Marvel's King

Chapter 201

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Not good, there is the sea of ​​storm behind it, because of the weather, the sea there is pink.Then I will spread you a layer of flowers. Tsk, don’t mention how beautiful it is."

Every woman fantasizes about her wedding scene, even a dictator like Lelandra has fantasized about her wedding.

But sitting in that position, it was impossible to get a wedding that she would organize completely, so she buried those thoughts in her heart.

But now it can be used, although not for myself.

Anjelica was a little embarrassed when she heard Lilandra chattering in her ear, she looked at Royce as if asking for help: Get her away for me, I can't hold it!

Royce sent out a signal with his eyes: I can't hold it, I'll leave it to you.

Angelica stared at him viciously, and when he saw that he wanted to leave, she said directly: "Royce? Where are you going? Don't you come to see the wedding venue with me?"

Lilandra also turned to look at Royce when he heard the words, and said venomously: "Do you think this wedding has nothing to do with you? Although you only need to do what we say, you don't want to pretend Become a member? You really think of yourself as an outsider, right? Or don't you go, Angelica alone is enough, you don't want to go anyway."

Royce had a headache, so he walked over with a wry smile and said, "Ouch, don't say anything, don't I come here, tell me what I am going to do."

With that, Royce sat beside Angelica like a schoolboy who was listening carefully.

Angelica turned her head and laughed, listening to Lilandra continue to spray Royce.

Royce's attitude really made Lilandra angry. She wanted to lose her temper and said, "What do you mean? This wedding is for me? Isn't it? He asked me if you want to do it. What, you are simply..."

Royce was so sprayed that he wanted to quit the game, and his face went black.Had it not been for his good temper, Lelandra should have fallen asleep on the ground instead of giving lectures.

Angelica looked a little distressed at Royce's appearance, but she didn't stop Lilandra either.Speaking of her, she was also angry. It was obviously a wedding for two people. This person was like a okay person all day long, which made her almost annoying.

But I don't want to say to Royce that a good gun happened to come, so let Lilandra do it.Unexpectedly, Lilandra's power is so great, it is really pleasing.

Just when Royce couldn't stand it anymore, Hill called.

Royce seemed to have seen the savior, and immediately interrupted Lilandra and said, "I will answer the phone first and be back soon."

After speaking, he hurried to the second floor.

After Royce left, Angelica asked Lilandra uncomfortably: "Why is the Queen so angry? Shouldn't it."

Lelandra wanted to lie, but chose to tell the truth: "I shouldn't get the marriage I want in my life, and I don't even have the qualifications to be with the person I like. Shia is being caught by you. Before Linpis intervened, it was a strictly centralized country with a strict hierarchy.

In fact, before I took office, this situation was much worse than it was then.Shia’s culture is deformed, and the source of the deformity is the two bastards, but it is our Neramani royal family who promotes this culture.And the one who suffered the most was our Neramani royal family.

I thought about competing with you, and when you took the position of the princess to tempt me to cooperate with your Olympus, I never acted.Because our Neramani royal family does not deserve to have these things.

But I hope he can have a perfect wedding, no matter who is married to him, I hope."

Looking at Lilandra's lonely face, Angelica didn't know what to say.

Royce didn't care much about Olympus after becoming the King of Gods, and Angelica handled most of the things.Considering some dark political events for a long time also made her thinking more or less problematic, and the moral concepts that fettered her at the beginning were not so important in her eyes.

She did think of marrying Shia politics, because it was indeed a win-win thing, and Lelandra himself had a good impression of Royce.

But Royce is unwilling to live and die, he sticks to the bottom line of his heart, just not giving way.This moved Angelica and confused her.

Is there a man who can bear this temptation?

"If you think so, then, you are welcome to be my wedding guide. Let's go to my friend. She will be a bridesmaid then. We will discuss it carefully."

"Don't wait for Royce?"

