Marvel's King

Chapter 214 The Demise of Nidawi

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Nidawi, the hometown of dwarves, serves as Asgard's weapons reserve. Nidawi has a strong relationship with Asgard in the Nine Realms.

As Asgard's munitions manufacturer, and as the holy place of artifacts in the universe, Nidawi should be closely protected by Asgard.

But at this time it was easily invaded by Thanos.

The reason is due to Rocky's inaction after he took over.

It is impossible for Asgard to hear about Thanos' invasion of the Nine Realms, but Asgard not only did not send troops to assist, but also Sol did not come over, which had to make people doubt Loki's elements.

The number of dwarves is not that large, and there are less than three hundred people.

Although they were held to their heads with weapons by Thanos' army, there was not much fear in this emotion.

They firmly believe that the guardian Asgard will come to help them, and they firmly believe that the guardian god Thor will come to help them.

But they are still too naive...

The dwarf king knelt on the ground, struggling with his neck, looking unwilling to admit defeat.

Thanos, wearing a golden armor, propped his head with one hand and gently raised his fingers.

The Dark Night Proxima, who was standing behind Thanos, knew it, and pierced the Dark Proxima’s spear at will, harvesting a life.

The dwarves including Atri were still immersed in the expectation of Asgard, and suddenly a burst of bright red blood sprayed out, extremely dazzling.

A feeling of cold suddenly fell from the sky, making all the dwarves awake from their fantasy.

"I heard that you have the most exquisite forging skills in the universe. I wonder if you can build a weapon for me?"

Seeing Ai Cui's stubbornness turned into horror, Thanos got up from his seat, walked up to him, and looked at him condescendingly.

Aitri looked at him carelessly, the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and roared at Thanos: "You butcher! Don't want me to build any weapons for you!"

Thanos smiled, grinned coldly, and laughed playfully.

He hooked his finger again, and this time General Deadblade also shot, and together with Dark Night Proxima, he easily harvested the lives of two dwarves.

The rest of the dwarves tried to resist, but were easily suppressed by the Ebony Maw and Thanos’ forces, causing many casualties.

Aitri struggled madly, but was squeezed by the black dwarf, unable to move, and could only watch the people die tragically.

Their wailing made Ai Trey no longer tolerate, and pleaded: "I will help you, I will help you build weapons, you let my people go."

Thanos slowly squatted down, grabbed Atri’s stray hair and picked up his huge head, and said: "I need you to build a glove for me, a glove that can control the most powerful force in the universe. The reward is half of you. The lives of the people."

"You! Don't..."

"Don't be too busy with your mouth. If you move your mouth, there will be more people who die. I also do it for your good. Half of the dead population, you Nidawi will be more prosperous, at least you don't have to be the cowards of Asgard. Asylum can survive, haha."

The mocking look on Thanos' face made Ai Cui understand the reality, and now he had no room for bargaining.

"I need Ulu Metal, and I need..."

"Ebony Maw, help our Mr. Aitri find everything he needs."

Thanos sent Ebony Throat to discuss those things with Ai Tzu, then sat back in his position and closed his eyes to communicate with Death.

"The four supreme gods are vacant? Why is this?"

Since Thanos was rescued by death last time, his fascination with her has reached an irreplaceable point. Even his ultimate goal is no longer so important at this time.

But he is a man with a great career ambition, he can't give up his goal.

If he really had to choose between the goal of maintaining the balance of the universe and death, he would give up that goddess without hesitation.

"Your old acquaintance Royce suddenly broke out when he was judged by the court of life, killing four supreme gods, causing more than ten galaxies to collapse. Infinity also disappeared, and I don’t know where it went. It’s a good time for your sudden emergence, don’t let me down."

Thanos was a little itchy when he was seduced by the bitch Death, his eyes in the soul body were a little blurred, and he said, "After reaching it, will I have any reward?"

"Of course, those who do evil will be punished, and the well-behaved will naturally be rewarded. If you are perfect enough, then I will give you a chance to touch me, goodbye, my love..."

"Don't go..."

Thanos was pushed out of the consciousness space by death, and his face was a little gloomy when he returned to the real universe.

Aitri is urging the dying star Nidawi, causing it to explode with extremely high heat, melting Ulu metal.

