Marvel's King

Chapter 207 Revenge

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Royce lay beside Angelica, but a heart had already flown to Shia.

His huge spiritual power converged into a huge body of consciousness, standing in the space outside the eagle's nest quietly observing everything that happened inside the eagle's nest.

In the distance, two people stand in a space that does not belong to this dimension, eternal and infinite.

"You taught him?"

Eternal is a little surprised, Royce's performance is much better than seeing him before.

Shaking his head infinitely, the lines on his body were swimming irregularly, saying, "No."


Infinite understood the eternal thoughts, was silent for a while, and said: "After this war is over, I will deal with him."

"It's good if you understand. The balance of the universe cannot be broken. The appearance of the consciousness shows that he has an abstract future that can be expected. The number of gods cannot be increased. This universe cannot hold it."

The eternal voice is full of ruthlessness, and he is indeed a purely rational man without emotion.

Infinite glared at Eternity, sneered disdainfully, and said, "No more, why not replace one? Of the five creation gods in the universe, three are useless people."

The words of infinity made Eternal pupils quake. He hurriedly said: "Infinity, is this your true thoughts?"

There is killing intent in the eternal voice, but Infinite is not afraid of it, and proudly said: "I am not that stupid, and I will not personally break the balance of the universe, you can rest assured. Be your otaku, I will go Up."

With that, the infinitely huge body turned into countless lines, penetrated the gaps between all dimensions, and fleeed away.

The eternal phantom also sighed, turned into dust and shattered in place.

Royce's conscious body cannot attack or use any means.Although he has a single universe-level combat power, he is far from a real universe-level character.

At least he doesn't have the ability to control the rules.

He mastered the rules of space only because he hoped that he could use the power of space.

Royce's consciousness can only be marginalized, and joining the battle is impossible.

But verbal communication is still possible.

"Athena, can you hear me?"

Athena, who was ready to fight, suddenly heard Royce's voice in her ears. She subconsciously began to search, but she could not find Royce's figure.

Suddenly looking back, she seemed to see the huge image of Royce standing far away through the window of the battleship.

"Is that you?"

Lilandra heard that Athena suddenly said such a word, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

Athena raised her finger to the distance, ready to tell Lelandra of her discovery, but found that the phantom had disappeared.

Royce's voice also came in her ear: "She shouldn't want to see me, I want to tell you a few things, you can help me to convey to Lilandra, can you?"

Athena was a little at a loss, and Lilandra was even more at a loss. She followed Athena's fingers and saw nothing but a moving sea of ​​stars. She asked in confusion, "What's the matter? Athena?"

Athena blinked in surprise, smiled and waved her hand and said: "It's okay, it's okay, I was in a daze."

After speaking, Athena said to Royce in her heart: "Where are you? Is it in my heart?"

"Are you teasing me?"

"No, I'm telling the truth, but you can respond to me? Do we have telepathy?"

Athena's voice sounded as cheerful as a bird, causing several black lines to appear on Royce's skull.

"No, this is one-sided. Okay, don't talk nonsense. You help me give this thing to Lelandra. The two gods of Shia's attack methods are all energy dumping types, and the physical skills are average. This one The shield should help her."

Athena raised her eyes and saw the space in front of her turned into nothingness, and an animal skin shield was floating there.

Athena recognized this shield as the Aoisi shield that Zeus had lost, a powerful shield that restrained all magic and energy attacks.

"Why are you so good to her?"

Athena was a little bit sour in her heart. Although she and Lilandra were already good friends, she still couldn't help feeling some strange thoughts in her heart.

Royce was silent for a while and said, "Maybe it's because I hurt her."

When Athena asked again, Royce didn't answer again.

"Lilandra, take this."

"What's this? It's ugly." Lilandra turned her head back, and looked disgusted when she saw the appearance of Ai Kuiji.

Athena pursed her mouth and said, "It's really ugly, but it's useful. You can try it."

Lelandra took it obediently, although his mouth was pouted.

She had just caught the shield and was about to adjust her posture. A spear suddenly appeared in Athena's hand. When she stepped on her arrows, the spear stabbed out.