Angelika said disdainfully, "Why are you waiting for him? He is a tool man, so just write him what he wants to do then."

Lelandra frowned, preparing to preach.

Angelica hurriedly pulled her back and said, "Oh, he is not a fool. He knows when to do something. Don't worry."

"Really? But I feel like he is a fool."

"Hahaha, although he is not very romantic, he is not as stupid as you think. Let's go, Mia is still waiting for me."


"If you make a call later, I might be sprayed to death by Lilandra. I will invite you to drink another day, hahaha."

Royce was lying on the bed, enduring Carrie's torture to herself, laughing.

"Queen? Has she come to earth too?"

"Yes, but for Sharon's blessing, she is no longer the queen. What's the matter with the phone? I'm in a good mood. If I can be satisfied, I will satisfy you."

Hill listened to Royce's cheerful voice over there, coughed, and said, "Well, how is she, the queen?"

Royce was busy stopping Carrie from pulling herself, and she didn't think too much when she heard this question, and said: "It's okay, but I was wronged a lot when I first went. Let her play with Angelica first. Let's play, and solve later..."

While talking, Royce realized something was wrong, and sneered and said, "Hill, are you a lobbyist for Sharon?"

"Haha, did you see through?" Hill smiled awkwardly, and then said: "I'm not a lobbyist, but the mistake has been made. We can only stop the loss in time, right? We can't let this happen. It will continue to ferment and cause worse effects."

"You make sense, so she didn't have a long mouth? Need you to speak?"

Royce squeezed Carrie's hand and lifted it, and laughed as she looked angrily about to bite herself.

"I'm not here to check your tone first. What if you want to kill her again? You scared her."

"She would be afraid if she was so courageous? I didn't expect this. Okay, don't start with me, go talk to Lilandra, she is the victim."

"Huh? Oh..."

The phone hung up, and Carrie broke free of Royce's bondage, yelling, "Royce! Don't run!"

"Then don't chase me, hahaha, fool Carrie."

Royce and Carrie were playing a game on the second floor when they suddenly heard movement on the third floor.He stopped quickly and turned around and picked up Carrie, held it in his arms, and covered her mouth.

"Shhh, there seems to be someone upstairs."

Nebula, who was sitting by the window in the living room on the second floor and watching TV, raised his head and looked at the ceiling when he saw it. His sensitive five senses quickly accepted the sound from the upper floor.Jiuzhou Chinese

She squinted her eyes and put down the remote control, then took out the swing stick that was pinned to her waist, ready to fight.

"Shall I get her off?"

Although the voice upstairs was very subtle, it was still invisible in front of Royce and Nebula.Royce looked back at the serious Nebula, wondered whether he shook his head and said, "Don't use too much force."

Nebula nodded and moved his long legs towards the stairs leading to the third floor.

This villa is quite large, and the third floor is generally not used at all. Except for Carrie who occasionally goes to play on it, no one else can go up.

Nebula held a swing stick and walked up against the wall. Just around the corner, he saw a woman wearing a black tights and a half mask on her face.

"who are you?"

Speaking of which, Nebula was taken aback. She has never understood why the people on Earth have so many strange costumes. Some of them look like a bad person. For example, the clothes the person in front of me is wearing is not a good person.


Felicia was very embarrassed after being found, her hearing was very sensitive, and she naturally heard the voice downstairs.After hearing that Royce wanted someone to come up and grab herself, she struggled for a while and prepared to go down by herself, lest she would be caught and be too embarrassed in front of the idol.

This person was Felicia the Black Cat, and she was already a qualified snitch.

I came to Royce's house purely to do something abnormal, nothing else.

In fact, she came last night, but Royce and they came back soon after she came.Originally, she wanted to leave directly, but was afraid that Royce and the others would find out when she ran away. She lay on the bed thinking hard and didn't think of a result, and then fell asleep.

Maybe it's more comfortable to go to the idol's house. Felicia slept until this afternoon.

