Marvel's King

Chapter 198 Ambition

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Sharon was struck by Royce and had no confidence in the earth, and after being brainwashed by Royce, she always felt that any alien civilization was not a good partner for cooperation, even the peace-loving Shandars.

New Star Supreme expressed understanding of Sharon’s lack of self-confidence. She said sincerely: “Although the accuser Ronan defected from the Kerry Empire, the Kerry Empire has always supported him behind his back, including the war equipment he used. Equipment eliminated by the Empire.

Shandar's several negotiations with the Kerry Empire could not stop them from this behavior, but the earth can.I heard that not long ago, the Kerry Empire tried to plant their seeds on the earth but was stopped by others?"

Sharon now understood what the New Star Supreme had to calculate, and a smile appeared on his face, and said, "Where did the New Star Supreme get the news? It wasn't the Cree who told you?"

"Haha, all the industrial facilities in Kerry are controlled by the supreme government. With the character of the Kerry people, they will not return without success. However, their industrial ships suddenly returned and they did not carry any cargo. , It is enough to prove that they are crippled. But I am even more curious about which one on earth pushed back the power of the Kerry Empire?"

Sharon did not hide the question from Rising Star Supreme, and said: "It's Royce."

"Royce? The god king of Olympus?"

With enough information, Xinxing Supreme can also feel at ease.According to her original idea, if she could get the help of Asgard Prince Sol and Olympus queen Angelika, it would be enough to overcome this difficulty.

Unexpectedly, the god king of Olympus also returned. Now... can Shia be involved by herself?Perhaps it could also trigger a wave of storms that swallowed the Kerry Empire alive?

New Star Supreme inevitably gave birth to a trace of greed in her heart, but in front of Sharon, she hid this greed very well.

At least you have to test Sharon's attitude first.

"It's the King of Gods and Royce."

"Hahaha." Looking at Sharon's stubborn appearance, Xinxing Supreme couldn't help but smile, and said: "If this is the case, can Deputy Commander Carter tell the King to participate in this battle? If there is a King of Gods Ronan, the accuser, couldn’t make waves."

Sharon shook his head and said, "It's probably unrealistic. No one can order Royce to do something. I can only talk to him and see if he has that interest."

For this answer, Xinxing Supreme had already expected it, smiled and nodded, and said: "Then, does the earth agree to join us in crusade against the Death Legion?"

"Don't blame me for speaking too straight." Sharon asked with a joking look on her face, "What help can we get from Sandal in this battle? It is not easy to know that ocean warfare is not easy."

Xinxing Supreme knew that it was time for him to bleed, and he said boldly: "Shandal discovered a habitable planet in the Magellanic Galaxy in your astronomy some time ago. Shandar can give the power to the earth in exchange for the earth’s help. .

In addition, after we defeat the Legion of Death, we can take the opportunity to threaten the Kerry Empire to gain more benefits. For example, the Earth is currently the most scarce, but the Kerry Empire has many extraterritorial planets."

There is no doubt that these two conditions have moved Sharon's heart.

In recent years, the speed of the earth’s development is no different from flying. The people’s survival pressure is getting less and less, and the population growth rate is also increasing rapidly.

Although family planning has been implemented around the world, there are still people who are scornful of the policy and are born with special circumstances.S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau even introduced a policy of thinking: one fine for superbirth, one of the two couples cannot work within five years, and three compulsory deprivation of multiple benefits.

This is enough to stabilize the population growth rate, but the pressure on the earth is still great.

So the management is eager to find a place that can divide the pressure of the earth, at least to leave some place for future generations to build a house!

"How big is the planet?"

Although Sharon has repeatedly restrained her desires, she was still seen through by New Star Supreme. She laughed and said, "It's not too big, it's three-quarters the size of the earth, but I believe it will be enough as a bargaining chip and Miss Carter. Have you exchanged it?"

Sharon hesitated for a while and said, "I need to discuss with other management and I will give you news later."

After speaking, Sharon hung up the communication and summoned the senior officials of S.H.I.E.L.D. and several members of the Avengers to discuss.

