Marvel's King

Chapter 208: Touching Time

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"It's really insidious, no wonder you can stand out from the crowd and become Father God and Mother God."

Lilandra stood still with lingering fears, she had to adjust her mentality.

I used to see Royce fighting like that, even more anxious than Royce. I always felt that Royce fighting was like a little sister, not brave at all. What if I changed to her.

But now that she has experienced this level of battle personally has made her understand one thing: that is, you can never be careless, a slight injury is very likely to change the situation.

Shaara's face was full of sullenness, and the injury on his shoulder was very serious, a little more serious than the last time Royce caused it.

"What are you holding?"

Hearing Shara's questioning, Xin also cast his gaze over, carefully looking at the victory spear in Lilandra's hand.

Lilandra was waiting for Xia La to talk to herself, her emotions were too restless, and fighting like this was not good.

When she heard the words, she raised the spear of victory in her hand and asked viciously, "This? Did it hurt you? It should be cool."

Shala grinned with anger, the light ball in her hand appeared again, and she was about to rush over with a move.Upon seeing this, Lelandra quickly set up his shield, but Shara did not move, he was held back by the letter.

The person they brought out had already retreated, and now looked at both of them with remorse.

The Olympus gods on the opposite side stood behind Athena and confronted them.

"The reaction just now was quick, Queen Lelandra."

Ares was greeted by Athena, and you should always pay attention to Lilandra's movements on the battlefield to prevent her from getting injured.

But after watching her just now, Ares felt that she didn't have that need anymore.

"God of War Ares? Hello, I haven't seen each other much before."

Lilandra's emotions calmed down a lot, and when Ares complimented herself, she smiled and saluted him.

Ares was a little confused for a while, and quickly replied to her with Olympus etiquette.

The two looked at each other again, both laughed, and the relationship seemed to be drawn closer at this moment.

"Enough! Are we really not there? A few weak Olympians dare to be presumptuous in front of us?"

Lilandra and their arrogant appearance made Shala and Xin anxious. He held his wife's hand in one hand, and the divine power of the two immediately connected, and the divine power emanating from the pores increased almost like a power function compared to before.

"Be careful, they release a lot of energy after they merge. Don't try hard, pay attention to Lilandra."

Athena heard Royce's admonition and quickly told her companions what she knew, and noticed Lilandra.

Lilandra was also shocked when she saw Shala Hexin's posture, the white light soaring to the sky was too shocking for her.

She subconsciously raised the spear to block her chest, but one hand pushed the spear down and lifted the shield.

Lilandra was rescued by this force several times, and probably guessed what this thing was. Her rebellious mentality made her put down her shield and lifted the spear of victory.

Royce didn't force her either. Lelandra, who discovered this fact, laughed happily, like a kid who won the game.

However, she lifted the shield soon after.

"Lilandra, always remember one thing, the shield!"

As soon as Athena finished speaking, Shara raised her hand and shot a beam of energy at Lilandra.

The energy continued to expand and increase in the air, and when it reached Lilandra, it was already as thick as a waterfall.

Lilandra wanted to avoid it subconsciously, just to run.

But her body couldn't allow her to manipulate it at will. There was no time to dodge. The beam of light instantly slammed into the shield of E Kuisi, and the excess energy also knocked the people who came to rescue Ares and others into the air.

This energy poured out for a full minute, but when Xia pulled her hand, she found that Lilandra was unscathed.


As soon as the exclamation sounded, eh Kui Si's shield reflected a more powerful energy column, which was directed at the two of them.

Xia La couldn't accept the fact that her attack failed, but Xin felt the danger, and with a flap of wings behind her, she and Xia La left where she and Xia La were, avoiding the counterattack of Ei Kui Si's shield.

"The armor that Zeus couldn't penetrate, what do you think you are?"

Xin didn't expect Athena to be so calm, considering the direction of their escape when her companions were attacked.

The letter immediately raised his head when he heard the sound, but Athena's spear had already been pierced.

Xin panicked and propped up an energy shield, but was smashed by Athena with just one blow.

