Marvel's King

Chapter 212 Unlimited Help

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Royce woke up quietly and found himself in a strange place.

The sky above is like a hood, and there is something like a floating island floating in the distance.

He was surrounded by a strange kind of dust, white.

Royce thought they were something like matter, but when touched, the dust dissipated and turned into an imperceptible thing.

Royce was a little curious, but he decided to put it aside for now.

He was badly injured.

"It's a dog, the life court of this dog day is really sick. What do you do with me."

Royce complained about the injustice of the court of life full of resentment, urging the immortal power to heal the injuries he suffered when he traveled through space.

But these injuries are not physical injuries, but a kind of mental devastation.

The turbulence of the space also made the pattern on his body a little disordered.

"How do you use this shit? Gu Yi is too picky. Just lend me the Eye of Agomoto."

Royce holds the gem of time in one hand and the gem of space in the other, changing his own time and space under the protection of immortal power.

"Still not working? What is the connection between these two things?"

Royce tried several times, but couldn't understand the problem, so he grabbed his hair in distress.

"Your knowledge is far from allowing you to understand this knowledge. If you continue, you will be crazy."

A familiar voice suddenly came from around, Royce didn't move, and said, "Speaking of you, it's a bit too heavy. Look at what you beat me into?"

With that, Royce's soul came out of his body, showing infinitely the flaws in his soul.

Infinitely, he was angry when he saw this picture that he was cheap and good-looking, and waved his hand to open up a burst of energy on Royce's soul, saying: "It wasn't me who shot, you are already dead, and you put it away. ?"

Royce's soul was shot flying infinitely, and after he rushed back with a look of anger, he said: "Why did he catch me and bully? Thanos is planning to take the infinite gem and kill half of his lives, and hell was born. A new evil spirit, even the eternal shit captain of the universe has begun to come out and pretend to be forced, so why did he take me at the knife? Am I really so bullied?"

Looking at Royce infinitely, he suddenly felt that he was naive.

"Even if Thanos gets the gems, it will have no effect on us. He doesn't even know our existence. Only death has contacted him. And half of the life in the universe has anything to do with us? Death means death, less Parasites, this universe can last longer, why not do it?

As for Tianjin Wengxing in hell, what threat does it pose to us?In the eyes of the Life Court, it is just an ant, something that can be killed with a wave of hand.

what about you?what have you done?You have touched the bottom line of the Supreme God, and you have the potential to influence the balance of the universe.If you didn't kill you directly, the court of life is already very generous."

Royce was even more dissatisfied, and said: "Then I have to be grateful to him?"

Infinite chuckled and said: "We are all unscrupulous, as long as the universe is balanced and indispensable, then all the costs are within our tolerance. Don't be a boring mortal, you are no longer in that category. It’s a creature. I hope you can mature a little and at least understand a God’s way of thinking."

Listening to the infinite ridicule, Royce gradually calmed down.He was silent for a while, shook his head and said: "Sorry, I can't be as cold as you. I personally think that emotion is the most important thing, not ability."

The mockery on Infinity’s face became heavier. She suddenly created a space and pointed to it and said to Royce: "The flow of time in it is ten thousand times that of the earth you live in. You dare to go in and stay. For a while?"

"What do you mean."

Royce squinted and thought.

"Stay inside for a while and you will understand what exists."

"Time will not obliterate the emotions in my heart. I firmly believe this, but there is no need to experiment."

Royce's stubbornness made Infinite laugh and said, "Haha, why don't you try? Are you Olympus always pursuing immortality?" After that, Infinite suddenly approached Royce and asked: "Do you really understand what immortality is?"

Infinite words pierced Royce's brain like a sharp needle.

He actually understood some things very early, but he just didn't want to face it.

The price of immortality is too great.

To become immortal, he has to give up many things.Feelings are the most difficult part of it.

Seeing Royce's silence infinitely, I also knew that he knew what he meant.He looked up at the sky and said: "Time is the potion that can poison everything. The longer your life, the deeper the poisoning. People around you will die as you become immortal. This is an unstoppable thing. "

"Isn't it OK with Infinite Gems?"

Royce's mood is extremely unstable.Being poked indefinitely into the pain point made him very uncomfortable. The long-suffering depression in his heart began to swell today, and the anger spread in his brain, gradually taking over his reason.

Infinite suddenly narrowed his eyes and asked, "What do you know?"

Royce suddenly grasped the gems of time and space in his hands. The two unpretentious gems exuded a dazzling luster. The blue and green intertwined, entwined like vines on Royce, forming a shape on his body. Kind of strange aperture.

The disordered patterns in the body are being filled with something, gradually becoming complete and gradually filling.

Infinitely shocked, he hurriedly distorted Royce's time and space to stop him, and said: "Stop it! This is not the right way!"

Infinity is kind, but Royce can't stop, and there is a voice in his heart that tells him not to stop.

Time gems and space gems prop up a cube-like shape around Royce's body, which will be corrected by infinitely distorted time and space.

In Royce's perspective, this cube is as wonderful as a new world.

But Infinite only saw a piece of illusion. There was nothing in this gem-made space and time, without the support of reality. This thing would collapse soon, and the burst of energy would kill Royce.

But the power level of Infinite Gems was something she couldn't rely on power to reach, she could only watch the people chosen by herself step by step into the abyss.

Look at their aloft, can you bear it?

Listen to their awe-inspiring words, can you bear it?

Look at their self-righteous approach, can you afford it?

I know that you are very angry. Let it break out. Let this anger burn and turn into a raging fire that burns everything, and let them suffer an unbearable price!

Royce was about to blacken successfully, suddenly such a whisper sounded in his ear.

