Marvel's King

Chapter 197 Shala and Xin

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Karason looked at Royce's serious face, dispelled the suspicion in his heart, and said sadly: "Your Majesty has been dismissed."


Royce didn't seem to understand, anyone could oust the queen?

"Your Majesty was ousted by our Gemini."

"Why? What the hell is Gemini?"

Royce was at a loss, when did such a monster come out again?

No wonder Angelica couldn't get in touch with Lilandra that day, it turned out that such a big thing happened?

Karason glanced at Royce with resentment in his eyes, and said: "Because Lelandra indulges the people of Shia to believe in the gods of Olympus instead of our own gods, so..."

"The Gemini Gods are your gods? Why didn't they come out before? They said that if Lelandra was ousted, Lelandra would have to abdicate? Is there such a thing?"

Royce is even more confused, can he fight for faith like this?I learned it.

Hearing Royce’s question, Karashen's face was not good, saying: "The Gemini Gods are the common ancestors of all our Shia people. They are the real rulers of the Shia Empire. No one dares to disobey their orders. I Can you understand this?"

"Then why didn't they show up when the Olympus culture invaded? Instead, they came out now? Could it be that they only got the news of my disappearance now?"

Karason was in a daze, and he didn't really know, and he said, "Maybe?"

"Forget it, you don't quite understand, where is Lelandra now? Are you okay?"

Karason's face froze, and he lowered his head to speak.

Royce understood instantly, put his hand on Karason's shoulder, and said, "Come on, come with me."


The fighting power of the Twin Gods is very tyrannical, and it is not allowed to be more than Odin. (For details, please refer to the original sin series of comics. Let me teach her how to be a god.)

These two people, a man and a woman, are like Adam and Eve in the eyes of the people of Shia. They are the founders of civilization and the creator of Shia.

Like those ordinary gods, they also use powerful forces to terrorize the people and make them believe in themselves.

Rather than rule by grace like Sol and Royce.

The twin gods of Shia are very mentally retarded. They once created a tsunami that could destroy the planet in the Shia empire, just to make the Shia believe in them more. It was simply frantic.

The twin gods of Shia were not originally loved ones, they were forced to unite in the beginning.But after the union, they found strength in the union, so it was really fragrant, and the two fell in love with each other as their strength grew.

The Shia civilization is almost like this, forcibly assimilating the culture of other civilizations to grow itself.

Lelandra is an outlier, but she became an outlier only after being impacted by Royce's worldview. She was also very cruel and very proud before.

At this time, Lilandra was imprisoned by the twin gods of Shia in a cage hanging in the air. This is the highest insult of the Shia, which will remind them of their lives when they were birds.

Lelandra, who was stripped naked, sat in the cage sluggishly, trying to cover her physical parts with her hands and feet.Her eyes are no longer as energetic as before, and her brain is empty. She can't think of anything, can't think of anything, just like a walking dead.

The twin gods of Xiah, bathed in white luster, sat on the throne that belonged to her, and looked at the desperate Lilandra with ridicule.

"Lelandra, do you know what's wrong?"

The goddess Shia was sitting on her face, with a benevolent look, and asked teasingly.

Lilandra was just silent. The Lord Shia was anxious when he saw it, and the majestic color on his unangry face became even heavier. He smashed the scepter in his hand, and shouted: "How dare you steal foreign enemies into Greece? Ah! What is your face as the queen of Shia?"

Lilandra finally raised her proud head, staring at the twin gods of Shia with plain eyes, and said: "Under my leadership, Shia became the largest empire in the universe; under my leadership, Shia and The major divine realms unite and absorb their knowledge and strength. Under my leadership, Shia has established a friendly relationship with Olympus, the current largest divine realm. I don’t understand why I have no face to be the king of Shia."

"Still speaking hard!"

Shia Lord God Shala yelled, and a burst of extremely strong energy gushed out, and instantly slapped Lilandra's body, breaking her bones.

