Marvel's King

Chapter 188

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Royce?"

"Commander Hill?"

Seeing the two walk in, Coleson was in tears.

God knows how difficult this position is, God knows.

"Phil, it doesn't look like you are relaxed, what about the energy that laughed at me? Hahaha."

Hill looked at Coleson, who was getting bald, and laughed unscrupulously.

Coleson also laughed self-deprecatingly, walked towards the two of them, and said: "I don't know what to do if you don't come back. There are so many things that my scalp is numb. Hill, you still choose someone to do it. This position, I can't stand it anymore."

Before Hill spoke, Royce laughed and said, "Haha, I'm backing out so quickly? If it's all like you, wouldn't it be a mess?"

After some greetings, Royce arranged for Peggy to say: "Peggy, let me know that all the senior management including the Avengers will have a meeting in three hours. I have something to say."


Although Peggy doesn't particularly like Royce, she has to admit that Royce's ability to handle these things is beyond the reach of everyone present.

After Peggy left, Royce said to Coleson again: "Take all the big things that happened recently, let me see what the hell is messing up."

"Look at this first, this is more important."

With that, Coleson turned around and took the papers from the desk.

"Financial turmoil? Have you found out which forces are doing it?"

Royce looked at it roughly and knew what was going on, so he asked.

Coulson nodded and said: "At present, four chaebols have been found making trouble behind their backs, but there is no evidence to take measures against them."

Royce was silent for a moment and said: "What is the current general policy of the earth?"

"It is only now starting to break away from the spaceship program and the era of great voyages has begun. The Earth Fleet is looking for habitable planets in nearby galaxies and intends to expand its territory, at least not to put too much population pressure on the Earth."

Royce nodded, and then said: "Kick these four chaebols out of this plan, S.H.I.E.L.D. will stop all cooperation with them, and at the same time order the capitalists protected by S.H.I.E.L.D. to prohibit contact with them. Those who dare not follow. They are also punished in this way."

Coleson was stunned when he heard the words, and after a while, he said: "That's not good, if they fight back and increase their efforts to promote the financial turmoil, then..."

"They are rich, and there are more rich people than they are. A message to the major chaebols of S.H.I.E.L.D., as long as the financial turmoil continues to spread, it will directly stop the era of great voyages. If there is any problem, let them come to me .Now we are the Lord, what shit capital, I let him be capital, he can be capital. Phil, domineering, you are now the master of this world. As long as you think you are right, then you are right. "

Coulson smiled awkwardly, swallowed embarrassedly, and said, "This...I still can't do it."

Royce saw that Coleson was so unconfident by these people, he didn't say anything, just arranged for him to implement the previous handling method.

Among other things, SHIELD's action capability is still leveraged.

Less than half an hour after the decree was issued, the leaders of the four chaebols came to S.H.I.E.L.D. to make trouble, and other chaebols also sent people to ask for explanations.

These people were brought to Royce by Coleson without exception.

Royce was watching the report intently, ignoring these few people.

Hill sat by the side, despising these people.

In fact, these people retreated when they saw Royce and Hill come back, but it is easy to get in and get out. Coleson just said: That one hasn't let you go yet.

Royce looked at the report that Skye handed over, and became more and more angry, and if it wasn't for Coulson to be his own, and he was not too young, Royce would call him a doggie.

Originally these things were trivial, but after Phil's blind compromise but no retreat to advance, everything changed.

Compromise is fundamental to the operation of this world, but this compromise is for both parties, not unilateral.

Once only one party compromises, the other party is bound to intensify, and there is no moral justice in front of the interests, let alone such big interests.

Royce watched from the front, the representatives of the big chaebols underneath frantically tried to spread the news of the return of the evil star Royce, but none of them had the ability to do this under the eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D. .

After another half an hour, Royce finally read all the reports, and after a disappointed glance at Coleson, he set his sights on the few people below.

"You are so courageous, you dare to use capital to leverage the authority of S.H.I.E.L.D.? With your paws stretched so long, you are not afraid of being chopped off."

Royce also compromised in front of capital back then, but the situation was very different from now.

