Marvel's King

Chapter 189 Cut off the claws to eat meat!

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"I should have made Coleson more in touch with these things, otherwise I wouldn't let him fall into that situation."

Hill sighed as he followed Royce to the conference room.

Royce just laughed when he heard it, and said: "Coleson's character makes him not going to do excessive things, so you teach him to be blind."

"It looks like you are very optimistic about Sharon?"

"It's okay. I can't say that I am not optimistic. I just think that Sharon has the ability to inherit the path we have walked down. In comparison, her ability is not as good as Peggy, but Peggy's temperament looks very hard, in fact Some are soft and easy to be indecisive when facing internal problems."

"Ahem! I'm still here!"

Peggy coughed uncomfortably, which made Royce embarrassed for a while, but he recovered quickly and said, "What I said is correct. You dare to use Hydra. I don't know if I should admire it. You should still despise you."

After the Strategic Science Corps encircled and suppressed Hydra back then, it not only absorbed Hydra's items, but also absorbed a large number of Hydra talents.And these talents were all reborn after Zola's paperclip plan, eventually making Hydra even bigger than the original power.

Although these mistakes can't be counted on Peggy's body, it is completely fine to let her carry a part of the pot. You must know that she was also in a high position at the time.

Peggy didn't say a word, but gave Royce a blank look, and stepped past the two of them to help them open the door, saying, "Everyone is here."

After Royce entered, he found that apart from some impressions of the Avengers, he had hardly seen anyone else.

These people are all senior members of SHIELD.

Tony saw Royce come back and smiled and got up to say something witty, but Royce took the lead and said: "Welcome, let's get rid of it. There are important things to say today."

Then Royce and Hill found the main seat and sat down, walked around, and asked, "Who can tell me who is responsible for the assassination of Agent Hande?"

Everyone said nothing, the Avengers didn't know the situation, and the senior agents tried to get through.

Royce knocked on the table and said, "Do you think I am deaf or blind? Take the initiative to explain the situation. I won't care too much."

There was another silence, but this time it only lasted about four or five seconds. A middle-aged obese man stood up and said dejectedly: "It's my subordinate."

"Agent Robert?"

"it's me."

"Well, sit down." Royce finished speaking, took out another document, and asked, "Who is Christian?"

A black woman stood up, looking anxious.

"Phil, doesn't S.H.I.E.L.D. not pay employees?"

Phil was stunned and said, "Say it."

"What is the income of a tenth level agent in a year?"

"Now the whole world has changed to the use of Galaxy currency, and the annual income of tenth-level agents is about 2 million, which is about 1.5 million U.S. dollars when converted into U.S. dollars."

Royce nodded clearly and asked Christian: "Are there many people in your family? And all of them are terminally ill?"

Christian lowered his head and said nothing, like a zombie.

Royce said to Phil, "Phil, did S.H.I.E.L.D. erase memory or something?"

Everyone was taken aback, their eyes were very complicated when they looked at Royce.

Coleson was silent for a while, nodded, and said, "Yes."

"Well, these people, you can take them to do it. After you finish, you can leave here and live as normal people."

Royce threw a report to Coleson, and regardless of the emotions in other people’s eyes, he bluntly said: "It is very common to have internal ideological struggles, but how do you think Collusion with outsiders to deal with your own people? Huh? Is there shit in your head?"

Everyone was silent, and the look of the Avengers watching the show made Royce even more angry, pointing to the previous Robert's nose and cursing: "It's you! At such an old age, life experience has lived on pigs. Really? If someone gives you some money, you dare to attack your own people. If someone gives you 10 billion, do you dare to blow up SHIELD?"

Robert's face flushed, and he kept saying not to dare.

Royce was still angry, and he cursed at the Avengers: "What do you do for food? Tony, don't tell me about the financial turmoil. You don't know at all. How about your sense of responsibility? Sitting in this position Are you numb after sitting for a long time? Captain, what about you? What are you doing? The Cree stood on top of the earth and shit. You are still indifferent. When they ask you for paper, do you have to hand the shield to they?"

Tony got a little upset, leaned his arms on the chair and said, "Royce, you..."

"What am I? I was wrong? Tell me what you are doing recently? What do you want to do?"

Royce had anticipated that otherwise he would not target these two men.

Tony was so speechless that he could not say anything.

"Tell me, who do you have no confidence in will symbolize that all hopes are built on the so-called frigate?"

The eyes of everyone shifted from Royce to Tony, when Coleson brought a group of agents in.

Royce pointed to Robert and said, "Just these, take them away. If there are family members who are also working in SHIELD, let them go together."

"Royce, is that unnecessary for the family?"

The captain is full of justice, and he can't stand this kind of involvement.

Royce laughed at the words and said, "Why is that not necessary? Keep them as time bombs in SHIELD?"

With that said, Royce didn't wait for Rogers to reply, and turned to Sharon and said, "What do you think?"

Sharon was watched by everyone, without showing any timidity, and said, "I agree with your approach, because we can't predict what their family members will do, and this situation is undesirable. Please trouble me. Plant things, the less the better."

Rogers asked again: "Then what if these people had no other ideas, but they had other ideas after being fired because of the involvement, and then they would do unexpected things?"

Sharon and Royce looked at each other and laughed.Sharon said: "That situation is not unexpected, Captain."

Rogers is a little dumbfounded: No, can you talk to people?

Seeing that the captain was silent, Royce took the conversation and said, "Since you can handle it clearly, you can do it with Phil later."

