Marvel's King

Chapter 217 Cosmic Spirit Ball

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Tiwan foresaw the future. He saw an existence that threatened him-Thanos.

In order to protect himself, Tiwan searched for a long time in the universe, and finally found a way to protect his ethnic group from it.

It is said that the collection of six gems floating in the universe can make a huge impact or change on the entire universe according to the wishes of the holder.

He tried his best and only got an etheric particle sent by the Asgard Protoss.Except for the power gem that is being sent and the space gem that is said to be in the hands of the god king in front of him, he does not know the exact location of the other gems.

Moreover, the Ether Gem has been in his hands for a long time, and he has been unable to find a way to use this thing, which also made him doubt whether the news he received was true.

And Royce’s sword has indeed increased combat effectiveness. This...

It makes me feel embarrassed!

Tiwan thought this way.

At this time, Karina walked over with a large plate of things, and she struggled to keep the balance of the plate to prevent the things from falling off.

Royce first glanced at Diwan, then took the plate from her hand, saw her looking at her, smiled at her kindly, and said nothing.

Karina froze for a moment, but only for a moment, and then looked at Tiwan nervously.

Tiwan was still thinking about it at this time and didn't have time to care about her.

Karina didn't dare to let the guests wait, gritted his teeth quickly and put the fruit and tea from the plate on the table.

Just after finishing all this, the bracelet in Karina's hand rang, and she said in fear: "Master, your guest is here."


Tiwan woke up. After remembering who the guest was, he glanced at Royce who was smiling at him and said, "Help me meet them, Karina."

Royce is a little surprised, this person does not shy away from himself?

But Diwan didn't shy away, and he didn't need to take the initiative to mention it. He also wanted to meet other bigwigs in the universe.

At least it can't be like before, after killing a certain supreme god, you still don't know who it is.

"Why is the god king interested in ether? Did you hear any legend?"

After Carina left, Tiwan poured a glass of wine for Royce and asked.

"That's not the case, it's just that Ether might help me."

Royce picked up the wine glass and touched Tiwan, drinking it all in one gulp.


"How is Cronus?"

Infinity comes to Xianwei, where the courts of eternity and life are here, among them is the god of time Cronus.

The one killed by Royce was naturally not the main body of Cronus. How could the Supreme God die so easily.

What is dead is just an incarnation, that is, something evolved from the rules of time, and its own strength is at the level of a single universe, and it can't even affect the multiverse.

However, his existence is still crucial. At least some things that are not easy to show up in the eternal and life courts will be left to him.

The infinite appearance caused Eternal and Life Court to stop what they were talking about. The Life Court replied: "The incarnation died and the projection ability was erased. How did that little guy do it?"

Infinite said embarrassingly: "He has time gems, so..." In order to prevent these two people from continuing to ask questions, Infinite changed the subject: "How long will it take for him to recover? Annihilation has a big action, he even Sharing power with that guy named Tianjin Wengxing."

The Life Tribunal was a little surprised and asked: "When have you been interested in these disputes? It's not like you. The universe will eventually be destroyed and restarted. There will be no impact on this star or the other.

The life court's understanding of the universe is even clearer than those of the so-called creation gods. He knows what the composition of this multiverse is, so he doesn't worry about anyone or anything.

Dealing with Royce is only because he will affect the balance of the universe and may speed up the process of destruction, otherwise he is not interested in dealing with small things of Royce's level.

Speaking of the eternity and infinity here, they are just a little bit of their entity, which has evolved into an abstract phantom and has consciousness.

Infinity frowned when he heard the words of the Life Court.

She doesn't care about the life and death of this universe, she only cares if she will fail again.

"Then why don't you deal with Tianjin Wengxing and deal with Royce?"

"Oh?" The Life Court was a little surprised, and asked: "Do you care about that human being? Then I will save you face next time."

As the incarnation of the universe, infinity and eternity have a complicated relationship with the court of life.There is no superior or inferior between them, and they are not friends, they are more like colleagues working together, although the difference in strength level is a bit big.

"...Thanks a lot."