Although he was in control of S.H.I.E.L.D. at that time, there was too much external pressure, and he really caused the financial turmoil by himself. He did not restrain the power of these capitals at all, and blindly resisting would only cause a bigger storm.

But now it is different. There is nothing that can suppress the power of S.H.I.E.L.D., as long as the general direction is good and everything is right, there is no problem, even if these chaebols have their homes taken.

No need to have it, the upper class must have skills.

The representatives looked at each other, and one of the people selected by the eyes stood up and said: "Mr. Royce, there may be some misunderstanding."

"Call you in ten minutes, and the matter will be resolved within ten minutes. If you can't resolve it, we will treat it as a betrayal of the earth and seize the opportunity."

Royce ruthlessly threw the document in front of the people, and then ignored them, and said to Skye: "Dial the call of the Supreme Commander of the Cree. I want to ask him what he means. Do you want to be destroyed?"

Skye was so excited by Royce's domineering, and he shouted, and everyone including Royce was startled.

"Yes! I'm going now!"

After speaking, Royce chuckled and ran away. Royce laughed and said to the next hill: "Young man, just energetic."

Hill also smirked and said: "S.H.I.E.L.D. needs such fresh blood."

Royce smiled, and said to Peggy, "Peggy, where's Sharon? Let her come over and listen. She's not too young anymore, and she should be burdened."

Peggy hesitated when he heard this, and said: "Sharon? Will she..." Book Six

"What? S.H.I.E.L.D. only needs to be tough in the future. With so many people and so many forces behind, what are you afraid of?"

Peggy did not refuse, and brought Sharon over.

Sharon stood beside Royce in confusion, and listened to him: "Look at the few people below. How do you feel?"

Sharon didn't understand what happened, and honestly said: "They are the foundation of this world..."

Royce gave her a clear look and said: "The root of fart, they are the food. Remember, sitting in this position, all the capital is your food, no matter how huge it is, you only need a word So they can die without a place to bury, do you understand?"

Sharon still shook his head honestly and said: "I don't understand, why can we let them die without a place to bury?"

"It's because you control the media, control the military, control the world's greatest power, and control the world's largest support group."

Royce suddenly put a horrible smile on his face, pointing to one of the representatives and saying: "He is not obedient, you can now declare to the people that this person and the forces he represents have surrendered to a certain civilization and are punished for treason. He, confiscate his property, and then transparently distribute this part of the assets to various regions, so that not only will you not be scolded, but you will be praised. Do you know why?

"Because I can, because it's me who is this person."

Sharon's savvy is still very high, which makes Royce very satisfied.

The dull conversation between the two frightened the person who Royce was pointing at. The cold sweat made him kneel and beg for mercy.

"Sharon, I want you to remember one thing, as long as you have no selfishness, then you can do anything. You can completely eliminate these so-called capitalists, because they really have no need to exist. The main reason for leaving them was to God. The shield made a good impression in front of the people to seize power.

Now that S.H.I.E.L.D. has the greatest power, these dross can be completely discarded.You can even kill them with skin cramps and use their meat to feed the people you rule. Believe me, that will not only prevent chaos in the world, but will make those people be grateful to you."

Sharon fell into thinking after listening, shook her head in the horrified eyes of those people, and said, "I think you are not right."

Royce was a little surprised, and smiled and asked, "What's wrong?"

"These people have a reason for their success, and there are reasons for other people to become civilians. Just like I can stand here and listen to your teachings, and other people can only work in their posts, this is all made by ability. Utopia is false. The human group must have a leader. So these people can be raised as pigs, but they cannot all be killed as pigs because they are still useful."

After listening to Sharon's speech, Royce and Hill looked at each other, and both saw the praise in each other's eyes.

Hill nodded and said, "With this insight, I can only say that Sharon, you have grown a lot."

Royce also nodded and praised: "Very good. Both Hill and I hope that S.H.I.E.L.D. will lead the earth on the path of socialism, because the facts have proved that capitalist society is indeed too prone to cause chaos. Coulson is affected by the original Because of the influence of American politics, we subconsciously rely on capital as our backing. In fact, Hill and I have helped him find the backing a long time ago, but he didn't find it.