This time, instead of giving up the use of divine power as she did when she taught Lelandra, she used almost all of her power.

Lilandra felt as if someone had lifted his arm in the dark, just using the Ekuisi shield to withstand Athena's offensive.

Athena’s supernatural power was easily removed by Ai Kuiji, and only the impact of her own power left Lilanda staggered. After standing firm, Lilanda looked at the shield in surprise and said: "Athena This shield will automatically defend itself."

Athena: ...

"You said it was."

When I spoke, the tone was sour, and at the same time he cursed Royce in my heart: You didn't help me when I was fighting with Gaia!

"At that time, you almost kept me as a pet, and you want me to help you?"

Royce's somewhat angry voice rang in Athena's head again, making her ashamed.


The Eagle's Nest arrived soon, and the people of Shia also learned the news of Lilandra's return.

But compared to Lelandra, the queen who made them rich and strong, they believed in their father Shala and mother goddess a little bit.

However, Shia's royal family especially welcomed Lilandra, and even rushed out to greet her regardless of Shia's orders.

They are now purely raised as pigs, and some of Lilandra's diehards have even been put to death in cages, and others have received various insults, making them miserable.

Lilandra, as the empress jointly elected by them, convinced them more than the two dual gods who acted in a high profile.Love you e-book

Lilandra's gaze crossed these people who were cold and warm to him, and looked at the guard captain-Chris, who looked sad.

"Chris? Are you not dead? That's great."

Lilandra said these words expressionlessly, but the captain of the Royal Guard was grateful.

He knelt on the ground wearing ordinary clothes, and said in pain: "Your Majesty, I failed to protect you. I am dereliction of duty."

Lilandra gently shook her head, stopped to look into the distance, and looked at his own palace.

Five seconds later, Lilandra stepped forward and left a sentence saying: "Is Dean there? Let him prepare for the rebuilding of the palace. I will tear it down in this disgusting place."

A short figure among the royal family members immediately jumped out and shouted excitedly: "As you wish, Your Majesty the Queen!"

The group of people walked toward the palace mightily, and the Shuang gods also walked out with the soldiers who surrendered to them and stood on a high place to greet them.

"Lilandra? Shia's traitor, do you dare to come back?"

Shala's arm was pierced by Royce's lightning before, but she has not recovered at this time, and is tightly wrapped inside her clothes.

But the burning traces spreading to the neck still showed that he had suffered heavy blows before.

Lelandra stepped up the stairs step by step.While the royal family members were waiting for her to make a statement, Lilandra said: "The new palace doesn't need steps anymore, just build it on the flat ground."

Dean froze for a moment, and responded quickly.

Although Lilandra didn't say anything harsh as they had hoped, this kind of leisurely walking posture made them more confident.

Seeing that Lilandra was so arrogant, Shala felt cruel, and dragged out the bird cage where Lilandra had been confined before and dropped it.

Lilandra saw the cage falling in front of him, stopped, the hatred in his heart almost reached the peak, the spear of victory fell from the sky and fell on her right hand, and the left hand peeked forward. The Kwai Si shield also emerged from the void.

"Bitch, I hope you have chosen a good grave."

Lilandra gritted his molars and said this, and Athena, who had never appeared in the sky, also fell to the ground like a meteor.

She was half a step behind Lilandra and followed her step by step to the palace, and the gods of Olympus also fell one by one, squeezing the members of Royal Shia and following Athena.

They came by the order of the god king, and they ran into Lilandra on the road, and finally decided to go together.

The individual combat capabilities of the Olympus gods are average, except for Hercules, they are a bit worse than Thor, but their task is to deal with those Shia fighters, so it is not difficult.

Don’t underestimate the fighting power of Xi'a. Xi'a’s fighters are all mutants. They have developed a growth route since they were born. They grew up from snacks and treasures. Although they don’t know martial arts, they have the same fighting skills. The strength is still higher than that of the people on earth by many grades.

"Do you think you can change your ending with a rescuer? Ridiculous."

