Marvel's King

Chapter 200

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"At that time, I had only one idea, and that was to defeat those demons. So I borrowed power from a stronger demons to deal with them. It turns out that the method blocked by many people succeeded, and I resisted the demons. An invasion of the earth."

With that said, the content on the scroll in front of Royce has changed, and it shows the joy of the mages of Kama Taj after defeating the devil.

"But the good times didn't last long, and soon I suffered."

The picture turned around again, and Gu Yi within it looked at his hands in terror, suffering extremely.

"I found that I could no longer use white magic, and I also had a connection with Domam myself, a constant connection. I never tried to feel the black magic wandering in my body. I want to kill myself."

Gu Yi flipped through the animation again, and it showed her being bound by countless chains from various parties behind the dense fog, pushing her forward.

"But I can't die. I haven't found someone who can take over my position. So I tried my best to fight against Domam. I have asked Odin for help, I have asked Versant for help, and even asked Setolak for help. But their strength is not enough to compete with Domam, or that they are unwilling to compete with Domam for me.

But I found another way."

The dense fog on the screen gradually dissipated, revealing countless faces. They are all one of the best in the universe. They are all beings who control the supreme power. They are the gods in this universe.

"I worked hard to make friends with all the gods and become their pawn, trying to draw a network of relationships centered on me. Everything was going well, but I encountered a difficulty. My body is getting too old."

As Gu Yi said, sadness flashed in her eyes, but there was some madness on her face.

"In order to achieve my goal, I will not hesitate to communicate with Domam again, drawing energy from the dark dimension to extend my life."

At this time the craziness on her face faded and she became very lonely.

"I succeeded and failed. I forgot my original intention, and I stepped into purgatory. I made a huge net, but it didn’t help what I was protecting. I gradually became a puppet, Being pushed forward by countless storms, I cannot help myself."

Gu Yi laughed suddenly, but Royce felt bleak no matter how he heard it.She turned her head to look at Royce and said: "I was like you at that time, angry because I couldn't find my direction, and resentful because I felt booed, only one step away from the abyss."

Royce chuckled and said, "Then you still haven't stepped into the abyss?"

Gu Yi sneered, "Heh, am I not in the abyss?"

At this time, the space around Royce gradually collapsed, and Gu Yi took him to the mirror world, which was also the world in her heart.

"Did you see it? See what I experience every day?"

Entering the goal is darkness. There are countless bright spots in the darkness. Royce understands that it is the spirit of the world in the universe.In this environment, the sweet taste of that thing is as tempting as candy, even Royce can't help but want to reach out and touch them and swallow them.

At this time, Gu Yi stopped him and said: "You still have reason, you have not fallen into this terror. Royce, what you hate is what I desperately wanted at the beginning. How I wanted to be People use, or even play, as long as they can guard the world."

Royce retracted his hand and said, "This is the reason you used me? I suggest you change it. If you can't satisfy me, you may die."

Royce’s threat Gu Yi didn’t care at all. She smiled and said: "Haha, Royce, you too underestimate me. You may be able to defeat me easily, but you can’t kill me. You can kill in this world. I’m the only one who has killed me."

With that, countless clones suddenly emerged from Gu Yi's body, gradually covering the entire mirror world.


Gu Yi was about to say something when hundreds of millions of lightning flashed out of thin air, illuminating the entire mirror world and easily shattered all Gu Yi's clones.Royce said with a constant expression: "Playing with space and blindfolds in front of me, Gu Yi, you are floating."

"It's not a blindfold, they are all real."


"Tell me what happened."

Angelica looked at Sharon condescendingly, a trace of killing intent flashed in her eyes.

Sharon felt aggrieved for a while, but she told her everything.Angelica nodded after listening, and asked amusedly: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Sharon stubbornly raised her face and said, "If the plan is successful, what about death?"

"Then your plan succeeded?" Angelica sneered, and shouted at Sharon when she was excited to refute, "You dare to count Royce with anything?!"

Sound waves slapped Sharon to the ground like tangible energy, and the black widows Natasha and Peggy Carter rushed in when they heard the movement.

Natasha stopped Angelica, while Peggy hugged her niece away.

"Angelica? What's wrong with you? Calm down."

Natasha regretted at this time why she refused to let Hill come, but now it is good, the two of them are not familiar with Angelica, and they may not be able to persuade her.

They hurried over after receiving Tony's notice, but instead of seeing Royce, they saw Angelica talking with Sharon.

They heard what Sharon said, and they understood why Angelica was so angry.

But after all, both sides are on one side, and a struggle at this time is really not good.

Angelika sneered and said, "Forget it, Royce will do the punishment you are going to receive. I hope you can be prepared, hehe."

With that, Angelica broke free of Natasha's obstruction and floated away.

She has to get her husband back, lest she gets angry again.

After Angelica left, Sharon, who was being held by Peggy, suddenly began to cry, crying out of breath, it was a grievance.

In her opinion, this is clearly a win-win situation. As long as it is completed, Olympus and the Earth can get the benefits they want. Why can Royce fail to see it?

She cried out and asked her doubts, but Natasha and Peggy couldn't answer her.

Natasha is very knowledgeable, knows a lot about this common political method, and understands Sharon's meaning.Peggy is the same. After all, they are all old spies. Who is more innocent than who?

It's just that the two of them haven't been in power and don't understand the key relationship.

"Until now you still don't understand where you are wrong?"

Maria Hill arrived in time to solve Sharon's confusion, and Tony Stark was with her.In fact, Tony was afraid that the situation could not be dealt with. He had contacted all the Avengers to stop Royce in an emergency.

But it seems that they came too late.

Tony had already monitored Royce's conversation with Sharon through Jarvis, so he knew things better.