In the time when she took the gun and stabbed, Shala also recovered her mind.Seeing that the letter was in danger, the light ball in his hand suddenly turned into a giant axe.

He pushed up the great axe forcefully, and the powerful force forced the great axe to hit Athena's spear, blasting Athena into flight.


As he was about to leave with the letter, Ares came at this time.

He jumped up tens of meters, his face was fierce like an evil dragon, the giant axe in his hand was kept at the same level as himself, and he slashed at the highest point.

The acceleration of gravity and the blessing of divine power allowed him to easily split Xia La's defense against his own attack, centering Xia La's shoulder.

Shoulder: Damn, why am I always hurt?

But Ares was just a relatively powerful Olympian after all, and his strength was far from enough to break Shaara's body's defenses, and it only caused him a sharp pain.

Xia La cried out in pain, and Xin was also anxious, and her left hand turned into a long-handled dagger, which was stabbed out like an electric shot.

The dagger directly penetrated Ares' skin, bringing out a large amount of blood and part of Ares' supernatural power.

"What a shame... Ares, you are too shameful."

Ares felt like he was almost dead, and Royce's voice rang in his ear.

"I must be dead, or why would I hear the hallucinations?"

The "corpse" of Ares was pushed aside by the letter, and then they continued to attack Athena.

Just when Ares was lost, Royce's voice sounded again: "Okay, don't pretend to be dead, go and help Athena, she can't deal with these two bastards."

"I'm not dead? It's really you? Why don't you come to help us?"

Ares scratched his big bald head, sitting up from the ground and asking.

Royce was silent for a while and said: "I had a fight with Lilandra, and she didn't like me being here. Don't ask, go to a fight."

"Oh... but I don't feel that she doesn't like you, otherwise why should we accept our help?"

Ares asked the question and didn't expect to answer it, but Royce really didn't answer.

The battle became more and more intense, and Lilandra looked at those people fighting in the sky almost to death. She did not have the ability to fly, so she could only stand on the ground in a hurry.Huaxiu Chinese

"The one who helped me, let me fly?"

Lilandra stood on the ground and shouted to the sky with a proud face, which made Royce start thinking about the questions Ares asked him.

But he still didn't show up, but lifted Lilandra up with his hands.

Lilandra realized that she was floating in the air, her legs were directly soft, and she collapsed on Royce’s big invisible hand, and then slapped the ground where she was super happily, and said, "Are you Roy? Si? If yes, just make me jump up."


Lelandra did not jump up, but Royce's low voice rang in her ears.

This made her heart warm, no matter if she was fighting, she lay flat and asked: "Who are you then? Some lustful fanatic? Do you know the consequences of molesting the queen? I want to shut you down. Be a pet in a cage!"

Royce was silent for a while and said, "I'm your father."


The battle continued. With the help of Ares and Artemis, Athena was not the opponent of the two gods, and was defeated in a row.

Being beaten out again, Athena saw Lilandra, who was carefree and innocent, and shouted at her, "Are these two dog thieves my enemy?"

Lilandra wrinkled her nose at her dissatisfiedly, but stood up obediently, and said, "Let me fight, I'm going to take their skin off!"

As soon as the voice fell, she arrived in front of Shala at the speed of light.

At first, she was a little uncomfortable, but Royce helped her lift the Spear of Victory and said in her ear: "This is a stab!"

Xia La didn't react at all. He only noticed it when the indefensible characteristics of the Spear of Victory had been stimulated by Lelandra invaded within five centimeters in front of him, but it was too late.

The spear of victory pierced his abdomen fiercely.

When Lelandra was still immersed in the joy of victory, her arm was pulled forcefully, and even the spear of victory was pulled out of Xia La's belly.

"Stick again."

Lelandra obediently, gritted his teeth and slammed the spear of victory into Xia La's chest again.

The sharp spear of victory easily pierced through the powerful defensive energy attached to Shaara's body, piercing his heart.

An extremely powerful force was triggered by the Spear of Victory and formed a violent explosion in a small space, blasting everyone including Lilandra.

The explosion is still spreading, but extremely slowly, as if time has been disrupted.