"Where's Royce? Why can't he contact?"

Tony was wondering why Sharon hurriedly convened a meeting with him. Hearing that she was the first to ask this question, he thought that Royce was missing again, so he said, "He said before that Prince Karasen of Shia was looking for him. It's gone, I guess I will go to Shia."

Sharon nodded and didn't say anything. Instead, he told everyone on the field what he had previously said with Xinxing Supreme.

"What do you think?"

Coleson took the lead in remarks: "Does Nova Supreme have the fleet strength to provide this death legion? If not, then I suggest that we do not mix this muddy water."

Sharon nodded and released the information shared by Nova Supreme not long ago: "The Death Legion is not that powerful. They have a planetary-star mothership and thousands of small Saka ships, and their overall strength is no match for the Spartan Empire. Of a fleet."

"Planet-star mothership? The earth's frigate does not have the ability to confront the rain-star mothership directly. Does Deputy Commander Carter understand this?"

A man named Malos selected by Coleson and Hill retorted.

This person is the one who was arranged to be Sharon's competitor.The ability is very good, but there is no big boss behind him, so he was pushed to this position.

Sharon said: "I have not been blinded by interests, so I held this meeting to discuss the feasibility of this action with you."

Sharon said this, making all SHIELD executives feel a little uncomfortable.

What happened?Do you still want to be the master of such a big matter?Then my job will let you come.

Marlos watched the changes in the expressions of the people, feeling dark in his heart, and pursued: "Then we would like to thank Deputy Commander Carter for giving us the opportunity to participate in this meeting."

As he said, Malos stood up and bowed to Sharon, causing all those who were dissatisfied with Sharon to laugh.

Tony didn't want to participate in their S.H.I.E.L.D. internal fight, so he said: "Sharon, did Sandal say how many troops they can deploy?"

This question successfully changed the subject.Although these S.H.I.E.L.D. executives have the mind to fight for power, they are the first generation after all, and they all have lofty ambitions and ambitions, and they are not affected too much by the extra thoughts in their hearts.

Malos gave Tony an uncomfortable look, but that was it, he couldn't do anything stupid.Also changed a serious look, listening to Sharon's speech.

"Shandal can dispatch half of the new Star Legion fighters to attack Ronan with the earth, but this is far from enough."

With that said, Sharon showed the military information of Sandal she bought from the Cree, pointing to the fighter planes of the New Star Legion and said: "Because of Sandal's peace-loving concept, they are not equipped with large warships, only this A kind of small fighter planes are used as escorts and photon cannons deployed on the surface of the planet to guard the satellite ball. Biquge Standby

The performance of this small fighter plane is not strong. Although it is small and flexible, it can't support it for too long in ocean combat, so their help on the battlefield is almost minimal."

Tony was a little strange and asked, "If that's the case, what are you thinking about? This kind of battle is obviously an unwinnable battle, why bother to think about it?"

"Yes, is it possible that you are going to exchange several fleets for a habitable planet? Even my old antique thinks this business is not worthwhile."

Rogers still knew the military power of the earth very well, and he also persuaded Sharon out loud.

Sharon looked at the two and said, "So I am going to ask the Spartans for help, what do you think?"

Tony laughed when he heard it, and said, "Although we have a cooperative relationship with Olympus, Sparta is not our subordinate civilization. How can you be sure that the Spartans can help us? Or are you going to let Luo Is it coming out?"

The others also looked at Sharon suspiciously. They not only doubted Sharon's ability, but also whether there was a problem with Sharon's brain.

On the other hand, Marlos said the words of his heart: "Did Deputy Commander Carter want to benefit the Spartans? Then Prince Jason should be called over. I heard that you ate together the other day, oh ~Could it be that there is any secret in this?"

Sharon paled and gave him a ferocious look, and said, "Prince Jason and I are going to talk about cooperation! Secretary-General Mallos, you can sue you for slander. If you don't want to go to court, then you Close your mouth and listen carefully!"


Malos got up angrily, but no one cared about him anymore and had to sit down again in embarrassment.