Lilandra snorted, spit out a mouthful of broken teeth, and said with difficulty: "Kill me, otherwise you will never get my recognition to inherit the throne!"

"Dare you say inheritance?"

Shala became even more angry, and was about to kill the caged bird Lilandra before flying.

But a strange spatial fluctuation slapped his body into the air. In his horrified eyes, two figures emerged from the spatial wormhole. One was the Shia they were familiar with, and the other was the Orin they hated. Pisces.

"Olympians? Do you dare...Ah!!!"

Goddess Shia lifted up her other half and barked at Royce.

Royce is not a good person, who likes to talk to people.In the face of the enemy, he always beat him first, either to kill him so that he could not speak, or to convince him, and then communicate with him condescendingly.

After Royce saw Lilandra's tragic situation, the twin gods Shia were Royce's enemies.

An energy shock waved at once, hitting the goddess Shia to fly out, embedded in the wall of Lilandra's palace.

"Does it hurt?"

Royce wanted to beat the dog in the water, but Lilandra couldn't stand it up, so he rescued her first, and constantly instilled immortality to repair her body.

After seeing Royce, Lelandra's extremely hard heart softened in an instant, and she couldn't help her grievances. She cried out with a wow, threw herself into Royce's arms and hugged him. He stayed on Royce's neck and said aggrieved: "Why don't you come early! I've been waiting for you for a long time! Wow!"

Lelandra's voice was very sharp. It was a tone that Royce had never heard before. It pierced his head. He could only comfort him with a bitter face: "I just knew it, sorry, I'm here. It's late. If someone bullies you next time, tell me as soon as possible, I must be faster than the speed of light to help you, OK?"

Lilandra was even more wronged. She said: "I told Angelica, I said I was in trouble, and asked her to help me, but she didn't even reply to me, so I sent it out. The messenger from Linpis for help is gone,!" Tiantian Novel

Royce has never seen such a fragile Lelandra. Like him, Karasson has never seen him, and he has never seen Her Majesty’s ketone body. At this time, Karason looked at the other with embarrassment. On one side, but on the other side is their god father and mother goddess Shia.

The level of embarrassment was simply overwhelming. Karason could only take a deep breath and looked at the ground: I don’t look at the head office anymore, right?

The two gods of Xiah each withstood an attack from Royce and had a general understanding of Royce's abilities.

They know that fighting alone should not be Royce's opponent, so it can only depend on whether two people work together to destroy Royce.

Shala pulled the letter off the wall and asked her with her eyes.

The letter did not speak, but just nodded and gave Shara a signal.

Then the two of them held their hands tacitly and looked at Royce and Lilandra, who were embracing indecently on the other side.

The white light on the two of them gradually increased, a bird's beak made of divine power suddenly protruded on their faces, their skin changed from ordinary white to purple, and the muscles on their bodies gradually bulged, as if they were holding some big move.

Royce is very sensitive to the collection of divine power.After sensing the movement, he immediately focused his eyes on the two Shia twin gods, who were gradually returning to birds, thunder and lightning behind them, as if they were ready to go.

It was almost a frame of time for the screen to switch, and the two gods Shia, holding hands, disappeared from Royce's vision, and when they reappeared, they had already come to Royce.

Shala held up her left hand, and a ball of white energy light gathered in her hand and smashed down Royce's head like a battle axe.

Xin was sticking out his right hand, piercing out with a straight fist, and his hand was also a ball of white energy light.

Royce had predicted that before their attack had taken shape, a portal had been created, which brought him and Lilandra to another plane, and returned after the attack of the twin gods of Shia was released. .

Shia's attack failed, and it was inevitable to fall into a short period of rigidity.Shala has more combat experience. Seeing Royce disappeared, he knew that the two of them were going to be in trouble, but even so, his reaction speed was still a bit slow.

A hand knife with thunder slashed down, right on his shoulder, and the powerful force slammed him directly into the ground.The strong electric current directly penetrated his skin and bones, and madly drilled towards his internal organs like a bug.