This made him wake up instantly.

"Does he dare to whisper in Lao Tzu's ear?"

Royce found a catharsis to vent his anger, and the hand holding the space gem suddenly grew bigger and bigger than the universe, and pinched a strange creature that exists in the illusory darkness.

This thing was like a lump of slime, and Royce, who was disgusted, almost vomited it, and quickly threw it away.Yue Shu Zhai

Royce, who watched infinitely all over her body and repelled from start to finish, stopped distorting the space, but she suddenly rushed up with a fist.

The punch hit Royce's face firmly, and he almost died.

Watching Royce being hit by himself and catching up with him, he said coldly: "I hope you remember this lesson, don’t touch things that you shouldn’t touch easily. That thing can easily crush your spirit, your Body, everything you have."

Royce didn't fully understand, he was a little dizzy from the beat, and he didn't seem to perceive the existence of his body.

He seems to be dissipating, not dying, but dissipating.

His body system is collapsing, and the pattern he has fiddled with before is like a well-drawn route for some kind of peculiar energy to cut Royce's body and soul.

Watching the changes in Royce's body infinitely, he gritted his teeth with anger.

"I told you, you still do it like a mentally retarded! How could I find you an idiot! Do it!"

Although Infinite wanted to pinch Royce to death, the possibilities in him still let Infinite help.

She used the cosmic source energy only possessed by these creation gods, easily controlled the energy emitted by the infinite gems, and repaired Royce's dying body and soul.

"Now you know why something can't be touched?"

Royce nodded aggrievedly and said, "I see, I should find someone to make me a glove."

Infinity became even more angry, and punched Royce again, but he still couldn't vent his anger completely, and then he slapped Royce into a violent beating. Then he exhaled comfortably.

"What are you thinking about?"

After infinitely out of breath, he returned to normal, and Royce was fascinated by the sky above his head.

"Huh? I'm thinking, does the universe also have a cover?"

"What kind of hood?" Infinite asked subconsciously, then suddenly narrowed his eyes and asked: "What did you see?"

"Oh my God, can't you see? The sky is like a cover. In theory, shouldn't this thing have no boundaries? It is in the same space as the planet, and it is also in the outer space. The same space, then why does it behave like that?"

As he said, Royce's mental power flew into the sky, carefully observing the cover.

"Who told you that the same space you see is the same space? Take a closer look and see how many spaces there are in the middle of the world."

Waved infinitely, turning everything into lines and presented it in front of Royce.

What Royce sees is countless intricate, interspersed and interacting tiny spaces.

These spaces outlined by lines are even smaller than energy. As for matter, compared with these things, they are simply huge.

"how is this possible..."

Royce was stupid in place as if the Three Views had been impacted.

He felt that a new door was opening to him, and while his brain was studying and simulating the generation and destruction of these things, he gradually figured out why he had suddenly aged before.

The concepts of time and space support each other.

If the universe is a triangle, then time and space are the two lines in it. Finally, they are connected by reality to form a very stable structure that cannot be destroyed by external forces.

"I lack reality? But what is reality? Ouch! Are you okay without doing anything?"

After being knocked on the skull by Infinite, all the lines in front of Royce's eyes disappeared, leaving only a headache.

Infinitely snorted and said: "Just told you not to pursue these things that you shouldn't touch, you just don't have a long memory?"

"Then when can I touch these things?"

There was infinite silence, and it took a long time to say: "You have vacated four seats on the jury of the court of life, do you know what to do?"

Royce nodded and said while smiling infinitely rare: "Can I take my wife with me?"

"...As long as you have the ability, you can bring your family with you. But don't slaughter those supreme gods anymore. Each of them represents many planets. Killing them will lead to a small universe. Part of the imbalance.” Speaking of this, Infinity saw the disdain on Royce’s face and continued: “The imbalance will cause disasters, such as the appearance of red giant stars and the acceleration of the demise of stars, leading to the death of many lives. Do you always care?"



Sandal star ushered in a famous thief, Star Lord Peter Quill.

Wearing a ragged leather jacket, this guy walks down the street dressed up like a predator, occasionally whistling to one or two strange-looking alien girls, and then provokes a wave of reprimand or winks.

In his hand is the cosmic spirit ball, a container of the most dangerous thing in the universe.And he tossed it around like a fool, seeming to have no idea what was inside.

In fact, he really didn't know.

"Fifty thousand yuan, huh? After this time, do you want to go back to Earth? I heard that there should be a lot of money-making opportunities there is open to the universe, but...Mom..."

When Peter thinks of the earth, he thinks of his mother.

After so many years, he never went back because he didn't want to recall the scene of his mother's death.

After arriving at a place according to the address, Peter opened the door and walked in. Inside, it was the guest who made a deal with Yongdu.

However, the guest looked bad, and he had a forced smile.

Star Jue was a little surprised, tilted his head and asked, "Hey, buddy, are you okay?"

He was already on guard, with one hand behind his back, ready to fight back or escape at any time.

"Xing Jue, right? It's the name, hello, my name is Superstar, and I am your new buyer."

A Kerry woman in a white cap and gown walked out from behind Xing Jue and almost jumped up in shock.

After discovering that she was not wearing a weapon, she felt relieved, touched her nose and smiled, and said, "Miss, do you know the rules? The task will be completed after receiving the task. We looters are not some without the spirit of contract..."

"One hundred million cosmic currency, give me the spiritual ball."

"How many?"

Xingjue was stunned. He had never seen him in Dalian for 10 million people, let alone 100 million.

"You heard it right, one hundred million. Give me the spiritual ball, and you can get one hundred million cosmic currency."


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