Marvel's King

Chapter 213 Fate's Encounter

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The serious face of the superstar gave Xingjue some other psychology.

Some greed, some defense.

Xingjue feels something is wrong in his heart, what on earth is this thing so valuable?Why would this woman pay so much money to buy this stuff?Does anyone offer a higher price?

These thoughts made him put the cosmic spirit ball he was playing with back into his bag, and the supergiant's pupils suddenly enlarged when he saw it.

Since the last time Royce got it, she didn't dare to use her mind control abilities.

However, the superstar's physique also casually throws the star for dozens of blocks, and can hammer him with one hand.

Although the superstar's step forward is subtle, it can't escape the eyes of cautious Quill. He quickly stretched out a hand to make a restraint, and asked: "What do you want? Don't get too close to me. I'm allergic to women. Stay. It's not good to break this thing with a shake of your hand."

The superstar saw Xing Jue's defenses, stopped, and said with a smile: "Why, don't you be tempted by one billion?"

"Of course." Xingjue nodded honestly and continued: "I have never seen so much money. But I am a person, I am more curious. Then, tell me what this thing is, and I will give it to you. A discount, 5% off, OK. Save 5 million in one sentence, isn’t that interesting?"

"Curiosity can kill the cat, does the magnificent Xing Jue know the meaning of this sentence?"

The superstar originally thought it was this greedy person who wanted to increase the price, but he made a mistake that was more serious than greedy.

She didn't want to bear it anymore, and moved closer.

"What do you want to do? Don't come here, come again and I ran away. I won't sell you anymore, you..."

Xingjue found something was wrong, and verbally warned as he stepped back.

But the superstar didn't care at all and came to Xingjue in a few moments.

Xingjue wanted to resist, but he was pinched by the superstar with his fist, and with a backhand twist, Xingjue was pressed against the wall.

Reaching out and flicking in Xingjue bag, he found out what he wanted.The superstar grinned and said: "Young man, curiosity is not a good thing. I hope you will have a long memory and be a cautious person in your next life."

Xingjue felt that his arm was about to be broken, and he slapped the wall and cried out in pain, "If you robbery, you don't have to kill me. I don't know you, and I don't know your purpose. It's unnecessary to kill me."

Although the superstar is not diminished, she still made a mistake.

She is a pervert who desperately desires death, an existence with a deformed soul.

She is eager to use words and thoughts to shatter the defenses of others' consciousness; attacking the souls of others is the only thing she feels wonderful.

"Why is it not necessary? I feel your pain, is it comfortable? It must be very comfortable, it feels getting closer and closer to death..." The superstar stretched out his finger, and the thorns on his finger scratched Xingjue's skin. , Made him feel a tingling pain, a chill descended from the scalp to the tail bone.

He did feel the sensation of death approaching, but the superstar felt that he did not.

She gently inserted the spike into Quill's skin, and the pain caused Quill to continue to struggle, but he was already locked by the superstar, and he had no ability to resist.

"This wonderful..."

The superstar's face suddenly appeared infatuated, and then became crazy.

She drew her finger hard, aimed at Quill's artery in the air, and pierced in after a few frantic laughs.

But at this moment, she suddenly sensed a bit of danger, and looked at the source of the danger, and found that the guest was aiming a pistol at herself.

"Are you going to betray me? My servant."

The superstar is a little surprised, this person can escape his control?

The guest's face has the same madness as the superstar, and the pair of centipede-like eyebrows are twisted, venting the fury in the master's heart: "Die! You disgusting sadism!"

As he said, the guest squeezed the trigger of the pistol, and a bullet full of energy flew out of the muzzle.

A mockery appeared on the superstar's face, she flashed aside lightly and quickly, and the bullet directly hit Peter Quill behind her.


Quill was hit in the left waist and screamed in pain, then fell to the ground and closed his eyes, looking like he was dead.

The superstar just wanted to counterattack, and a sense of crisis that was a hundred times stronger than before hit again.

She didn't even think about it, and quickly flashed aside.

Before the white robe could react, he was stabbed by a small dagger.

Immediately afterwards, a sound of breaking through the air sounded.