Infinite did not expect that the Life Court would be willing to sell face, but since others have given face, she will naturally return the gift, saying: "I will watch him not let him run out of this universe. Cronus... I too. Will find a way to recover him."

After speaking, Infinity left the Xianwei Space, and Eternity and the Court of Life continued the previous topic.

"Do you just watch them create unstable factors?"

The life court asked.

Eternal nodded and said: "I have foreseen this situation. Royce will cause a collapse of the universe, Thanos will cause a collapse of the universe, a person named Nebula will cause a collapse of the universe, Tianjin Weng in the infinite mouth The stars can do the same. Instead of cleaning up the mess behind their ass, let them kill each other, whoever wins, who breaks the universe, is easy and saves trouble."

The court of life looked at the eternal appearance and said: "What about the person outside? Didn't you foresee it?"

Eternal glanced at the court of life and said: "I am not alone. If you want to reclaim me, just come."


The duo of Star Lord and Koala were led by Kamora in front of Tiwan's club.

Rocket Raccoon had a conflict with Drax just now. Although Rocket temporarily gave up the idea of ​​continuing the fight under the mediation of Star Lord, Drax left angrily, and he was not far from reporting his position to Ronan.

"Miss Camora, my master has ordered me to pick you up."

Everyone looked at Karina's strange behavior and didn't know where to complain.

Under the leadership of Karina, they soon came to Tiwan's club.

The Rocket looked at the various weird things in the huge jars around him, and couldn't help saying: "This place is really abnormal."

Tiwan greeted everyone not far away, while Royce sat watching the arrival of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"It's you? Where's Nebula!"

Camora was not calm after seeing Royce, and went straight to Carina, who was about to introduce Tiwan's collection, to a place ten meters away from Royce.

She still had a shadow on Royce, and didn't dare to go too far.

Seeing a good show, the Rockets rushed to Groot a few times, squatting on his shoulders and watching.

Seeing that Kamora was so excited, Xingjue quickly followed up for fear that she would suffer, and said, "Hey, don't get excited, don't get excited." Then, he approached Kamora's ear and said, "Four billion! Four billion bounty. !"

Kamora cared about the money, but she cared more about her sister, but she did calm down.Niuniu Chinese Website

"Nebula? Where is she on Earth, and she is living well."

Royce put down his glass and came to Camora.

Xingjue looked at Royce smiling with some doubts, and asked: "Are you from the earth?"

Seeing that the two sides actually knew each other, Diwan fiddled with the Godkiller sword in his hand, and a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

"Huh? Why is my sword here?"

Kamora only discovered her weapon at this time.

Tiwan raised his eyebrows and looked at Royce, somewhat puzzled.

Royce didn't think about answering the questions of these two men. He said to Tiwan, "Does Mr. Tiwan agree to my transaction request?"

Tiwan pursed his mouth tangledly, and finally reluctant to bear the temptation of infinite gems, he made a decision and said, "I'm really sorry, Your Majesty, God King, I'm afraid this transaction will not go through."

With that said, he handed the Godkiller Long Sword to Royce, his face full of regret.

Royce smiled and took the long sword and said, "That's no way." Then, he raised his hand and clamped the long sword around the collector's neck, and said, "Hand over the gems or die."

Royce was stunned by the appearance of robbery with a smile.

Is there such an operation?

Surprised for a moment, Xing Jue immediately stepped forward to stop it.Diwan's current status is their God of Wealth, but no god from this earth can hurt Diwan.

The rocket in the distance saw Royce and Tiwan battling their swords, and also took out the powerful telescopic weapon and aimed it at Royce.

"Oh, don't, buddy, it's not necessary. There is no righteousness in trading, there is no need to change to be a robber, right? Buddy, where are you on earth? I'm from Missouri."

He had almost forgotten the place on Earth when he said it. If it hadn’t been for an organization called S.H.I.E.L.D. that suddenly appeared some time ago and largely replaced many forces in opening trading routes in the universe, he would not have known him. The place where I was born is called Earth.

I didn't care much, but I didn't expect it would come in handy now.

