Marvel's King

Chapter 216 I Want Ether

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The Void Land is the head of a god group.

This celestial clan was beheaded by an unknown strong man (Nar is big! The god of symbiote Nal has beheaded a celestial god, but I don’t know if it is this. There are quite a lot of settings in the comics for Void Land.), Due to the powerful strength of the members of the Celestial Group, that head did not become annihilated with the passage of time.

Many explorers discovered that something was wrong, and came to this weird planet that appeared out of thin air in the universe, only to discover that a liquid mineral vein with powerful energy flows inside this planet.

As a result, a large number of people came here to seek wealth.

At that time, the three major empires were in a melee, and civilizations such as Shandar and Sovereign were incapable of protecting themselves.

So this place has gradually become the largest black market in the universe.

And when some relatively large forces intervened here, the empires that ended the war also gave up their greed for here, and the land of nothingness gradually reduced to a trivial zone in the galaxy.

The elders of the universe, members of the first highly intelligent human races evolved in the universe.Their civilization has long been annihilated in the long river, but they have survived.Each of them possesses immortal abilities and has truly achieved the same life as the world.

But immortal life also means endless boring years.

Under the erosion of time, everything seemed so pale and weak.As a result, many people have lost hope of living, and have lost their lives.

The rest of the universe elders found that things were not right, so they tried their best to make themselves less bored.

The horticulturist threw himself into the embrace of cultivating plants, planting trees on the deserted planet all day, and is an embrace lover.(The time gem holder in the manga)

Collectors are thinking about collecting all kinds of weird things in the universe, including living humans or certain animals, such as talking ducks, dogs in space suits, etc. He is a collector.

Gao Tianzun is even more boring. He wants to make fun in his mind, pleasing himself in various ways.For example, set up a arena to let Marvel and DC heroes fight.Or give someone a magical tool, let him go out and do sabotage, let yourself stand in the perspective of the bystander and enjoy it, being a movie lover.

There are many other members, but they are not important.

After going infinitely, Royce stayed in a place that didn't belong to any dimension and practiced.With the help of a little cosmic source energy stolen from Infinity, Royce probably touched the threshold of creation, but could not see clearly.

So he followed his memory to this ghost place, and he wanted to obtain a treasure from here.

"That thing, it should be in the hands of the collector, will it not disrupt Asgard's practice just because of my presence?"

Royce stood in front of the huge head, ignoring the immortal power flowing in the bloodline, but began to think.

But suddenly, a familiar feeling made him unconsciously tilt his head to look at the void.

There was a thought of him there, and it had already broken out.

"Yeah, can you evolve? It's incredible."

Royce was a little surprised. That thought had become the form of consciousness. Although not powerful, he did break away from the realm of matter.

Royce hurried over, standing by the door watching the bewildered thought.

"Who are you? Why do I know you so well?"

"I am you, you are me, of course I will feel familiar. How does it feel? Is there anything special?"

Royce is not in a hurry to absorb this thing, he wants to talk to him.

"Huh? Is that so? It makes sense. Then what are you?"

Royce's face turned dark. Why do I think you are cursing?

"Did you not realize that you are just a consciousness?"

Royce didn't want to worry about him, so he asked.

"Consciousness? What is the consciousness? Are you not? You are indeed different from me."

Royce thought for a while, and started to share his thoughts directly with his mental power.

The consciousness became clear after accepting Royce's knowledge, but Royce himself seemed a little panicked.

The way of thinking of this consciousness is completely different from his.

When he looked at the universe, he always saw it as an outsider, bystander, and God.

And this method of first separating himself from the universe and then looking at the universe led him into countless misunderstandings.

When he brought himself into the universe, a huge ball appeared in his brain.

Inside the sphere is unknown strange energy, and on the surface are all kinds of things he has seen.Including matter, energy, life, consciousness, soul, anti-matter, negative wave zone, dark dimension and other complex things, they are arranged in an extremely regular way, and external forces cannot shake them.

And he himself turned into dust, a little light on the surface of the sphere.

When he couldn't help digging into what position he occupied in the universe, the sphere collapsed from the inside, forcing him out of the world of thinking.

Royce returned to reality with a look of excitement, his thoughts also sensed his thoughts, and he looked forward to the emptiness as well.

He has a hunch that he will gain more if he uses this method to look at the universe after he gets the reality gem.

"Let's witness the miracle together, I can't wait."

After the thought said something to Royce, it entered his body. The two became one. Royce didn't have any strange feelings, but felt that he was more complete.

He didn't hesitate anymore, turned his head and entered the land of nothingness.

The land of nothingness is relatively desolate.

The early scavengers planted seeds here, but they left the world because of various accidents before they had time to raise them.Some are unable to bear fatigue, some are unable to withstand the corrosion of ordinary people's body by the power of the gods, and some are due to the internal disputes of intelligent life.

Royce was surrounded by a group of children as soon as he arrived.

These children were all dirty, holding hands to ask Royce for money.

Royce felt a lot of emotion when he saw them, and many strange thoughts came into his mind.Heyuan Book Bar

He couldn't help thinking about the question of "what is God" again.

But now is not a good time to do this, Royce didn't think much about it, and asked a little girl with a small yellow flower pinned to her ear: "Do you have anything like a bottle? I don't have any money. , But I can give you something that can be exchanged for money."

The little girl didn't seem to be able to speak. After hearing Royce's question, she was somewhat restrained. A little boy next to her hesitated and took out a bottle full of water from his bag.

The outside of the bottle looks dirty, but the water is clean.

After taking the bottle, Royce poured a lot of immortal power into it and urged them to merge with these water molecules.