As soon as Xin woke up from the consternation of the failed attack, she felt a huge force coming from her left hand, pulling her down. When she wanted to resist, it was too late, and she could only be taken by Xia La into the pit on the ground. Trapped.

Karason's nerve reaction speed was much slower. He only heard a loud noise, and then his position collapsed. After his eyes followed his brain, the two gods Shia entered his vision in embarrassment.

Half of Xia La's body was scorched by the electric, one arm was weakly hanging down, and the other hand was put on his shoulder, her face became extremely hideous because of the pain.

Xin was a little dazed, seeing Shala's painful appearance quickly urged divine power to treat him.

Karason felt that his brain was not enough, and he couldn't process the information he had received. He raised his head and looked at Royce floating in the air as if asking for help.

Royce didn't have time to pay attention to him. The girl who hung on him didn't let go of life and death.

But seeing Karason looking at him, Royce waved him back to Earth.

"You just don't care about me, I have done so many things for you, you still come so late, I don't care, you...ah! What are you doing!"

Lelandra was thinking about it, and suddenly felt her ass being slapped by Royce, shyly covering the viciousness and shouting at Royce.

Royce said uncomfortably: "Let's find you a dress to wear."

Before being covered with Royce, he never noticed that Lelandra's figure was like this... it made him throb, and it also made him a little suspicious of himself: Am I the same before?No... I'm still very loyal to Angelica.

Lilandra finally remembered that she hadn't put on any clothes yet, and she hugged Royce again, tighter than before, and whispered, "Take me out of here."


"Oh! You take me away first!"


"Secretary-General Pija, what do you mean is that Sandal wants to attack Ronan's Death Corps with us? Why?"

Sharon was busy dealing with the chaos on the earth, and suddenly received a distress signal from Sandal.

"Ronan's Death Legion massacred in the universe, and invaded many civilizations. We Shandar hope that the earth can form an alliance with us and together serve as a justice force to defeat the Ronan Legion."

Sharron felt annoyed by this meaningless remark, and she hated the emphasis more and more.

"Secretary Piya, what about Xinxing Supreme? What is her opinion?"

Piya was stunned by the question, and suddenly remembered that her job was just to connect the video, her face changed a little, and she said awkwardly: "I'm going to ask the Supreme to come over and talk to you."

Seeing Piya twisting her ass and walking away, Sharon breathed a sigh of relief. This girl didn't know how to talk to her allies at all. She made this kind of rhetoric when she came up. The ghost is willing to fight Ronan with you!

Rising Star Supreme came soon. She first saluted Sharon with their Shandal etiquette, and Sharon immediately got up to respond. After the two saluted each other, they sat down again and started a formal conversation.

"Deputy Commander Carter, Shandar needs your help."

Sharon, who thought it was another hypocritical communication, opened her half-squinted eyes, sat down tightly, and asked, "What happened to Sandal?"

Xinxing Supreme sighed and said: "Shandal has been attacked by the death army led by the accuser Ronan recently. Last night, Ronan frantically fired a heavyweight weapon at a life planet in Shandal, causing almost three deaths. Hundreds of millions of people died, including a large number of innocent people and children."

Sharon's face changed. She had seen many war criminals, but she hadn't seen anyone as cruel as Ronan.Now she was a little serious, and said: "Is Shandal's military division not strong enough to resist Ronan the accuser?"

New Star Supreme shook his head, making Sharon's heart sinking, but what she said next made Sharon breathe a sigh of relief: "That's not true, it's just that the Nova Legion, as the guard of Shandal, needs to defend Shandal at all times. You can’t allocate too much force to fight in other star systems, so..."

"So you are going to borrow troops from us?"

Xinxing Supreme nodded frankly and said: "Yes, we hope to get the support of the Earth Guard Fleet, so that our cooperation should be enough to fight Ronan's Death Army."

Sharon is not as confident as New Star Supreme, saying: "Although I am very confident of the Earth's frigate, if the Earth's frigate can defeat Ronan's death fleet, then... is he too weak?"


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