Royce was not disgusted with the man who punched the fourth round of the League Four, and even liked it a little, so he smiled and said: "The flower planter, from New York, I am glad to meet you, but I have no time to shake hands with you now. "

As he said, he turned to Diwan and said, "You shouldn't think I can't kill you, so... Hand over the ether obediently, I'm very cruel, just ask the beautiful girl next to you. ."

There was resentment on Kamora's face, but it was just a flash, and it was replaced by tension.

She also didn't want four billion to fly away from her mouth, it would definitely feel painful.

Tiwan thought about it for a moment, and in his heart he hated Xingjue and the others for coming too late. If he let himself get the power gem earlier, Royce would definitely not be his opponent!

He doesn't have the ability to manipulate ether, but he still knows how to manipulate the power gem.

It's a pity, without if, he can only make a choice.

"Your Majesty the King of God... did the previous transaction still work?"

Tiwan smiled awkwardly, explaining his intention.

Royce didn't think he was disgusted, smiled and took the Godkiller off Tiwan's neck, and said, "Time waits for no one, and so does the transaction, right?"

"He...hehe... Then the king will wait for me to be fine, I'll go get the ether out. Karina, help me entertain the guests."

"Wait, let's finish our transaction first."

Seeing that Di Wan was about to leave, Xing Jue was a little panicked. He was always worried when the four billion bounty was not available. As for Royce's threat, he didn't feel that Royce had any threat.

What age is still holding a sword, this is the earth?This is the God King?Who are you scaring!

Tiwan Leng was at a loss where he was, and looked at Royce tangledly.

Royce thought about it for a while and said, "Why don't you sell me things? Tiwan will give out four billion? I will also give out four billion, how about?"

Kamo was tempted, and the rocket behind was tempted, and Groot nodded again and again, urging Xingjue: "Iamgroot!"

Rocket acted as an interpreter in time: "Who is it to sell? Get the money quickly. Why are you so anxious? Can you decorate yourself with the money?" Then, the Rocket jumped off Groot and walked away. Go to Royce and ask: "How do you prove that you have so much money?"

"How to prove?" Royce scratched his head and said, "I am the god king of Olympus, the host behind S.H.I.E.L.D., the master of the Spartan Empire, and Lelandra, the Queen of the Shia Empire. Is a great friend."

The identities were spoken from Royce's mouth one by one, and the Rockets' jaws were almost shocked. He asked incredulously: "You are the god king of Olympus? So ordinary?"

Seeing that the two parties seemed to have an idea of ​​a deal, Tiwan quickly stepped forward to start the game. At this time, a long sword lay across his neck again, and a cold voice came: "Give you a chance, won't you use it ?"

"Use, use, you talk, you talk, hehe."

When Diwan left, Xingjue raised his chin to Royce and asked, "Do you know what Diwan wants to buy with us?"

"Cosmic Spirit Ball, what else can you have? Or is there anything else you can buy for Diwan? Groot?"


Groot yelled out dissatisfiedly, looking cute.

"How do you know? No... why are so many people robbing this thing? Can you tell me what it is? I'm almost driven crazy. First the Kerry crazy woman, then her, then the collection Home, it's you again in the end, please, tell me what it is."

Xingjue was indeed about to collapse, and his curiosity could almost kill him.

As he said, he took the cosmic spirit ball out of his bag, but it may be that Royce would steal it, and he didn't pass it to him directly, just holding it in his own hand.

Royce smiled when he saw it, and asked Karina, who was struggling not far away: "Do you have a communication device here? Can you call the Royal Family of Shia?"

"Um... I don't have her contact information."

"It's okay, I have."

"Then you come with me."

Karina has a good impression of Royce because he has good intentions towards himself.

As a slave Li, she has never been seen directly, Royce is still the first person to express kindness to herself among the guests here.

So she is willing to help Royce without harming herself. If Royce is going to kill Tiwan, then she will do her best to help Royce.

"Would you like to come with me? I'll find someone to borrow some money to pay you."

"The dignified god king still borrows money? You god king is really shabby."

The Rockets couldn't help but complain.

Royce shrugged and said, "No way, my wife is strict, and I don't usually use it."

"Then can you tell us what this thing is?"

The Rockets followed Royce, Xingjue was interested in this question, and followed, Camora and Groot followed closely.


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