A man-made version of the Holy Spring of Olympus was completed.

The group of children watched Royce conjure a cloud of white light on their hands. After filling it into the bottle, they were as happy as seeing a magician in a circus.

Royce opened the cap, put the water in front of the little girl, and said, "Try it with a sip."

The little girl was still a little restrained, but looking at Royce's kind eyes, she still put her guard down, took the bottle carefully and drank the water in the bottle in front of Royce.

Royce looked at the little girl's widening eyes, put his fingers on her mouth and hissed, and said, "You can't tell others, this is our secret, okay? Let your friends also guard Secret~"

The little girl nodded again and again, the light in her bright eyes became brighter, and she was grateful when she looked at Royce.

Royce smiled with satisfaction, stretched out his hand and rubbed the little girl's head, gave her a blessing from the King of God, and kept her away from the disaster, and walked to the club in front of him.

The children behind are noisy, robbing the water bottle.

Royce didn't bother, and stepped forward to the pink-skinned girl in a white leather uniform and said, "Is Tiwan there?"

The girl didn't know what task she was assigned, she didn't dare to move, she only dared to roll her eyes, looking at Royce from the corner.

"Master is here, are you?"

Royce moved to the front of the girl Carina, and said, "I am the god king of Olympus. Could you please tell me that I have business to talk to him."

Olympus has become so famous recently that even the maid Carina has heard of it.

She hesitated whether to go in and report, because her host said that there are important guests today and asked her to wait at the door.

Royce didn't urge either, he didn't have the idea of ​​looting, but he still had to rush if it was really necessary.

When Karina hesitated, Tiwan's voice came from the speaker behind him: "Carina, bring your majesty God King in."

Carina breathed a sigh of relief, and his stiff body relaxed a lot, and he made a please gesture respectfully, waiting for Royce to leave before daring to step forward and lead the way.

When Royce came in, Tiwan was already waiting at the door inside the club.

After seeing Royce, Tiwan immediately bowed to Royce. Royce was a little surprised to see that he was performing the standard Olympus noble courtesy. He also bowed back and said: "Mr. Tiwan really Well-informed, even the etiquette of our Olympus?"

Tiwanhaha said with a smile: "Olympus didn’t exist much later than me. Speaking of it, I had a short meeting with the old king Zeus. I saw the new king of Olympus today. Is it complete, haha."

This is purely funny. Olympus hasn't appeared for a few thousand years, even ten thousand years.The elders of the universe each have a life span of five billion upwards, and their existence time is simply incomparable.

But after all, it was a compliment to himself, Royce agreed with a smile, then drew out the Godslayer's long sword and placed it between the two.

This hand surprised the collector a bit. It was not that he had never seen a strange method, but this was the first time he had seen this method of taking weapons from the subspace.

"God King, is this...?"

Tiwan is not flustered. He knows that he and Royce have no conflict of interests, so he is not worried that Royce will do it himself. He is thinking about what Royce wants to get from him.

"This sword is called God Killer, and it was made by Crazy Titan Thanos for his daughter Kamora. The metal used is very special. It is the metal residue left after the red giant is swallowed, and it contains a lot of power." Royce gave a brief introduction, then handed the long sword to Tiwan and said, "Try it?"

Tiwan hesitated, took the long sword with a smile, and said, "Red giant? That's a strange sight, so...Huh?" The elder of the universe didn't have too much power, like the collector himself. The stars are not up to.

But their keen perception of energy is something that no one can match, and those who can surpass them are the Celestial Gods and the supreme gods.

Tiwan was shocked by the power contained in the Godkiller's long sword. This thing... can it release such a powerful force as long as it is held?

"This thing..."

Looking at Tiwan's shocked face, Royce smiled and nodded, and said, "I have given power to me. Just holding it can have powerful power. Not to mention, it is enough for an ordinary person to dominate the universe. "

Although the Godslayer's sword is not as fierce as the Spear of Victory, it is almost the same as Mall'nir.

Holding it can gain the power of lightning and can easily destroy a star system.

Diwan was a little excited and asked, "It is indeed a treasure." He has a lot of collections, a lot, and he can't afford more than his brother Gao Tianzun.

But most of his collections are just collections, and there are almost no items with supreme power, and he can't use a few pieces.

Royce saw that he was moved, and continued to pack the Godkiller's sword, saying: "I took it to kill a few supreme gods not long ago. It should be regarded as its most glorious record, I don't know Mr. Tiwan Do you like it?"

Hearing the news, Tiwan couldn't help squinting his eyes and asked, "You are talking about Cronus and his three companions? Did you kill them?"

Royce tilted his head and asked, "Is his name Cronus? This name is familiar..."

Cronus, the father of Zeus, is the grandfather of Thanos here...

Diwan froze for a moment, and then he wanted to understand Royce's thoughts. He laughed and said, "It's not the Cronus created by the stupid gods. This Cronus is a member of the Xianwei organization. One, at the beginning of the formation of the multiverse, with the court of life, the four abstract gods, the new era, order and chaos, and the gods of love and hate, they created the Xianwei organization and created the Xianwei dimension to make a group of them free. The painful people have a meeting.

By the way, this sword is called the God Killer Long Sword?I'm not sorry for the name, it's pretty good.Your Majesty the King of God, make a price, or say, what do you want to exchange for me?"

Royce saw Diwan's exchange of thoughts, a smile appeared on his face, he smiled and said: "I want your ether, I wonder if you can cut love?"

Diwan was shocked, and a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

At the same time, a group of losers who had just had an infighting ran out of the tavern and divided into two teams, one of which was walking towards this side, which was the unformed Guardians of the Galaxy.


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