He accused Sharon of saying: "Playing with your boring power tricks on friends and allies really damages the commander's reputation!" 53 Chinese website

Sharon was not convinced, anyone could blame her, but Tony in front of her couldn't.

She pointed to Nini’s nose and said, “What right do you have to blame me? I play power with my friends and allies for the win-win of Earth and Olympus. What about you? The monsters you secretly made with Dr. Banner have not yet awakened. Isn’t there Stark Industries in the group that launched the financial crisis not long ago? Do you dare to touch your conscience and say you really don’t know it?

How many shares did Stark Industries take the opportunity to grab when the Grand Navigation Project restarted?How many loopholes did Stark Industries exploit when S.H.I.E.L.D. organized and opened a bank?Tony Stark, the whole world is qualified to accuse me, but you can't!"

Tony's face was blackened to the bottom of the pot, but there was no way to refute it, because most of what Sharon said was correct, although it was not as serious as she said, but the nature was similar.

Hill frowned and glanced at Tony, then turned to Sharon and said, "Agent Sharon, I hope you adjust your mood as soon as possible, otherwise no one can help you."

Hill's words pierced Sharon's heart like a needle, making her feel painful but also sober.

But she didn't apologize to Tony. She wanted to say these words to Tony a long time ago, but she hadn't had a chance. Now she finally said it out, and she felt comfortable all over.

Adjusting her breathing slightly, Sharon nodded to Hill and said, "I think I'm ready, how can you help me?"


After a fight with Gu Yi, Royce felt much better.

Lying on the top of the Himalayas, feeling the wind raging around his body, Royce felt a burst of relief.

"So there is a reason why I can find you infinitely. You deserve her attention."

Gu Yi stood beside Royce, complimenting.

"Hahaha, then I would rather nobody find me. The closer I get to them, the more I feel insignificant. And the smaller, the more angry. Maybe this is the sorrow of the small person."

Royce was a little lonely, Gu Yi smiled slightly and said: "Hehe, you can be appreciated by them, you are no longer a small person. It's just that you are caught in a predicament that you have created for yourself. By the way, you can tell me now. Why were you so angry before? When you first came I thought you wanted to kill me."

"I don't know, I just feel a little bit aggrieved. I don't really care. Whether I'm used or treated as a pawn, I can go with the crowd. It's not that I have never experienced it. Since I came into this world, I have been Being pushed away.

At first Athena, then you and Athena joined forces, then Nick Fury, and then even Jesus stepped on me.Speaking of which I am a little used to it, because I don't have any independent opinions or desires.If I am not pushed away, I might find an ordinary house, find an ordinary job, and then live my life in peace."

"Oh? Don't you want to live your life in peace?" Gu Yi was a little surprised. She always thought that Royce wanted that kind of life.

Royce frowned and said, "How is it possible that anyone wants to live like that for the rest of their lives? Who doesn't want to be a big brother? It's just that sometimes you feel sentimental."

Gu Yi laughed after listening, and was about to say something. Suddenly he looked into the distance, and Royce also looked in that direction.

"The one who came to pick you up is here, I won't bother you here."

"Yes, your head is too bright."

Gu Yi shook his head and laughed, his voice gradually faded and disappeared from the top of the mountain.


Angelika passed through the clouds with a smile, and plunged her head into Royce's arms, almost knocking Royce to death.

Royce couldn't help but retched, and said in pain, "You eat too much? Is your brain spoiled?"

Angelika sat up from Royce when he heard the words, smiled and held Royce’s face, and said, "I'm in a good mood? Is it because I see me here? Look, I really have a feeling for you magic."

"Yes, yes, I feel better because of you. Come down first. My back is covered with snow, a bit of ice."

Angelika twisted him with a smirk. Royce thought she was going to do something wrong with herself in this icy world. As a result, her chest suddenly became icy. It turned out that she came in with a bunch of snow.

Royce was about to use his supernatural power to melt the ice and snow, but Angelica grabbed his hand and said with a pouting: "No shame! That would be boring."

Royce was stupid and said, "No, why is this interesting?!"

"How interesting, I want to laugh when you grin, haha. No, don't resist, let go! I'm so bored, don't..."


"I feel like I have a cold."

Royce, who had a sense of life on the highest mountain in the world, flew back to their home on Long Island, New York with Anjelica weakly, muttering.

Angelica looked around and found no one and whispered: "It should not be, it's just a little imaginary."

"Void?" Royce looked at Angelica with contempt in his eyes, and asked: "Are you serious? It's me who just peeed?"

Angelica blushed, then smiled excitedly, and put her tiptoe in Royce's ear and whispered, "Let's go there again next time."

Royce was disgusted and said: "I now seriously suspect that you are a pervert. Can I regret marriage?"

Angelica stomped to make noise, and a voice suddenly came from behind: "Repent of the marriage? You two are getting married?"

The two turned their heads at the same time and found that Lilandra, wearing short-sleeved hot pants, was walking over with a plate of cut fruits.

Angelica and Royce looked at each other, making eye contact.

Royce: You didn't tell her?

Angelica: I thought you told her.

Royce: How could I tell her!

Angelica: Why don't you... forget it, now is not the time to talk about this, what should I do?Do you want to tell her?

Royce: Tell her, otherwise it will be more troublesome in the future. It would be nice to let her give up earlier.

Angelica: How can you do this?Lelandra is crazy about you, but you treat them like this?You scumbag.

Royce's eyes widened: What am I your husband!Do you really want to find me a little wife?impossible!I tell you, no matter what you think, it is impossible!

"What's the secret code for you two? When did you get married? It is said that Angelica has been a queen for you for so long, and now you have married them? Royce, you are a scumbag."

Royce has nothing to love: I broke down


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