As he said, Royce looked at the people again, glanced across their faces, and said seriously: "Politics and business are not very different, they tend to benefit. The only difference is that we do not Don’t work for your own benefit. I hope that all of you sitting in this room will understand one thing, that is, who we are working for and why."

At this serious moment, Wanda suddenly raised his hand cautiously and asked: "Um... I don't understand, can you tell me something?"

Royce's face turned dark, and Pietro quickly pressed Wanda's hand down upon seeing this.

"Does anyone still understand?"

Then Pitro also raised his hand in a jealous manner, together with the War Machine and the Falcon.

Of these four people, two are immature young people, and two are soldiers who have been brainwashed by the American military. It is indeed quite normal not to understand.

Royce sighed and said: "I met an earthling when I was wandering in space. Phil should have heard of it, and may even know him, called Carol Danfoss."

Coleson recalled for a while, and finally remembered the heroic woman.

"She is an earthling and possesses extremely powerful power, strong enough to destroy a planet on her own."

"Then what is she..."

The captain said something but stopped.

Royce chuckled and asked, "Why didn't you return to the earth to protect it?"


"That's the problem. She is guarding a race called Skrull, an alien civilization that was once a domineering existence, and was later defeated by the Kerry civilization she was in. At this time, Skrull's remnants were defeated. They are still being chased by the Cree. Sharon, what would you do when the Skrews ask for help?"

Others originally wanted to express their opinions. Seeing Royce handed over the right to speak to Sharon, they also quietly waited for her to speak.

Sharon carefully organized the language and said: "If the Skrews want to be protected by the earth, it is impossible. It is impossible for us to fight any civilization for an alien race. However, other conditions can still be considered as appropriate. Yes, as long as they pay the corresponding price."

Sharon’s tone of the businessman made many people dissatisfied, but Royce nodded in satisfaction and said, “Yes, you’re right. Our current and future main goal is always the earth, and Earthlings. As for other people, what does it have to do with us? We are partners if we take out the benefits. If we don’t give anything, we should go where we should go and don’t dangle in front of us."

"Royce, the earth is very strong now, isn't it..."

"Powerful? Where did you see it?" Royce wondered, do these people's eyes grow under their ass?

"Is the Shia fleet made you feel that the earth is strong, or is it supported by Olympus that makes you feel that the earth is strong? Or that there are still people in the Middle East and Africa who can’t eat enough to make you feel that the earth is strong. ?"

The scene fell into embarrassment again, and Royce knocked on the table and said: "All of you here are the mainstays of the earth, the Optimus Prime that supports the development of the earth, so you must stand firm, that is: everything for the earth and the people. do you understand?"


The sparse answer gradually sounded, and Royce didn’t care, saying, “Next, let’s discuss about capital's attempt to control S.H.I.E.L.D.E.I. Things, control a degree, hold them, then they are the granary. But now there is a more important problem, that is, some people are trying to train S.H.I.E.L.D. into another American government. I express my position here clearly. Possibly! So, everyone discuss what measures we should take to prevent this from happening."

Everyone didn't speak and looked at Tony.

Tony looked at everyone uncomfortably and said, "What do you guys see me doing? I haven't tried to manipulate S.H.I.E.L.D.E.I.E.L.D.E.I.E.L.D.E.I.E.L.D.. You can't say that capital power depends on me. It's not my problem that the company is too big."

Pietro spread out his hands and said, "But here is only you who know this well. We are all mud legs, so I don't know the twists and turns inside."

Rogers also nodded and said, "Yeah, Tony, you have the most say in this matter, at least tell us how capital manipulates the power?"

Others also agreed. Some people really didn't know, but Natasha and Royce just wanted to watch the fun.

Tony started talking, and Sharon took notes seriously.

"There are many ways to operate capital. One of the most common is to get involved in major industries. The simplest example is the former member of the board of directors arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D., Malik. The Malik family is a member of England. The veteran family. This family has a large number of shares in banks, investment banks, and stock exchanges in various countries, even the Fed before it has them.

In control of these forces, the Malik family can manipulate prices at will, and make governments of various countries cast a rat and dare not move them.It is because of this that they have more economy to support political forces.

For example, a parliamentarian needs a lot of money as support during the election, and this support is translucent, so it has a high internal operability.Not every member of the congressman comes from a big family, so they have reached cooperation with these capitals.

Then these capitals will use money to create political capital for them, allowing them to go further.After the whole world is the congressmen they support, they will be the kings of the world. It was this situation before. Although it has improved now, it is not much different."

Rogers issued a question at this time: "Does the president care about this?"

Tony smiled and said, "After all, you have been asleep for too long. Someone once did this, and then he was assassinated. His name is John Kennedy."

"Dare the president assassinate?"

Tony suddenly laughed wildly, and said: "I'm not surprised by that level of capital power, even if they are preparing to counterattack SHIELD. Uh... shouldn't I say this."

Tony could not speak anymore. Royce took the conversation and said, "Tony is only a part of it. These capital forces have done more disgusting things. If you are interested, you can check it after the meeting. .

But I believe that you already have a general understanding of the power of capital. The high-level agents I dealt with before are all in high positions in S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D. Agent Robert is a person in charge of the Great Voyage Project. These capitals are already under your noses, so I need you to watch them carefully."

Everyone agreed, and Sharon asked at this time: "Then what if there is more capital to intervene?"

"Then chop off the claws and eat meat!"


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