The superstar looked up and saw a green-skinned woman holding a long sword high and slashing at him.



The superstar said in surprise, she did not expect to meet Camora here.However, she knew that Kamora had escaped from Ronan and became a traitor.

"You want to kill me?"

Kamora sneered after hearing this, and said, "Isn't this what you desire the most? For this, you became the executioner of that demon. I will give you death now, what do you resist?"

As he said, another sword slashed down, and the sword's edge smashed the superstar's head with a fierce wind.

The superstar stole her memory and connected her telepathically when Kamora was talking to him, and quickly drifted back after sensing the direction of her attack.

But as soon as he was far away, he secretly sighed that it was bad. It turned out that Kamora's goal was not at all.

"Let him go!"

When Kamora picked up Quill's backpack, a great sense of pressure suddenly appeared, squeezing her brain, and forcibly instilling some thoughts in her.

This is the mind control ability of a superstar.Compared to Charles' lip-synching thinking attack, the superstar is more rude and direct.

She is good at using her powerful mental power to destroy the enemy's thinking and directly turn it into her own puppet.

Although she didn't dare to use this power completely because of the shadow that Royce gave her, it was still an irresistible force for ordinary people.

But Kamora is not an ordinary person, nor is she a normal person.

After being guided by Thanos and mentally abused for so many years, her spirit is much stronger than the average person, and it is enough to describe it as indestructible.

With the superstar's mind control over her, she took out the spiritual ball from the Quill bag, and jumped backhand to slash the superstar.

The superstar guessed that her mind control might not be effective for Kamora, but she didn't expect that she could still maintain her mobility.One carelessly, Kamora's long sword had already cut through his coat.

She leaned back quickly, trying to make herself suffer the least harm.

The sharp sword was drawn along the center line of her robe, including the clothes and skin inside.

Kamora pushed the superstar back, turned around and ran without stopping.

Her goal has been achieved, superstars are not so easy to kill, and the ghost knows if she is alone.

Seeing Kamora escape, the superstar didn't care about the tingling sensation in his stomach, so he hugged his clothes and ran after him.Biqugek

Quill, who had been lying on the ground, quietly opened his eyes as he heard the sound gradually disappearing on the field.

The battle had indeed subsided, or that he had gone away.

Quill looked at the mess in the room, endured the pain and went to the side of the guest.

The man also closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, as if he was also dead.

Quill stretched out his hand to see if he still had a heartbeat, but the boy suddenly opened his eyes and squeezed his hand, so that Quill almost called his mother.

"What do you want to do?"

"Are you pretending to be dead?"

The guest gave Quill a blank look, and tremblingly got up from the ground, and while walking towards the back of the shop, he said, "If I don't pretend to be dead, don't I really want to die? You treat me stupid."

Quill didn't know where he was going, he hurried to catch up, he still had questions to ask.

"Aren't you stupid? That's right, lose money, you hurt me, you have to lose me a hundred thousand?"

The guest thought for a while and said, "Give me your account number, and I will transfer the money to you. But I hope you will leave as soon as you get the money."

Quill leaned over with a smile, and asked: "Wait a minute, how can we say we fought together once? At least tell me who the Cree is? It stands to reason, the average Cree. It’s impossible to enter Xander Star, so she must not be from Hala, so do you know who she is?"

The guest did not speak, and after a few manipulations, he said, "The money has been transferred to you. Now you can go. The sooner the better, the best is now."

Quill sat on the ground, and the rascal said generally: "Eh? Why should I go out? There are two female lunatics fighting outside. Wouldn't you let me go out to kill me?" Then he took it out of his bag again. He gave a spiritual ball and said: "Furthermore, this thing is still with me, don't you want it?"

When the guest saw it, his eyes widened and his pupils quaked.

He took a flustered look, and quickly ran to the front of Quill to block, preventing the outside vision from seeing what was happening inside, and whispered: "Isn't this thing robbed? Why is it still?"

"No one can snatch something from me, I am a famous star."

The guest was silent for a moment and said: "I have never heard of Xing Jue, but I suggest you run quickly, or throw this thing away. I don't want to get involved with this thing anymore, go quickly."