"I received news that there was a huge turmoil within Shia. The Spartan Empire was a subsidiary civilization of Shia before, and was later subdued by Olympus. This kind of betrayal made the current ruler of Shia very angry. I live in Sparta’s many ways to purchase resources, so the situation in the Spartan Empire is not good now."


Sharon's news not only failed to make everyone present understand, but made them panic.

One of the greatest guarantees on the earth is Olympus, and the other is Shia.

Now Shia has a problem, but the earth side doesn't know at all. This is not good news, not good at all.

"Didn't Olympus come forward? Sharon, this is not a good opportunity."

A veteran of S.H.I.E.L.D. saw the problem thoroughly.

If Olympus and the Shia Empire broke up, the earth's situation would become very embarrassing.

Stop at Olympus, Olympus can't give the earth much help, at most it is an umbrella, their homeland is still in the age of magic.

Let’s stand in the Shia Empire. The ghost knows what attitude the new ruler of Shia has towards the earth. If a hot face is put on a cold buttocks, Olympus will be offended by that time, it is really a sesame seeds. The watermelon was lost.

Sharon shook his head and said: "Not yet, but Prince Karasson invited Royce over to deal with this matter, so we can take this opportunity to blackmail Spartan."

Everyone was silent now. After a while, Tony said, "Sharon, you have been with Royce for too long. Stay away from him in the future, okay?"

Sharon just chuckled at him, then returned to seriousness, and said, "It should not be too late. I need you to help me consider the feasibility of this matter and its many consequences. Please, everyone."

Everyone is gathering firewood and the flames are high, not to mention that everyone sitting here is a group of high IQ members.

Soon they imagined various consequences and handling methods like artificial intelligence. Sharon finally decided after seeing it: "In that case, I will talk to Prince Jason about this matter, Commander Coleson, Could you please reply to Xinxing Supreme?"

Now is the time to race against time. We must negotiate with Sparta before Royce solves Shia’s problem. Otherwise, when Royce solves Shia’s problem, everything will become complicated again. .

So what is going on in the eyes of the Spartans?

A week ago, King Edward of Sparta heard of the coup in the Eagle's Nest.But the version he heard is not true, what he heard is this:

Queen Lelandra was betrayed by several princes and temporarily abdicated.Later, the twin gods of Shia appeared, completed the side of the monarch, and re-supported Queen Lilandra to succeed.

Edward was observing the development of the situation with the mentality of watching jokes, but he didn't expect to eat melon and eat it on his head.

The twin gods of Xiah ordered the royal family of Sparta to visit them at the Eagle's Nest.

Edward is on fire, what do you dare to order me?The gods and queens are all kind to me. What kind of thing are you bullying me?Don't look at who my boss is?

So Edward didn't go and reported the incident to Olympus.

But Sparta did not have the right to talk directly with the queen Angelika, and could only report the matter to Poseidon, the sea god.

Poseidon was released by Anjelica not long ago. He had carried an unwarranted pot because of Athena's slander. Poseidon, who was aggrieved, heard Shia who did not know which horn came from. The two gods dared to bully the face of Olympus in this way, and immediately couldn't help it, carrying a fork to cross the two gods back to Olympus.

Poseidon was naturally not the opponent of Shala and Xin, and soon Edward got the news of the disappearance of Poseidon, the sea god.

This frightened Edward, and he was riding the Royal Fleet non-stop to report this incident to Olympus.

But Xiah had already reacted and laid a net around Sparta, and blocked all contact between Sparta and the outside world.

Had it not been for Jason and the Spartan royal family to have a top-secret communication line, he had received the news from the Spartan royal family, and he might have decided what Sparta would become.

Later, Jason found Sharon, hoping to contact Olympus through Sharon, and let Olympus come forward to stop the two gods.

But by coincidence, Royce and Angelica were engaged in those few days, and they were tired of being together all day long. Angelica, who was addicted to beauty, had no intention of dealing with political affairs and ignored the news from the outside world.

That's why it created the current situation.

But it was Sharon who had left an eye on him and did not directly find Royce that gave the earth such an opportunity to pick up a bargain.


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