As a result... it turned into this embarrassing situation.

Seeing her hesitating and pretending to be strange, Nebula didn't ask any more. As soon as she raised her long legs and stepped on the stairs, she jumped up, and it happened to be Felicia's head.

Seeing that the blue-skinned man's knee was about to hit his head, Felicia rolled and avoided subconsciously.

Can't help avoiding this attack, Felicia heard another crack in her ears, and she hurriedly rolled over again while kneeling on the ground posing.

But Felicia didn't expect that Nebula had already seen her escape route, and after catching up closely, she slapped her butt with a stick.

"Oh! Myass!"


"Sorry, Nebula treats you as a bad person. Does it still hurt?"

Carrie brought a glass of water and sat next to Royce, listening to Royce's embarrassed voice, just wanting to laugh.

Nebula didn't pull hard at that moment, but for the little girl Felicia, it still hurts to the bone. She was still tearful when she was lying on the sofa.

Felicia endured the pain, grievingly narrowed his mouth and said, "No... it doesn't hurt anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help it, tears streaming down her eyes, and Carrie laughed straight out of her eyes.

Royce also wanted to laugh, but after all he was the old god king, and he still had this control ability. He said, "Or, let me treat you for a while? I'm an old nanny."

Felicia suddenly raised her head, her eyes flickered with abnormal sheen, and she asked excitedly, "Is it the one that uses the medicine box?"

Royce felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong, so he narrowed his eyes in doubt and said, ", I use other methods to treat you. Soon, there is no feeling."

Felicia lowered her head in disappointment and pouted, "That's fine." Suddenly thinking of a possibility, she raised her head and asked excitedly: "Will there be physical contact?"

The suspicion in Royce’s eyes became even greater. He felt that this person had a problem and said: "There can be..." Felicia’s eyes lit up after hearing Royce’s answer. Royston understood. Quickly said: "But it's not necessary, you can heal you without touching it."

Felicia was lost again, but Royce got an answer: this man is a pervert!

However, he still treated Felicia. Although this person dressed up like a thief and broke into her home, she did nothing. Nebula was indeed a bit cruel, and you can see it from outside. The two butts are not the same size.

Felicia was thinking about what he should use to take the damage from Royce to something, suddenly he felt warm in his body, and then the pain in his butt disappeared.


Felicia looked back in horror and touched her ass, then looked at Royce as if she was heartbroken, and cried out with a wow.

I'm just one centimeter away from touching Royce, just one centimeter away!

Royce looked at Felicia, and said to his heart: It really is a pervert!


In a cafe by the edge of Central Park, Angelica ran over with Lilandra panting.

Returning to the midtown she was familiar with, Angelika also gave up the convenience of using her abilities, and instead ran wildly in the city like before, feeling her lost youth.

"Oh, busy man, you are here, I have been waiting for you for four hours, it's so pitiful."

Mia saw Angelica coming, and said yin and yang weirdly.

The two were friends who had grown up together since childhood, and they were almost inseparable. They were separated for a while when Royce and Zeus clashed for the first time, when Angelica was rescued by Apollo.

Later, Angelika became the queen of Olympus and often took Mia over to play, so the two did not feel strange.

Angelica walked over to sit down with Lilandra, smiled disdainfully at Mia, and said, "Well, why didn't you say that you came and waited last night?"

"You mean too, it's obviously too late to fly. Who is this?"

Mia will give Angelica some cold drink and smile at Lilandra politely.

"My name is Lilanda Niramani, you can call me Lilanda."

"Lelanda? Okay, would you like something to drink?"

Mia thought the name was familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was.She is not a person who likes to embarrass herself, so she didn't want to, and called the waiter.

Lilandra didn’t know what the drinks on the earth were, so she looked at Angelica, and Angelica thought for a while and said, “Let’s have a glass of orange juice, and replace the sourness in your heart with the sourness of your lips and teeth. Alright, haha."


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