With that, he pulled Quill up from the ground.

But after all, the guest is small, so how can he pull the burly Quill?

He was really stylish when he threatened fiercely, but he was also really funny when he gritted his teeth in a tug of war.

Quill smiled and said, "Don't waste your effort. I won't leave without telling me what it is."

The guest didn’t let go, but still pulled him, and said, “I don’t know. I’m just a middleman who makes a difference. I know what a shit. That crazy woman found me and wanted to buy the broken thing, but didn’t tell me what to do. What is it."

"Who is that crazy woman?"

"The superstar, a member of the Dark Order of the Crazy Titan Thanos, is a cruel executioner."

The guest ran out of strength and reluctantly released Quill, but he still urged him comically: "Go away, I can't tell when she comes back later."


"Crazy Titan Thanos? It seems that Ronan’s subordinates were the one who grabbed the spiritual ball from me in Morag. What is this thing? It attracted so many people to snatch it? Hahaha, Yongdu, you made a big mistake this time."

Quill hung his earphones and walked on the sidewalk like a fool.

Suddenly, a woman appeared in front of him, it was Kamora.

She was full of anger, and her eyes were full of madness. She reached out to Quill and said, "Give me things!"

Quill quickly took off the earphones without saying a word. Camora thought he was going to run, but was about to catch up and found that he had put the Walkman back in his coat pocket. She couldn't help looking at him like a mentally retarded person and asked: "You are here doing what?"

Suddenly Quill ran away, ran ahead and said slyly, "I'm distracting you, idiot!"

Kamora groaned with anger, and chased him with his sword.

The two of them ran from the top of the roof to the bottom of the roof. Quill noticed that there was a pool in front of him. Once he gritted his teeth, he still didn't run through.

It was this time of hesitation that caused him to be locked in by two strange creatures.

"Groot, stand firm, I'm going to launch!"

With a weird cry from the Rocket Raccoon, the huge weapon on his shoulder ejected an RPG-like object and flew towards Quill.

But this thing was not an RPG rocket after all. It didn't explode with fire in the air, but exploded with a blue ball of light.

The ball of light fell on Quill's back and released a burst of lightning. Quill felt his body numb and lost consciousness, and the toad lay on the ground like a toad.

"In the bull's-eye! Groot, come on, put him up, we are going to make a fortune, hahaha!"

Camora was delighted to see Quill fall, and she put away the telescopic sword to take the spiritual ball from Quill.

After turning around for a long time, after losing a lot of things that he didn't know what to use, Kamora finally found the Universe Spirit Orb.

Just as she was overjoyed, the light in front of her suddenly disappeared, and the rocket's furious voice came from outside: "It's not this woman! It's the man! Groot, let her out."

Kamora struggled for a long time but couldn't get out, finally grabbed the sack, tore it hard, tore the sack from it and jumped out.

Looking at the stupid tree, Kamora got angry from his heart, took out his sword and cut it.

Poor Groot couldn't speak, and the pain of being chopped couldn't explain, he could only passively bear everything, and Kamora chopped off his arm in three or two, leaving only his bare body.

The Rocket Raccoon was very angry when he saw it, and when he pulled out his gun from his back, he was about to rush Kamora.

Kamora also prepared to smash the rocket with a backhand.

But at this time the three of them were sucked into the air by a burst of gravity.

"You have been arrested by the New Star Army for sabotaging official duties, fighting in public, and holding heavy weapons privately! Give up your resistance immediately!"

The Rising Star Legion is well-known in the universe. The Rockets looked at Groot as if there was nothing wrong with it, and gave up the idea of ​​resistance.

Kamora gave up after struggling with her thoughts for a long time. She didn't want to go into exile anymore. It felt too uncomfortable.

Maybe I can get rid of my sins when I go to jail?Camora thought this way.

As a result, the script written for them by these few inevitably meet here was once again caught by the Shandar government.

Soon, they will be sent to Klin Prison to form a superhero team similar to mercenaries together with another Hanhan.



Thanos sat aside and waited. Next to him were the Five Obsidians.

On the other side are half of the people of Nidawi.


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