Thanos watched his movements, his face getting more and more gloomy.

The thick fingers kept squeezing, indicating that he was not at peace.

Thanos himself is also a very powerful blacksmith. His tyrant's warblade, the Dark Proxima's Shadow Proxima Spear, and Kamora's Godslayer's Sword are all made by Thanos.

The old blacksmith Thanos saw through at a glance that Ai Tui hadn't paid much attention to the forging of the gloves, and he had the meaning of hands and feet, and the ebony throat did not seem to stop...

Thanos couldn't help squinting his small eyes, thinking inside, whether it would be too early to turn his face with Ebony Throat.

Just as he was thinking, Atri had completed the casting of the Infinite Glove. After smashing the mold, a golden glove with six inlaid holes appeared in front of Thanos.

"This looks good, but on the inside... Let's pay Mr. Ai Cui first."

With an order from Thanos, hundreds of dwarves were killed instantly.

"No! You don't talk about credit!"

Ai Tui dropped his gloves and just wanted to rush to help the tribe, but was once again held back by the black dwarf.

His pain was almost crazy, and his weather-beaten face was full of ferociousness, like a beast that chose people to eat.

Thanos broke Aitri's head straight, forced him to look at himself, and said, "My reward has been paid to you. You don't seem to give me good enough goods, Aitri."

Aitri's pupils shrank, and a great regret was born in his heart.

When Thanos noticed it, he sneered, and a cold voice spit out from his mouth: "Do your unfinished work well, or I will kill all the dwarves, including you."

Ai Cui breathed a sigh of relief, with a hint of gratitude in his heart.

He quickly agreed and took the Infinite Gloves back to the furnace to remake.

He discovered that Thanos did not bring infinite gems, so he had an intention in his heart and realized it.Biquge 88

The dwarves will engrave patterns on the forged weapons to give the user the ability to activate all the weapons' power.

But he didn't draw this kind of pattern on the glove, and the Infinite Glove without the pattern would not be able to move the Infinite Gem without injury.

If Thanos takes this glove to collect gems, something very embarrassing will happen: even if he gets the gems, he can't use the gems.

But Aitri didn't expect Thanos to be able to see his own little actions. After being pierced, Aitri had an ominous premonition in his heart, but now there is no way if he doesn't do it.

When I took out the Infinite Gloves again, Ai Tri Xianbao generally dedicated it to Thanos, and said: "I beg you to forgive my mistakes."

Thanos was satisfied with the Infinite Gloves, and before putting the gems, he felt waves of power returning from the gloves.

"Nidawi's forging skills are really extraordinary." Thanos praised from the bottom of his heart, and nodded when Ai Trey was delighted, "Yes, I promise you, I forgive you for your mistakes, but I don't take it back. Your punishment. Kill all the dwarves and give them kindness."

With that said, Thanos pinched Aitri's hands with the infinite gloves, and a burst of icy energy was transmitted from the gloves to Aitri's body, and his hands were frozen in the blink of an eye.

Amidst Aitri's painful hiss, Thanos' mocking voice also sounded: "Now you are satisfied, haha."


After Odin was exiled by Loki, Asgard fell at a tremendous speed, showing how outrageous a kingdom would collapse in front of the Nine Interface.

Asgard's military power gradually shrank, and communication with other worlds was gradually cut off, and even the Nine Realms they guarded were indifferent.


Heimdall sighed when he saw what had happened to Nidawi.

He wanted to do something, but Odin, played by Rocky, discovered that he had discovered Rocky's secret and wanted him for treason.

Heimdall was not a person who could suffer this kind of grievance, and ran away in a rage. At this time, he was hiding in the old forest behind the Asgard Palace, evading the pursuit of soldiers with his extraordinary eyes.

Unable to get close to the Rainbow Bridge, he also lost the Bultgang Longsword that controlled the Rainbow Bridge. He couldn't contact Sol, who was still indulging in love with Jane Tiantian, which made him anxious and made him feel sad.

"Olympus has risen, but Asgard is going to be lonely? Is this the so-called reincarnation?"

Heimdall sighed and continued to dive deep into the forest.


The fleets of Earth, Sparta, and Sandal soon gathered near Hara. They did not directly look for the accuser Ronan's fleet, but came to pressure the Kerry Empire.