You are also very good, not falling into the trap of utopian socialism.Everyone has fantasized about utopia, but is utopia really good?To completely suppress human desire, can desire really be suppressed?National communism is unrealistic. The best way is to have some people lead most people, but you must pay attention to handling contradictions during this period. Once it is not controlled properly, the floods that will be caused will also be monstrous."

Sharon looked like she had been taught, but her eyes suddenly disappeared, and she was thinking for herself.

Royce didn't bother her either. He checked the time and squinted at the people below and said, "Did you handle it?"

Several people hesitated and talked with embarrassment.

Royce sneered and said: "It just happens that the Kerry people don't know how to explain to the people, then you come out and set the tank. Take it away, I'm annoyed to see it.

As he said, Royce waved his hand, and a team of agents walked in and dragged these people away.

These people kept begging for mercy, kept wailing, all kinds of reasons came up, and they also carried out their family members, children, and so on, making Royce sick.

When Sharon just woke up and wanted to ask how he was going to deal with these people, Skye walked in with a tablet and asked: "Kerry's Supreme Commander has connected the phone, do you want to project?"

Royce nodded slightly, and after Skye's operation, the figure of Kerry Supreme Commander appeared in front of Royce.

The Supreme Commander is the supreme governor of the Cree, and behind him is the ultimate artificial intelligence of the Cree, the Supreme Wisdom.

The Supreme Commander is more like the spokesperson of the Supreme Wisdom than the commander.

"God King, you are back."

Facing Royce, the Supreme Commander didn't panic at all, and looked calm.

Sharon was extremely upset looking at this person's arrogant appearance, but it was not her turn to speak at this time, and she also wanted to learn how Royce dealt with these aliens.

Royce smiled lightly and said, "During the year I traveled in the universe, I have always heard people say that the Cree fleet is invincible in the world. It just so happens that we also have an invincible fleet under Olympus. I think There is a need for a military exercise between us. What does the Supreme Commander think?"

The Supreme Commander almost choked to death by Royce's words. After a while of silence, he said: "The King of God is joking. The Kerry people never do military exercises, they only start wars."

Royce laughed in surprise and asked: "Really? Let's fight a fight. I'll tell the queen to make her prepare. Just tomorrow. Tomorrow is a good day. What do you think? "

The Supreme Commander's face turned green when he heard it, but he still said forcefully: "Isn't Kerry and the Earth an alliance? Why is Olympus going to war with us?"

Royce slapped the table, pointed to the Supreme Commander’s nose, and roared, "Allies? Why do you open the fleet to Lao Tzu’s door, tell me that we are allies? Give you half a day, and immediately remove all Creatures In the solar system, if S.H.I.E.L.D. detects any Cree creatures in the solar system tomorrow, Hara will not grow any grass!"

Royce's fierce and domineering appearance frightened the Supreme Commander and the agents working in the command room.

But the expressions of these agents quickly changed to looking up.

It is really safe to be led by such a powerful person.

The Supreme Commander said with a black face: "Kerry's..."

"Can you not hear me? Can you hear the sound of the Star Destroyer?"

"I understand, Kerry will leave the solar system by tomorrow."

As soon as the voice fell, the communication was interrupted.

Royce sneered and said to Sharon: "The earth is no longer just the earth. Whether it is Olympus or Sparta or the Shia Empire, they will lend a hand when the earth asks for help. I listen. Angelica said that Shia has built a star gate in the solar system, so you don't have to panic when facing any alien threats in the future.

The Cree were wolfish ambitions, and almost no civilization in the universe had deep cooperation with them.When dealing with such people, you only need to remember one thing, that is, don't give them any opportunity to take advantage.

Another point is, don't be kind to any alien civilization.The earth has just started and entered the interstellar age.It is not qualified to show mercy to other civilizations, nor is it qualified to take in any alien races.If the internal voice is too high, then you can give them some material assistance. Anyway, money is not enough.There are enough pigs at home, so you don’t have to worry about having no money."

Sharon nodded her head seemingly understanding, not knowing whether she understood.


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