A person walked out of the space debris shattered by the energy of this violent explosion.He came along lightly, staring at Xia La Hexin, who looked terrified. No, he stared at the strange energy swelling in Xia La's chest.

"So this is what almost killed me back then?"

Royce stretched out his hand to draw out the energy raging in Xia La's chest, and gently touched the time flow bar that was disrupted by the spear of victory. The brain ran wildly, and his divine power penetrated into these peculiar flow patterns like a parasite. In, studying, absorbing, and strengthening oneself.

"You... why are you so strong? You are obviously not a god."

"God? I have never boasted so much, I am just a man with power."

Royce felt the message returned by the divine power and refuted it casually.

This peculiar knowledge made his brain a little unbearable, but he couldn't resist the desire, the desire for real mighty power.

He has a hunch that by solving this mystery, he will be able to ascend to the sky in one step, completely free of all constraints.

"Be willing to fall! You can obviously have more! With your power, this entire universe should crawl under your feet, and everyone must obey your orders. Your supreme power will be their worst nightmare, you ..."

"Don't make a noise, I'm aligning with time."

Although Royce wanted to hear his declaration, he had more important things to do at this time.

Royce noticed that this flow of time was all around him, but their rules circulated everywhere without interfering with each other.

Steps in the gap between each dimension, some changed the flow rate, some changed the shape, some changed the size.

"This is...what peculiar setting?"

Royce stretched out the gap between the two dimensions, carefully observing the step process of the time flow bar in the middle.

In the middle, they seem to be an abnormal change caused by some kind of stimulation.

Royce tried to use his understanding of space to feel the source of this change, but to no avail.

This seems to be a point he can't touch.

The Spear of Victory's ability to slow down time gradually faded, the speed of the explosion increased sharply, and it immediately pounced on everyone.

Royce was interrupted, and the hatred in his heart reached its peak.

Although he guessed that he might not be able to perceive the cause of this kind of thing, he just couldn't restrain his anger.

Royce suddenly opened his palm, and a huge black sun appeared in his palm, which absorbed all the aftermath of the explosion and erased the high-strength heat from the center of the explosion.

"You two... forget it, leave it to Lelandra."

With that, Royce's big hand suddenly strangled the neck of Shin who still had the ability to move, and gently squeezed her trachea.

The divine power in her body is still very active, so this will not kill her.

But Royce's injury to her cannot be repaired, and a divine power vortex was created there, which would continuously absorb her divine power and make her unable to move.

After doing all this, Royce looked guiltily at Lilandra, who was looking at him, and said: "I should go now, Angelica is still waiting for me."

Lilandra gritted her teeth and stood up, and suddenly rushed over.

Royce had such a strange thought in his heart for a moment, he wanted to catch Lilandra, and then kissed him happily in front of everyone, accepting the feeling that was buried by him.

But in the end reason still prevailed.

"Sorry, restraint our desires, so we are human. If we do not exercise restraint, then I am an animal."

Lilandra fell heavily to the ground, the pain almost fainted.

She got up embarrassedly and yelled at Royce: "Then can you love me like an animal?"

Ares and the others, as well as Shia's royal family, gradually awoke from the aftermath of the explosion. They stared blankly at the queen who was kneeling on the ground and begged Royce in the distance, with mixed feelings.

Royce narrowed his eyes angrily when he found out, waved his big hand, and a gust of wind appeared, clearing everyone, including the gods such as Athena, who was looking at him.

With a sigh, he stepped up to Lilandra and knelt down on one knee. He held the crying Lilandra in his arms, and said softly: "If I selfishly accept you, what about Athena? What about Hill? Even if Angelica allows, are you willing to live with so many people?"

Did Lelandra let go of Royce, nodding desperately, subconsciously about to agree.

But Royce reached out and put her index finger on her beautiful red lips and said: "I spend a lot of time rationally, so I also hope you can think rationally. If you think clearly, come to me , Eh Kuiji will bring you here."

After speaking, Royce's body turned into a light and disappeared from the place, leaving only Lilandra staring at the sky.


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