Among these three parties, Sparta is not a civilization of the galaxy, and it is not good to rush in. What's more, Sparta is only a subsidiary empire of Olympus and Shia, and it cannot reach the level of dialogue with the Kerry Empire.

Shandal's rising star supreme meets Kerry's supreme leader, Dork VIII, who has no temper at all, so he is not up to the task of putting pressure on Kerry.

So the job was handed over to Hill, who had dealt with the Cree once.

Hill did not come. It was Steve Rogers, the captain of the United States elected by SHIELD, who organized the attack.

The Cree are a crazy race, and a race with high self-esteem.

In fact, in the three empires, except for the Skrull people who are a little humble, the Shia people are all very proud and defiant.

Treating the earth as a low-level civilization is even more disgusting.

Moreover, the earth used to be the place where the Kerry Empire did experiments. Although it was later seized by the Shia Empire, the Kerry people still regarded the earth as a colony.

Rodgers was left out after his arrival. The Supreme Commander Dork was still angry at Royce's attitude last time. The purpose of the Earth Alliance this time also made him extremely upset.

When will these three monkeys also jump on the head of the Kerry Empire?Why are they?

Rogers has an upright personality. Seeing that the Kerry Empire is not friendly to the earth, he originally had the idea of ​​leaving.

But his other identity is a soldier, and another identity is a messenger at this time, so he naturally has to endure some unfair treatment.

Dork met Rogers in a restaurant-like place.

Although Rogers doesn't take the occasion very seriously, it is not a place to meet foreign guests.

However, the other party has not yet shown any substantial insults. Rogers can only endure such trivial matters. He took a deep breath and smiled at Dork and said, "Hello, I am here to negotiate with the Kerry Empire on behalf of the Earth Federation. Steve Rogers, Level 10 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., member of the Avengers."

Dork nodded perfunctorily, and said bluntly: "Mr. Rogers is here on behalf of the earth? Then talk about your purpose. Taking the fleet into the territory of the Cree Empire is not something allies should do."

Rogers was a little bit jealous by Dolk’s remarks with a gun and a stick. He felt that he might not be able to suppress this old thing, so he said: "Commander Hill will explain to you the whole story of all Earth operations, you Are you going to see her here?"

Hill's name still has some weight. The last time I dealt with her, I gained a lot, but in the end it was put together.

The fact that the fleet of the Kerry Empire was defeated by the earth affected Dolke's reputation in the country. Although he knew it was performed, and the public knew it was performed, it was not good.

Can the fleet of the First Empire in the universe be eaten by the earth alone?It's too nonsense.

But what can I do?It wasn't that he hadn't thought of repenting at the time, but the bitch of Lilandra threatened to set up a star-filled gate near Hara and sent troops to attack if he disagreed.

Shandar also secretly reached a cooperative relationship with Earth, and various unfavorable situations forced him to reach a deal with Hill.

Now that he heard that he was going to talk to Hill, Dolke had some resistance in his heart for no reason.

But it doesn't work if you don't see it. The person who threatened him last time didn't know that he was still on Earth.

He forced a laugh, waved to the waiter next to him, and said to Rogers, “It’s still early, let’s have a light meal here. It’s too noisy outside, and it’s quiet here. I also like to have some private conversations here, if Rogers If your husband is dissatisfied, we can change it again."

Dork's changing attitude gave Rogers a strange idea.

He laughed and said: "I am a soldier, and I can eat anywhere. But I represent the earth and our three countries. I can't do things so lightly, what does the king think?"

Dork was humiliated and rash by Rogers, and he dared not say anything. He said far-fetched: "Of course, the glory of the country is above all else. Then ask Mr. Rogers to move, and we will talk while eating."

Rogers smiled and got up, under the leadership of the waiter and the humility of Dolke, he walked out of the room first.

Only then did he feel the real pride, the pride of being an earthling.

"By the way, Mr. Rogers, if you are an Avenger, you should be familiar with God King, right?"

"Is Royce? Fortunately, the king knows Royce very well?"

Call the name of God King directly?What kind of intimacy is this?

It is said that the god king of Olympus has only one concubine. Could it be that...


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