

Royce waved his hand: "What do you see me doing? I don't know what it is."

Carrie smiled and said to Nebula at this time: "Holy water can improve your physique and life expectancy, a very good thing."

Nebula quickly refused, but as the queen Angelica's will is so simple to refuse, after several verbal attacks, Nebula honestly accepted the holy water.


Banner's hoarse voice came from behind Royce, and when he saw Banner, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, I didn't expect to see you here, hahaha."

When Carrie awakened the sleeping Hulk last night, Royce had gone to bed with Angelica, and they had missed it.

Banner sighed when he saw Royce, came over and patted his arm, and said, "It's been a long time. I still remember that we were in hell the last time we met, hahaha." 315 Chinese www.

"To be honest, I forgot, but what does it matter? Hahaha, come and give me a hug."

Angelica looked at the gay anger of the two gays and couldn't help but complain: "Would you like to open a room?"

The two immediately let go of each other and smiled awkwardly.

Hill saw that Royce hadn't talked about returning to Earth for a long time, so he was a little anxious and walked up and said: "Angelica, Royce is going back to Earth with us, is that okay?"

Angelica was taken aback, looked at Royce, shook her head and said, "No problem, he can go wherever he wants. I have no objection. Ask me why?"

"Huh? Oh, that's all right."


The situation on earth is indeed except for some problems.

On the one hand, there are internal problems. Coulson’s methods are a bit softer than Hill’s. Those capital powers looked at him honestly and changed their methods to benefit from him. They also provoke the high-level agents of SHIELD. Some capital even Begin to fund them secretly, trying to split SHIELD.

Coleson saw these things in his eyes, but there was nothing he could do, he didn't know what to do, he could only watch the situation worsen.

Not only that, Tony's side is also not worrying.After experiencing the Extremis Virus incident, although he has matured a lot, his sense of security is increasingly lacking. A few days ago, he even submitted a report on a fully automatic frigate.

S.H.I.E.L.D. can build this thing on its own. The reason for not building it is because it is afraid that this thing will fall into the hands of those with a heart.

They are not sure whether the Hydra will completely perish. Once this kind of thing falls into the hands of Hydra or other extreme forces, the disaster it will cause is not just a bit of a star, it will be of destruction.

There are other problems as well. The most important thing at present is that some capital that has not made too much profit in the spaceship program is stirring up financial turmoil and causing price chaos in various places. Coulson is almost worried about this.

In fact, there are many problems elsewhere.

Hill had a deal with the Cree before, and exchanged a batch of iron ore for the Cree to act with him.

The play was very successful, and the Kerry people also got what they wanted most. The two sides can be regarded as mutually beneficial.

But after Hill was gone, the Cree was confused.

Hill's iron-blooded hands and strong performance on the Galactic Council are true to make many civilizations admire the earth, but it is also because of Hill, and other people on the earth themselves are still creatures of lower civilizations.

After Hill stepped down, Coleson took office.Although the right to speak in the Galaxy Council has not been lost, it is indeed not as important as before.

Now even the Shandars, the hard-core ally of the earth, are beginning to vacillate, let alone the Sovereigns who think the earth civilization is mentally retarded.

Knowing his situation well, Coleson, with the goal of no longer adding enemies to the earth, reached a second deal with the Cree, allowing them to enter the earth's territory to purchase iron ore.

There was no problem. After all, there are two gods of Olympus, a prince of Shia Empire, and a prince of Spartan Empire on the earth. No one dares to make trouble here.

But he forgot that it was the Cree who came here, a race whose ambition has never disappeared, even a high-level civilization is still cold-blooded and brutal like wild dogs.

The Cree people are now eyeing the earth because they are too short of iron, and the earth itself is a huge iron ore.

As for the human beings on the earth, the Kerry people even gave these future slaves a label.

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, command room, Coleson, whose hairline moved up one centimeter again, was watching a report.

At this time, Sharon Carter walked in with a document and said: "Commander in chief, an earthquake has been found in Africa. Radars show that the Cree people have dropped unknown equipment there. Their explanation is a vein detection device. The details are unknown."

Coleson sighed and said, "Send a team to check. If the Kerry people block, they will stop their collection permit."


Sharon, who was ordered, immediately went to make arrangements. She just turned around and ran into her aunt Peggy Carter who was also holding a document.

However, the two of them did not interact, they just nodded to each other to say hello, and they crossed each other.

"Commander-in-chief, the pioneer group in the United States claimed that they were under the surveillance of an organization called the dark tide and filed a lawsuit against them in the Supreme Court. Does it need to be handled?

"Undercurrent? Isn't that Fury's organization? Send someone to ask him what he is going to do. Is this Pioneer Group the same company that created the Extremis Virus before?"

Coleson is still very concerned about the self-destruction incident that happened not long ago. If Tony hadn't resolved it quickly, he would have sent agents to intervene.

Peggy nodded and said: "Yes, Pioneer Technology is a subsidiary of Pioneer Group. This Pioneer Group has done many things that endanger the privacy of citizens, and it also does live experiments. It needs to be suppressed."

Coleson nodded and agreed: "Then you can take care of it, I'm not very good at handling this."

Peggy nodded, and when he was about to leave, a young girl hurried in.

This person Peggy knows, is Coleson's confidant, the agent who has been taught one by one, Skye.

The girl hurried over and said, "Commander-in-chief, Agent Hand was assassinated in Detroit. The assassins were agents from within S.H.I.E.L.D.."


"Can't tolerate it! Thorough investigation!"

Coleson is surprised, Peggy is strong.

The two radically different reactions represent their personalities.

Coleson calmed down and immediately ordered, "How is the situation with Agent Hand?"

"Slightly injured, but the escort task assigned to her before should not be completed."

Skye was a little lost because she guessed who did it.

Peggy was furious. She slapped the table and said: "These people are too courageous! Commander-in-chief, this matter cannot be tolerated, otherwise the prestige of S.H.I. ."

Coulson hesitated and passed the economic analysis report on the table to Peggy, saying: "What if the scale of this financial turmoil is enlarged?"

Peggy was stunned, because this analysis report was just like the critical illness notice, and it meant that Coleson was ready to collect the body for the global economy.

"How about what? Who dares to do what?"

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