Shala chuckled back in anger, gathering white light in her hand, manipulating energy to shoot towards Lilandra.

Upon seeing this, Lilandra raised her shield quickly, and the energy that Shaara emitted was dispelled by Ai Kui, and the force entrained in the offensive was also offset by the countershock formed by Ai Kui.

Lilandra lowered her head and raised her eyes to look at Xia La, the speed at her feet suddenly increased, and she roared: "Xia La, you will die today!"

Shala saw that her attack had no effect, she was a little strange, her eyes were placed on the shield of Ekuisi, and Xin said in his ear: "There is a problem with Lilandra's shield and short spear, but her own The power is very weak, you are attracting her attention positively, and I think of a way to attack her."

Xia La nodded, and wings suddenly appeared behind her, and the wings flew to Lilandra like an arrow from the string.

Although trained by Athena, it is still a bit far-fetched for Lilandra to face a strong like Shara. Her eyes saw the light burst when Shara arrived, and she wanted to resist. Thoughts, but the hands are too late to react.

In the eyes of outsiders, she watched Xia La rush in blankly but did not respond.

Royce, who was in the dark, had no choice but to urge his energy to form a repulsive force next to Lilandra, gently pushing her body out, just to avoid Shara's attack.

And Athena behind Lilandra was ready to counterattack long ago, and Shala was still wondering why Lilanda did not resist but avoided when Athena's spear was already pierced.

The sound of breaking through the air and the explosion of divine power awakened Xia La and hurriedly raised her hand to block it.


Athena's spear seemed to pierce some metal, making a harsh sound.

But she didn't panic at all, and she figured out her next step in a single thought. She pulled back the spear with a slight force, but when halfway through it, she stabbed it out again. Xia La, who jabbed three times in a row, was in a hurry.

He felt that he was really unsure of resisting the last thrust, so he flapped his wings and flew back in an instant.

so close!

Shala sighed in her heart.

He saw that Athena's attack power was not so strong, but the momentum of Athena's attack really scared him.And he felt that there seemed to be a powerful existence staring at him, as if he would provoke the enemy if he launched a counterattack. This made him a little bit of a rat and did not dare to move.

Seeing Shaara being repulsed by Athena, Lilandra shouted and rushed up with the spear of victory.

Lilandra, who screamed, didn't have the nobility of being a queen in normal days, but looked like a Valkyrie.

Although her footsteps were unpleasant, Shala also had the idea of ​​touching Lilandra, condensing light clusters in her hands again, flapping her wings and leaping towards Lilandra.

Lilandra subconsciously raised the spear and stabbed, but her arm was lifted up by a force.

Between the lightning and flint, Shala's fist once again fell on the shield of Ekui.

Lilandra smiled in surprise, and then pushed the spear of victory forward.

The defense-breaking attribute of the Spear of Victory was displayed vividly in Lilandra's hand, easily piercing Shala's supernatural defense, and piercing into his skin abruptly.

The golden blood shot out and splashed on Lilandra's face, and the hot and humid feeling made her extremely excited.

An expression of pain appeared on Shala's face, but Lilandra got excited and started fighting.

There was only one thought in her mind, which created more pain for Shala.So Lilandra drew out the spear of victory forcefully, and brought out a large amount of blood.The fishy smell poured into Lilandra's nose, irritating her brain.

The feeling of washing her face with the enemy's blood made Lilandra extremely excited. She greedily stabbed her spear again, but the power appeared again in the dark, this time directly dragging her away.

"Do not!"

She was stopped when she was only one step away from the divine power. This loss made her shout in anger, but what happened next made her shudder.

Believe it or not where it came out suddenly, and the huge beak cut down like a sickle, smashing the ground into a huge depression, and vigorous energy spewed out from the depression, like a fountain.

But it was not water, but danger.

"Damn it!"

Xin yelled angrily and landed beside Shara.Raising his hand to create a mass of energy applied to the wound on Shala's chest, she stared at Lilandra fiercely.

Lelanda breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the shield in her hand with emotion, feeling mixed.


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